WWE Superstars (4⧸14⧸11)

  • 2 days ago


00:00["Invincible Tonight Theme Song Plays"]
00:43Rest in Peace
00:48It has been an emotional week
00:51John Fuller survives this
00:52And we are less than 3 weeks away
00:54From one of the most unpredictable
00:56And hazardous lives in the year
00:58Extreme Rules, what surprises are we in for tonight on WWE Superstars?
01:05I thought of Casters just working with you, champ.
01:09Following contest is scheduled for one fall.
01:14Making his way to the ring from Los Angeles, California,
01:19weighing in at 365 pounds, the Masterpiece, Chris Finster.
01:24Hello, everybody, welcome to WWE Superstars alongside the knowledgeable Matt Stryker.
01:30I'm Jack LaFella.
01:31Matt, I have a question for you.
01:33Has anybody been more dominant on WWE Superstars as of late than Chris Masters?
01:37Well, it's a great question.
01:38Of course, Chris Masters brings all the tools for victory.
01:41But tonight, Chris has a very intriguing opponent waiting in the ring.
01:44The athletic and time-healing Chris Masters.
01:50Looking for the mask lock once again, obviously.
01:54And for
02:06New York,
02:12weighing in at 236 pounds,
02:19here is a young man who is chomping at the big, waiting.
02:23Doesn't want someone to hand him an opportunity.
02:25Curt Hawkins is the kind of guy to kick in the door and take what he wants.
02:29Expect big things out of Curt Hawkins.
02:32Curt Hawkins, you see loads of confidence, loads of grit.
02:35And a little bit of that New York pizazz.
02:38But I think you know something about Matt Stryker.
02:40Curt Hawkins, a native of Long Island, has recently relocated to Queens.
02:43And yeah, Curt Hawkins takes that attitude with him wherever he goes,
02:46across the entire world.
02:48WWE Superstar is preparing for a huge tour of Europe.
02:52And he certainly believe that bravado will be on display.
02:54Now, here's what I find interesting.
02:56I had the opportunity to talk with Chris Masters earlier.
02:58And remember, Chris Masters debuted in the WWE in 2005.
03:02He immediately found success.
03:04Masters was involved in a few main events.
03:06But right now, Masters believes it may have been too much, too soon.
03:09Now, the Master Beast has evolved and he is much more appreciative
03:13of the opportunities he has here in the WWE.
03:15Can we say the same for Hawkins?
03:17I think if Curt Hawkins was put into a main event situation,
03:20he would tell the world he belongs there.
03:22And that may be the right attitude.
03:26He's getting physical right off the bat.
03:28What did you expect?
03:29Chris Masters has been racking up victories left and right with the Master Lock.
03:33Matt, Bobby the Brain Heenan used to sit out here and he'd say,
03:35for every hold, there's at least two counters.
03:37Is there a counter to the Master Lock?
03:39It's almost blasphemous to hear you quote Bobby the Brain Heenan.
03:43And yes, of course, if you're worth your salt and you study your craft,
03:45you're going to know counters in and out of different holds.
03:48It's how you react to being slammed,
03:51how you react to being in jeopardy that separates the superstars.
03:57Masters on his way to victory.
04:01To account for the Master Beast.
04:02Now, if you're Curt Hawkins, how do you prepare for a move like the Master Lock
04:05that can come out of nowhere?
04:07I think Curt Hawkins' ego comes to the fore.
04:09He doesn't feel that Chris Masters can cinch in the Master Lock,
04:13but believe that Curt Hawkins is a student of the game.
04:16And if the Master Lock is applied...
04:22I'm a superstar that's known plenty of counters in his day.
04:25Sadly, this week, Matt leaves.
04:27Say goodbye to the late of our superstar.
04:30I mean, on a personal note, he was my first friend,
04:32and I walked him through that.
04:33We don't need no one else to talk to.
04:35I mean, we're losing Edge's influence more than anything else.
04:38But, I mean, do we mourn the loss or do we celebrate the career?
04:42That's the question.
04:44Masters might have caught the worst of that one.
04:46You know, with Edge retiring, I think it just speaks volumes to how much respect.
04:52I know you have respect that we have for anybody that has the courage to step through those ropes.
04:56Because it just shows how dangerous being a WWE superstar is.
04:59Careers can be ended instantly.
05:02The thing about Edge is that he transcends the WWE.
05:05Everywhere we go across the world, the universe comes out to greet Edge.
05:09Just to be around him, just to experience him.
05:11There'll never be another Edge.
05:13We thank him for what he's given to this great industry.
05:15Cover here, Jack Hawkins.
05:16Searching for victory, man.
05:18That would be a huge victory for Curt Hawkins,
05:21because nobody has been able to stop Chris Masters as of late here on WWE Superstar.
05:28My question is, what will happen to our World Heavyweight Championship match at Extreme Rules?
05:32Edge was slated to defend the title against Alberto Del Rio in a ladder fight.
05:36Friday night SmackDown, I'm pretty sure we'll have some answers to this very murky situation.
05:44Hawkins very impressive tonight.
05:46You sound almost surprised.
05:48You know, these two have competed in the past,
05:52and Masters seemed to not struggle quite as much as he is tonight.
05:56Hawkins may have done his homework.
05:58It goes back to what I'm saying about Curt Hawkins.
06:00Whether you like him or not, you have to respect the fact that he's up late at night constantly watching footage.
06:05Coming up with great cameras like we just saw right there.
06:08That speaks right to your point.
06:10Will Hawkins find his way to victory?
06:12We'll find out when WWE Superstars returns.
06:18The WWE's Apex Predator, Randy Orton.
06:23Orton's feeling it. He's going to that other place right now.
06:30You think that you have me all figured out.
06:35You're wrong. I am more dangerous than I have ever been.
06:40Nobody, nothing can stand in my way.
06:44My name is Randy Orton.
06:48There's anticipation. Masters knows that the opportunity is coming.
06:52Given the window, here comes Chris Masters.
06:57The Master is so athletic, so resilient.
07:09You can hear the flesh-on-flesh impact.
07:11You really get insight into what it's like to be in the ring with Chris Masters.
07:21This goes to your point.
07:22It's the aggression that Chris Masters displays.
07:25Choosing to inflict more punishment as opposed to go for a cover.
07:31What a collision!
07:33Felt that impact from here. Cover!
07:37Chris didn't hook the leg until the ref was in the middle of the two count.
07:41That could have cost Chris Masters the match.
07:43Let's see how Chris responds.
07:45Very impressive resiliency by the self-proclaimed party starter, Curt Hawkins.
07:49WWE Universe loving it.
07:51Hawkins does not want Masters to get behind him.
07:56If Chris can rock the fingers, it is the Master lock.
07:59Chris Masters' signature submission.
08:01Oh, man!
08:03Could this be the break Hawkins was waiting for?
08:05Oh, man!
08:08I think I just got an answer to my question from earlier on.
08:12There is a counter to the Master lock.
08:14Again, Chris did not have his fingers clasped.
08:17Let's not forget the Master lock was not 100% put on.
08:20Good point, thank you.
08:26Very nice.
08:28Incredible move.
08:29Speaking of moves, I told you at WrestleMania last week
08:32one of the most amazing moves I've ever seen was Randy Orton's mid-air RKO.
08:37I may change my answer.
08:38Wait a minute, wait a minute.
08:40Master lock applied.
08:42Oh, nice, look at that.
08:43Masters knew that if Hawkins was on the apron, the submission would not count.
08:47Curt Hawkins could be fading here, Jay.
08:54Here is your winner of the Masterpiece, Chris Mitchell.
08:58Well, again, for the sake of your competitors,
09:01Curt Hawkins passed out from the submission hold.
09:03The official declares that Chris Mitchell is the winner.
09:06Quite, quite an effective matchup here, Jack, wouldn't you say?
09:10An unforgiving, glam and unmerciful plan.
09:14Did we mention that Master lock can come out of anywhere?
09:18Look, Hawkins misses one move, one simple move,
09:22and Chris Mitchell's signature submission is locked in,
09:25bringing Hawkins into the ring where the submission can take place,
09:28and the rest is a memory.
09:30Congratulations, Chris Masters.
09:32I give Hawkins a lot of credit for finding a way
09:35to stay out of the Master lock once,
09:37but, boy, I don't know how you prepare for a devastating hold
09:41such as the Master lock.
09:43It literally can appear at any moment.
09:46Chris Masters on a roll.
09:50Well, sadly, this past week we had to say goodbye
09:52to one of the greatest superstars of all time,
09:54a superstar who has won more titles in the WWE than anyone.
09:59The Rated-R Superstar, Edge,
10:01surrenders the World Heavyweight Championship
10:06on SmackDown.
10:08But when we return, we'll show you Edge's emotional retirement speech
10:12from this past week on Raw.
10:16Sadly, this past week we said goodbye to one of the all-time greats,
10:20the ultimate opportunist, Edge,
10:22was forced to retire due to a serious neck injury.
10:26Let's take you back to Raw this past week
10:28as Edge said goodbye to the WWE Universe.
10:34Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
10:36the World Heavyweight Champion,
10:41You think you know me.
10:43You think you know me.
10:50On this day,
10:52I see clearly
10:54everything's come to life.
10:58The place where we can all be free.
11:03World Heavyweight Champion, Edge,
11:05without a doubt, unquestionably,
11:07one of the most popular superstars ever in the history of the WWE.
11:12And as we say, as rumors have been swirling all day long
11:15about what Edge is about to tell us,
11:18all I can say is,
11:20from what I heard today,
11:23I hope,
11:24it's not true.
11:26I've been joined on commentary here by Hall of Famer,
11:28Sterling K. Waller,
11:30and good old channel, Jim Ross.
11:31Jim, do you have any idea what this announcement is all about?
11:33I really don't, Josh.
11:35All I know is this man has
11:37started out as a tag team competitor in WWE,
11:40and has risen to the ranks to a Hall of Fame-like career
11:43as the King Richard and 11-time champion.
12:06You may have to bear with me a little bit.
12:08I'm probably going to ramble and not make much sense,
12:10but just please bear with me.
12:15A lot of people think that the WWE doesn't hurt.
12:20That what we do, maybe it's done with smoke and mirrors,
12:23and I wish that were true.
12:27But anybody in that locker room,
12:29anybody who has ever stepped foot in here,
12:31laced up a pair of boots,
12:32they know that's not the case.
12:35Which brings me to what I'm about to tell you.
12:37Eight years ago, I broke my neck.
12:42I had spinal fusion surgery,
12:44which means they move your throat over,
12:46they put a plate in there and screws,
12:48and it's really in-depth surgery.
12:51But because of that surgery,
12:52I knew that I was wrestling on borrowed time
12:55from that point on.
13:00So fast forward,
13:03and the last little while,
13:06I've been in a lot of pain.
13:11I've been losing feeling in my arms.
13:19I passed strength tests and all of those things,
13:23and I made it through WrestleMania.
13:26But the WWE wanted me to go get more tests,
13:29and thankfully I did.
13:31Because the MRI showed that I have to retire.
13:44I mean, trust me, it's not my choice.
13:46The doctors have told me that I got no choice.
13:52And thankfully they found out,
13:53because I'm not going to end up in a wheelchair now.
14:31It's a little bit tougher than I thought it was going to be.
14:37So, you know...
14:41No, thank you guys.
14:43Thank you, Wade.
14:45Thank you, Wade.
14:48Thank you, Wade.
14:50Thank you, Wade.
14:53Thank you, Wade.
14:56Thank you, Wade.
14:59I tell you,
15:00this has been an emotional rollercoaster of a week for me,
15:03and I'm not going to lie,
15:04I felt sorry for myself.
15:08Until I talked to Christian,
15:14and for those of you who don't know,
15:16Christian has been my best friend for 27 years.
15:23And you see, I was angry.
15:25I was angry at myself.
15:26I was angry at my body,
15:27because I felt like there's a lot of people in this company
15:30that depend on me,
15:32and I felt like I was letting them down.
15:35I felt like I was letting you guys down.
15:38But then, you know,
15:41I was upset too,
15:42because I didn't feel like I was ending this on my terms.
15:46But he reminded me that I've competed my whole career on my terms.
15:59I started in the WWE when I was 23.
16:02I mean, I've been doing this for 19 years,
16:0514 of them with the WWE.
16:07My first match was May 10th, 1996,
16:10in Hamilton's Cops Coliseum.
16:13And I was 23 years old,
16:16and I feel like I've grown up in front of all of you.
16:19I feel like I've made a whole lot of mistakes in front of you.
16:24I've learned from them,
16:25and I've become a man in front of you.
16:28I've gone from being the silent guy running around the streets of New York
16:32with a trench coat that was way too small for him,
16:36to a pseudo-vampire in the brood,
16:45to one of the funny, goofy guys along with Christian
16:48posing for those with the benefit of those with flash photography,
16:52I became one of the most despised guys in the history of the WWE.
16:56As a matter of fact, I got thrown in the Long Island Sound.
17:02I had a live sex celebration,
17:04thankfully with Lita and not Vickie Guerrero.
17:06And I would hope that through it all,
17:09I've earned the respect of everyone in that locker room.
17:15And I hope that I've earned all of your respect.
17:22I hope that I've earned all of your respect.
17:28I hope that I've earned all of your respect.
17:31I hope that I've earned all of your respect.
17:40Because no matter what,
17:43no matter what, I came out here and I tried to give you guys
17:46as much as I had every single night.
17:51And in turn, you guys gave it right back to me.
17:55So, I'm going to miss all of this.
17:59All of it.
18:00I'm going to miss that reaction when I hear my music
18:03and I come out on the ramp.
18:05It's like a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart from you guys
18:08and it's amazing.
18:09I can't describe it.
18:12But that being said, I don't have to wear tights tomorrow
18:15and I am going to go eat a whole lot of ice cream tonight.
18:19But have you asked me if I would do all of this again?
18:22All the way back from getting hired by JR?
18:28If you asked me if I'd travel all the roads,
18:31log all the miles, hop on all the flights,
18:34all the sleepless nights, all the surgeries,
18:36all of the injuries, the metal rods in my teeth,
18:38all of it,
18:41I would do it.
18:43I would do it.
18:44All of the injuries, the metal rods in my teeth, all of it.
18:49If you ask me if I'd do it again,
18:52in a heartbeat.
19:01So, thank you.
19:02Thank you very much.
19:44Oh my God!
19:51Oh my God!
19:53Oh my God!
20:11It was an emotional night on Raw this past week
20:14and you can believe it will be an emotional night on SmackDown
20:18as Edge returns to his show to say goodbye
20:21and relinquish what he cherishes most,
20:23the World Heavyweight Championship.
20:29And still to come in my current main event,
20:32the man, the powerful, great Khali,
20:35takes on the real, real, real kid,
20:38Zack Ryder.
20:39That's our main event.
20:40Later on.
21:30This is a Divas Tag Team match set for one fall.
21:34Approaching the ring first, the team of Gail Kim and Natalya.
21:40Beauty, smarts, and talent.
21:43But enough about my broadcast partner, Josh Matthews.
21:46Welcome to WWE Superstars,
21:49the Raw portion of the program, everybody.
21:51I'm Scott Stanford,
21:52alongside the aforementioned Josh Matthews.
21:54And, Josh, we have got four beautiful divas
21:57about to grace this ring.
21:58That's why I'm here, Scott.
21:59I'm not here to sit here and talk to you.
22:01That's for sure.
22:08And their opponents, the team of Melina and Maryse.
22:14Here comes Attitude times two.
22:16Attitude times two.
22:17Can you feel the Attitude just oozing over these two?
22:20These M&Ms, Maryse and Melina,
22:23set to be battled with Gail Kim and Natalya.
22:26And how about Rivella coming out on top
22:28against Divas past Monday night
22:30to take home a Divas Champion.
22:32I mean, sure, she had a little help from her sister,
22:34but Divas Division now shaking up a bit.
22:37Seems like everybody out for themselves in that Diva Wonder.
22:42All four of these Divas,
22:43former champions here in the WWE.
22:45You are all fired up tonight, Scott.
22:47Man of stars.
22:48Love it.
22:49Got four Divas to start off our portion of the program.
22:53Jack and Matt can only have been so lucky.
22:55Oh, Maryse.
22:56Oh, wow.
22:57Maryse right off the bat.
22:59Showing the Attitude to Natalya.
23:01You see that Maryse wanted nothing to do with Natalya.
23:05Hit and run, hit and run, Maryse.
23:10And Natalya coming from the backside.
23:12Maryse should stop posing and worry about Natalya.
23:14She should stop posing and worry about the fact
23:16that she's in there with Natalya.
23:20Natalya bringing her in the hard way now by the hair
23:23as Natty not playing any games tonight
23:26here at Superstar Sharpshooter Time.
23:30Maryse, very wise move there by Maryse.
23:34Avoiding the sharpshooter,
23:35perhaps make the tag, get out of there,
23:37regroup and let Melina try her hand with Natalya.
23:40Melina coming in the hard way as well.
23:42Natty not pulling any punches.
23:43She goes right to the sharpshooter here.
23:47She's got it set up, Josh.
23:50Melina also very wise and Natty playing dirty.
23:53Tit for tat now.
23:56Powerful Natalya as she goes to the tag now.
23:59Here comes Gail Kim.
24:01I like the chemistry that Gail Kim and Natalya have here
24:03at Superstar.
24:05Big splash on Melina.
24:11Maryse can't believe what she's seen here early on.
24:15Gail Kim, former women's champ,
24:17getting a glimpse right now at the athleticism.
24:20Gail Kim, Gail Kim cross body in the air.
24:25Look at this.
24:26Gail Kim all over the place.
24:30Melina doesn't know what's hitting her.
24:32Look at Gail taking everybody out at once.
24:34Maryse not having any luck here tonight.
24:37Melina puts a stop to that.
24:41Melina also three-time women's champ,
24:43two-time diva champ.
24:45Maryse wasn't having any luck here.
24:47It was the distraction by Maryse
24:49that allowed Melina to capitalize.
24:51By the way, I got to throw to Maryse.
24:53Okay, what do you got?
24:54You asked me about it last week.
24:55You couldn't deal with the relationships.
24:57I cornered her.
24:58I got her to tell me about a relationship.
25:01She's not in love with Tim.
25:03She's with him for the money.
25:04She likes three things.
25:06Herself, shoes, and the credit cards.
25:08That's it.
25:09Well, thanks for that exclusive scoop there, Scott.
25:12Using him for the money.
25:13I don't know if she wanted me to,
25:15if it was confidential.
25:17What did you say?
25:18It was off the record?
25:19I don't remember.
25:20I don't remember if I said that.
25:22I may have said that.
25:23Not off the record, anyway.
25:25Ted very jealous.
25:26Wanted her to quit NXT.
25:28You've been watching NXT.
25:30Maryse a big part of that program,
25:32but Melina now going to work Gail Kim.
25:35Look at this.
25:36Pitching the chemistry and teamwork
25:38of Gail Kim and Natalya.
25:43Upside down, Gail Kim.
25:50Maryse feeling a little more complex.
25:55Gail kicks out of Maryse now.
25:57The more attitude she shows,
25:58she's so impressive each and every week
26:00that we see her, Scott.
26:02I thought I saw her wave to me on the way out again.
26:05You're all about yourself tonight.
26:07What happened?
26:08What got into you?
26:09I don't know.
26:10I guess I don't care about her.
26:12I think she waves to me every time she comes out,
26:14but you can't tell me why.
26:16Melina the Vicious kicking out of the midsection
26:19of Gail Kim.
26:21Gail Kim.
26:23Melina and Gail having some great battles as of late.
26:26Look at this.
26:27Look at this maneuver.
26:28The California Dream.
26:29The submission hold.
26:30She bridges up.
26:34Gail Kim.
26:36She can't hold on to it.
26:37Melina can't hold it.
26:38Gail was able to use her elbow there to,
26:41I was going to say break the hold,
26:42but Melina was able to turn around now,
26:44officially broken by Gail.
26:46Gail Kim.
26:47Gail Kim.
26:48Gail Kim.
26:49Gail Kim.
26:50Gail Kim.
26:51Turned around now,
26:52officially broken by Gail.
26:53Melina's California Dream usually very,
26:55very effective.
26:57Look at this.
27:00Two count.
27:01Melina almost got it there.
27:04Well the mean streak of Melina has been well documented.
27:08And there goes Maryse.
27:10Get the forearm to Nattie in the corner.
27:14You know if you were doing some investigative journalism,
27:16you could have found out the reason why Maryse
27:18doesn't like Natalia so much.
27:20Not the relationship between Maryse and Ted to be awesome.
27:22I thought you put me on a mission last night.
27:26The chin to the top of the head of Gale Kim.
27:29I found out what you wanted me to find out.
27:31Well, now we're gonna find out how fired up Natalya is.
27:36Natalya's so strong, so exciting to watch.
27:40Look at this. Wow.
27:48Natalya, the only female graduate of that hard dungeon.
27:53And Marie still in the effects.
27:55The natty by nature.
27:56What an impressive wrestle.
27:59Here comes Gale Kim taking out Molina.
28:03The Divas on a roll here on WWE Superstars.
28:06Great matchup here tonight.
28:07Let's go! Do your job!
28:09Come here!
28:13Oh, look at this.
28:14Natalya putting on the brakes.
28:16Putting on the brakes on the DDT.
28:17Going for the sharpshooter now.
28:19She's got it locked in.
28:20She's got it locked in.
28:22And Maryse tapping out,
28:24which is nowhere to go now.
28:28The team of Natalya Kim and Natalya.
28:36So it's the team of Natalya and Gale Kim
28:38coming out on top against Maryse and Molina.
28:42And folks, WWE Superstars
28:44about to get a big, larger, and smaller.
28:46It's a great night.
28:47We've served up a glass of ice.
28:50That guy was flying in front of a freight train.
28:53It's Khali, Ryder, our main event here on Superstars tonight.
29:12Back here on WWE Superstars, folks.
29:14It could very well go down as one of the greatest matches
29:17of WrestleMania history.
29:18Triple H undertake that.
29:20That was over.
29:21Both of these guys have been gaming forever.
29:23And the next one, a straight-up knockout.
29:34No holds barred defines this mansion.
29:41Two of the most honored, battle-tested veterans
29:44in all of WWE.
29:46About to go one-on-one with the most viable record
29:48in WWE, The Streak.
29:52Undertaker at this stage,
29:54it's not that he thinks he can win.
29:55It's not that he knows he can win.
29:57He expects to win.
30:06They're both warriors.
30:07They're both competitors.
30:08They're both extremely proud men.
30:10They take this business extremely seriously.
30:15This is as tense an atmosphere as I have ever felt anywhere.
30:22These two guys are the most respected guys in our industry.
30:25Two of the best ever.
30:29Zeus and Hades battling it out on Mount Olympus.
30:41The game hits the pedigree!
30:43And the count is now!
30:45Oh, my God!
30:47I've been in the ring with The Undertaker.
30:49I know what it takes to put him down.
30:51I don't know what it takes to keep him down.
30:57This is too much!
31:01The tombstone was the moment where I thought,
31:04that's it.
31:05The streak's done.
31:06Covered his arms over his chest,
31:08and the tongue and everything,
31:09and one, two.
31:14When you think you're winning,
31:16and the guy kicks out,
31:17you're wondering,
31:19what am I supposed to do?
31:22Undertaker will beat you with his bare hands.
31:24And he will.
31:25Triple H,
31:26he likes using sledgehammers.
31:30He had this look on his face where,
31:32you know, he didn't really want to do it,
31:33but he knew he had to do it.
31:36Oh, my God!
31:37Triple H had you believing that it's going to end.
31:48When Triple H wound up in the Hell's Gate,
31:49I knew it was...
31:52It was it.
31:55Triple H was right.
31:56He lives for the streak.
31:57It's all he's got.
31:59But he is certain
32:00that he will do everything in his power
32:02to win on that day.
32:13It was an example
32:14of just how incredible those guys are.
32:19The Undertaker is 19-0.
32:25To have a match this brutal,
32:27one of the guys didn't walk away,
32:28and it was the guy who won.
32:30We both left
32:31absolutely everything we had
32:34in that ring.
32:36And when you're back,
32:39I'll be waiting.
32:53Introducing first,
32:54from Long Island, New York,
32:55weighing 200 pounds,
32:57Zack Ryder!
33:00Well, back here on WWE Superstars,
33:02Scott Stanley,
33:03alongside Josh Kravitz.
33:04Josh, here comes the man with the tan
33:06who says he can get better girls
33:08than we can, obviously.
33:09And I believe Zack Ryder,
33:11when he says that,
33:12Zack Ryder's quickly becoming
33:13one of my favorite superstars
33:15here in WWE.
33:16What's that thing that he says?
33:18Spike your hair, spike your hair.
33:20I believe, Josh,
33:21that's take care
33:22of your hair.
33:23I believe that.
33:24Spike your hair.
33:26I believe, Josh,
33:27that's take care,
33:28spike your hair.
33:29There you go.
33:30You spike your hair,
33:31don't you, buddy?
33:35WrestleMania 27 is over.
33:39And everyone got their chance
33:40in the spotlight,
33:41except for the man
33:42who deserves it most.
33:48Zack Ryder,
33:49Long Island Ice Z.
33:52And while guys
33:53like John Cena
33:54were competing
33:55in the main event
33:56of WrestleMania,
33:57I was backstage
33:58eating catering.
33:59Are you serious, bro?
34:01But don't worry,
34:02because things are about
34:03to change.
34:04I've become
34:05an internet sensation.
34:07I have my own
34:08YouTube show.
34:10And my T-shirts,
34:11they're sold out
34:15So tonight,
34:16great Khali,
34:17I'm gonna make you
34:18my personal Punjabi
34:19punching bag
34:20while I fist-pump
34:21your face.
34:27You know it, bro.
34:30Pretty confident
34:31for the guy about
34:32to take on a man
34:33almost twice his size.
34:34The Long Island Ice Z,
34:35Zack Ryder,
34:36looking to move him
34:37back to the great Khali.
34:38This one's gonna be
34:39a hump digger
34:40on Main Event of Zack.
34:50Always on the move.
34:51Does not like to stay still.
34:53Showing off that athleticism.
34:55Smart, sexy,
34:56and powerful.
34:57He's got all the
34:58flexibility and agility
34:59of a gymnast.
35:02And that's Gale's
35:03in-ring experience
35:04coming into play.
35:05You know what Gale
35:06calls that?
35:07It's knee-to-feet.
35:10The energetic,
35:11the dynamic
35:12Gale Kim.
35:15Back here on
35:16WWE Superstars
35:17already an exciting
35:18night, Josh.
35:19The Woo-Woo-Woo
35:20Kid, Zack Ryder,
35:21getting set for a
35:22grueling bout.
35:23You know it.
35:28And it's coming
35:29to the ring by
35:30Wrench Insane
35:31from India,
35:32standing at
35:33seven feet,
35:34three inches tall,
35:35weighing 420 pounds,
35:38The Great Khali!
35:42You heard him right.
35:43Seven feet,
35:44three inches tall,
35:45420 pounds.
35:47And it's worth
35:48all of humanity.
35:50Look, I know that
35:51Zack Ryder is exuding
35:52confidence and that's
35:53the kind of
35:54attitude that
35:55Zack Ryder should be
35:56showing, but no one
35:57knows what
35:58Zack Ryder's feeling
35:59on the inside.
36:00Set to go
36:02with The Great Khali.
36:03Khali, of course,
36:04picking up that
36:05tremendous victory
36:06at the Lumberjack
36:07Battle Royal
36:08at WrestleMania.
36:11Zack's gotta be
36:13trembling inside.
36:14We don't know that.
36:15We don't know that,
36:17How Zack Ryder
36:18must be feeling.
36:19Zack Ryder,
36:20he maybe believes
36:21his own hype
36:22and his own press.
36:23Zack Ryder may indeed
36:24believe that he can
36:25just have his way
36:26with The Great Khali
36:27here tonight.
36:28Ryder, as he mentioned,
36:29a big hit on the
36:30internet circuit
36:31with his Z-True
36:32Long Island story.
36:33I understand discussions
36:34ongoing for an
36:35appearance on that
36:36show by you.
36:37I would love to be
36:38a part of it.
36:39And Zack Ryder
36:40wants the spotlight.
36:41He craves it.
36:42In time, we're
36:43gonna find out,
36:44you know, is
36:45Zack Ryder or
36:46Zack Ryder
36:47the brightest day
36:48or will Zack Ryder
36:49be much in the clutch?
36:50Will he be a true
36:51huge sensation,
36:52a huge superstar?
36:53Excellent Masters
36:54Golf reference
36:55right there.
36:58Long Island,
36:59I see certainly
37:00a unique personality
37:01here in the WWE
37:02as is The Great Khali,
37:03also a Hollywood
37:07You know who's in
37:08the longest yard
37:09and gets smart, right?
37:10I do know that.
37:13Ryder gets thrown
37:14right to the ground.
37:17Khali, of course,
37:18a tremendous star
37:20in his homeland
37:21of India.
37:22If they had him out
37:23in Rushmore in India,
37:24Khali's head would
37:25be on it twice.
37:28Shanita Shetty
37:29and Neelam Qatari.
37:33huge superstars
37:34in India.
37:36Khali now.
37:38Not enjoying the
37:39antics of the
37:40Long Island,
37:41I see.
37:48a former
37:49World Heavyweight
37:55they remember,
37:56was the number one
37:57contender for the
37:58WWE Championship.
37:59Zack Ryder just made
38:00a huge mistake.
38:01He took his focus
38:02and his attention
38:03off of The Great Khali.
38:04Ryder coming
38:05in the hard way
38:06and Khali
38:07goes to work now.
38:08Not interested
38:09in any fun,
38:10any antics
38:11by Zack Ryder.
38:16Ryder's chest
38:18throughout the
38:19entire arena.
38:26Zack Ryder
38:27feeling the effects
38:28of a giant hand.
38:35Ryder looks like
38:36he wants to cry.
38:37Looks like he wants
38:38to get out of this place.
38:41Ryder in a David and
38:42Goliath battle
38:43here tonight.
38:48the smart,
38:49smart move.
38:50Going for the legs
38:51as he goes to work
38:52after The Great Khali.
38:55Not so smart there
38:56by Ryder to
38:57take his attention
38:58away from
38:59The Great Khali.
39:00Zack Ryder got
39:01The Great Khali off
39:02of a vertical base.
39:03Ryder needs to
39:04capitalize right now.
39:05By the way,
39:06how about Ryder's
39:07singing performance
39:08at WrestleMania?
39:09The hit Friday
39:10before he got
39:11smacked in the coconut
39:12by Ryder.
39:13Oh, yeah!
39:14A moment that
39:16not as much as that
39:17Stone Cold Stunner,
39:19Love you, son.
39:25From seven feet
39:26in the air,
39:27Zack Ryder
39:28face first
39:29as he takes the
39:30big chop
39:31to the head.
39:33How is Ryder
39:34still standing
39:35in this match?
39:36He's not.
39:37He's down.
39:43Heads up now.
39:46going down.
39:48That's going to do it.
39:53Say goodnight
39:54to the WWE King.
39:56And the winner
39:57of this match,
39:58The Great Khali.
40:00Hey, Scott,
40:01I think it's safe to say
40:02that I don't think
40:03we're ever going to see
40:04another episode of
40:05True Long Island stories
40:06by The Great Khali
40:07after this one.
40:09That was a good job
40:10by The Great Khali.
40:12We're going to
40:13take one more look
40:14at another
40:15tremendous edition
40:16of WWE Superstars
40:17with Josh Matthews.
40:18I'm Scott Stanford.
40:19Goodnight, everybody.
40:20See you next time.
40:44Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk