Goldust Vs. Stardust

  • 2 days ago
WWE Fastlane 2015
00:00The issues continue between gold and Stardust.
00:04Stardust is a little bit to blame for this.
00:07Don't ever call me Cody.
00:12Stardust, I have been where you're headed.
00:16It's a place you do not want to go.
00:18You listen?
00:23You see, the Rhodes family is broke.
00:27I'm here to fix it.
00:28All the paint, all the galaxies, all the stars, everything that you look up to, mean nothing
00:35without family.
00:36And no matter what goes down, I love you both.
00:42Can you do this?
00:48All right, stand together.
00:50Tag team action, live on Monday Night Raw.
00:53I think we're going to see a different gold in Stardust than we've ever seen before right
00:58here, starting tonight.
01:04Oh no!
01:06And he got him!
01:11That's what Dusty's looking for right there.
01:15I'm sure Dusty's pretty happy.
01:21Oh no!
01:27That's your brother!
01:28Cody Rhodes is dead.
01:32And as far as I am concerned, so is my father.
01:50Hey, Pop.
01:51You know, this is one place I thought I'd never be.
01:56And it's a heavy heart I'm carrying right now about the Rhodes family and about what's
02:00going on here.
02:02You know, I understand that, you know, Cody can be dangerous.
02:06I know you are too.
02:07Yes, sir.
02:08You want to try not to hurt him.
02:09You know what I mean, son?
02:10Yes, sir.
02:11No matter what happens, because at the very end of it, you both mean the world to me.
02:17You know, Pop, I remember when Cody was little, him and I would go to the wrestling matches
02:23and watch you do what you do best.
02:26And that was provide for us, provide for our family, and I really appreciate that.
02:31I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do, was to do that.
02:36But tonight, I'm not facing Cody.
02:41I'm facing Stardust.
02:44I'm facing Stardust.
02:47And tonight, I gotta beat Stardust so bad that the thought of him putting on paint
02:56and a costume ever again will make him sick.
03:00I hate it as much as you.
03:04But tonight, I'm not leaving that ring until I bring my brother Cody home.
03:14I know how you feel, okay?
03:17But I want you to remember this before you go out there.
03:20No one needs to get hurt.
03:22You don't need to hurt your brother.
03:25Bottom line is, when it's all over, said and done, both of you mean the world to me.
03:35I love you.
03:36I love you too.
03:44One, two, three!
04:05The following contest is given for one fall.
04:08Introducing first from the fifth dimension, weighing 220 pounds,
04:16Guys, I can't help but feel bad for Dusty Rhodes.
04:18I mean, this family feud, if you will, is really taking a toll on Dusty.
04:23You know, guys, Dusty and Dustin Goldust may feel one way,
04:27but this is how Cody feels.
04:29He said last week that,
04:31Cody Rhodes is dead.
04:33So is my father.
04:35That's a lot of families dysfunctional.
04:38These two are just going to fight it out.
04:42I don't know if any family is this dysfunctional.
04:53Here's a comment from Hollywood, California, weighing 232 pounds,
05:05You heard Goldust say it, guys.
05:09He's basically going to beat Stardust so bad
05:12that Cody is never going to want to put on the paint again after tonight.
05:18Guys, Brett once fought Owen in a steel cage,
05:21SummerSlam 1994 for the WWE Championship.
05:25The Bucks fought each other.
05:26The Briscos fought each other.
05:29Of course, John talking about Bret Hartnett.
05:31The Steiners fought each other.
05:33Booker said he fought his brother Stevie Ray his entire life.
05:38This seems different to me, though, King.
05:40This whole bizarre split personality
05:42and how Cody Stardust seemed to take it just a step too far.
05:47I don't know what, like you said,
05:48you just said Cody and Stardust.
05:50I don't even know what we're supposed to call it.
05:52I don't know what we're supposed to call it.
05:54I don't know what we're supposed to call it.
05:56I don't know what we're supposed to call it.
05:58You said Cody and Stardust.
05:59I don't even know what we're supposed to call this guy now.
06:02It's just like he's lost touch.
06:06He's gone to a different place now.
06:10Michael Infredo.
06:12It's Frodo, actually.
06:16If you're referring to the odds.
06:18I'm referring to the choreographs.
06:22I have no idea what you're talking about.
06:24I was talking about Lord of the Rings.
06:26Good grief.
06:28It's a cartoon.
06:29We're talking about the Godfather.
06:30No, but John, in all seriousness,
06:31I mean, you had a relationship in the APA with Ron Simmons
06:34almost like you guys were brothers.
06:36And you guys had a terrible falling out
06:38toward the end of it all.
06:39And I mean, does that compare at all with this?
06:41No, we fought each other several times.
06:43It depends on what was at stake.
06:46We were friends at the end of the day.
06:47We always were.
06:48We still are to this day.
06:49Listen to this.
06:50It's a huge crowd here.
06:52Channing, Cody, Cody, Cody.
06:55Stardust taking a great offense to that.
06:57Great offense to that.
07:02I understand Cody is much younger than Goldust.
07:05So they didn't really grow up together.
07:07They grew up apart.
07:08They never were close brothers.
07:10They became close later in life.
07:13But there was always this deep down animosity
07:15between the two.
07:17It's just now being played out.
07:18This is years in the making.
07:21I was about to say,
07:22because there was such an age difference,
07:23they didn't get a chance to fight
07:24when they were young,
07:25so they're doing it now.
07:27Hopefully they'll do a really good job of it now.
07:29I'm sure they will.
07:30Generally, when guys don't like each other,
07:32it turns into a good fight.
07:34And of course, the common bond in all this
07:36is the Hall of Famer, Dusty Rhodes.
07:38The common man.
07:39Can you imagine being either a Goldust or Stardust
07:41and growing up in the shadow of your father
07:43and trying to somehow reach the expectations?
07:49Maybe they're still in the shadow.
07:50Maybe it's Dusty's fault.
07:53You saw how hurt Dusty's been
07:54through all this, John.
07:56Why do you say that?
07:59Because I'm rational and unbiased
08:00and calling him like I said.
08:01Speaking of hurt right now,
08:02look at...
08:06Can't stand those Cody chants.
08:21Inverted atomic drop
08:22and almost a bit of hesitation there
08:26out of Goldust
08:27before delivering the slap.
08:29Oh, look at this.
08:30Nice reversal.
08:32Goldust now.
08:35Oh, he's going for the...
08:37Director's cut.
08:38Cody Rhodes
08:39slipped out of harm's way.
08:47There's the father, Dusty, looking on.
08:52Heavy heart here tonight.
08:53Three-time NWA heavyweight champion
08:55Dusty Rhodes.
08:57Tough spot to be in.
09:01Yeah, I was wondering
09:02if he was going to be at ringside.
09:05I don't think he'd be able to watch that.
09:08I think the best place for him
09:09is back there,
09:10watching on a monitor.
09:11I think he'd stand to be out here.
09:14Oh, no.
09:20Dusty's boys have had
09:21really good careers.
09:23Dustin has been
09:24a three-time tag team champion
09:25at three different organizations.
09:26NWA, WCW, WWE
09:28with three Hall of Fame partners.
09:30Booker T,
09:31Mary Windham
09:32and Ricky Stingbow.
09:33I agree, JBL.
09:34That's why I don't think...
09:35I think this is about
09:36something other than
09:38personal jealousy.
09:39I think it's the fact that
09:41Cody or Stardust has...
09:44I think something's happened
09:45to this guy.
09:52I just don't think he's
09:54thinking right anymore.
10:05Maybe it's more than that.
10:06Cody himself,
10:07six-time tag champ,
10:08two-time IC champ,
10:09intercontinental champion.
10:11Maybe at this point
10:12they're looking at each other
10:13and saying,
10:14who is really the better brother?
10:16Maybe it boils down to that.
10:17Maybe it's a lot more simple
10:18than what we're giving
10:19it credit for.
10:24Oh, and almost like
10:27Summoning Goldust
10:28in there,
10:29preying on his emotions.
10:30But now
10:31it's Goldust again
10:32in control
10:33from the second rope.
10:36Right to the midsection.
10:39Glued into the rib cage
10:40and now Stardust
10:41taking advantage.
10:46Back it up, Stardust!
10:47Come on!
10:48Get up!
10:49Come on!
11:14Back it up, come on!
11:16Very vicious and watch out.
11:18Stardust coming out.
11:21that paint off his face and goes home as a normal person.
11:23I've heard, and I don't know if this is true or not,
11:25but I've heard that Cody has taken to,
11:28I mean, wearing this paint on his face at home.
11:31Have you heard that, JBL?
11:33I've heard the same thing.
11:35You've had a lot of guys become so enamored
11:38with their alter ego, they've done that.
11:40Will Mascaris has won a case of that.
11:43Never take off his mask.
11:46At some point, you blend so much with your alter ego
11:49that you become the alter ego,
11:50and I think you're right, King.
11:51That is what's happened with Cody,
11:52who now only sees himself as Stardust.
11:56That's a bad thing.
11:57Here we go, cover, and a shoulder.
12:00I agree, it's a bad thing.
12:03I guess that's what Goldust is talking about.
12:06He has to beat this brother of his so bad
12:10that Cody will never want to wear that face paint again.
12:16Maybe easier said than done, right, JBL?
12:18It's a lot easier said than done.
12:21Remember the heart he's wearing at each other's
12:23for quite some time?
12:26I think it's normal for tag team partners
12:28to go through this.
12:29I think it's more normal for brothers to go through this.
12:30Maybe not to this degree.
12:33Cover by Stardust, forearm right in the face.
12:35Goldust at two and a half.
12:38Who's your favorite?
12:41You know, it's Stardust,
12:42and it goes beyond the makeup and all that.
12:45I mean, he talks to himself,
12:46he speaks in these wild riddles.
12:49Guys, did you just hear what Stardust said?
12:53Who's your favorite?
12:55Is that something that you're saying to his dad?
12:58I think you're right, he was talking to his father.
13:01Cody, Cody, Cody, Cody, Cody, Cody, Cody!
13:05Now the Cody chance again, directed toward Stardust.
13:10I don't think this WWE universe
13:11is gonna allow him to forget it.
13:13He was at one time, well, he's not anymore.
13:16He was Cody.
13:18Who is he?
13:27Stardust just punishing Goldust,
13:29continuing to work on the rib area.
13:31Yeah, if I'm not mistaken,
13:33I think he was just asking Goldust,
13:35who's your daddy?
13:37This is...
13:41You said, JBL, this is some serious family dysfunction.
13:45It's disconcerting.
13:46I think you can feel it in the arena.
13:49I think a lot of people are just watching
13:50that all wrecked and enveloped,
13:53happening right in front of them,
13:55between two family members.
14:01It's sometimes uncomfortable to watch.
14:06Goldust went for that springboard elbow
14:08and Stardust rolled out of the way.
14:10Stardust knows his brother very well.
14:20Indeed he does.
14:21I mean...
14:25Goldust has tried everything tonight.
14:30I've tried the curve call earlier on
14:32and Stardust countered.
14:33You can tell, you can tell just by watching Goldust.
14:36Snapmare, here we go.
14:37May have him here.
14:38Shoulders down and...
14:40Did he get him?
14:41Wow, that was close.
14:41He got him!
14:42He got him!
14:44Stardust can't believe it.
14:46Goldust picks up the win.
14:48Here is your winner, Goldust!
14:56As you get this, I was about to say,
14:58before that pin, Goldust's heart just wasn't in this.
15:04He felt he had to do this, but he didn't want to do it.
15:07Yeah, but he didn't hurt Stardust,
15:09which is what Dusty, his father, implored him not to do.
15:13Before this matchup started.
15:17Maybe that'll snap Stardust or Cody back to reality.
15:28Goldust still offering his hand to his brother.
15:43It's gotta be a sigh of relief from Dusty Rose.
15:47At least for the moment, things...
15:50Yeah, Dusty should be happy.
15:51Neither one of them hurt.
15:54I'm not sure anything is solved, but...
15:56I agree, 100 percent.
16:01Let's see if we can go back and look
16:02and see exactly what happened here at the end.
16:04Watch this roll up.
16:06One, two, and yes!
16:08Three, four, three, four, three, four, three, four, three, four.
16:11Three, four, three, four, three, four, three, four, three, four.
16:13That was very, very close, but I think he...
16:16I think that shoulder was still down, let's see.
16:20Referee didn't make...
16:21Referee didn't make the third count.
16:24I think the referee realized it was no mistake
16:25and cranked it on the fly.
16:27Well, it's controversial either way,
16:28but the victory goes in the record books.
16:30It's going to Goldust, and Stardust, of course,
16:34would not shake his brother's hand.
16:36Well, I'm further with this.
16:38Well, I would really hope that this kind of hurt him, okay?
16:43But maybe now we can get Cody back.
16:46Yeah, I want him back.
16:48It looks like a family party, but you didn't invite Stardust.
16:51Come on, Stardust.
16:53Why is that? Do you think we're done?
16:55Are we done? Are we done?
16:59Cody! Cody!
17:03Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
17:06Cody? Oh, I assume you mean Cody Rhodes,
17:10the ugly duckling, the breakout star of the legacy,
17:13one of the greater intercontinental champions
17:14of all time, dashing, the prince.
17:16Is that who you mean? Well, here's the news, Dream.
17:19You killed him!
17:22When you sent me this bag of bones,
17:26this albatross, this attitude era never ends, but it did.
17:30You killed Cody Rhodes.
17:34And one more thing, Big Daddy,
17:38I am not living in your shadow.
17:42You're living in mine.
17:53Hey, Stardust, we need some help.
17:56Stardust, are you all right? Somebody come over here.
17:57Get some help in here!
18:00Shane! Now!
