• 2 months ago
#dailynews #news #latestnews #bongino #danbongino
00:00So Russell Brand, very smart guy, goes on Bill Maher. By the way, he's not a conservative at all.
00:06He has a show on Rumble, which again, I'm an equity stakeholder in, Disclosure.
00:11It's nothing to do with this segment, though. He goes on the Bill Maher show, Russell Brand,
00:15and John Heilman is talking about how Fox News isn't real news, which is hilarious.
00:24You should laugh in their faces when they say that. Wait, you work at MSNBC?
00:30That's funny. You're a crazy person. That's really funny. So here's Russell Brand responding
00:36back about, really, dude? You work at MSNBC? They're like, real news? Here, check this out.
00:41John, I've not known you long, but I love you already. But I have to say that it's
00:45disingenuous to claim that the biases that are exhibited on Fox News are any different
00:50from the biases exhibited on MSNBC. It's difficult to suggest that these corporations
00:55operate as anything other than mouthpieces for their affiliate owners in BlackRock and Vanguard,
01:01unless we start to embrace. And also, mate, just spiritually, if I may use that word in your great
01:08country, we have to take responsibility for our own perspective. I've been on that MSNBC, mate.
01:15It was propagandist nutcrackery on there. I went on the show called Morning Joe. It was absurd the
01:20way they carried on. Good morning, Joe. Yeah, I don't know what it was. It wasn't morning. There
01:24was no one called Joe there. No one could concentrate. They didn't understand the basic
01:28tenets of journalism. No one was willing to stick up for genuine American heroes like Edward Snowden.
01:35No one was willing to talk about Julian Assange and what he suffered trying to bring real journalism
01:40to the American people. And I think to sit within the castle of MSNBC, throwing rocks at Fox News
01:49is ludicrous. Make MSNBC better. Make MSNBC great again. Folks, that goes on there another two
01:57minutes. Holloman, who's clearly embarrassed at getting owned and wrecked in front of Mars,
02:03pretty significant. Oh, he has a pretty big audience, Marv. He goes on to hilariously ask
02:08for an example of where MSNBC and CNN and other outlets lied to their viewers, which again ends
02:16hilariously as Russell Brand goes on to give him a number of examples, including the ivermectin.
02:21It's a horse dewormer. But I have my own examples. Holloman, of course, has no response. He's a
02:27goon. I mean, he's a life loser, a humiliating embarrassment to humankind. I mean, do we really
02:33need to go through the list, the PP tape hoax? And I know what Holloman's response will be because
02:38he's an idiot. Idiots are predictable. He really is. He's not a bright guy. I love how he uses
02:44words, too. He tries to speak in an advanced vocabulary to try and sound smart, yet some of
02:50the words are so inappropriate for the situation. I love that. I love when I see that. That's
02:55hilarious. Holloman will say, well, we didn't know the PP tape hoax was false when we were reporting
03:04on it. That's your defense? You really believe there's a video out there of Donald Trump getting
03:12peed on by hookers? No one's seen it. It's never been produced. You don't even have a source for
03:19it. And yet everything else about Donald Trump is leaked out except that, and you bought that.
03:26So you're really that stupid? Okay, I'll give you that. You didn't know. You're just exchanging
03:30that for I'm a moron and I fell for it. Okay, you're a moron. We'll take that excuse. I'm too
03:34dumb to do actual journalism. Yes, you're right. You didn't know it was a lie. I'll give you
03:40another example. The Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Gone through that ad
03:45nauseam. You're a journalist, Heilman, right? You call yourself a journalist? So you're gonna say,
03:50oh, we didn't know it was a lie. I accept that cuz you are a tier one level douche canoe and
03:56an imbecile. You thought a laptop that was signed for by Hunter Biden, dropped off by Hunter Biden,
04:02with a Biden family sticker, with Biden's emails on it, confirmed by Biden's business partner,
04:08with videos and photos of Biden, never denied by the Biden family, was a Russian laptop?
04:14I agree. You're really stupid and you didn't know.
