MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 23/09/2024
00:00It is time for the stock market, the time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone.
00:19The Casablanca stock market closed the week on a significant rise.
00:23The MAZI rose 14,247 points, an increase of 0.44%
00:28in a day where investors have debited up to 382 million dirhams.
00:33Morocco Leasing and Wafaa Assurance piloted the rise with respective gains of 5.77% and 4.76%.
00:40On the other hand, Sonacid lost 0.60% and capped 17 million dirhams.
00:45Taka Morocco lost 0.53%.
00:48Etisalat Al Maghrib gained 3.59%.
00:51And La Societe des Boissons du Maroc gained 3.22%.
00:55While the quotation data on the distributor La Bellevie has not been communicated.
00:59The distributor La Bellevie gives 40% of its shares in the vehicle Terramis.
01:07And in Tunisia, the Tunisian stock market continued its downward trend.
01:10The Tunindex index gained 0.21% and closed at 9,786 points.
01:16A comfortable trend in the last hour of the quotation with a surge from buyers.
01:20This allowed Tunindex to gain 21 points in just one hour.
01:24MPBS is leading the performance with an increase of 2.49%.
01:28UBC gains 2.27% with a single negotiated title on the session.
01:33The title of the National Agricultural Bank makes the market shine.
01:36The share progresses by 1.24% and mobilizes 806,000 dinars.
01:41Followed by Assurance Maghribia Vie with an increase of 1.68% with a volume of 518,000 dinars.
01:49The BRVM Composite closed the session on the share market in the Humoa area in Abidjan.
01:55The Composite gained 0.95% and closed at 263.76 points.
02:01Ecobank Côte d'Ivoire ended with an increase of 4.76%.
02:06The banking value benefits from the results of the first half of 2024,
02:10which brings out a profit of 25 billion francs CFA.
02:14Solibra signs a good session with a gain of 7.49%,
02:18which brings the value of the share to 93,075 francs CFA at the closure.
02:23Abidjan Server also has an increase of a few days of profit.
02:27The Abidjan Server title progresses by 4.81%.
02:31Orange Côte d'Ivoire, which started shyly, ends with a gain of 2%,
02:35while Sonatel Senegal remains unchanged.
02:39That's it for the most recent stock news on the continent.
02:42See you soon to see together the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.