• 4 hours ago
Luis fue víctima de hecho de inseguridad al despertar en su habitación con varios delincuentes en su casa de Villa Sarmiento, en el partido de Morón. Los residentes se organizan entre ellos para tratar de prevenir estos delitos, pero piden mayor acción preventiva por parte de las autoridades.

"Me despertaron ellos"

Seguí en #AndinoYLasNoticias


00:00Neighbors have been protesting for a long time in different neighborhoods of different
00:04localities of the Conurbano, which is the theft by the ceilings.
00:07Climbers, Guille, and they go on foot to surprise you inside your house, they come in a car,
00:13they already have the house marked, they go up, in this case there are 6 criminals who steal
00:19in the area of Villa Sarmiento in the Morón party, an area very chosen by the criminals
00:24for the ease of escape that there is with access to this, it is a kind of triangle in the division
00:29between Morón and the Matanza party, look at how they already have the house marked with
00:33some other tool, they go down and begin to climb.
00:38The acrobats of evil, right?
00:39Yes, let's see, obviously for evil they are commanded to do.
00:45Look how they go up, obviously with dark clothes, they enter the home in question, again
00:51as I told you Villa Sarmiento, it is an area of ​​residences, an area of ​​middle class,
00:56in the limit there Morón, La Matanza and 3 de Febrero, they have very close what are
01:00the neighborhoods Carlos Gardel, Army of the Andes, where most of the criminals
01:05who steal in the area, enter, they are handled with absolute impunity, we said in this area,
01:10we have seen it in previous coverage, neighborhood alarms, cameras, full, now police, nothing.
01:17Now, notice that the fence does nothing to them, you say, the pucha, right?
01:22One puts it for security, and yet, these very flexible acrobats, by the way,
01:29manage to climb and then become owners of the house.
01:31Leo Godoy is working live with one of the victims.
01:34Leo, how are you? Good morning.
01:37How are you, Guille? Good morning.
01:39Yes, as they said, Villa Sarmiento, this is Pastor Obligado del 500, and this is the place.
01:46There are at least 8 criminals, because 6 are the ones who enter, plus the other 2 who
01:51drive the 2 vehicles in which they arrive.
01:54This is the place where one of the cars is going to stop, and this is the fence,
02:00where in the first instance you are going to see that they go down and look,
02:04they come to observe the entrance door, evidently they see that they cannot enter there,
02:09and then they choose the way up directly through the roof.
02:13It was dawn on Thursday, when these criminals decide,
02:19or they already had organized, because that also has to be thought about,
02:24that they probably already had the house marked,
02:26Luis lives in this house, with whom we are going to talk in a minute,
02:30they enter, they go to the bottom, and in the bottom, another modality that we have seen is
02:36to open a fence and choose one of the criminals, that is why the organization
02:41that has dimensions, let's say that it is skinny, that it is tiny in its dimensions,
02:46to be able to enter through that small space when a fence is broken,
02:51and once inside, obviously, it opens the door and the rest of the criminals
02:56take control of the situation.
02:57Here is Luis, who unfortunately became the victim of this robbery of the climbers,
03:05as you said, and well, you had a tremendous moment, Luis.
03:09Yes, very ugly, yes.
03:10Tell me, how was the situation?
03:13No, I was resting, at three in the morning, and well, a young boy appears in my room,
03:22then two, then three, and then I realized that there were six or seven,
03:26and a support car outside.
03:28What did they do to you at that moment? Did they hit you?
03:31No, no, luckily no, they didn't hit me or intimidate me with a white weapon,
03:36or with a revolver, none of that, they just shut my mouth,
03:41at a certain moment they covered my mouth with their hands, but above all, that was good.
03:48They came to rob you, they took things from you.
03:49Yes, yes.
03:50Luis, what did they take from you?
03:53No, no, money, they were basically looking for money, and then some valuables,
03:58and well, clothes, my clothes, well, the backpack I had was loaded, well, those things.
04:06There, Guillermo Dino wants to talk to you, so we let you talk.
04:11Hello, Luis, how are you? Can you hear me?
04:14Yes, how are you?
04:15How are you, Luis?
04:16Yes, I can hear you, how are you?
04:18Were you alone?
04:22Yes, yes, I was alone.
04:25I mean, there are seconds where a lot of things are asked,
04:28will they kill me, will I see them? Were you able to see their faces?
04:31No, no, wait, I can't hear you well.
04:34Were you able to see their faces?
04:37Were you able to see their faces?
04:38Yes, I was able to see their faces, yes, yes, I was able to see their faces.
04:43I'm asking you, Luis, because in the face of that possibility,
04:45one says, these guys act with their faces uncovered, will they kill me?
04:49Because tomorrow I can make an ID, I say, what do you think in those seconds, right?
04:55Where you are, thank God.
04:56Yes, yes, yes, yes, one is free at random, of course.
05:03How long were you, more or less, Luis, inside?
05:07An hour, more or less.
05:08An hour, what a nightmare.
05:10What were you looking for? Because once they found money, what else?
05:13What else did they take?
05:16Well, I don't know, they searched the whole house,
05:18they searched the whole house, they went around it,
05:20they distributed the different places, among them,
05:24and well, they searched everything and everything that interested them,
05:29they took it.
05:30Aha, but you are saying that they never,
05:33nor did they simulate shooting, nor did they threaten him with death.
05:37No, no.
05:38They were...
05:39No, no.
05:40They just had to shut my mouth, not to scream.
05:42They were young and in such a case they were, as they say,
05:46in the clutch, did you notice that they could be drugged,
05:50or they acted calmly?
05:53No, I, the young ones were all young,
05:57what I saw, about 20 years or less, I think.
06:02And, no, no, I didn't see that they were drugged, nothing like that.
06:08Calm, I saw them calm.
06:09Luis, it was always a conflicted area, or at least spicy,
06:14Villa Sarmiento, in recent months,
06:16do you notice that the crime has increased, especially in your block?
06:20Yes, apparently yes.
06:22Yes, apparently yes, even, well, there are some security forums,
06:27and well, but it seems that it doesn't help much,
06:31that things are getting worse.
06:33And what is it for you?
06:36What would it be useful for you?
06:37What would it be useful for you?
06:38What could it be?
06:40It's within the reach of the neighbors, I mean, because the authorities...
06:42I don't know.
06:44I don't know.
06:47We, every time, try to organize ourselves better among us,
06:52because, well, with the support of the police and others,
06:57you don't see much.
07:00Of course, of course.
07:01What one is asking is that you act with prevention,
07:03the thing is that you already had them inside the house,
07:06do you think it was aimed for some particular reason,
07:09or because you saw, I say, these acrobats, these monkeys,
07:13that climb with an agility that one does not see in other people, right?
07:19Even standing on the bars.
07:21Yes, yes.
07:23Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
07:25Yes, yes.
07:26Did you see this one there in the neighborhood?
07:30I didn't see it much, I don't know, well.
07:34Of course, one sees it a lot.
07:35I didn't detect it, let's say.
07:37I was touched.
07:38Sure, because we were seeing at the houses,
07:41there are the electrified wires, I mean,
07:44everything has become a bastion that tries to make the neighborhood insurmountable,
07:50but, nevertheless, other guys enter anyway, they enter anyway.
07:53Yes, yes, yes.
07:55Yes, yes, yes, we try to protect ourselves as much as possible, but it seems that nothing is enough.
08:02Do you have an alarm?
08:03Allow me, Guille, to ask Luis this question, based on what Germán told me.
08:08Luis, you told me that the fence they open is a strong fence.
08:12It is a very strong, thick fence and well, they cut it.
08:18How they cut it, I don't know, but they cut it and I didn't feel anything.
08:24They also chose someone with dimensions who could enter through that crack, right?
08:28Of course, because they opened a hole in the fence by cutting it, and the dimensions, the hole was very small.
08:37A person, it has to be a very thin person, and enter from the side, because otherwise it does not enter.
08:44What time was Luis, approximately?
08:47At three in the morning.
08:49So you woke up and found all the thieves inside?
08:52They woke me up, they woke me up when they appeared in my room.
08:59Of course, of course, and he says that among these 20-year-olds there could be a minor?
09:08And I don't know that, no, I don't know that.
09:11And then, the complaint, the prosecution contacted, I imagine, right?
09:19I made the complaint, everything, and well, once the fact occurred, well, I have two children who live relatively close,
09:32one at 7 blocks, the other at 13 blocks, and I called them, and the first one who came was the one who lives closest,
09:41the one at 7 blocks, then the other one also came, but the first one who came, came accompanied by a police cell phone,
09:49which he found by chance when he came to my house, and well, he came with the cell phone.
09:56But did you call 911?
09:58The cell phone took the data.
10:01No, no, no, no, we didn't call anyone, we didn't call anyone, the cell phone appeared alone because my son found the cell phone on the street,
10:08and well, the cell phone accompanied my son.
10:12Come, please, they robbed my old man.
10:14Did your children ever rob you, Luis?
10:19Your children?
10:20No, no, luckily not.
10:21I mean, because in a family, they hit the stick if they weren't all robbed, right?
10:26If they are all adults, but I imagine it was like that.
10:30Please, come, they robbed my old man, follow me, because otherwise they wouldn't have arrived so late.
10:36Sure, sure, sure.
10:37Exactly, just like that.
10:39How long have you been living there?
10:41Just like that.
10:42In Villa Sarmiento.
10:44How long have you been living there?
10:45How long have you been living here?
10:47About 45 years.
10:50Sure, I mean.
10:51I was looking at the interior of the neighborhood.
10:53Exactly, as we always ask, right?
10:55You lived the beautiful time of that powerful Villa Sarmiento, where we were all on the sidewalk,
11:00drinking mate, talking to the neighbors.
11:02Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
11:05No, this is a quiet place.
11:07A quiet place, with good people and others.
11:10Well, I don't know.
11:11And now it seems that it got a little more spicy.
11:14Look at what a beautiful neighborhood.
11:15Rocky streets, beautiful houses.
11:17It preserves the historical identity of the neighborhood.
11:19Sure, sure. Beautiful neighborhood. Beautiful city.
11:21It is one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Morón.
11:23That is why it is the neighborhood chosen by the whole area, and Castelar too, to delinquir.
11:46Do you think the area is easy, Luis?
11:54Easy in what sense?
11:55In that they are going to rob the criminals and nothing happens.
11:58Six people went to your house.
12:00They were there for a long time. Nobody saw them.
12:02Nobody is monitoring anything.
12:05Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. It's true. It's true.
12:08And this street, which I live on, is very busy.
12:11There is a lot of traffic, even at night.
12:14But, well, nothing happened.
12:18He accepts it.
12:20Of course.
12:21He resigns.
12:22Poor Luis.
12:23We thank you for your testimony, Luis.
12:26We see that there is already resignation.
12:28Or at least, as we have been hearing for many years,
12:33the gratitude of being alive.
12:35Because in the first exchange, when there is a movement that believes in a suspect,
12:39they shoot him and we are not talking.
12:41The truth is that.
12:45Yes, I got it very cheap.
12:48We send you a hug and thank you very much.
12:52Well, thank you.
12:55See you later.
12:56We stayed working there.
12:57But it's true, right?
12:59I mean, as a global appreciation,
13:01one ends up seeing resignation and gratitude that the judge is counting.
13:08Look, Luis's gratitude happens because they didn't hit him.
13:11Of course.
13:12Because they didn't put a gun in his head.
13:14Because they didn't put a knife in his neck.
13:17Because, well, all those things that we count many times
13:21and that, luckily, he says,
13:23well, it didn't happen to me,
13:25but the truth is that six criminals entered through a roof,
13:29that is, they looked for a fence or used it as a ladder
13:32and six entered through there.
13:34That is, six people that no one saw,
13:37that had two support cars,
13:39that turned around
13:41and evidently they handled, for me, at least from the experience,
13:46some kind of data to be able to enter.
15:15Ah, bueno.
15:20Yes, well.
15:21It's true.
15:22Today at 9 we would open with the murder of an 84-year-old grandmother
15:27in Moreno.
15:28In Moreno.
15:29Yes, yes, yes.
15:30No, no.
15:31It doesn't distinguish.
15:32Yes, the degree of violence, right?
15:33Obviously, here Luis took it out cheap
15:35because he didn't put resistance either.
15:37And neither, right?
15:38Because an 84-year-old grandmother, what resistance?
15:40In another context, because that is a neighborhood taken by narcos,
15:43but still, we are talking about a fatal victim,
15:45an adult.
15:46Yes, Leo.
15:49No, no.
15:50And I tell you that the neighborhood, obviously,
15:52for what you also said there, Guille,
15:54looking a little at the architecture,
15:56you realize that it is defending itself from this type of robbery.
16:01Because there is no, for example, there, look,
16:03in the background, I don't know if Juan can take it,
16:05the wires above the gates.
16:08A totally closed gate, all barred,
16:10and above the circular wire, yes, that has the pipes.
16:15Here in front, the same.
16:17Wires electrified by the ceilings.
16:19Well, obviously, a modality that has been repeated,
16:24Luis just told me,
16:26the night before you told me, Luis,
16:29there was another robbery?
16:31Another robbery, an 82-year-old lady.
16:34Ah, also another adult who was robbed?
16:36Four blocks away.
16:37Four blocks away.
16:38Four blocks away.
16:39That is, the point that the criminals are looking for
16:42are you, the adults.
16:44Of course, of course.
16:45It is a fact that an adult four days ago
16:48and then you ended up being you.
16:50I don't know that, I don't know.
16:52But, well, you were telling me that.
16:54Four blocks from here, another lady.
16:56And where did they enter her too?
16:58They entered through the door, they forced the door.
17:01And well, I found out because the locksmith
17:03who opened the door for her
17:05is the same locksmith I called.
17:07Of course.
17:08That's why I found out.
17:09Of course, of course.
17:10Well, thank you, Luis.
17:11Well, again, another fact that adds to this, right?
17:14The older adults as the ones pointed out
17:17many times by the criminals.
17:19Of course, they are what they call the locksmiths.
17:22Those who study the lock
17:24and see the possibility of not wearing out
17:28entering through the ceilings
17:29but breaking the lock of the fence.
17:32Because today at every main door
17:34a fence is put up in most houses
17:37as we are seeing there.
17:39Before you entered a house through the door
17:42that already gave you a living.
17:44Not today.
17:45Today that doesn't happen anywhere.
17:46Many doors in the neighborhood directly
17:48as the kids played on the street.
17:49They were open.
17:50They were open.
17:51You have municipalities like the one in Oran, in Salta
17:54that regulate and prohibit the installation
17:56of electric fences in houses.
17:58So there you have it.
17:59It's well known, right?
18:01Many discussions in consortiums
18:02if it is legal or not legal
18:04at the time of putting these electric fences.
18:06There are municipalities that prohibit it.
18:08So the authorities are quite interested
18:13in prohibiting something that can be beneficial for people.
18:16Well, thank you Leo.
18:17We'll meet again in a few minutes.
18:18See you later.
