• last year
50 singles speed date in front of strangers #dating #kissing #grls #boys


00:00Do you go to the gym?
00:22I work out sometimes.
00:23I'm nervous.
00:24It's really weird.
00:26I'm nervous.
00:27It's really weird.
00:37I was looking at you.
00:46Are you stealing me or her?
00:50She wants to do both.
00:52Can I chat with both?
00:53No, you gotta pick one.
01:04Can I chat with both?
01:05I'll take my queen over here.
01:07Wait, you're stealing me?
01:20Tell me your life story.
01:21We have like 32 seconds.
01:22Oh my gosh, okay.
01:23What if I ask you what's your favorite thing about yourself?
01:27I feel like I'm very authentic.
01:29Like I'm very myself and that comes across really easily.
01:32So people either don't like me at all or they really, really love me.
01:35So I think that's cool.
01:36What about you?
01:37I'm very loyal.
01:39Very loyal person.
01:40Okay, that's fire.
01:41What do you like to do for fun?
01:43I'm very crafty.
01:44Like I love to like do crafts.
01:46Love to kiki, hang out with some friends.
01:48Oh, okay.
01:49Go out with friends.
01:50What kind of crafts do you do?
02:02So out of all the girls you ended up going on quick little speed dates with.
02:06You're saying yes to one of them, is that correct?
02:08Yes, I am saying yes.
02:09Can you tell me who that is?
02:10Yes, Asara.
02:12Do you feel like she would say yes or do you feel like she would say...
02:14Where do you think she's at?
02:17Okay, that's a good question.
02:18Definitely nervous about it.
02:21Especially because she got stolen.
02:23But that was cool.
02:24But I hope she says yes.
02:26I do.
02:27She did try and steal me.
02:28So I do have that going for me.
02:30Okay, so we're going to find out.
02:32Oh, right now?
02:33We're going to find out right now.
02:34I'm finding out right now.
02:39Yeah, I actually wanted to chat with both of them.
02:42But I kind of just had to pick.
02:44And I liked her vibe.
02:46So would you say yes or no to a second date?
02:48I'd say yeah.
02:49I'd say yeah, yeah.
02:51So we're going to find out.
02:52So if she says yes, she'll join you on the stage.
03:11Wow, it looks so different without, like, the 50 million people in the back.
03:13I know, right?
03:15She said no!
03:16That's awesome.
03:17That's so cool.
03:18I actually really love that.
03:19It's really cool.
03:20Yeah, that's really awesome.
03:21Wait, elaborate on that.
03:24Well, because she tried to steal me.
03:26And so I always like an underdog.
03:28I like an underdog answer, always.
03:30I'm feeling good.
03:31I feel like this makes sense.
03:33I feel like it's awesome to have had the option to not, you know, go with, like, one of the guy choices.
03:40And I feel like instantly, because you had, like, colored eyeliner, I was like, yeah, the gay dart was going off.
03:47Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:48So she insisted to explore.
03:50What would a first date look like for you two?
03:52She's never really been to San Diego, and I've been out there for, like, a good two years.
03:55So I'm like, I would love to be a tour guide.
03:57It's a fun city.
03:58So you could come see me.
04:01Well, great, guys.
04:02Thank you both so much.
04:04Yeah, that's everything.
04:05Where's it gonna go?
04:06Do we go that way?
04:07I don't know.
04:08Okay, okay.
04:22What's up, T?
04:23What's up, bro?
04:24Tiana, how we doing?
04:25I'm good.
04:26Let's get the small stuff out of the way.
04:28So where are you from?
04:29I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio.
04:31I'm from Worcester, Ohio, so we're from Ohio.
04:36That's crazy.
04:37That is crazy.
04:38Wait, how long have you lived in the area?
04:40Like, out here?
04:41Three years.
04:42The Midwest.
04:43Always find each other.
04:44A lot of us out here.
04:45We walked in.
04:46We felt it.
04:47What brought you out here?
04:48Modeling, acting.
04:49I'm also a nurse, so I can kind of work anywhere.
04:52Do you miss Ohio at all?
04:53I mean, I just got back.
04:54I just went to visit for a week.
04:55I'm good.
04:56Yeah, I was just back, too.
04:57I literally got home, like, last week.
04:59I just got back last Thursday.
05:02That's you at the airport?
05:03That was you.
05:05Wait a minute.
05:06That's funny.
05:08Let's break the ice here.
05:09Let's do it.
05:10You got any great questions?
05:11I wanna...
05:12Wow, wait a minute.
05:14I've been here all day.
05:15Everyone's, like, asking me questions.
05:16All right.
05:17I have two questions already, so I'll carry.
05:18My first question is, what lesson do you feel like...
05:21You're ready.
05:22I was just coming in.
05:23I'm ready.
05:24I'm just spitballing today, so...
05:25All right.
05:26What lesson do you feel like you're learning in your life right now?
05:29So I moved out here last year, and I came...
05:30Really, like, no safety plan.
05:31Just kind of go on pursuing dreams.
05:33And it's really now, like, figuring out how to make it on my own, I'd say, like, out here.
05:37Do you got some lessons, though?
05:39Mine is definitely, like, self-love and self-worth.
05:41Like, I really struggled with that, like, growing up.
05:44Like, knowing my worth.
05:45Knowing, like, just, like, I really just had a very, like, bad image of myself.
05:48Like, I thought I was just, like, ugly and disgusting.
05:50And just, like, I just...
05:51And I let people treat me very poorly.
05:53So, like, right now, I'm, like, setting the standard up there.
05:56And, like, just receiving what I know that I deserve.
05:59I like yourself.
06:00You caught my eye, like, earlier.
06:01You had, like, five people come through.
06:03I saw her.
06:05She was, like...
06:06There was, like, nope, nope.
06:07I was, like, damn, she's bold.
06:08Like, because, you know, like, I like someone who's got, you know, some standards.
06:12And, like, I mean, I like to think that I'm similar.
06:15I wasn't expecting to really swipe on anyone.
06:17Me neither.
06:18And then I came in and saw you.
06:19And got a little excited.
06:20Blushing a little bit.
06:22Not blushing.
06:24Okay, okay.
06:25Nah, like, seriously.
06:26All right, I'll throw one at you.
06:27All right, do it.
06:28Just because you're leading, which I appreciate.
06:31You know, love, love a powerful leader.
06:32Let me be my feminist real quick.
06:33Yeah, let's go.
06:34Applause for that.
06:35Come on, guys.
06:36All right.
06:39Perfect day for you.
06:41What does it look like?
06:42So, probably, like, a Saturday afternoon, I want to hit, like, maybe, like, a brunch.
06:46And then something in nature, whether it's, like, the beach, going on a hike.
06:49Something chill, like, where it's just, like, really talk.
06:52Like, really just, like, get to know each other.
06:53Like, and also, like, just be in the peace of, like, nature.
06:55Especially coming from Ohio.
06:56Like, I live in the country.
06:57So, I'm very connected with, like, the earth and stuff.
06:59So, something outside.
07:02And then, like, food has to be involved 100%.
07:04And, like, good conversation.
07:05Because I can, like, rap all day.
07:07It was nice meeting you.
07:09I said yes.
07:13So, we're going to find out if she says yes or no.
07:25There she is.
07:26What's up, Tiana?
07:30How are you doing?
07:31I'm good.
07:32We'll get some more time.
07:33There we go.
07:40How are you?
07:43A little nervous.
07:44A little nervous.
07:45I'm a little nervous.
07:46Don't remember the last date I had with 50 people behind me.
07:47But, it's okay.
07:48Yeah, neither do I.
07:49It was yesterday.
07:50I feel like we're both a little introverted.
07:51So, we could...
07:53Do you want to do an icebreaker or do you want to just go right into it?
07:55We can do an icebreaker.
07:58What is the most immoral thing you've done to a friend without telling them?
08:01Now I'm...
08:02We can do something easy.
08:03I'll give you a little softball.
08:04We can do...
08:07If you had to give a TED Talk on something you're really passionate about, what would it be?
08:11I would talk about the American West opening the frontier and probably the limerick theory
08:17and how that's impacted how we think about the American West today with Native...
08:22This is really...
08:24I'm into it.
08:25You're into the car, so...
08:26Oh, okay.
08:28How we include Native Americans in the way that we view the Americans conquering the West.
08:34But we're not really the only people there.
08:36So, yeah.
08:37What about you?
08:38That's interesting.
08:40I don't know if you've ever seen Dance of the Wolves.
08:41It's kind of...
08:42Is that a movie?
08:44It's an old Kevin Costner movie.
08:45But if I had to give a TED Talk?
08:47Probably something movie related.
08:49I love filmmaking and writing and whatnot.
08:51I'd probably argue that in every country there should be a mandatory movie watching list
08:56based on the region that you're in, which I think is somewhat...
09:00It's like the intersection between politics maybe and film, but I don't know.
09:03I think...
09:04Or maybe just argue for the best movie of all time or something, which I would say is
09:07probably Magnolia by Paul Thomas Anderson.
09:09Oh, so that's your favorite movie?
09:11What's your top three?
09:13Magnolia, Paul Thomas Anderson, Gummo by Harmony Corrine, and then Lost in Translation
09:20by Sofia Coppola.
09:21Oh, that's a really good one.
09:22You ever seen that one?
09:23Yeah, I have.
09:24Yeah, I love Sofia Coppola.
09:25She's great.
09:26She did Priscilla if I didn't say that one.
09:27She's great.
09:28I'm reading Virgin Suicide.
09:29Oh my God, Virgin Suicide.
09:30All right, well that was in high school vibe.
09:31I'm not going to say number one, but I had a big Virgin Suicide phase.
09:36Okay, yeah.
09:37Yeah, I'm all up in the curse and dunce.
09:39Sofia Coppola.
09:40Yeah, yeah.
09:41No, she's great.
09:42I haven't seen the movie, but I'm just starting the book, so I'll let you know when I start
09:46watching it.
09:47Cool, cool, cool.
09:48She just seems very nice, and she was.
09:50We initially started talking about the other contestants when we first matched, and she
09:55just kept complimenting people, which I thought was really sweet.
09:57It's kind of cool that we had some intersection between history and politics.
10:02She seemed very capable of critical thinking, which I guess is my first litmus test to decide
10:08if I want to keep talking to someone or not.
10:10My icebreaker, The First Night at the Planet.
10:13If you could be any character in a movie, who would you be?
10:16Probably go Batman.
10:18Probably go Batman.
10:19Safe bet Batman.
10:21Linger in the night.
10:22That's pretty great.
10:23Be vigilante.
10:25Do all that normal stuff.
10:27Hmm, that's a good one.
10:28What about you?
10:29What about you?
10:30I think the.
10:31I'll tell you that.
10:32Okay, yeah.
10:36Oh, Troy.
10:37Close enough.
10:38I'm Marilyn.
10:39You have crazy eyes.
10:41You as well.
10:43What character would I be?
10:46I'm just going to continue.
10:47Yeah, go ahead.
10:48Go ahead.
10:49I'm going to have to say Spider-Man.
10:52Yeah, so no one knows.
10:54But what about that last Spider-Man movie they found out?
10:55What would you do then?
10:56That's a very good point.
10:57I didn't think about that.
10:59So what then?
11:00I would change my answer.
11:01What about you though?
11:02I would be, really the only thing I can think about right now is the lady lifeguard from
11:03Surf's Up.
11:06She's like so fun and sassy and she's just like a hot commodity on the beach.
11:32I mean I mean I would go to the beach, yeah, or the chicken, the chicken steak.
11:33A hot commodity.
11:35For sure.
11:36That's what I would like to be.
11:37Well when I first saw her, like, even before like like hearing her conversation, she's
11:38kind of like my type, like pretty much to a T and then just hearing her conversate, like
11:39it was just someone who I really wanted to talk to.
11:40She had a lot of interesting conversation.
11:42What do you like to do for fun though?
11:43I like to go to the beach, hang out with my friends.
11:44I like to watch Drunk History.
11:46So, I try to keep that up.
11:48That's cool.
11:49I'm into all like the active stuff too,
11:50like I love the beach, I play beach volleyball.
11:52Oh cool, yeah.
11:53Snowboard, workout, stuff like that.
11:55Where are you in school right now?
11:56I am, I'm doing computer science.
11:58What do you do for work?
11:59I work in PR and I waitress on the weekends.
12:02Radical, radical.
12:03Yeah, just for a little extra sum sum.
12:05That's cool, that's cool.
12:08So where do you want to transfer to?
12:16I was pretty rudely interrupted,
12:18but I do suppose game recognizes game.
12:22But yeah, it was fun.
12:23So would you say yes?
12:24I would say yes, yeah.
12:25I would definitely go on a second date with her.
12:27Would you say yes or no to a second date?
12:29Yeah, for sure.
12:31Where do you think her head's at?
12:32Do you feel like she would say yes?
12:34I thought she had good conversation with the other guy too.
12:38I'd hope she'd say yes though.
12:45I don't know.
13:02So she did unfortunately say no.
13:04Oh my God.
13:07I will say, but all right.
13:09Cool, I mean, can't win them all.
13:12I did not get to get her top three movies.
13:15I do recall.
13:15I don't know if the girls
13:16were supposed to influence my answer,
13:19but they said that I looked more relaxed with him.
13:21And I feel like energy is a really important thing.
13:24And if I looked more comfortable,
13:26then I felt more comfortable too.
13:28What would a first date look like for you guys?
13:30Talked about the beach,
13:31either Brajando or go to like CDM.
13:34I know a dinner place down there too.
13:35We could do a little beach and then dinner.
13:37Okay, yeah.
13:38Hold up, hold up, pause.
13:42Sorry to Sandler y'all with this click bit,
13:43but I just had to stop the video right there.
13:46Wait, right here at this moment,
13:49because I just wasn't feeling it.
13:51The day, the swiping, the swapping.
13:54I just felt so out of it.
13:55Like I didn't belong there or anywhere.
13:58But luckily for me, I know all that.
14:01It's right up here.
14:03And that's all thanks to my therapist,
14:05who I found through BetterHelp,
14:07the sponsor of today's video.
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14:46Thanks to BetterHelp for supporting this channel.
14:48Now, let's get back to the video.
14:52Oh no, wait, let me fast forward.
14:54Oh God.
15:04Nice to meet you.
15:06Did we just dab each other?
15:08Yo, type shit.
15:08Nah, it's some real shit.
15:11I like touching you.
15:12It's cool.
15:13Good acting.
15:14My love language is physical touch, so I'm often like.
15:16I'm a physical touch quality time.
15:20I love that.
15:21I love that.
15:22But like acts of service on the look.
15:24Type B.
15:25Nah, type B, type B.
15:26Terrible son.
15:27Can I have a picture?
15:28Type shit.
15:29It's okay.
15:31It's okay, because guess what?
15:32I got the crooked glasses as well.
15:34What's up?
15:35What's up?
15:36What's up?
15:37What's up?
15:38What's up?
15:39What's up?
15:40Your energy is unmatched.
15:41You look like a creative.
15:43You look like you like.
15:44I do, in fact, do.
15:45I am a creative.
15:46Are you a creative?
15:47Me, absolutely, 110%.
15:48What do you do?
15:50I'm a human, so I wake up and I think of something
15:55that I want to express.
15:56I like to write.
15:58And do music.
16:00So it's like.
16:00So do you sing?
16:02Do you play?
16:03Do you?
16:03I sing and I play.
16:05Why do you like that?
16:06Type shit.
16:07I mean, you know.
16:08Yeah, you know.
16:09What about you?
16:10Yeah, I'm also a musician.
16:12You what?
16:13You do music?
16:14I do.
16:14I sing, I write.
16:15I play.
16:16Talk, sing.
16:17Write a couple songs about each other.
16:18Oh dear.
16:19I'm like, best songs of all time.
16:22You're giving me like a R&B vibe.
16:24I am, yeah.
16:25I'm an R&B.
16:26I'm like, I am an R&B person.
16:29Yes, I am.
16:30I do.
16:32So like, I started out singing in church.
16:35So my background is gospel.
16:36And it like snowballed into R&B,
16:40and then alternative R&B, and then neo soul.
16:42And then, you know, we're getting in that nice, thick, juicy.
16:45Take the, take the glasses off.
16:48That's crazy.
16:49Anywho, yeah.
16:49What's it called?
16:50Would you sing for me here?
16:51You want me to sing for you right now?
16:52Would you, would you sing for me now?
16:54If I had my guitar.
16:59Wait, wait.
16:59Can I get, my guitar is right there.
17:00Can I get my guitar real quick?
17:01Can I get it real quick?
17:03Come on, let me, I'm just gonna, let me grab it.
17:05Oh my God.
17:08Run, run, run.
17:09Oh, oh.
17:10This is Abigail.
17:12Say hi to Abigail.
17:13Hi, Abigail.
17:13Hi, Abigail.
17:15Allow her to serenade me.
17:17I'm here for it.
17:19♪ You don't know, baby, when you hold me ♪
17:36♪ And kiss me slowly ♪
17:48♪ You are, yes, you're the coffee that I need in the morning ♪
18:05♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
18:35I'm a pretty optimistic person,
18:37so I think on the other side of me, though,
18:38is that, like, she could say no.
18:40Maybe I sounded bad or some stuff.
18:41I don't know, I don't know.
18:42I hope she says yes.
18:47Dang, that's hella nerve-wracking.
18:50I'm not scared at all.
18:51I'm okay.
18:53Like, she's not coming.
19:00Nice to see you.
19:01I feel like there was, like, an energy exchange.
19:03When we sat across from each other,
19:05it was immediate.
19:06It was like, we're gonna, I was gonna connect.
19:08We were gonna find a way, and we did.
19:10We can create, we can date, we can.
19:14Is that what we're gonna do after this?
19:15We should hit the studio?
19:16Like, oh, oh, the studio date, uh-oh.
19:22We'll do a little talk.
19:22Yeah, not now, the president.
19:28Always blowing up my phone.
19:30Everyone's trying to call me now.
19:32Because, you know, I've done a few of these videos.
19:33I'm kind of a big shot now, or whatever.
19:36Everyone's always trying to get my number these days,
19:38but I just tell them to add me on the Nectar app.
19:41Download the Nectar app today.
19:43Also, there's nothing wrong with my hands.
19:45It was a, it's a fashion choice.
19:47I was trying to be swaggy.
19:58Nice to meet you.
19:58Nice to meet you.
19:59Where are you from, what do you do?
20:00I'm from New York City.
20:01I'm a public health master's student at USC.
20:04How do you like it?
20:05It's okay.
20:06You don't like school too much then?
20:07No, I do.
20:08It's just like, USC's a lot.
20:09I've been there for four years, so.
20:11And you're going for your master's as well?
20:13Damn, okay.
20:14What do you like to do for fun?
20:15I like to watch movies, play with my dog.
20:17What's your favorite movie?
20:19I like Insidious, like the Conjuring universe.
20:22Okay, just horror movies in general.
20:24Okay, that's cool.
20:25What's your star sign?
20:26I'm a Scorpio.
20:42I like your tattoos.
20:44Do you have like a favorite compliment
20:46that sticks out to you or you remember?
20:47Yeah, I like when people say I smell good.
20:49You smell good?
20:51That's a good compliment, yeah.
20:53I also think that like, energy,
20:55like if someone compliments your energy,
20:56that goes a long way too.
20:58What's something that you value in someone?
21:01I like when people are like, honest,
21:02and then they're like, just like open,
21:05like being vulnerable.
21:06Do you feel like you're an honest, open person?
21:08I feel like, yeah.
21:08I'm very honest, very open.
21:10I find out like I'm pretty guarded though.
21:11I like to be honest,
21:12but I think I have like some stuff to work through.
21:15So like, it's not easy to open up.
21:17What's your star sign?
21:18My star sign?
21:25Close enough.
21:26What about you?
21:27I'm an Aquarius.
21:30Aren't they usually kind of weird?
21:31Kind of, yeah.
21:33But it's like unique.
21:34It's like a good thing.
21:35Yeah, unique.
21:35Not weird, but unique.
21:36I guess, yeah, unique.
21:37It's harder for like...
21:50What's your name?
21:51One more time?
21:55Nice to meet you.
21:55Nice to meet you.
21:56What's going on?
21:57How are you today?
21:58I'm good, how are you?
21:59You know, we hanging out.
22:00First question.
22:01Wanna play rock, paper, scissors?
22:04Rock, paper, scissors, shoot, ready?
22:07Ooh, you got me.
22:08That's my litmus test for talking to people.
22:11Why'd you steal?
22:13Why'd I steal?
22:14Honestly, fuck tattoos.
22:17Give a nice smile.
22:19You know, gotta shake the room up sometimes.
22:21What is your purpose in life?
22:22My purpose?
22:23What makes you get up and get to it?
22:25My career goal, at least, is to become an OB-GYN
22:28and then help lower the mortality rate for black women.
22:30Ooh, I love that.
22:31Consider yourself like a caregiver.
22:34You like to do stuff for people in service of others.
22:37I fuck with the, I'm the same way,
22:38but in a different way.
22:40Nah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
22:41What's your star sign?
22:42I'm a Cancer.
22:43Ooh, okay.
22:44What about you?
22:45Ooh, I always get that.
22:46What's up with that?
22:46What's your sign?
22:47Mine is Aquarius.
22:48I'm an Aquarius rising.
22:50Look at that.
22:52What's up with that?
22:53What's your moon?
22:54Ooh, Scorpio moon, too.
22:55See, the stars saying we gotta fuck with each other.
22:58It's actually saying the opposite.
23:06I thought it was cool.
23:07I don't think the connection was really there,
23:09but I still enjoyed the conversation.
23:11You know, she was an interesting person.
23:12Do you feel like she would say yes or no?
23:15Definitely would say no.
23:16The conversation really flowed until I got stolen,
23:18but it was really cool.
23:20It was really nice.
23:21So would you say yes or no to a second date with June?
23:24I would say yes.
23:25Yeah, okay.
23:26Do you feel like he would say yes,
23:27or do you feel like he would say no?
23:28I don't know.
23:29I feel like he might say yes.
23:40Okay, so I have to tell you, he did say no.
23:43I had a feeling he might have said no
23:45because he didn't seem like defeated
23:47that someone stole me,
23:48but I was like, it's whatever.
23:49It's just for the plot.
23:50For the plot.
23:53Nice to meet you.
23:54Okay, so we initially matched,
23:57so I'm gonna just have to say, like, why me?
24:00Why'd you swap me out?
24:02Why'd you steal me?
24:03I like your eyes.
24:07I mean, I kind of get lost in yours, too,
24:08but I can't really tell you.
24:11I have a question.
24:12If we were to get married,
24:13how would you propose to me?
24:16Okay, so I'm actually a huge fan of yours.
24:20Okay, so I'm actually a huge, like, Star Wars fan,
24:23so I don't know if you've seen, like, episode two
24:25where they go, okay, okay.
24:27Well, they kind of go to, like, this area in Italy
24:29and they kind of, like, Anakin is saying something like,
24:33oh, I don't really like sand or whatever, right?
24:35I want to do a proposal right there.
24:37Just pop the question with friends and family, of course.
24:40With friends and family there?
24:41So not a private one?
24:44I want them to see the moment, too.
24:45Okay, my thing is I want it to be private,
24:48but I want to party after with all my friends and family.
24:52Okay, so they say, like, birds of a feather flock together,
24:55so how are your friends like?
24:56My high school friends,
24:57I was kind of a theater kid in high school,
24:59so a lot of my friends are singers and stuff,
25:01and then I go to film school, so film friends,
25:05but I think a lot of my friends, it's really funny,
25:08they're all characters.
25:09I think they could all be in a cartoon together
25:11and they all be super distinct.
25:12Where do you fit in?
25:13Like, are you also a character?
25:15I hope I'm a character.
25:17What character would you think I am?
25:20Not too silly, I feel like you're pretty serious,
25:21so, I mean, I don't know.
25:23I actually came looking for someone a little more.
25:51Angie, Kameron.
25:52Kameron, nice to meet you.
25:52When I saw you online I was like,
25:54man, she's pretty cute!
25:55So I had to say something.
25:57Okay, is that all you wanted to say?
25:59Huh, Oh, no.
26:01No, no, I just wanna get to know you.
26:04I wanna get to know you.
26:06So talk to me.
26:07Well, I'm Angie, I'm 23, I'm from Seattle
26:09and I moved to L.A. last year.
26:11What do you like to do for fun?
26:12I like to hang out with my friends,
26:14I like to shop, I like to read, I like to write.
26:18And what are your favorite genres?
26:20Genres, yes.
26:21Well, I only have one.
26:23I just like like rom-coms and like romantic stuff.
26:26Like I love to watch reality TV,
26:27but like only the romance ones, like Love Island.
26:31I know.
26:32I've only seen like Too Hot to Handle.
26:33I don't know if you've seen that.
26:34Yeah, I've seen it.
26:36I don't like it as much as Love Island,
26:37but it'll do, we can watch it.
26:40Why, what's good about Love Island?
26:41I don't know.
26:42I feel like the content's a lot better.
26:54What's up, what's up, what's up?
26:57So, I ain't gonna be here for too long.
27:00I'm javing, I'm javing, but I just want to
27:02use this tool really quick.
27:03Oh, okay, do it, do it.
27:03I'm sorry, but.
27:16Oh, shit!
27:19Wait, oh, oh.
27:21Wait, wait, wait.
27:27Do it!
27:28Do it!
27:31Do it!
27:32Do it!
27:34Do it!
27:35Do it!
27:39All right, guys, quiet.
27:40I'm actually only about to happen
27:42Because you actually broke the rules.
27:44You're not allowed to shoot the pursuer.
27:46So, you're probably going to get stolen back.
27:48That's great.
27:50I didn't expect, I didn't even expect to match, honestly.
27:53So, I completely didn't expect to be swapped or stolen or anything.
27:58So, I was just shocked every single time it happened.
28:02I thought, okay, this is it.
28:04And then it happened again.
28:05I was like, what guys? What are you doing?
28:07So, tell me, what do you like in a guy?
28:10What do I like in a guy?
28:12Well, confidence.
28:14There you go.
28:15You got that.
28:16I love confidence.
28:19Ooh, maturity, I think, obviously.
28:22Emotional maturity.
28:23But has a sense of humor.
28:25What do you like in a girl?
28:26I like open-mindedness.
28:28I like someone that I can share new experiences with,
28:30who's going to be down to travel, do different things, meet new people.
28:36Do you consider yourself more extroverted or introverted?
28:38Like, I'm the one in between.
28:40What is it, Amber Ver?
28:41Amber Ver, yeah.
28:42That one.
28:43You also mentioned you did film school.
28:45I actually entered school as a film major.
28:47What kind of movies do you like?
28:49Ooh, I mean, movie musicals, obviously, because I kind of started out as a theater kid,
28:54but like a normal one, I hope.
28:57But movie musicals, obviously, romance, drama.
29:01I don't like action movies.
29:03Do you like Silver Lining's Playbook?
29:04I haven't seen it.
29:06Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence?
29:08I haven't seen it.
29:09Social Network?
29:10I've seen that one.
29:11That one's a good one.
29:12Yeah, definitely a good one.
29:13All those Oscar-nominated movies are pretty good.
29:15Are those your favorite movies?
29:16I don't know.
29:17I haven't seen it.
29:18It's actually really good.
29:19It's a good book.
29:20It's a good book.
29:21It's a good book.
29:22It's a good book.
29:23So, would you say yes or no to a second date?
29:25I would, yeah.
29:26Do you feel like she would say yes to a second date?
29:29I'm not sure.
29:30I think if I had a longer opportunity to speak with her,
29:33I would be confident that she would say yes.
29:36But given what it was, I'm not so sure.
29:40Okay, so we're going to find out.
29:55Hi, how are you?
29:56Hi, I'm great.
29:57How are you?
29:58I'm all right.
29:59I'm really scared.
30:00Don't be scared.
30:01It's just us.
30:02It's just us.
30:03Yeah, it's just us.
30:04Nobody else here.
30:05It's the same.
30:06I know.
30:08I like to snowboard in the winter.
30:10Oh, no way.
30:11Okay, cool.
30:12I just got into fly fishing, so I've been doing that.
30:15Tell me about it.
30:16I don't really.
30:17You just fish and catch fish.
30:19So, just fishing.
30:20Yeah, but it's cooler.
30:22It's like the rod is different.
30:23With flies.
30:28All right.
30:29So, anyways, what do you like to do?
30:30I am a dancer.
30:31I grew up dancing, doing ballet, so I really like that.
30:33I don't know.
30:34I like reading.
30:35I just like being outside and hanging out with friends.
30:37So, what's something you would do when you have nothing to do?
30:40What's your go-to thing that you would go?
30:42Honestly, I just scroll TikTok.
30:45That's fair.
30:46I feel like that's all we do nowadays.
30:48That's cool.
30:49I have a serious one.
30:50Are you ready?
30:52Do you want kids?
30:55Honestly, growing up, my answer was always that I wanted three.
31:00I wanted a girl, a boy, a girl.
31:03I definitely do want kids.
31:04I think I want to adopt more, if anything.
31:06Oh, I see.
31:08But you have pretty jeans.
31:09You've got to use them.
31:10Oh, thank you.
31:11I appreciate that.
31:13I don't know.
31:15I feel like I want to focus on myself right now, but kids in the future sounds nice.
31:16Well, yeah.
31:17Not right now.
31:19I don't know.
31:20You asked the question.
31:22What are your tattoos?
31:23They're all flowers.
31:24I see that.
31:25I'm sweating so bad.
31:26No, it's okay.
31:27I had my three siblings and my mom pick their favorite flower, and that's the one I got.
31:32My sister's my best friend, too.
31:33Oh, really?
31:34Yeah, she's great.
31:35What's her name?
31:36She's kind of mean sometimes.
31:37Oh, no.
31:38That's honestly, yeah.
31:39That happens.
31:40My sister, I actually, yeah, I bullied my sister a little bit.
31:41No, I did, too.
31:42I feel like that's why I let it slide, though, because I bullied her when she was younger,
31:45so I let her bully me now.
31:46Except I was the younger one, so I was kind of mean, but then, I don't know.
31:49I think we got even with each other.
31:51That's what happens.
31:52Long story short, she's my best friend.
31:53I love her.
31:54That's great.
31:55I love that.
31:56God, I don't know any other questions.
31:57I'll think of something.
31:58Favorite color.
32:03Favorite food.
32:05Favorite season.
32:07Okay, solid.
32:08Favorite Olympic sport.
32:10Okay, solid.
32:11What's your top, like, dream date?
32:12Where would you go?
32:13What would you do?
32:14Oh, man.
32:15I mean, like, somewhere out of country, for sure.
32:16Out of the country?
32:17I mean, you said dream.
32:18Okay, true.
32:19Like, in a quick private jet?
32:20Yeah, like, Italy, Switzerland.
32:21Somewhere nice.
32:32Somewhere nice.
32:33Okay, cool.
32:34Maybe a boat.
32:37With the stars.
32:39Okay, that sounds nice.
32:40Like, a little yacht.
32:41Yeah, yeah.
32:42Lay out on the, see the dolphins.
32:43Yeah, exactly.
32:44Okay, cool.
32:45I mean, I'm terrified of sharks.
32:46Oh, okay.
32:47Yeah, I guess me too.
32:48I stay above the water.
32:49I'm not going in the water.
32:50Do you, like, do you swim at all?
32:51In a pool.
32:52I would say yes.
32:54Do you feel like she would say yes?
32:57I would say yes.
32:59Do you feel like she would say yes?
33:01I think so.
33:14So, Luca, how are you feeling?
33:17I feel good, yeah.
33:18I don't know, this was definitely out of my comfort zone, but, like, meeting Austin today
33:22was pretty cool, so.
33:24Yeah, I feel good.
33:25What would a first date look like for you?
33:27You were talking a lot about snowboarding, so.
33:29We can't snowboard right now.
33:30Well, yeah, I don't know, we can figure something out, or, like, I don't know.
33:33I'll show you fly fishing.
33:34Okay, I'm not, yeah, yeah, okay.
33:36We'll figure it out.
33:37Yeah, we'll figure it out.
33:38Maybe, like, I don't know, beach or something.
33:40Yeah, beach is good.
33:41And snowboarding.
33:42Snow beach board.
33:44Yeah, snow beach board, yeah.
33:50Hi, I'm Jackson.
33:51I'm Serena.
33:52Okay, give me the rundown.
33:53Like, how long have you been here?
33:54Why'd you move here?
33:55So, I have been in Los Angeles for about five years.
33:59I produce commercials for a living.
34:01So, what hobbies have you picked up since moving here?
34:04I think my main goal was to become a surfer, and that did not happen.
34:10I instead got really big into the gym.
34:12I really like lifting weights.
34:15Right now I'm in, like, my adult era.
34:17I'm trying to, like, budget and clean and, like, get on top of my weight.
34:20That's fair, we all have to do that.
34:21No, I tried surfing when I first moved out here because I was convinced.
34:24I was like, also I live right out on the beach, and I was like, everyone surfs here.
34:28I need to learn surfing.
34:29And I've never been so terrified of a sport in my entire life.
34:32I know.
34:33When you start to, like, take a nose dive a little bit.
34:36But, again, I'm not really good at, like, the small talk stuff.
34:40No, fair.
34:41I like to just jump right in.
34:42No, I have a good one.
34:43Okay, so if you were going to compete in an Olympic sport, which one would you compete in?
34:48It would definitely be swimming.
34:50Yeah, I grew up watching Michael Phelps and Katie Ledecky.
34:54And I had a goal to make it to Rio 2016.
34:59Unfortunately, that never really panned out for me.
35:01Did you get close?
35:03Kind of.
35:05I trained with a lot of current Olympians right now.
35:07Oh, that's really cool.
35:09What about you?
35:10Did you play any sports?
35:11I played volleyball growing up.
35:12I also did horseback riding in Texas.
35:15And then I was also, I was a band nerd.
35:17Sorry, everyone.
35:18I know.
35:19A horse girl and a band nerd.
35:20Oh, my gosh.
35:21Double comma.
35:22That's crazy.
35:23No, I'm hitting all of you with all the sports.
35:26Since moving out here, though, I've picked up, like, tennis and things, so that's what
35:30I enjoy a lot.
35:31I start work at, like, 6 a.m., so normally I go to the beach by, like, 5, 6, depends
35:35when I have calls.
35:375 or 6 a.m.
35:38See, this is what I'm trying to do.
35:39Oh, I'm an early bird.
35:40I'm trying to get on the beach.
35:41Oh, you're trying to adult.
35:42Yeah, trying to adult, right?
35:43Every time I sleep into, like, I don't know, maybe this sounds kind of ridiculous to everybody
35:47else, but, like, 10, 30, 11, I feel like I've wasted my whole day, and I hate that
35:54I want to make the most out of my time.
35:55I want to be super productive.
35:56I want to feel like a nerd.
35:57Oh, my gosh.
35:58It was nice to meet you, Serena.
36:00I'll see you later.
36:02I'm April.
36:03Hi, April.
36:04I'm Jackson.
36:05Nice to meet you.
36:06My hands are so sweaty.
36:07It's so good to meet you.
36:08It's really hot in here.
36:09Yeah, it is really hot in here.
36:12I like swimmers, so I heard that you're a swimmer.
36:13I have a random question, but what do you think about people who smash cake in other
36:14people's faces on their wedding day?
36:15Not a huge fan.
36:17Honestly, yeah.
36:18Good, good, good.
36:19I feel like you've done all this work to get yourself pretty.
36:20Yeah, that's it.
36:21That's it.
36:22That's it.
36:23That's it.
36:24That's it.
36:25That's it.
36:26That's it.
36:27That's it.
36:28That's it.
36:29That's it.
36:30That's it.
36:31That's it.
36:32That's it.
36:33That's it.
36:34That's it.
36:35That's it.
36:36That's it.
36:37That's it.
36:38That's it.
36:40Thank you so much.
36:43Your date almost finished, but then you got interrupted at the very last minute.
36:49I honestly, I feel like I blacked out a little bit, so we're good.
36:53But I looked at the clock and I was actually shocked that four and a half minutes had gone
36:57I was surprised that I wasn't dying for it to end, which was nice.
37:03So would you say yes or no to a second date?
37:06Yeah, I would say yes.
37:08watching their conversation and it was going well but I was just thinking I
37:11noticed that he was pretty cute. I had the time counting down and I was like oh
37:14I need to just go and do it yeah.
37:17So would you say yes or no to a second date?
37:19I would say yeah.
37:21What do you feel like he would say?
37:23I don't know it was literally 20 seconds so um I don't know but maybe yeah?
37:38Hi, nice to see you.
37:46I know literally just 20 seconds that was a good 20 seconds though.
37:52Exactly 20 seconds was all I needed.
37:55So he did actually say no.
37:58I think I just wanted to like fully go through the experience this was like a
38:01good way to get me back into the dating world and like a new fun way.
38:06I think you're really good. I was surprised when you stole me with only like 30 seconds.
38:12But it was it was a nice surprise and you seem really cool and I'd like to get to know you better.
38:18Thank you, you too.
38:19What would a first date look like for you guys?
38:22The beach probably. I love the beach. Coffee, the beach and then sunset.
38:28There you have it.
38:30Anyone who has not had a chance to sit in the chair yet or maybe wants to shoot their shot with someone
38:35let's go for it. Is there anyone?
38:45And your two minutes starts now.
38:47All right. All right. So you look amazing. You're honestly like my exact type.
38:51I was over there sweating right now. I was debating if I should take it off or not.
38:54But I was like I'm gonna leave it on. But what is your name?
38:57Nila. Where is that from? I like that.
38:59I'm Persian.
39:00But it's not a Persian name.
39:02It's not a Persian name?
39:03Yeah, I think it might be Indian. I'm not sure.
39:04Okay, okay. So I hear a lot about you guys' culture, about weddings. I heard you talk about a wedding.
39:08Don't you guys usually go all out?
39:09Yeah, I want a huge wedding.
39:10A huge wedding?
39:12You know what's crazy? I swear I said the same thing.
39:13I'm like whatever my wife wants, that's exactly what I'm doing.
39:16But I've always said I wanted a big wedding.
39:19That's crazy. And I see you have rings on your finger already, so a little comfortable.
39:22Let me show you how I would compose though.
39:27I just want to see. I just want to see. Look. Can I see yours?
39:32Which one?
39:33Yeah, this one.
39:34Okay. I might have to move that ring to the right finger, but that'll be a little later though.
39:39Okay, so Nila, Nila. Not right now, but after this, this girl is going to be mine, okay?
39:47She is fire. I just want you to know that.
39:51So that's it right now. I saw you talking to him over there earlier, but yeah, I don't know.
39:58I just feel like you need the credit you deserve. That's all.
40:02So I have one question though. What do you think about dates?
40:06Do you think it should be 50-50, or does the guy pay for everything?
40:10I don't mind if it's 50-50, but a girl likes being paid for.
40:17I literally don't mind paying for my girl whatsoever.
40:2050-50 is always nice. I just like to ask that question just to see what a girl's mind at.
40:23Let's see.
40:24Yeah, but like, okay. I think you're great.
40:28I would say yes. Yeah, I would say yes to a second date, for sure.
40:32Do you feel like she would say yes?
40:34That's a tricky one.
40:36So if she does say yes, she'll walk around and join you on the stage.
40:42And if she says no, we'll go from there.
40:44Okay, sounds good.
40:57Hello. So good to see you.
41:11Good to see you.
41:13And I don't know. Maybe she wasn't trying to get married. It's all good.
41:16My person's out there somewhere, so if she ain't trying to get married, I'll marry somebody else.
41:20So it's all good.
41:22Evan, you look a little surprised.
41:24I honestly am, yeah.
41:27It was such a limited opportunity to get to know each other.
41:30And given the fact I didn't get any yeses during the swiping,
41:34I'm like, maybe I'm not a good first impression type of guy.
41:37But clearly, I guess it was enough personality, right?
41:41Yeah. You just seem to be the most genuine out of all of them.
41:45I appreciate that. You seem really sweet, too.
42:04Hi, Yousef.
42:05This is Keelan.
42:07We're not married.
42:08No, we're not married.
42:09We're not married. Anyone who wants to know.
42:11I keep getting blungs about it every day that I'm still married to Keelan.
42:13Yeah, apparently we have children and are married, but we're not.
42:16So we're on the first episode of Swipe.
42:20Okay, thank God.
42:22Yousef is here.
42:24Thank God. I was thinking to myself I would kill you.
42:27Long time no see.
42:28How are you?
42:30Thank you for saying yes on me.
42:32Oh my God, did you hear everything I said?
42:34What you were thinking, what you were saying, I heard it all.
42:37Oh my God.
42:38And we matched. She was my first wife.
42:40It went great, perfect.
42:42She's awesome.
42:43Loved everything about her.
42:45And then the next day I was in the hospital.
42:47I got sick that same night.
42:49So I was gone for months.
42:51And our first date was actually our visiting in the hospital.
42:55She brought me flowers.
42:57Yeah, she's actually the first visitor I had.
42:59And then I was in there for like three months.
43:01So yeah, a couple days ago we were like, let's spice things up and go back on the...
43:07Do this together.
43:08Yeah, let's do it again.
43:10Let's start with some questions.
43:12I know.
43:13What is something you would change about our experience so far?
43:17Like from first meeting till now.
43:22If there's one thing you can change, what would it be?
43:25I am very, very grateful to see where you're at now with your health
43:29versus where I saw you initially.
43:31Because seeing you in this light and then seeing you that next month,
43:34obviously in the hospital, shifted everything.
43:37Not about how I felt about you, but how I knew the trajectory of how it was going to go.
43:41I've always really cared about you, and that never stopped.
43:44I care about you deeply.
43:47Everyone knows how much I love and adore you because you're just such a good man.
43:52I've grown super close with him, whether he knew it or not.
43:55He helped me a lot as a woman, became a really good friend to me.
44:00Even though he was dealing with so much on his own end,
44:05I didn't really get a chance to tell him how much he impacted my life,
44:08even just by being in it.
44:11He told me so many things that made me shift a lot of my lines of thinking.
44:16I'm really grateful for him to this day.
44:19I'm happy that we're still here and that we had this opportunity today.
44:23I'm looking at the time because I'm like, damn, I have so much to say.
44:26Seriously, I'm really grateful to know you.
44:29I met you in January, and now I have you still in my life.
44:33Almost a year later.
44:34Almost a year later in August.
44:35Fresh out of the hospital.
44:37I'm just happy I have you.
44:39I love you.
44:48Keelan, you did not find a match this time.
44:51So, we wanted to give you this.
44:53This is for you.
44:55What's this?
44:57It's an invitation.
44:59For what?
45:01Are you free next weekend?
45:10I love you.
45:20She told me she loved me.
45:21Adam, I really like the way she's looking at you.
45:23She'd be worth a thousand kisses on each other's bodies.
45:26Would you like to meet some ladies?
45:39I love you.
46:09I love you.
46:40Oh, no.
46:44I fell.
46:47I can only be revived if you like, comment, and share this video.
