Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 170 HD

  • 20 hours ago


00:06Say I come with it. I don't care if I don't get it
00:08He put a suit in government for me is my comicamente
00:13So it's a little
00:15I don't know rest of my team you suck a mother is a yakin alterado la contabilidad
00:19It's a smart class that we are and car algunas de las páginas cuando la despedida
00:23Si no quiere que seamos socios al menos acceda prestarme el dinero que me falta si surge algún inconveniente que evidentemente va a surgir
00:30tendrías que dejar de llevar el pan a tu familia para pagarme a mí
00:33sé que si has hecho lo que has hecho es porque no has tenido más remedio
00:37Estás mucho mejor sin jesús
00:39usted los que no le importan un pimiento
00:42lo que le preocupa es que con mi baldeario
00:44le voy a hacer sombra a usted quiere saber si voy o vengo
00:48si soy más de tranvía o de coche escoba
00:51si calzó
00:53me calzan vuestro hermano no pudo marcharse en ningún sitio porque
00:57murió la misma noche que lo hizo clotilde a manos de jesús él los mató a los dos
01:02Por mí como si están guapos de nombre como rojas
01:32El corazón no espera está pidiendo otra oportunidad
01:39Sueños de libertad aunque el pasado duela volver a comenzar
01:45amar a quien yo quiera
01:48gritarles libertad
01:50vivir sin miedo y sin mirar atrás
02:10Sueños de libertad
02:22Donde está tu hermano
02:33Atrás los dos atres y se acerquen atrás los dos
02:41Salga con la suya está pasando aquí atrás tío donde está su hijo donde está ese asesino que está en su habitación
02:49jesús jesús baja
02:52atrás atrás tío
02:55Jesús baja
02:58Baja baja no me haga subir que será peor
03:08Está bien está bien quietos los mováis
03:14Ponte aquí
03:17Joaquín no sé que te habrá contado andrés pero tu hermano se fugó a brasil después de matar a mi mujer esa es toda la verdad
03:28No me viendas
03:31Y mataste a mi hermano
03:35Le hiciste pasar por un asesino
03:38Manchaste su nombre y luego el de mi familia que dices
03:50Dilo delante de todos
03:52Dilo jesús
03:54Diles a tu familia que eres un asesino
04:00Te lo suplico
04:02Baja el arma
04:04Por amor de dios Joaquín usted cállese
04:06Usted cállese
04:08Usted lo sabía
04:10Y le ayudó
04:12Da tanto asco como él
04:18No te lo voy a repetir
04:20Confieso te vuelo la cabeza
04:22Te estás equivocando
04:24Te repito que Valentín se largó a Brasil
04:26Por dios
04:28Por dios Joaquín
04:30No me viendas más
04:32No me viendas más
04:34Mataste a mi hermano
04:36Hasta el acto de defunción era falsa
04:38Todo eso no son más que mentiras que han utilizado para perjudicarme
04:40Mi hermano me odia
04:42No le creas
05:00Confieso te juro que no llegas a mañana
05:04Joaquín baja el arma
05:08Tú no eres como él
05:12Si lo matas
05:14Te estarás condenando de por vida
05:20Piensa en madre
05:22Piensa en madre
05:24No puede perder otro hijo
05:30Baja el arma
05:32Por favor
05:34Baja el arma
05:40Sois los de la reina los que estáis malditos
05:44No los me dieron
05:52Baja el arma
06:28Yo no tomaré nada
06:30Baja el arma
06:50¿Cómo estás?
06:52No sé ni qué contestarte
06:56Cuando me he despertado estaba amaneciendo
06:58Y por un momento he pensado que lo de ayer era tan solo una pesadilla
07:04Pero no
07:08Es la verdad
07:12Lo que ha estado escondido durante años
07:16Pensaba que hacía lo correcto al revelarla
07:18Pero ahora mismo no
07:22No sé si mi cuña y yo hicimos bien en
07:24No sé si mi cuña y yo hicimos bien en
07:26Contarles la verdad a los Marino
07:30Visto lo visto
07:32Te entiendo
07:36Lo de Joaquín pudo acabar en tragedia
07:40Cuando disparó con la escopeta te juro que pensaba que mataba a Jesús
07:44Marta lo hubiera hecho
07:46Si Luis no llega a convencerle
07:48¿Cómo Jesús ha podido matarlos?
07:50A Valentín
07:52Y a Clotilde
07:58No sé qué tenemos que hacer
08:00Yo no me lo quiero encontrar
08:02¿Cómo habéis podido estar conviviendo con él?
08:04Especialmente Begoña a su lado
08:06Sabiendo lo que sabíais
08:08No pudimos demostrarlo
08:10Necesitábamos pruebas
08:14¿Y cómo llegasteis a descubrirlo?
08:16Para empezar
08:18No me encajaba la historia de la fuga de Valentín
08:22Por eso intenté localizarlo en Brasil
08:24Por medio de un amigo
08:26¿Y no disteis con él claro?
08:30Después Begoña y yo
08:32Conseguimos averiguar dónde pudo estar enterrado
08:38Estuvo enterrado cerca de aquí
08:40¿Qué dices?
08:46¿Estás bien?
08:48Esto es demasiado Andrés
08:54¿Y por qué Joaquín incorporó a padre?
08:58No me digas que él tuvo algo que ver también
09:02Estamos muy seguros de su implicación
09:16Menos mal que ayer no hiciste nada Joaquín
09:20Lo hubiera hecho madre
09:22Lo hubiera hecho
09:24Y ahora estarías en la cárcel
09:26Y nosotros no nos podríamos recuperar de algo así
09:30El que tiene que ir a la cárcel es Jesús
09:34Lo que nos contaron ayer fue espantoso
09:38Pero no podemos dejarnos llevar por la ira
09:42Mi pobre hijo
09:46Estamos pensando que era un asesino
09:50Malditos sean
09:54No se torture más
09:56Llevamos años engañados, años
09:58Son veneno
10:00Los de la reina son veneno
10:02Y tú casi cometes una locura por su culpa
10:08No voy a permitir que ni uno más de mis hijos
10:12Desgracie su vida por culpa de los de la reina
10:20¿Cómo se encuentra?
10:24No he pegado ojo en toda la noche
10:26Yo tampoco
10:28Nadie en esta casa
10:32Yo he estado pensando
10:34Y no pienso ir a trabajar a esa maldita casa
10:38Y tampoco voy a ir a la cita con doña Elvira en la fábrica
10:40¿Qué cita era esa?
10:42Nada había quedado con esa mujer para enseñarle las instalaciones
10:44Decidaba un donativo para el proyecto de la casa cuna
10:46Pero es que no
10:48No puedo, no tengo cuerpo para nada
10:52¿Y tú? ¿Vas a ir a trabajar a la fábrica?
10:56Claro que vais a ir a trabajar
10:58¿Pero qué está diciendo, madre?
11:00Los dos
11:02Tú también, Gemma
11:08Esa fábrica es vuestra
11:10Os ha costado mucho
11:12Ocupar vuestro lugar
11:14Y no vais a dejarla en sus manos
11:18Por encima de lo que ha pasado
11:22No podemos permitir que ellos vean nuestra debilidad
11:26Por mucho dolor que nos estén causando
11:30Es que no puedo, se me hace todo cuesta arriba
11:32Respiras hondo
11:34Y te vas a ver a esa señora
11:38Lo que ha pasado no puede cambiar nuestros planes
11:40Todo lo contrario
11:42Nos tiene que dar fuerzas
11:44Para conseguir lo que queremos
11:48Yo también voy a ir a trabajar
11:50No, madre, no, eso sí que no
11:52Nosotros iremos a trabajar, pero usted ni hablar
11:54Estoy de acuerdo con Luis, madre
11:56No vamos a dejar que usted vuelva a ese infierno
11:58Tienen razón y no se preocupe
12:00Ya me encargaré yo de sus labores como gobernante de la casa
12:04No sé cómo lo voy a hacer
12:06Pero os juro por la memoria de vuestro hermano
12:12Que voy a encontrar la forma de vengar su asesinato
12:16Aunque sea lo último que haga en mi vida
12:30No puedo creer que también tapas el intento de asesinato de Begoña
12:36Joaquín tenía razón
12:38Los de la reina estamos malditos
12:40¿Los de la reina?
12:42Yo ya no sé lo que es eso
12:44¿Cómo vamos a sobrevivir a esto?
12:58Sé que os debo una explicación
13:00Es lo mínimo tras encubrir un asesinato
13:02Antes de nada tengo que dejar claro
13:04Que yo no tuve nada que ver con el asesinato de Valentín
13:06No solo lo ocultó
13:08Como ocultó también el disparo a Begoña
13:10Bueno, si queréis saber lo que ocurrió me dejáis hablar
13:12¿De acuerdo?
13:16Yo no tenía ni idea de todo esto hasta hace unos meses
13:20No sé si creerle
13:22No puedes creer lo que te dé la gana
13:24Jesús me lo confesó todo
13:26Cuando se usó el proyecto de construir la carretera
13:28Que pasaba por el camino de la sagra
13:32Ahí estuvo enterado el cadáver
13:34Y Jesús temía que pudieran encontrarlo
13:36¡Qué horror!
13:40Yo como todo el mundo pensaba que
13:42Valentín estaba en Brasil
13:44Y cuando Jesús me lo contó
13:46Entré en pánico
13:48Tenía mucho miedo
13:50De que fuese a la cárcel
13:52Así que le ayudé a trasladar el cuerpo
13:54¿Cómo pudo tener esa sangre fría?
13:56¿Sangre fría?
13:58¿Sangre fría?
14:00¿Sangre fría?
14:02No tenía otra opción
14:04¿Otra opción?
14:06Venga hombre, claro que la había
14:08No puedo aguantar esto más
14:10¡Es mi hijo!
14:12Tan hijo mío como tú
14:14O como tú
14:16Hubiera hecho lo mismo por cada uno de vosotros
14:18Yo no estoy tan segura de que lo hiciera por nosotros
14:20Sino por su ambición
14:22Sino porque ocultar lo de Begoña
14:24Por Dios
14:26No lo entendéis
14:28Había que evitar un escándalo mayor
14:34Es terrible descubrir que tu padre no tiene límites
14:40¿Dónde estará mi hermano?
14:42No lo sé, no lo he visto
14:44Y temo que pueda cometer otra locura
14:48Tengo que ir
14:56¿Y esto es la tienda?
14:58Siempre me ha encantado esta tienda
15:00Es una maravilla
15:02Hay que ver cuántos productos nuevos tienen
15:04Buenos días señora
15:06¿En qué los puedo ayudar?
15:08Buenos días Claudia
15:10¿Todo bien por aquí?
15:12Estupendamente, como siempre
15:14Como siempre no, porque hoy tenemos la visita
15:16De una clienta muy especial
15:18Doña Elvira Montes de Oca
15:20Seguro que la conoces
15:22Pues la verdad es que ahora mismo no he caído
15:24Claro que sí, Claudia
15:26Si precisamente el otro día estábamos hablando
15:28Del negocio magnífico que tienen
15:30La cadena de ferreterías de su familia
15:32Ah, sí, la ferretería
15:34Si lo tenía en los puntos de la lengua
15:36Es un placer conocerla, señora Montes de Oca
15:38Pues justo ayer estaba merendando en casa
15:40Y se mostró muy curiosa por conocer la fábrica
15:42Así que le he organizado una visita
15:44Y no podía faltar la tienda
15:46Por supuesto que no
15:48No, no, no
15:50Por supuesto que no
15:52Además que me tiene aquí para lo que usted necesite
15:54Sea enseñarle los productos estrella
15:56O los nuevos productos que nos han llegado
15:58Y si le apetece le digo a Claudia
16:00Que le pruebe alguno de nuestros maquillajes
16:02Seguro que le va a encantar el resultado, ya verá
16:04¿Y maquillas bien?
16:06Por supuesto que sí
16:08Es una maquilladora fantástica
16:10Aquí todas nuestras dependientas
16:12Están capacitadas para eso y más
16:14Le va a encantar
16:16Pues venga, por supuesto
16:18Buen trabajo, muchacha
16:20Uy, eso no me va a costar a mí ningún esfuerzo
16:22Porque es usted guapísima
16:24Además que tiene una piel perfecta
16:26Se ve, y mire que yo veo mucho tipo de pieles
16:28Pues voy a preparar todo esto y empezamos
16:32Les sujeto el bolso
16:36Hasta luego
16:48Hay pacientes esperando afuera
16:50Si quieres que hablemos vas a tener que volver
16:52¡Yu Cuerno! Así que te has atrevido, ¿eh?
16:56Creo que este no es el lugar para discutir, ¿no te parece?
16:58Has sido capaz de ir con ese cuento de que soy un asesino a los Merino
17:00Porque es lo que eres
17:02Y tenían todo el derecho del mundo a saberlo
17:04Y tú no eres más que una adultera difamando a su marido sin pruebas
17:06Métete aquí
17:08¿Qué pretendes con esto?
17:10¿Meterme en la cárcel?
17:12No tienes nada que demuestre lo que dices
17:14Jesús, alíjate
17:18¿Te crees que te voy a dejar arrastrar el nombre de la reina por el fango?
17:22Los Merino ya saben todo la verdad
17:24Y hagas lo que hagas
17:26No lo vas a poder parar
17:28¡No vas a volver a ver a Julia en tu vida!
17:34Suelta las tijeras
17:38Atrévete a irseles conmigo
17:40Fui yo quien decidió hablar con los Merino
17:42Claro, tú, siempre tú
17:44¿Qué pensabas, eh?
17:46¿Que nunca se iban a dar cuenta?
17:48¿Porque habías quemado el cuerpo?
17:50Igual con eso convences a la Guardia Civil
17:52Pero no a tu familia
18:02¿Qué creías que iba a hacer?
18:04No voy a cometer ese error
18:06Para cometer errores
18:08Ya estáis vosotros
18:16¿Estás bien?
18:18¿Te he hecho algo?
18:20Estoy bien
18:22Estoy bien, tranquilo
18:26Al final no sé de qué has sabido contar toda la verdad
18:28No vamos a conseguir que Jesús vaya a prisión
18:30Te hemos puesto a la familia en peligro
18:32Andrés, Digna merecía saberlo
18:34Era una cuestión de justicia
18:36¿De verdad lo crees?
18:38Andrés, escúchame
18:40Hemos hecho lo correcto
18:42¿Hemos hecho lo correcto?
18:44Hemos hecho lo correcto
18:46Y sea cual sea
18:48El precio que tenga que pagar con mi marido, lo acepto
18:56Pues Claudia es una de nuestras mejores maquilladoras
18:58Y está muy implicada en la empresa, ¿verdad?
19:00Y también está ahora mismo
19:02Involucrada en el proyecto que le comentaba ayer
19:04¿Qué proyecto?
19:06Sí, mujer, el de la casa Cuna, ¿recuerda?
19:08Ah, sí, eso
19:10Es un proyecto precioso
19:12Dejar ahí a su bebé y irse a trabajar con total tranquilidad
19:16Pero lo que me choca es que una madre con hijos
19:18Tenga que trabajar
19:20¿Qué modernidad es esa?
19:22Pues por desgracia hay familias que necesitan
19:24Dos sueldos para poder vivir bien
19:26Es que para nosotras es un poco extraño
19:28Porque somos muy afortunadas
19:30Pero por eso tenemos la obligación
19:32De ayudar a los que más lo necesitan, ¿verdad?
19:34Por supuesto
19:36Aunque nada es igualable al cuidado de una madre
19:38¿No le parece, señorita?
19:40Sí, claro
19:42Por supuesto
19:44Mire, ya he terminado
19:46Mírese aquí, mire qué guapa ha quedado
19:50¡Qué cambio!
19:52Tienes unas manos de oro, chiquilla
19:54Me has dado una luz que antes no tenía
19:56Bueno, no es mérito propio
19:58Es mérito de nuestro cofre
20:00Que además es que el maquillaje es estupendo
20:02Todo el mundo habla maravillas de él
20:04Anhelos de mujer
20:06Sí, viene con su pinta uñas, con su lápiz
20:08Un perfume que es exquisito
20:12Y el maquillaje del que le he hablado
20:14Precioso, precioso
20:16Pero es que yo tengo muchos maquillajes
20:18Me voy a llevar el carmín, el que me has puesto
20:20Ah, el carmín
20:22Bueno, el carmín, ese también se vende muy bien
20:24Además que está a un precio muy económico
20:28No, pero me haréis un descuentito, ¿no?
20:30Bueno, es que los descuentos es sólo para gente que trabaja en la colonia
20:34Seguro que podemos hacer una excepción con doña Elvira
20:36Hombre, pues por supuesto que sí
20:40Pues se lo pongo
20:42Se lo cojo
20:48Aquí tiene
20:54Pues aquí tiene para que lo disfrute
20:58Muchas gracias
21:02Bueno, pues
21:04Os haré publicidad del pintalabios entre mis conocidas
21:06Por supuesto, ha sido un placer
21:08Doña Elvira, la vemos pronto por aquí
21:10Hasta luego
21:12Hasta luego
21:14¿Vamos a la cantina?
21:18Madre mía, mi munda
21:20De rácana
21:22La señora, ¿eh?
21:26Isabel, está más que claro que tú arrancaste las páginas de contabilidad
21:30No, aquí nadie ha perdido las páginas
21:32Pero sí puedo ver las marcas
21:36Pero qué cara más dura tienes
21:40Qué bien hice en ponerte de patitas en la calle
21:42Te aseguro que esto algún día se va a volver en tu contra
21:46O no debería haber venido a trabajar
21:48Si quiere, vuelvo más tarde
21:52Es que esta mujer me saca de quicio
21:54No me cabe ninguna duda
21:56Que fue ella quien saboteó la contabilidad
21:58La antigua secretaria, ¿no?
22:00Nos obsequió con este regalo
22:02Y encima tiene la desfachatez de negarlo
22:04No entiendo cómo alguien pueda hacer algo así
22:06Era muy inteligente
22:08Pero le pudo la ambición
22:10Quería sacar beneficio de cualquier cosa
22:12Y no supe verlo
22:14Desde luego es algo muy feo
22:16Siento mucho lo que está pasando, Doña Marta
22:18No tuve mi mejor día contratándola
22:22Espero que contigo hayamos acertado
22:24Y yo espero no decepcionarles
22:26Le traigo la contabilidad del último trimestre
22:28Como me pidió ayer
22:30Ya la tienes
22:32Me he dado toda la prisa que he podido
22:34Dada la urgencia
22:36Repasé todas las facturas de gastos
22:38Hasta que vi que faltaban las partidas de la tienda
22:40Y se las pedí a Carmen
22:42Entonces has rehecho toda la contabilidad del trimestre
22:46Pero he conseguido cuadrarlo todo
22:48Las cifras que faltaban debían de estar en las cuentas del proveedor
22:52Reconozco que tenía dudas
22:54Sobre si serías capaz de hacerlo a tiempo
22:56Sería mucha faena para una recién llegada
22:58El mérito no es solo mío
23:00Si no llegase por la ayuda de Don Joaquín no lo hubiera conseguido
23:02Ayer estuvimos toda la tarde
23:04Y acabamos de hacerlo ya de noche
23:06¿Te ayudó Joaquín?
23:10Supongo que por eso todavía no ha llegado a la fábrica
23:12Debe de estar muy cansada
23:16Con su ayuda o sin su ayuda te felicito
23:18Es un trabajo excelente
23:22Ahora te voy a pedir que te pongas con el listado de proveedores
23:24Y las fechas de los pedidos
23:26Es justo lo que le iba a proponer
23:30Si tienes cualquier duda por favor consultame directamente mientras no esté Joaquín
23:32Así lo haré
23:34Muchas gracias
23:36Cierra la puerta
23:38¿Y esto es la cantina?
23:42¿Qué sitio tan popular?
23:44Pues la verdad que no se come nada mal
23:46¿Nos sentamos?
23:52¿De verdad no me va a comer?
24:06De verdad no me va a comentar nada
24:08De lo de ayer
24:10¿De qué?
24:12Me queda en una dada con lo que me contó Doña María
24:14Sobre Doña Begoña
24:16¿Es cierto que se ha ido a vivir al dispensario?
24:18¿Se ha ido de la casa?
24:20Nada, nada, mujer son riñas de matrimonio
24:22Sin importancia
24:24¿Y si pasamos por el dispensario y así da saludo?
24:26Parece increíble que haya abandonado a su marido
24:28¿Y de qué va a vivir?
24:30A ver tiene su trabajo
24:32Pero ya le digo que no creo que sea nada definitivo
24:34Yeah, but what if the doctor gets tired and puts her on her feet in the street? What is she going to do?
24:40Although, maybe she has a lover.
24:43But what do you say, woman?
24:45Anyway, it will be difficult to see her because I understand that she makes visits at home, so ...
24:51I see her very informed.
24:53Well, I remind you that my husband is the new manager.
24:56And one, even if she doesn't want to, ends up finding out almost everything.
24:59Like, for example, the project of the cradle house that I have told you about.
25:02Oh yeah?
25:03Is that everyone is going to talk about that.
25:06It is our star project.
25:08We are going to be pioneers in setting up something like that.
25:13We hope to see you again here very soon.
25:15Have a nice day.
25:22So what have you told me before?
25:24That Mateo is going to work in a slaughterhouse?
25:26My mother, how can he think of it?
25:28Shut up, Carmen.
25:29If there wasn't so much to choose from.
25:31Come on, your father is not well from here.
25:33Because I gave him a hand.
25:34Yes, I don't want to get involved there.
25:37But it is that Don Pedro wants Mateo to work with him.
25:40Of course.
25:41And Mateo what he wants is to set up a bookshop.
25:43And Don Pedro doesn't see it, of course.
25:45And of course, without the help of Don Pedro, we can't set up anything.
25:48And that's where the two of them are.
25:50Well, I don't know why Mateo will have so much remorse in working with his father.
25:53I say that better than a slaughterhouse.
25:54Will it be?
25:55Carmen, please, don't say that word anymore.
25:57Because listening to him makes my hair stand on end.
26:00Just thinking about the slaughters of my town and how bad I was there.
26:03I don't know, Carmen. I don't know how long Mateo will hold out there, really.
26:07Good morning.
26:08Good morning.
26:09Hi, Miriam.
26:10What a shame you couldn't come yesterday.
26:12Don't worry, I'll sign up for the next one without fail.
26:14You are very invited.
26:16Here we have to make pineapple and help each other.
26:19Besides, we know that getting to a new place is never easy.
26:22Tell me about it.
26:23That I have arrived for dinner.
26:25But come on, don't worry, you won't have any problems.
26:27Because you are very smart.
26:30Not like the previous secretary, who was like this, fabric, fabric...
26:36Don't you have to do something in the warehouse?
26:38Oh, yes, yes, Carmen, yes.
26:40Come on, hurry up.
26:41Excuse me, Miriam.
26:50The infusions.
26:51Thank you very much, Gaspar.
26:52Just now I was telling Mrs. Elvira that one day I'm going to bring her to try your roast.
26:56The best of all, the stain. Modesty aside.
26:58Yes, yes, I'm sure it is.
27:01It's delicious, really. I'm going to love it.
27:04Hello, Gemma.
27:05And company.
27:06Have you seen Luis?
27:07Yes, I just ran into him. He was on his way to the warehouse.
27:11No, wait, wait.
27:12I take the opportunity to make the presentations.
27:14She is Mrs. Elvira Montes de Oca.
27:16She is our doctor.
27:21A woman and a doctor.
27:23What an unusual thing.
27:25I hope one day she stops being so.
27:27I hope one day they find a remedy for migraines.
27:29My doctor, who is one of the best in Toledo, does not end up getting the treatment right.
27:33It's so difficult.
27:34Migraines are complicated.
27:36I would advise you to visit a specialist.
27:39And if you consult our doctor?
27:41Well, I hadn't thought of it.
27:43Do you have a second opinion?
27:45I would love to, but right now I have a very complete agenda.
27:48Surely for Mrs. Elvira you find a gap in that agenda, right?
27:52If you don't mind getting up early, tomorrow morning I can make a gap if you want, of course.
27:58Have you seen how lucky I have been?
28:00Now if you'll excuse me for a moment at the service.
28:02Well, it's right there, in the back to the right.
28:11I remind you that they don't pay me to treat patients from outside the colony.
28:14Luz, I assure you that it is important to win Mrs. Elvira.
28:17That the bills come out of her ears.
28:19Gema, I've been talking to you all morning about the project of the CUNA house.
28:23Don't you need an investor?
28:24Yes, but now I'm saturated with patients.
28:26Well, I don't want excuses, please.
28:28It will be worth it.
28:30I've been putting up with her for two days and it's unbearable.
28:34I'm going to look for Luis.
28:42I apologize for Claudia's trust.
28:46But the truth is that the other secretary was not Mrs. Sympathy, let's say.
28:50Don't worry.
28:51She's not the first person who speaks ill of Isabel to me.
28:53I've seen it.
28:55Has something happened?
28:56No, nothing.
28:57But I say that when the river sounds, it brings water.
29:00Ah, yes, yes, yes.
29:01No, the truth is that she doesn't like anyone very much.
29:03Although I suppose that after having denied you the help for the accounts,
29:07I wouldn't have seemed the nicest in the world to you either.
29:09No, Gema, yes, it was understandable.
29:11It's just that since I've been running all the stores, I don't give up.
29:15Do you run them all?
29:16Oh, I thought you only ran this one.
29:18No, if it were just this one, another rooster would sing.
29:20I've been running them all since Mrs. Marta ascended.
29:22And she left the bar so full.
29:24She did it before.
29:25Yes, a great professional.
29:27So it's better for me to do it just as well, or better, if I can.
29:31I didn't know this company promoted women so much.
29:34And it was time.
29:35Because here women work as much or more, I would say, than men.
29:39Oh, what a head.
29:41With the talk, I almost forget to give you the balance of the quarterly accounts.
29:44I think it will be good for you to match it with the following.
29:48Did you finish it last night?
29:50Yes, Don Joaquín helped me a lot.
29:52Don Joaquín?
29:54Are we talking about Don Joaquín himself?
29:57I suppose.
29:58My boss, Mrs. Marta's cousin, right?
30:00Yes, yes, yes.
30:01Why do you ask? Have I said something wrong?
30:04No, no, no.
30:05It's just that it's weird for me to hear you talk like that.
30:09I don't know, I think he's a charming person.
30:12Let's see, I've always thought he was a bit shy.
30:16But I can't tell you because I've never worked side by side with him.
30:21Well, I'll let you, you have work and I don't want to entertain you.
30:24Miriam, thank you very much for this.
30:27You're welcome.
30:29Good morning.
30:31Very good.
30:32Hello, how are you?
30:33Eva, and Miss Margarita?
30:35What a joy to see you.
30:36We were looking for a fresh perfume.
30:38Fresh, very good.
30:41Let's see.
30:43Do you want to try it?
30:49Do you like it?
30:51Yes? Let's see.
30:53I love it.
30:54This one sells very well, yes?
30:56It's fresh now for the season.
30:57It has citrus notes, orange, a little bit of tangerine too.
31:02It's very good.
31:04Shall we take it?
31:06Yes? Let's take it.
31:14What are you doing here?
31:17I'm trying to find the alcohol that we ran out in the lab, but I can't.
31:23Luis, what's wrong?
31:26Last night...
31:27Last night something very serious happened, Luz.
31:32Very serious?
31:34We've been cheated for the last six years.
31:39It's complicated.
31:41But I don't...
31:42I don't want to hide anything from you.
31:44What's going on? Please tell me.
31:47You're scaring me.
31:48It's me.
31:50You can't be serious.
31:51It's me.
31:52You're scaring me. It's me.
31:54You can tell me anything.
31:57I killed him.
32:03He killed Valentín.
32:09My brother didn't go to Brazil.
32:12He didn't kill Clotilde either.
32:19Jesus killed Clotilde too.
32:22Jesus found out they were in love. He couldn't stand it.
32:28And he did what he did.
32:30Who told you all this?
32:32Begoña and Andrés.
32:36Yes. Apparently Jesus confessed it in a moment of weakness.
32:40And he hasn't been able to prove it all this time.
32:48Luz, are you okay?
32:52Yes, yes.
32:54It's just that I've always had the intuition that Jesus would be able to do anything, but...
33:00How can someone kill his wife?
33:03And how can a father...
33:04How can a father be able to cover up something like this?
33:07Your uncle Damián didn't know.
33:09That's what it seems.
33:11All these years thinking that Valentín was a murderer.
33:14That he was a thief.
33:16That he had stolen everything from us.
33:18All these years paying this unfair penance to the Queen.
33:22With Jesus blaming us for everything.
33:26My brother was innocent, Luz.
33:30They killed him.
33:32How could we be so blind?
33:34Darling, you are not to blame for anything.
33:36Others were in charge of hiding the truth.
33:39The worst part is that I didn't know that deep down
33:42my brother was capable of doing something like this.
33:46I didn't know, Luz.
33:48I didn't know.
33:50And I betrayed him.
33:51I believed him.
33:53I believed the version of Jesus.
33:56No, darling, come here, come here.
33:59That's over now.
34:01That's over now.
34:02We can't do anything.
34:03Don't torture yourself anymore, my love.
34:19How are you?
34:24I have prepared a valerian.
34:26To see if my nerves calm down.
34:30And do you feel like something else?
34:34Do you want me to prepare you something to eat or a bath?
34:36No, darling, no.
34:38I just want to drink this.
34:40To see if it calms me down.
34:42No, darling, no.
34:44No, darling, no.
34:46No, darling, no.
34:49No, darling, no.
34:51But tell me about you.
34:53How are you with that lady?
34:55Good, good.
34:58Well, I don't think I've convinced her yet.
35:01But tomorrow she will go back to the factory to see if Luz
35:03can get us a check for the Cuna house.
35:05You will get it.
35:09And what have you been doing all day?
35:14Read that letter over and over again.
35:16The death certificate of my son.
35:21Dina, wouldn't it be better if you distracted yourself a little with the radio?
35:24No, I can't, daughter.
35:27Nothing distracts me.
35:29Yesterday, when we found out the truth about Valentín's death,
35:35I felt that I lost him again.
35:39I can imagine.
35:42To think that Damián is dead.
35:45How could Damián send me that damn letter?
35:51The truth is that ...
35:53Do you realize, Gemma?
35:55I was about to marry a man
35:57who has brought misfortune to my house several times.
36:01There couldn't be a worse suitor than Damián de la Reina,
36:04that's the truth.
36:06He has been lying for years.
36:10Without shame, without remorse.
36:15How could I believe his lies?
36:18He would have deceived anyone.
36:20That man has no manners at all.
36:27I don't know how I will be able to continue living after this.
36:30Well, of course you can, Dina, of course you can.
36:33Because you are a strong woman.
36:36Now what I feel
36:39is that even the air would break me to pieces.
36:42That's not true.
36:43At least not like this.
36:45No, look at what he did this morning.
36:47He has given strength to his two children
36:49so that they continue to fight, because that is what a mother does.
36:51She watches over her children.
36:55Thank you, daughter.
36:59I'm going to see if I can rest a little.
37:01Of course, come on.
37:14Come in.
37:19Sorry to interrupt you.
37:24It's just that since I haven't seen you all day,
37:26I wanted to see if you wanted to eat with me.
37:30If you haven't seen me, it's because I'm busy.
37:33I see.
37:37Are you still separated from me
37:39because you didn't accept the plan I made for you?
37:42It's the last thing I was thinking about right now.
37:46Although now that you say it,
37:48it didn't make me very happy either.
37:51Well, very well. I won't bother you anymore.
37:54No, Dina, wait.
37:57For God's sake, wait.
37:59None of this has to do with you.
38:11Marta, what's wrong?
38:13Marta, what happened?
38:15Are you okay?
38:19Something terrible has happened that has to do with the family.
38:23You know you can trust me, right?
38:27No, no.
38:29You can't even imagine what it is.
38:32I don't care.
38:34Whatever it is, I'm going to help you.
38:35No one can help us now.
38:38My brother Jesus is a monster.
38:41And my father, three-quarters, is the same.
38:43But why?
38:47Marta, I'm not moving from here.
38:50I don't know what you're talking about,
38:52but whatever it is, it's consuming you inside.
38:55It's so terrible.
39:00What happened?
39:01Swear you won't leave here.
39:03I swear it happened.
39:07My brother Jesus killed Valentín
39:10because he was having an affair with Clotilde.
39:15He killed her too.
39:32I'm sorry.
39:44I found out what happened.
39:46I came to see how you were doing.
39:52We're doing the best we can, to be honest.
39:55I can't believe what you told me over the phone.
39:58And forgive me because...
40:00I just called when everything...
40:02I know these things can't be told like that,
40:05but it's so inaudible.
40:08Jesus killed Digna's son.
40:12I'm afraid that's true.
40:16And who told you?
40:20It was Begoña and Andrés.
40:23It's obvious they've been suspecting for a while.
40:25They had started investigating.
40:26For a while?
40:28Yes, they were investigating the death of Valentín and Clotilde.
40:32But Jesus found out
40:34and he destroyed all the evidence.
40:36Is that why they spent so much time together?
40:38Of course, they needed to find out the truth.
40:40But why would Jesus kill Valentín and Clotilde?
40:45Because they had an affair
40:48and they were going to run away together.
40:51That's why Jesus, when he found out...
40:54So it was an infidelity.
40:57María, but that doesn't mean he killed them.
41:00No, no, I'm not saying that, but...
41:04We don't know what Jesus felt inside
41:07to do something like that.
41:27Are you leaving?
41:29Yes, I'm going to see Rosario's daughter.
41:31Apparently, she's still feverish.
41:33I'm going to see how she is.
41:35Do you know anything new about your name?
41:37I spoke to Marta and she solved it.
41:39I told her the whole truth.
41:41I'm glad.
41:43You need an ally in that house.
41:45I'm glad I'm not on your side.
41:47Are you okay?
41:49Are you very serious?
41:51I came to talk to Luis.
41:53Begoña is devastated.
41:55How was he going to be after finding out
41:57how his brother died?
41:59He also told me that it was Andrés and you
42:02who discovered it
42:04and who told the family.
42:11How come you haven't told me anything?
42:13Because I couldn't, Luz.
42:15No one could suspect anything
42:17and that's why the less people knew, the better.
42:19I think I've shown you that I'm a good friend
42:21you can trust.
42:22I'm there to help you, to protect you.
42:24I know, I really do.
42:26Since when did you know?
42:28Since then.
42:30But Jesus threatened me
42:33and I needed to find evidence
42:35to prove his guilt, but without him knowing.
42:38Begoña, if something had happened to you,
42:41I would never have forgiven myself
42:43for not being there to help you.
42:45Luz, I didn't want to put you in danger,
42:47nor you, nor your relationship with Luis.
42:49Because if you had told him,
42:50he would have asked his family
42:52and it would have been very complicated.
42:54Please, understand me.
42:56And now what can we do?
43:01Jesus has taken the body.
43:05How horrible.
43:07Luz, if I didn't tell you anything,
43:09it was to protect you, I promise.
43:16Let's forget all that.
43:18But you know you can count on me
43:20if you want.
43:22I know.
43:28He shot them like they were animals.
43:33My brother is a murderer.
43:35A miserable murderer.
43:38It's horrible, Marta.
43:42He was right, he's capable of doing anything.
43:46But my father...
43:50Fina, my father...
43:52What does your father have to do with all this?
43:55I knew it.
43:57And I covered for my brother.
44:00My God.
44:02I don't understand how he could hide something like this.
44:06There's only one way to understand it.
44:09Your father wanted to protect your brother
44:12because a father for his son is capable of doing anything.
44:15That anything has limits.
44:18I know, my love.
44:20But my father would have done the same for me in any situation.
44:23Your father is a good man.
44:25A decent man.
44:29My father, on the other hand,
44:31was already to blame for the death of my uncle Gervasio.
44:35Let's see.
44:39You're hurt and I understand it perfectly because it's normal.
44:43But you can't blame your father for everything.
44:45Your uncle Gervasio took his own life.
44:48What is he to blame for this?
44:55Apparently, my uncle liked men.
45:00And when my father found out,
45:02he blackmailed him to sell his share of the company to him.
45:10That's why Digno canceled the wedding.
45:12He heard Jesus say it in a discussion.
45:15That's why my father kicked him out of the company
45:18and no more than the family.
45:20Oh my God, Marta, I'm sorry.
45:22I'm so sorry.
45:24How can I have a family like this?
45:26How am I going to get up every morning in that house knowing what I know?
45:30Don't worry, because I'll always be by your side.
45:35I don't know if it's good that you're close.
45:38Because I don't want you to be alone.
45:41Why do you say that?
45:44Because you're a good person.
45:48I don't want you to get anything out of this.
45:50Marta, stop saying nonsense, please.
45:52It's the truth.
45:54And maybe I'm just like my father.
45:56Because I have the same ambition and determination
45:59that made it possible to fulfill my dream, which is to run the company.
46:02But that's not bad.
46:04Yes, if you let ambition blind you.
46:06I don't know.
46:09Maybe I've just become someone despicable.
46:12Like my brother, like my father.
46:14No, listen to me, you're not going to become someone despicable
46:17because you have such a big heart.
46:20You're a very special person, Marta.
46:23I know.
46:25And kindness is not an enemy of ambition.
46:29I know that.
46:32And you're going to show everyone that you can be a great person
46:34and at the same time a great director.
46:45What would I do without you?
46:53My love.
46:55But now...
46:58I'm leaving, don't worry.
47:00No, listen.
47:02I want you to understand that
47:04I need a little space.
47:07Until all of this
47:09passes somehow, knowing that you're on the edge,
47:35Can I come in?
47:37Look, if you don't want to see me again,
47:40I'll understand and accept it, but...
47:43at least let me explain my version of the facts to you.
47:46You see, I want you to know that
47:48I didn't know what you meant to me that day.
47:55I'm sorry, but
47:57I will never19
47:59I would have learnt everything that you taught me.
48:04Can I come in?
48:06Look, if you don't want to see me again,
48:08I will understand and accept it, but...
48:11I will learn everything that you taught me.
48:15that Jesus had done until a few months ago.
48:18And when I found out,
48:20you can't imagine the horror and repulsion I felt.
48:23Wouldn't you feel a lot of repulsion
48:26when you helped him move a body that had been murdered
48:29and then you hid what you had done?
48:33Don't believe you.
48:34I've suffered a lot for not being able to tell you anything.
48:37You've suffered as much as when you incited my husband to suicide.
48:42Valentín was my son.
48:45How could you do it? How?
48:47I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
48:51There's an image that doesn't leave my head.
48:56You and Jesus
48:58taking my son out of the ground
49:02to burn him later as if he were garbage.
49:07Why did you wait?
49:10Why didn't you do it that day?
49:13I don't know.
49:15I had nothing to do with Jesus. I only helped Jesus once.
49:18You did a lot.
49:19He was my son.
49:21You falsified my death certificate.
49:30I just wanted you to know that Valentín had died
49:32so that you could say goodbye to him and go on with your life.
49:35And marry me.
49:37Don't keep talking. I hate hearing you.
49:41I'm very sorry, Dina, for what you're suffering.
49:45Tell me, what can I do to make you forgive me?
49:50Give your son to the authorities.
49:53Report him.
50:02How did you find out about your wife's relationship with Valentín?
50:05What else? That's not the important thing.
50:08I care.
50:09And I'd like to know if you had the courage to tell him face to face.
50:12Or if you surprised him and killed him in the heat of the moment.
50:16Begoña already suspected all of this before the light came out.
50:21She told me that day.
50:23Since when do you know?
50:24A long time ago.
50:25Your aunt has asked me to hand Jesus over to the Civil Guard
50:28and to testify against him.
50:30Does she know that you would also accompany her to prison?
50:33The Reina's people are no longer our family.
50:38They are the enemy.
50:39Jesus, I need your help.
50:41Neither you nor I can allow them to win after what they've done to us.
50:45You should be ashamed.
50:47Because you grew up while my mother washed your clothes or mopped the floor.
50:51Why did your father kill my father?
50:54I found out everything, Dina.
50:56The evidence that Clotilde and Valentín were together.
50:58That they were lovers.
51:00And that Jesus killed them.
51:03Evidence that doesn't exist anymore.
51:05Damn it.
