only for love Season 1 Episodes 4 English dubbed

  • 2 days ago
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01:50I just heard something surprising yesterday. Sure. You Ling interviewed Sheehan, too
01:57Why are you so calm?
01:59I went to the chief editor's office this morning and saw sure you Ling submitting an article
02:02Oh, I was thinking that there were no interviews in the past two days. So what kind of article would she submit?
02:09Just now in the tea room. I overheard her saying she also interviewed Sheehan
02:14Do you know what is even more infuriating? You know, I read your interview outline. She basically completely stole your outline
02:21What do you think is going on?
02:51Didn't follow the exact Q&A in the outline
02:54But Sheehan must have known it was identical yet. He answered the same questions twice
03:00Sure you Ling is a liar
03:04Healing you're awesome. You were able to get an interview with Sheehan. Yes, you're great. That's nothing work harder and I'll also root for you, too
03:12Got it. Got it
03:23My interview was intercepted. My outline was stolen. I was knocked down by a crazy horse
03:29God knows how many embarrassments have I caused in front of him?
03:34Sheehan is a pretty good person
03:37Though he's busy. He took the interview twice. He can be considered patient
03:45To say he's nice
03:47He holds grudges. He's capricious and likes mocking people if you say he's not good
03:53He seems to be a nice person, but I couldn't tell anything at all during the interview
03:57This kind of person could win an Oscar. I totally don't get him
04:02Mr. Sheehan, the evaluation report of Lian was just released by the marketing and finance department. At present there is still room for price increase, but do you really want to...
04:04Mr. Sheehan, the evaluation report of Lian was just released by the marketing and finance department. At present there is still room for price increase, but do you really want to...
04:06Mr. Sheehan, the evaluation report of Lian was just released by the marketing and finance department. At present there is still room for price increase, but do you really want to...
04:19Mr. Sheehan, the evaluation report of Lian was just released by the marketing and finance department. At present there is still room for price increase, but do you really want to...
04:30But where did they suddenly get such a large sum of money?
04:37There will always be people who do profitable things.
04:47Shuyu, it's been a while. Where are you going? Need a ride?
04:52Thank you, but no.
04:54Oh, I'm alone. Lezhi bought me the car. I'll be working at Mingyu soon.
05:00If you like driving so much, why don't you become a driver?
05:07Oh, who is this?
05:10What a nice car to be gifted to you. Who would give you a Mercedes-Benz worth 300,000 yuan?
05:14How many days will it take before you can go to work?
05:17It only takes one word from her uncle.
05:19Why do you have to interview for several rounds before you can get in?
05:22I think you should hurry up and become a driver, and stop being an eyesore here.
05:33Shan Shan, you've got a silver tongue! That was so well said!
05:40With his psychological quality, he still fantasizes about a serial number car that he will never be able to ride in his life.
05:46He's underestimating Shiyan, and is overestimating himself.
05:50Let her come over.
05:52Miss Zheng might want to take this car.
05:56What's on your mind?
06:00Some people get a new car without even moving a finger.
06:04Yet I worked so hard only to have my interview intercepted and my outline stolen.
06:09Don't say such depressing words. It's just your face that has ruined the country, and brought disaster to the country and the people.
06:16Even I want to fall for your charisma. No man can resist it.
06:19What captivates the country? If he wants to throw me out of the car, he just throws me out of the car.
06:25I booked Situ Yi's time for you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to book her?
06:32Luckily, we were acquainted when we studied at the same school. We shared romance advice.
06:36I even lent her clothes for her to dress up nicely for dates.
06:39Otherwise, you would never get to book an appointment with her.
06:43Shan Shan, thank you. Isn't this a feast to repay you?
06:47Honestly, honey, even I can't resist your charms and lovely expression.
06:53So what was Shi Yan's reaction?
06:56Or do men prefer women playing hard-to-get and talk about their integrity?
07:03What matters now isn't men's preferences, but the headline that I should get back.
07:09This year, you're so obsessed with headlines.
07:13This year, you're so obsessed with headlines.
07:17It's not all for headlines. I just want to...
07:20Prove that you can upgrade e-publications.
07:24You want to promote new ideas, become the voice of ordinary readers of financial news,
07:28and make an e-publication that's different from paper magazines.
07:32My ears are numb from constantly hearing those words.
07:35But in outsiders' eyes, you're still competing for headlines.
07:39As a matter of fact, wouldn't it be great to be a deputy editor?
07:43Yes, that's a nice job, but it's not my goal.
07:47Embracing changes and upgrading e-publications is my career goal.
07:51Look, my interview with Shi Yan.
07:54We were caught off guard when he temporarily changed the interview time.
07:57But that won't happen to e-publications.
07:59There are various ways to keep news current and distributed.
08:02All it takes is a link to share.
08:04This is a new reading habit for people to read.
08:05And we can provide various forms of news.
08:09So I won't give up.
08:11I've planned a feature topic for the e-publication.
08:15If it can be achieved, it will bring me a step closer to my goal.
08:20Mr. She, it's almost time to get off work, and I'm here to disturb you.
08:25No worries. Drink some water.
08:28Did something urgent happen?
08:29After talking to you last time, I've been thinking about what you said.
08:33And I've discussed it with my team.
08:35None of us want to miss the opportunity you provide.
08:39So, I'm here to discuss with you, again, the amount of investment funding.
08:47I am very happy that you can come to me at this time.
08:51But please, give me some time.
08:55I understand.
08:57I understand.
08:59It takes time to come up with a new investment plan.
09:02But, I'm indeed under some pressure.
09:08I'm glad you'll reconsider my proposal.
09:11I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
09:19If I follow what you said, you and Xu Yuling use the same outline.
09:23Then it's hard to decide which one's better.
09:25Unless you can get something new.
09:29You're right.
09:31Get something new.
09:33I have to meet him again.
09:36Find a chance.
09:38Did you two ride together on horseback yesterday?
09:41That makes you two acquaintances.
09:43I'm not even his WeChat friend.
09:45We're not acquaintances.
09:47And he's such a weirdo.
09:49Whether he wonders or not is irrelevant.
09:51You need to toughen up, Zheng Shui.
09:53You're no longer doing this only for a headline.
09:55Your goal is to rise far above that cheater.
09:58Defeat the one who stole your interview.
10:00And you are fighting for the upgrade of the e-journal that you have longed for.
10:14I've delivered the stuff.
10:16Remember to receive it.
10:18Who is it?
10:20Who is it?
10:22A boring man.
10:25A man who's fallen for you?
10:28You have so many suitors.
10:30Are you sure none of them have piqued your interest?
10:33You don't get it.
10:35These are my principles.
10:37Don't refuse.
10:39Don't explain.
10:41Don't ask for him to stay.
10:43Besides, if he wants to defeat me with such a rudimentary trick,
10:45he must be looking down on me.
10:47What trick?
10:49I went over to my place to fix my stuff,
10:51but then deliberately left something behind
10:53so that we could meet twice.
10:55There are still some people using such low-level tactics.
10:58Speaking of which...
11:00I also left something in Xian's car.
11:03Why didn't you tell me earlier?
11:05That's a perfect chance!
11:26Mr. Shi.
11:28It's Ms. Zheng from Financial Introduce.
11:38Hi, Mr. Shi.
11:40I think I lost an earring in your car.
11:43Did you find it?
11:46I think I lost an earring in your car.
11:49Did you see it?
11:52Not really.
11:58The earring is really important to me.
12:01Could you please check again?
12:04How important?
12:07More important than my life.
12:10It's because...
12:14It's an heirloom from my grandma
12:16and my mom.
12:18And my mom to me.
12:21It's also a dowry.
12:23I plan to wear it at my wedding.
12:26It'll remind me of my grandma.
12:28I haven't seen her for such a long time.
12:31My grandma used to wrap it so carefully.
12:34She wouldn't easily wear it.
12:37Then why did you wear it so easily?
12:43That's because...
12:44Since it's a precious heirloom,
12:46I should wear it for important occasions
12:48such as the interview with Hugh.
12:53Found it.
12:55Even though it's made of plastic?
13:02Uh, well...
13:05My family weren't well-off.
13:07We used to be impoverished peasants,
13:09ill-informed and simple-minded.
13:11Though it's made of plastic,
13:12it was the most precious thing
13:14to my family back in the day.
13:21Send it to her.
13:25Mrs. Zhang, when do you need it?
13:28As soon as possible.
13:30I can't fall asleep without it.
13:32Got it. I'll send it over soon.
13:34Not good.
13:36I mean, I don't want to trouble you.
13:38Let me fetch it myself.
14:00Seriously, Shuya.
14:02You wore a pair of plastic earrings
14:04when interviewing Xian.
14:06What's wrong with plastics?
14:08Plastics are the greatest invention
14:10in human history.
14:12How can we look down on it?
14:14That's a bit far-fetched.
14:16Despite your funny excuse,
14:18Xian didn't hang up on you.
14:20He even wanted to send it back.
14:22He must be into you.
14:32Bogan Cloudy Bay?
14:39Look at the price.
14:40It must be where Xian lives.
14:43That's a direct invitation.
14:46Are you sure he's not into you?
14:48There's no way.
14:52He dropped me off downstairs
14:54and refused to dine with me.
14:57But he just bit your bye,
14:59then sent you his address.
15:02He's quite impatient.
15:05He is an impatient.
15:07Then it means only one thing.
15:08That men are all the same.
15:10Take my advice.
15:12Don't go when he's like this.
15:16What are you doing?
15:20Hard to get. You get it?
15:22I get it.
15:24But not this time.
15:26I have a plan to go over with Xian.
15:28What plan?
15:39The End
15:51Why are you back?
15:53Aren't you supposed to hang out with Guan Ji?
15:55Didn't I tell you not to call him Guan Ji?
15:57He said I could call him Guan Ji.
16:02You haven't told me why you're back tonight.
16:06This is my house.
16:08If you don't want to see me here,
16:10please go back and stay with your grandpa.
16:17Let me take these trophies back to my room.
16:22Go back to your room.
16:24Don't come out before I tell you.
16:39No problem.
17:08I'm sorry.
17:39If love is like a rainbow
17:44Always floating
17:48Why don't you let me be the wind
17:52Mr. Xi, I'm here for my ear.
17:54The rain that hasn't frozen yet
17:57I will be careful
18:00I will not turn my head
18:02I will be the palm of your hand
18:06Don't be surprised anymore
18:08Pretend not to care
18:10Mr. Xi, you like Song Weilun too.
18:17What a coincidence!
18:18I like her very much too.
18:20I have all these albums.
18:21Which song is your favorite?
18:31Why did you stand me up?
18:33Chen Xing says you're working.
18:34But Xiao Yue says you're home.
18:37So it's not for work.
18:39Be honest.
18:40Are you really seeing someone?
18:44You haven't dated anyone for three years.
18:47Not now. I'm busy.
18:49That sounds even more suspicious.
18:52I'm busy. Let's talk later.
18:55Come drink!
18:57Are you leaving me out?
18:59No, I'm not.
19:01This is weird.
19:03He's in love.
19:16What's on your mind?
19:18Are you thinking about some girls?
19:21I have to go.
19:22You go on.
19:25Why are you in a hurry?
19:27What's with him today?
19:29What's going on?
19:32Anything else?
19:38Mr. Xia, are you busy with Lian Technologies' business?
19:44Did you run into any trouble on that front?
19:47My colleague is writing Li Ying's manuscript.
19:49I'm also interviewing Mr. Chen from Lian.
19:52If I guessed it right,
19:53there are different voices inside Cloud Innovation
19:56regarding Li Ying and Lian.
20:02During the interview,
20:03Li Ying kept hinting that Cloud Innovation would fund them,
20:06and Lian revealed similar information.
20:09But in our last interview,
20:10you said you were more into original tech innovation
20:13and the ownership of core tech,
20:15so you prefer Lian Technologies.
20:17But inside your company,
20:18there might be differing voices.
20:19And if the Guans are going to be a part of it,
20:20their take also matters.
20:21And if the Guans' capital are going to enter,
20:22then their opinions are also very important.
20:24That's why you will be very busy during this period.
20:32It so happens that I'm interviewing Chen Kang.
20:35So, now that I'm interviewing you,
20:37before your investment plan is settled,
20:39I want to make exclusive serial interviews
20:42to cover all relevant parties such as Cloud Innovation,
20:45Lian, and also Guan Group.
21:03What do you want to drink?
21:05Lemonade, thank you.
21:33Iced Lemonade
21:47Do you want ice?
21:48I'm dying.
22:10Supposing you guessed it correctly,
22:11what makes you think I can succeed?
22:14Following your plan,
22:15how many headlines can you secure?
22:30A woman?
22:32His girlfriend?
22:35Xue Yan has a girlfriend?
22:42Mr. Xue,
22:43did I disturb your private time with your girlfriend?
22:49Please consider my proposal.
22:53My girlfriend?
22:55The one in the room.
22:56Isn't she your girlfriend?
23:00That's good.
23:03Good how?
23:07to avoid misunderstanding.
23:12Such as?
23:15So, if it's my niece,
23:16there's no misunderstanding?
23:19Oh, your niece.
23:23The qi.
23:26It's even worse if your niece misunderstands.
23:28I'm leaving first.
23:29Sleep early.
23:37Who is here?
23:38I seem to have heard a woman's voice.
23:51That was close.
23:52I almost met Xue Yan's niece and fought.
23:56Had we met,
23:57the upgrade of e-publications
23:59would be beyond salvation.
24:10Leaving behind what she came for,
24:11she thinks it's a clever move.
24:17what are you looking at?
24:19Who told you to come out?
24:23Who was she?
24:25Your girlfriend?
24:35I gave it some thought.
24:36How about
24:37I stop going to work?
24:39Is it okay for me to do a study tour abroad?
24:43A study tour?
24:44Do you deserve these two words?
24:52why do people have to work so hard in vain?
24:55Everyone in our family is an elite.
24:56They work hard to earn money.
24:58But none of you know
25:00how to enjoy life.
25:03I think I can
25:04be the one to enjoy life.
25:06If there must be someone to squander,
25:09I can do it.
25:13You failed all chemistry exams in high school,
25:15but you know more about makeup products
25:17than your chemistry teacher.
25:19You went to a college overseas,
25:21yet you never learned to speak the language.
25:23Still, that didn't prevent you
25:24from traveling across the world.
25:26So no work is in vain.
25:28It's whether you think it's in vain.
25:33I know.
25:34I was wrong.
25:36But, Uncle,
25:38I can do anything you ask me to do.
25:40But you can't send me to work.
25:41I didn't even stay up late once
25:42for the college entrance exam.
25:44Do I have to work 9 to 5
25:45for a salary of several thousand when now?
25:51And it's approaching the spring festival.
25:52Let's wait till the festival is over.
25:53Can we?
25:55Please, I'm begging you.
25:58She can do it.
26:01My family don't provide for lazy people.
26:11Yeah, you basically came up
26:12with all that on your own.
26:14That shows you have great potential.
26:17You went and left your earring.
26:20This way you can meet him again.
26:25Then you should call him now.
26:27Book another appointment to his place.
26:32I need to hang up.
26:33I'm in the middle of something.
26:44I didn't leave it there deliberately.
26:46I didn't even get his number.
26:48How can I call him?
26:51I don't even know
26:52if the featured interviews will work.
26:55God help me.
26:57What do I do?
27:03They all say it's difficult
27:04to invite you out.
27:07But you showed up.
27:10That depends on
27:12who's inviting.
27:14It's so late.
27:16And the view isn't so good.
27:19Let's go somewhere else.
27:25Let's go.
27:30The sceneries elsewhere are also good.
27:36Or perhaps
27:37let's grab a drink first.
27:40Or do you want to
27:43go somewhere else directly?
27:47I do want to go somewhere else.
27:50not with you.
27:51I'm leaving.
28:21Miss Dasha,
28:22I think I lost an earring in your car.
28:24Did you see it?
28:28The earring is really important.
28:30Could you please check again?
28:33How important?
28:53The Chief Editor asked Shu Yuling to go to her office.
28:55Is she going to use Shu's story?
28:59I did everything I should and shouldn't.
29:01I have confidence.
29:02But in my story,
29:03I did what I could.
29:04Then leave it for the fates to decide.
29:08I'm sorry.
29:09I'm sorry.
29:10I'm sorry.
29:11I'm sorry.
29:12I'm sorry.
29:13I'm sorry.
29:14I'm sorry.
29:15I'm sorry.
29:16I'm sorry.
29:17I'm sorry.
29:18I'm sorry.
29:19I'm sorry.
29:20I'm sorry.
29:21I'm sorry.
29:24Where are you going?
29:26To wash up and get some air.
29:28Then I'll keep exploring the value of journalism.
29:30Whatever happens,
29:31my career will continue.
29:44I'm so upset.
29:46Shu Yan is...
29:47I was so unlucky.
29:49He didn't say anything useful.
29:50Just some general stuff.
29:52Nothing specific.
29:54I prefer being directly refused than being fooled this way.
29:57How hateful.
29:59Just something general?
30:00I thought he gave me a lot of useful information.
30:03Who knows how she managed to interview Shu Yan.
30:06You know what she's like, right?
30:07A pretty face and unclear hands.
30:10I interviewed Shu Yan before her.
30:11She still managed to persuade Tang Yi to use her story.
30:13I suspect.
30:17Luckily, it's not broken.
30:23Thank you for thinking so highly of me.
30:39Calm down.
30:41Shu Yuling played dirty this time.
30:44I've warned her.
30:45This will count negatively.
30:48Into her KPI and annual review.
30:50From now on,
30:51I'll do my best to prevent things like this.
30:54This behavior of stealing other people's articles
30:56is a warning enough.
30:58So you want me to...
31:01Fire her.
31:06She was desperate.
31:07This year, none of her articles have made the headlines.
31:09Financial journalism is a small circle.
31:11Whether we fire her or she quits,
31:13the industry will definitely inquire about the reason.
31:16This could damage her career.
31:22Why are you so silent?
31:25I understand that she stole my interview.
31:27But why did she copy my outline?
31:29Because yours was better than hers.
31:31Her very behavior proved that you're better than her.
31:36So you defeated her by a large margin this time.
31:38What bigger punishment could there be for a journalist
31:41than the bitter fact that someone's more capable than them?
31:43I think she must have felt that bitterness.
31:50you've got a long way to go along the path of journalism.
31:54Don't push her
31:56to her limit.
32:01Shiyan chose my outline back then,
32:08He's got his rules,
32:09this time too.
32:10He didn't embarrass us and accepted Zhu Yuling's interview
32:13while giving you enough information.
32:16A win-win situation.
32:18Huge EQ. Impressive.
32:21I must remind you of another thing.
32:23Both Cloud Innovation and Shiya
32:25chose us first.
32:27And then picked one
32:29out of you two.
32:31Sister Yi,
32:32I understand.
32:34All my achievements rely on our magazine.
32:37Which is one of the best platforms in the industry.
32:40So I want to ensure the quality of every single one of my stories.
32:42This way, I won't tarnish our reputation.
32:45Such a sweet and clever girl.
32:47So don't waste your time on brooding.
32:50It's so nice of you to say so.
32:52And this sweet and clever girl is returning to her interviews.
33:12I'm not busy with anything.
33:13I just had a heart-to-heart talk with a subordinate.
33:17She's like me when I was young.
33:18Persistent and persevering.
33:23I've talked to HR.
33:25We can take her as an intern.
33:27But whether she can be admitted depends on herself.
33:30Many people may think that I am more suitable for scientific research than entrepreneurship.
33:34But my mentor has always encouraged me to apply what I have learned.
33:37And more importantly,
33:38this country's industrial development needs us.
33:40I had to give it a try.
33:43In the past, in the chip field,
33:45everyone was still using traditional technology to make domestic substitutions.
33:48So I think that
33:50we should look for something new.
33:52Though it could be risky.
33:54Once we make it,
33:55it will be competitive worldwide.
33:57Since we're no longer replicating other people's success.
34:01After hearing your story,
34:02I think you've been persistent and resolute all the way.
34:06But have you ever questioned yourself or become hesitant about your decisions?
34:13The reason why I entered the industry and studied this technology
34:15was that I wanted to serve our society.
34:18But recently I realized that with Lian technology going so far,
34:22if I still single-mindedly focus my attention on research
34:25and ignore my team's thoughts and feelings,
34:28that would be selfish.
34:30Lian is not only mine.
34:32It belongs to the whole team.
34:34So to answer your question regarding my hesitations and doubts,
34:39right now
34:40is the moment that I hesitate, doubt, and question.
34:47Mr. Chen,
34:48though we face different problems,
34:50I understand you perfectly.
34:52There may be some things that you are the only one insisting on at the beginning.
34:55Every step is difficult.
34:57Later it was not easy when someone insisted on it together with you.
35:00However, in this age,
35:01to have a career goal and moving toward it
35:03is already rewarding in itself.
35:06I believe as long as we don't give up,
35:08there will be infinite possibilities.
35:21I wish to create glory
35:24even if I have scars all over my body.
35:27In my competition,
35:29the world will applaud for me.
35:34My promise to you
35:36will never change.
35:40It's still burning.
35:54Wow! It's delicious! So awesome!
35:56Uncle, you're as good in the kitchen as you are in the office.
35:58Unstoppable charm!
36:02Then eat some more and hit the road.
36:06Hit the road?
36:20Uncle, it just occurred to me that I have an appointment.
36:22I'll get going.
36:23Enjoy your food.
36:27The moment you leave,
36:28I will freeze your card.
36:32It doesn't matter if the card is frozen.
36:33Grandpa can give me some allowance.
36:37You can ask your grandpa for help,
36:38but then don't ever think about coming back.
36:40I'll change the password.
36:41You think carefully yourself.
36:49Uncle, you've always been nice to me.
36:52I'm your beloved niece,
36:54so you won't do that to me, right?
36:57I'm nice to you by forcing you to grow up.
37:01I just returned from overseas.
37:05Give me some time to get used to life here.
37:09Stop pretending that you need time adjusting.
37:11You've traveled all over the world since you were still a kid.
37:13You adjusted just fine.
37:21Whatever the case,
37:22I graduated from a famous overseas university.
37:25How could you? You sent me on a job!
37:27With a monthly salary of several thousands.
37:30Don't you think it's not worth it?
37:31You're thinking too highly of yourself.
37:32An intern is not worth so much.
37:35If not for money, why should I work?
37:37We're not in want of money.
37:38I'm neither a delinquent youngster nor a troublemaker.
37:41Isn't it enough?
37:46Xin Shui.
37:48A job is not just a tool for one to make money.
37:50A job also reflects a person's social responsibility
37:53and embodies their personal value.
37:55Since you're not in want of anything?
37:57And you're always energetic.
37:58Why not think about what you can do for society and others?
38:05Got any questions?
38:06If not, sit and eat.
38:07After the meal, I'll give you a ride there.
38:36Let's go.
39:23Good morning.
39:24Did you stay up late again?
39:26I have some good news.
39:27I heard that they're sending two interns to our department.
39:30Good news? Seriously?
39:32Of course it's good.
39:33Didn't you want an intern?
39:34You're so busy.
39:35So it's good to have someone to handle all the trivial stuff for you.
39:37Then you won't have to stay up.
39:38Stop being ridiculous.
39:39It's not certain who will do chores for whom.
39:47Do you know what she's doing?
39:49I don't know.
39:50And it's none of my business.
39:52I heard she scored an interview with a big shot.
39:55She's heading out for that interview.
39:58That will surely make the next headline.
40:02Well, best of luck then.
40:06Rest assured, we'll take good care of her.
40:09She's just a bit late.
40:12But it's just day one.
40:14She will get used to it.
40:16No worries.
40:17I have to go back to work.
40:18Let's talk later.
40:24This is our new intern.
40:25Take a look.
40:27My team doesn't need a new intern yet.
40:29She can go to another team.
40:30Xu Yuling's team has already taken one.
40:33This one is for you.
40:35To mentor.
40:37Madam, my workload is reaching its limit.
40:39I really don't have time and energy to be a mentor.
40:43I knew you have a lot of work to do.
40:45So I found you a helper.
40:47She can take pictures for you and organize files and stuff.
40:57Let's be honest.
40:59What's her background?
41:01The only thing I can reveal is that we've thought of this carefully.
41:06So I have to take her, right?
41:10Think of this as a mentor task I gave you.
41:22Consider it a favor I owe you.
41:28Rest assured, Chief Editor.
41:29I will take good care of her.
41:38Famous university and high tuition fees.
41:40Her family must be well off.
41:42Isn't it nice to just stay home?
41:44Why choose journalism?
41:47Nice. She's good looking.
41:48Her CV looks nice too.
41:50She's from the same school as the lead editor.
41:52A super achiever.
41:53Why are you so upset?
41:57Check her grades out.
42:03Her GPA is just above the graduation requirement.
42:08As for her experience, she wrote Campus Singer first prize.
42:12Which means she's got nothing more impressive.
42:15Her college life must be relaxing.
42:17She's definitely a trust fund baby.
42:21The editor-in-chief is so kind to you.
42:23Throwing such a hot potato at you.
42:25Can't say a thing. Can't even scold her.
42:56I'm sorry.
42:57I'm sorry.
42:58I'm sorry.
42:59I'm sorry.
43:00I'm sorry.
43:01I'm sorry.
43:02I'm sorry.
43:03I'm sorry.
43:04I'm sorry.
43:05I'm sorry.
43:06I'm sorry.
43:07I'm sorry.
43:08I'm sorry.
43:09I'm sorry.
43:10I'm sorry.
43:11I'm sorry.
43:12I'm sorry.
43:13I'm sorry.
43:14I'm sorry.
43:15I'm sorry.
43:16I'm sorry.
43:17I'm sorry.
43:18I'm sorry.
43:19I'm sorry.
43:20I'm sorry.
43:21I'm sorry.
43:22I'm sorry.
43:23I'm sorry.
43:24I'm sorry.
43:25I'm sorry.
43:26I'm sorry.
43:27I'm sorry.
43:28I'm sorry.
43:29I'm sorry.
43:30I'm sorry.
43:31I'm sorry.
43:32I'm sorry.
43:33I'm sorry.
43:34I'm sorry.
43:35I'm sorry.
43:36I'm sorry.
43:37I'm sorry.
43:38I'm sorry.
43:39I'm sorry.
43:40I'm sorry.
43:41I'm sorry.
43:42I'm sorry.
43:43I'm sorry.
43:44I'm sorry.
43:45I'm sorry.
43:46I'm sorry.
43:47I'm sorry.
43:48I'm sorry.
43:49I'm sorry.
43:50I'm sorry.
43:51I'm sorry.
43:52I'm sorry.
43:53I'm sorry.
43:54I'm sorry.
43:55I'm sorry.
43:56I'm sorry.
43:57I'm sorry.
43:58I'm sorry.
43:59I'm sorry.
44:00I'm sorry.
44:01I'm sorry.
44:02I'm sorry.
44:03I'm sorry.
44:04I'm sorry.
44:05I'm sorry.
44:06I'm sorry.
44:07I'm sorry.
44:08I'm sorry.
44:09I'm sorry.
44:10I'm sorry.
44:11I'm sorry.
44:12I'm sorry.
44:13I'm sorry.
44:14I'm sorry.
44:15I'm sorry.
44:16I'm sorry.
44:17I'm sorry.
44:18I'm sorry.
44:19I'm sorry.
44:20I'm sorry.
44:21I'm sorry.
44:22I'm sorry.
44:23I'm sorry.
44:24I'm sorry.
44:25I'm sorry.
44:26I'm sorry.
44:27I'm sorry.
44:28I'm sorry.
44:29I'm sorry.
44:30I'm sorry.
44:31I'm sorry.
44:32I'm sorry.
44:33I'm sorry.
44:34I'm sorry.
44:35I'm sorry.
44:36I'm sorry.
44:37I'm sorry.
44:38I'm sorry.
44:39I'm sorry.
44:40I'm sorry.
44:41I'm sorry.
44:42I'm sorry.
44:43I'm sorry.
44:44I'm sorry.
44:45I'm sorry.
44:46I'm sorry.
44:47I'm sorry.
44:48I'm sorry.
44:49I'm sorry.
44:50I'm sorry.
44:51I'm sorry.
44:52I'm sorry.
44:53I'm sorry.
44:54I'm sorry.
44:55I'm sorry.
44:56I'm sorry.
44:57I'm sorry.
44:58I'm sorry.
44:59I'm sorry.
45:00I'm sorry.
45:01I'm sorry.
45:02I'm sorry.
45:03I'm sorry.
45:04I'm sorry.
45:05I'm sorry.
45:06I'm sorry.
45:07I'm sorry.
45:08I'm sorry.
45:09I'm sorry.
45:10I'm sorry.
45:11I'm sorry.
45:12I'm sorry.
45:13I'm sorry.
45:14I'm sorry.
45:15I'm sorry.
45:16I'm sorry.
45:17I'm sorry.
45:18I'm sorry.
45:19I'm sorry.
