Le quotidien des bourses - 13/10/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 13/10/2024


00:00It's time for the stock market, the time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone. In Morocco, the Casablanca stock market closed down.
00:22The MAZI fell 0.33% to 14,103 points.
00:26The volumes were well on schedule.
00:28Nearly 243 million dirhams were exchanged on the Casablanca stock market.
00:31But it was the sellers who dominated the market.
00:33Les Yeux, Cristal and Medpaper, in the lead of the affected values, each yielded less than 3.47% and less than 3.15%.
00:40Sotemar ended the session on a decline of less than 2.38%.
00:44And Agdital, which has just inaugurated its international clinic in Erashidia, mobilizes nearly 27 million dirhams.
00:51And the Agdital stock market fell by at least 0.30%.
00:55Sodeb, Marsa and Maroc, affected on the session, lost 0.01% in a volume of 21 million dirhams.
01:01A bit of a shaky week for the MAZI.
01:06In Tunisia, the stock market is doing well.
01:08The Tunindex shows a symbolic increase of 0.07% to 9,900 points in a volume of 6,639,000 dinars.
01:17STIP is considered the best increase in terms of shares, plus 4.45% of progress.
01:23OneTech Holding is still 3.67% ahead and has 3,720,000 dinars.
01:29The title shows a good rate among investors.
01:32Bankers support the rise of the day.
01:34Amenbank improves by 1.12%.
01:36BIAT progresses by 0.35%.
01:39And Atigari gains 0.37%, while ATB progresses by 0.34%.
01:48And we finish this synthesis in Ivory Coast.
01:50The regional boost in real estate values in Abidjan extends its downward trend.
01:54The BRVM Composite climbs from 0.12% to 269 points.
01:59SMB multinational company Cote d'Ivoire is placed at the red line of the market.
02:04It is at minus 7.48%.
02:06Abidjan Server slides to minus 7.38%.
02:10The value of Abidjan Server shares has lost more than 550 francs in the space of a week.
02:15CETAO Cote d'Ivoire and CFAO also fall to minus 6.72% and minus 5.19%, respectively.
02:22Orange Côte d'Ivoire ends unchanged.
02:27That's it for the main news on the continent.
02:30See you soon to see together the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.