• 2 months ago
#danbongino #Bongino
00:00Notice, I'm not, I'm just telling you how to prepare for an emergency, not the apocalypse,
00:02because we're going to fix it. Look at this young man. We've got so many of these young
00:07little patriots around the country that know what America is really about. Listen to him at this
00:12farm convention. This is really cool. Check this out. I have a big old farm display that I play
00:17with them on. So you're every day you go out and move things around on it? Yep. Yep. Every day.
00:24What season are you in right now then with it? Spring planting? It's kind of like winter right
00:31now. Getting close to planting season. Selling crops right now. Getting crops in, unloading,
00:37loading. Semi trucks moving, right? Yep. Yep. Planning already for spring planting? Yep.
00:43Bringing fertilizer in? Yep. Bringing seed in? Yep. Yep. Is it going to be a good year this year?
00:48What do you think? I don't know. Don't know yet. Big, nice combine you got here.
00:54Hey, appreciate that. Yep. Came out with a new AFS 11, huh? Yeah, AF 11. How many bushels is
01:01that green tank on it? That's a good question. 567 bushels. You know how fast we can unload that?
01:06How fast? Six bushel per second. That's moving. That's more than I could ever hand. That's more
01:13than I'd ever need. Just the Jackson thing. So Avita's seen this young man before, says that he
01:21has a lot of videos. Like, I love this kid. I love this kid. Good for him. This is why I'm long in
01:26America. You know, we see these videos of these D-bags running around screaming, kill the Jews,
01:31and all this stuff on college campus. He's crazy lunatic, you know, anti-semi-loser dip.
01:37And we think like America's falling apart. But folks, here's the hard reality.
01:42And by hard reality, I don't mean it hard in a bad way. I mean, hard reality that should
01:45smack everyone in the face. I live in Stewart, Florida. We had a couple of losers show up at
01:51a congressman's office down here, protested for a little bit. Nobody paid any mind to him,
01:55and they left. They did. They protested at the congressman's office because he's for,
02:00he supports Israel. Nobody cared. Someone took a picture and was like, hey, Dan,
02:04and they left because nobody paid him any mind. This stuff is, this is a sliver of the population.
02:12And why else am I long on America? The show is always laid out this way for a reason.
02:18Not just because of this young man, but because the people we're fighting,
02:22the anti-Americans, the anti-semites, the critical race theory racists, the gender ideology activists,
02:31the anti-American lunatics, the liberal I hate America crowd. Folks, they have no power over
02:38us anymore. They have no power over us. We've established parallel economies in the finance
02:44space, the video space, the blogging space, the business space. Remember when they tried to
02:50boycott Chick-fil-A and the lines were around the corner, whether you like Chick-fil-A or not.
02:55We have learned to defeat these people at their own game. So I have this cannibalism theory that
03:01every single day is proving more and more. It's not a theory. It's real that the left
03:09loves canceling because there's power in it. That's the only reason they like to cancel
03:15people because it gives them power. They can't cancel us.
