PROTECTIVE MOM Too Controlling Of Autistic Girl | Dhar Mann Studios

  • 7 hours ago
As an autistic daughter myself, I can relate to this on another level. I am 14 years old rn and I'm not allowed to cook, only bake. I'm definitely not allowed to touch the knife, I still have parental controls on my devices even though I was supposed to be able to decide whether I wanted to manage my own account or not on my 13th birthday. My mom packs my lunch, definitely invades my privacy and also talks about my autism in a way that gives me insecurities just like the part in the video where Lauren's mom tried to tell her why she can't have a boyfriend. Honestly, I almost teared up watching this because it's the most relatable thing I've ever seen in my life. This video is just so heartwarming. I also just feel like my mom doesn't trust me. She doesn't even let me go outside by myself unless I have to walk home from my coding class and she only allows that because my little brother walks with me + she makes me text her to assure her that I am ok. Honestly, even though this is just a story, I'm so glad that everything turned out well for Lauren because I don't know if it will be the same for me. Me and my mom had a talk today and she is definitely ok with me going to college once I graduate hs but I feel like she wants me to stay near home and start with community college before transferring. She said that I would need to stay and "grow up more" because I can't do my laundry, I can't cook and I am terrible at cleaning (I wonder why). Also, I would need a job which is a big change. At this point, this video just reminds me of my mom and I'm scared that she might stalk me like that too. Honestly, I don't know anything anymore. If you're not autistic then pls don't judge us. I feel overwhelmed constantly because of having to worry about not only what my mom would say but what other people would think. We are aware of our condition because we hear a lot from our parents. I know this is messy but If you actually read up to here, then thank you for reading my tedtalk.
00:00Lauren! Lauren! Hey! Mom, what are you doing here? You forgot this. You went
00:10traipsing off to school again without your lunch, so here I am. And don't worry,
00:16I cut the crusts off and the peanut butter doesn't have any of those nasty
00:20chunks that you don't like. That's so loud. Oh, and I found your favorite grape
00:24juice box in the back of the fridge, so... You are wearing those silly headphones
00:30again. Look at your hair, it's a mess. Just... That's better. I have a good day, honey bunny.
00:40Oh, did mom's little girl get her crusts cut off her tummy? What are you, like five?
00:48It's not funny. It's hilarious. All right, see you later, honey bunny.
01:07Good morning, Bookside High! Just a reminder to you seniors, graduation day
01:13is right around the corner, so don't forget to pick up your cap and gown
01:16orders. You'll be tossing those caps in no time. And then, in the words of Dr. Seuss,
01:21oh, the places you'll go.
01:25Boo! Oh my gosh! Olivia! Olivia, what are you doing here? I came back early for your graduation,
01:48and I brought a little surprise. This is Ethan. He is the best thing I found on campus. Yes,
01:56they should have put me on the brochure. It's nice to meet you, Lauren. Olivia's told me all
02:03about you. So she must have told you that I'm... Shy when you meet new people. Yeah,
02:11don't worry about it. I'm actually pretty shy too. Your sister just brings out my
02:16adventurous side. Yeah, right. I literally met you while you were dancing on a coffee table.
02:20Well, that was at a party, and it was a dare. It's totally unlike me. Sure. We've been having
02:28so much fun. You gotta come visit. We can have lunch at the quad, we can walk around the Arboretum,
02:35check out the art museum. That sounds amazing. And maybe you could even see Ethan's roommate's
02:41band at the student union, if they don't get thrown out again, that is. They play with a lot
02:47of energy, what can I say? And you can finally see my new apartment. Here, check out a domed place.
02:55And there's tons more, but I won't bore you with this. I wish dad could see it. And your graduation.
03:11He would have been so proud of you. I could use some help in the kitchen.
03:22To welcome your sister home, I'm making her favorite meal. Could you finish chopping the
03:26veggies? Yeah, let me help. No, no, let your sister do it. She's the guest, she shouldn't
03:32have to make her own meal. You don't know how to use that thing, just let her. It's just chopping
03:38vegetables. Honey, I don't want you to cut yourself. Okay, give me the knife. Give, give me the knife.
03:46What did I tell you? Why did you do that? I was fine. Well, you're not fine now. Just go to the
03:53bathroom and I'll get you bandaged up. I can do it myself. No backtalking me, young lady. Let's go.
04:00I'm not a little kid.
04:15Wow. That's coming along beautifully. Yeah. I can't believe you're not going to school for art.
04:24Can't believe you're not going to school for art. You have a gift, Lauren. You really should do
04:32something with it. That's not what my mom thinks. So what does your mom think? That I shouldn't go
04:39to college. I couldn't handle it. I need to stay home with her. And what do you think?
04:48You know what I think? I think you need to start making your own decisions.
04:53Ever since you've been at Bookside, I have seen your mom coddling you,
04:57sheltering you. I mean, I'm sure she has good intentions.
05:01But Lauren, if you always keep a bird in a cage, it'll never learn to fly.
05:12Time to get out of your cage.
05:13No, I couldn't. You can. Enrollment is still open. No, I mean, I just...
05:31Think about it.
05:33Amazing. It's not too late, Lauren.
05:46Mom, what are you doing? I'm just making sure you don't leave anything behind.
05:53What? It's a few days till graduation, and you know how forgetful you can get.
05:59You'd leave your head lying around if it wasn't attached to your neck.
06:11What'd you do with my drawings? Oh, I threw them out.
06:14What? You wanted to save your doodles?
06:18They're not doodles!
06:20Okay, sorry. You know, you can just draw some more of them.
06:29Mom, would you please get out of here? I can clean out my own locker.
06:35Nonsense. I can handle it. Don't you worry.
06:40I'm not worried. I'm embarrassed.
06:45Since when is having a loving mother something to be embarrassed about?
06:50Now run along. Mommy's got this.
07:00Okay, I got all your laundry done. You picked out your outfits for the week yet?
07:12Uh, not yet.
07:14Why not? You know you can't line up your socks and shoes till you know what outfits you're wearing.
07:18I'll do it in the morning.
07:20Young lady, you will do it right now. We both know how indecisive you can be.
07:25If you wait till morning, you're never gonna have time, right?
07:28I know.
07:30You know, but you don't do.
07:34What is this?
07:37Garrett College of Art?
07:40Mom, I've been thinking maybe I should apply to art school.
07:47You can't be serious.
07:50Honey bunny, you know what we've said about you going off to school.
07:55I know what you've said.
07:57Hey, I am not the bad guy here. You know we need you close to home. Close to your mother.
08:04But Olivia's gone off to college and she's loving it. She has her own place and a boyfriend.
08:12I want to be like her.
08:13But you're not.
08:14You know why?
08:16Being autistic doesn't mean I can't live my life.
08:26Of course not.
08:28But the best way to do that is with me.
08:32I'll look after you and I'll keep you safe.
08:35But you never let me try.
08:38I'm not a good mother.
08:39You're not a good mother.
08:40I'm not a good mother.
08:42But you never let me try.
08:45Mom, you're holding me back.
08:50We both know that is not true.
08:55You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and pick out your outfits.
08:59And forget about this silliness.
09:01Oh, they stole the meatloaf.
09:03Do you get a senior discount?
09:06Shut up. It's good.
09:10Lauren, what are you gonna get?
09:12I think I'll try a patty melt.
09:14Hmm, okay.
09:15But you always loved the chicken sandwich.
09:20All right, all right, Mrs.
09:23I'm not a good mother.
09:24I'm not a good mother.
09:25I'm not a good mother.
09:26I'm not a good mother.
09:27I'm not a good mother.
09:28I'm not a good mother.
09:29I'm not a good mother.
09:30I'm not a good mother.
09:30Miss Independent, order whatever you want.
09:35Hello, my name is Bradley and I'll be taking care of you today.
09:38Can I get you started with some drinks?
09:45Um, miss?
09:54Uh, she will have the chocolate milk.
09:56That's what she always gets.
09:57Right, honey bunny?
10:00And I'll have the iced tea.
10:02I'll just get a Coca-Cola, please.
10:05And I'll just get a water, thanks.
10:07All right, I'll be sure to get the iced tea.
10:13Here's our little graduate!
10:21Lauren, aren't you gonna thank everyone for coming?
10:26Okay, let's go get you some punch.
10:28I've got your favorite kind.
10:30Actually, I have a little surprise before we do anything.
10:38A very special message from someone who loved you so much.
10:45Hi, Lauren.
10:47It's your dad.
10:50Or what's left of him.
10:54Congratulations on your graduation.
10:57I can't wait to see you at the party.
10:59But, uh, well, some of the doctors around here, they're telling me that might not happen.
11:04So I wanted to send you this message.
11:09Your sister is happily recording it.
11:13Hopefully I'm not upside down.
11:17Anyway, I couldn't be more proud of you.
11:22To see how far you've come and how much you've achieved.
11:27But promise me something, huh?
11:32You won't stop here.
11:35Life is short.
11:38Trust me.
11:39I know.
11:41And I want you to get everything you possibly can out of it.
11:45You can achieve great things.
11:48You have so much potential.
11:50You can do anything you want to do.
11:53So don't be afraid.
11:55Don't look back.
11:57Just go for it.
12:02But first, have a piece of cake.
12:06Actually have two, huh?
12:09One for your old man.
12:13I love you.
12:18Well, that's your father.
12:22Always the dreamer.
12:24He never did know how to face reality.
12:27And he never really understood you.
12:31Not like I do.
12:32Dad understood me?
12:35Not enough to get you up and dressed and out for school on time.
12:38Okay, yeah, Mom.
12:40I think that's enough.
12:41No, it's not.
12:42Because he's filling your sister's head with all these pipe dreams.
12:48When in reality, she needs me every step of the way.
12:54And I'm happy to do it.
12:55I've always been.
12:57But then everybody's acting like this isn't the way it has to be.
13:02Like I'm doing something wrong.
13:05Lauren, I am not holding you back.
13:12Honey Bunny, I am holding you together.
13:21Not anymore.
13:22Excuse me?
13:26I'm 18 years old.
13:28I'm a high school graduate.
13:31And I'm done living like a child.
13:35I'm moving out.
13:38Lauren, you...
13:56How many anime figures do you have?
14:01With two on back order.
14:03I knew you would know the exact number.
14:07Why is that funny?
14:09It's not.
14:11It's not.
14:14Okay, maybe it's just a little bit funny.
14:22How do you like your new place?
14:24I love it.
14:26Thanks for helping me move.
14:30You know, anime figures aren't that heavy.
14:34I also mean covering my first month's rent and the security deposit.
14:39I know.
14:41Listen, I'm just glad I could help pray at a mom's clutches.
14:50You should have seen her face when you stormed out.
14:53I'll pay you back as soon as I get a job.
14:55I promise.
14:56I know.
14:58You hate loose ends.
15:00It's just...
15:01I'm not sure how I'll get a job.
15:04I've never had one before.
15:06You know, it all starts with a resume.
15:08Now, yours may not be very long, but you got great grades.
15:12So I think your teachers will be pretty solid references.
15:17Any company would be so lucky to have you.
15:20I hope so.
15:21I know so.
15:22Now, let's take a break from unpacking and go get some pizza.
15:27Put it on your tab.
15:31Yeah, it looks like you don't have much work experience.
15:33That's because I've never had a job.
15:37But I need a job.
15:40I just got an apartment that I can't pay for.
15:43Yeah, you don't have much interview experience either.
15:49Are you familiar with our theater?
15:51I don't go to see many movies.
15:54They're really loud and it scares me sometimes.
15:57So why would you want to work here?
15:59I, um, like popcorn.
16:09Ah, I've seen you around here before.
16:11And that's exactly why I want to work here.
16:14I love playing skee-ball.
16:16In fact, I've amassed over 2,200 tickets.
16:19I'm saving them up for the Tanjiro Kamado plushie on your second-to-top shelf.
16:23Which actually should be on the top shelf instead of the Naruto Uzumaki plushie
16:27because it's less popular these days.
16:30And you should really take that into consideration when allocating shelf position for prizes.
16:38Thanks anyways.
16:45Hey, how's my favorite student?
16:46I haven't heard from her in a while.
16:48I've been trying to get a job, but nobody will hire me.
16:51Now who wouldn't hire a bright, hard-working young person like you?
16:55Every single business I've been to.
16:57So I meant that rhetorically, but still, that's a shame.
17:02Wow, I know of a place and I bet you haven't tried it.
17:05And I just so happen to know the owner.
17:14Welcome, Lauren, to Vision Galleries.
17:17Thank you, I'm so excited to work in a real art gallery.
17:21They're excited to have you, isn't that right, Carol?
17:23We sure are.
17:27But how am I supposed to pick up my shoes and socks
17:29when I have to clean up all the orange juice I spilled?
17:31I told you, just calm down and prioritize.
17:33You have to do things one at a time.
17:36Easy for you to say.
17:38I should have set my alarm for earlier, but I couldn't sleep again last night.
17:41I was just lying there thinking about today and all the things I need to remember to do.
17:45Oh no, my breakfast burrito is ready and now it's gonna get cold
17:49and I can't eat a cold breakfast burrito.
17:51Relax, you can eat it up again.
17:53No, I can't.
17:54I gotta go comb my hair.
17:57I was right, I can't do this all by myself.
18:00Yes, you can.
18:01It's natural to feel overwhelmed with a new home and a new job.
18:05Oh my gosh, I'm late for work.
18:15I'm sorry, I'm having trouble understanding this thing.
18:20Do you need help?
18:22My boss showed me three times.
18:26I hope you like that painting.
18:29You're the first person to look at it all week.
18:31I was starting to think it would never sell.
18:34Wow, you're really good at your job.
18:39Can we get some help over here?
18:41I don't have all day.
18:42I'm so sorry, sir.
18:43I'll get that rung up for you.
18:46It's okay.
18:49That's more like it.
18:51Thanks for your patience.
18:58People like her shouldn't be allowed to work.
19:05Don't worry about jerks like that.
19:07They don't know what they're talking about, okay?
19:08Tell you what, it's almost lunchtime.
19:11Why don't you go on and take an early lunch
19:13and I'll sit here and take over for you while you're away.
19:16I couldn't make my lunch in time, so I don't have anything.
19:21Yes, you do.
19:26I knew you had a rough morning, so I thought I'd get you a little something.
19:32Thank you, again.
19:33I was so hungry.
19:35Thank you, again.
19:36I was so hungry.
19:38Missed breakfast, too.
19:42This day is a disaster.
19:46This job is a disaster.
19:48This life is a disaster.
19:50No, it's not.
19:51You're just...
19:53You're just adjusting.
19:54Everything's just so overwhelming.
19:57And even if I can figure out this job, what about everything else?
20:01Like what?
20:02Like... that.
20:06I mean, it's kind of fun living by myself, but it's also so by myself.
20:14So, you're looking for a love kind of connection, huh?
20:19Can I start with a date?
20:21I've never had one.
20:24And you know what?
20:26Getting a date is like getting a job.
20:28You just have to put yourself out there.
20:30What do you mean?
20:31I mean, I think it's time you got yourself a profile.
20:36On a dating site?
20:39No, I couldn't do that.
20:41You got a better idea?
20:44Maybe I could think of one.
20:47You do that.
20:48And in the meantime, let's get you set up here.
20:53Come on.
20:54It'll be fun.
20:58Okay, so let's give you a profile first.
21:54Hey buddy, appreciates art.
21:58Can I please get a latte almond milk to go?
22:00Name's Radley.
22:07Well, if it isn't my favorite quiet diner.
22:13Hey, are you in an anime?
22:15Is that Tanjiro Kamado?
22:17I love Demon Slayer.
22:19Me too.
22:20I drew this the other day.
22:21I was just showing someone.
22:23Mind if I get a closer look?
22:31Did you do all these?
22:33Mostly in the past couple weeks.
22:37You're some kind of artist.
22:38And I'm not just saying that because I love anime or because you're cute.
22:45Sorry, was that too far?
22:47No, I...
22:48I liked it.
22:50Nobody's ever called me cute before.
22:52Well, except my mom, but that's different.
22:56Well, now you got two people calling you cute.
22:59Speaking of calling, I gotta get over to the diner in a bit, but
23:03maybe I could call you sometime.
23:05I'd like that.
23:11I need to tell you something first.
23:14You have a boyfriend?
23:19I have autism.
23:23But you don't have a boyfriend because that's my main concern right now.
23:28Yeah, really.
23:32Give me your number.
23:34Call you later.
23:48What are you doing here?
23:50I'm cleaning.
23:52Something that you must have forgotten how to do.
23:55How'd you get in?
23:58You had a key under your doormat.
24:00You're very easy to predict.
24:06This place is too much for you.
24:08I'm doing okay.
24:10I'm fine.
24:11I'm fine.
24:12I'm fine.
24:12I'm fine.
24:13I'm fine.
24:14I'm fine.
24:14I'm fine.
24:15I'm doing okay.
24:17Are you?
24:19Because your bedroom looks like a tornado hit it.
24:23And the bathroom, oof, that's practically a crime scene.
24:28Why don't you just drop the facade and come home?
24:33I want to stay here.
24:36Honey bunny, we both know you can't live on your own.
24:41It's just going to get worse.
24:43But it's getting better.
24:46I've got a job now.
24:48And there's a guy who likes me.
24:52A guy?
24:53What guy?
24:55His name's Bradley.
24:58And he's calling me later.
24:59You gave a stranger your phone number?
25:02How else am I going to go out with him?
25:05Oh, no, I don't like this.
25:08I don't like this at all.
25:11He's not going to take you seriously.
25:14He's just going to take advantage of you.
25:18You don't even know him.
25:20Do you?
25:24And you know what he would do if he came over here?
25:26He would see this place and he would run away.
25:32How can you keep a relationship when you can't even keep an apartment up?
25:36Mom, please leave.
25:41Right now.
25:53Take it out on the one person who is telling you the truth.
25:58But I'm not offended.
26:01I know that one day you're going to come to your senses and you're going to come home.
26:10We'll see about that.
27:31Thanks for meeting us here.
27:33Thanks for suggesting.
27:34It's a cool spot.
27:36It's got a special significance.
27:38And I'm just glad I could see you before I head back to campus.
27:42You might not be the only one heading off to school.
27:47Oh, my gosh, you heard back already.
27:49What did they say?
27:50I just got the letter today.
27:52I haven't opened it yet.
27:54Well, what are you waiting for?
27:57Open it.
27:58What are we opening?
28:01What was there some big family meeting that I missed hearing about?
28:06No, we were just meeting for coffee.
28:08Is that so?
28:10Well, it's a good thing I still track Lauren's location or I might have missed it.
28:23You wouldn't mind so terribly if I joined you, would you?
28:29So what's in the envelope?
28:37She applied to art school.
28:41You don't say.
28:44How terribly bold of you.
28:47When were you planning on telling your mother?
28:50I guess when I got in.
28:52Well, then let's not delay the big reveal.
28:56Then you can tell me all about it and all the other things you've been doing
29:00behind your mother's back.
29:02Come on, Mom.
29:04She does everything right.
29:06Does she?
29:07Well, I guess we'll see about that, won't we?
29:10Go ahead.
29:23What does it say?
29:30I suppose I don't have to say I told you so.
29:39You want to, don't you, Mom?
29:44In fact, you're happy I didn't get in because that would have proved you wrong.
29:49Lauren, it's okay.
29:52No, it's not.
29:55It's never been okay.
30:00It's never been okay.
30:51Is somebody there?
31:01Oh, I'm glad you're awake.
31:04I thought you were going to sleep through breakfast.
31:06Mom, what are you doing?
31:09Well, after your little freak out yesterday,
31:12I figured you would be in no shape to get yourself up and going this morning.
31:16And I was right.
31:18I took the key from under the mat.
31:21Oh, yeah.
31:22Well, I made myself a copy.
31:25Honey bunny, despite what you may think, I'm just trying to do right by you.
31:31You need my help.
31:33Mom, there's a difference between helping and coddling.
31:38I wish you understood that.
31:41You see, ever since I can remember, you've treated me like a little kid.
31:49Hovering over me and not allowing me to make my own mistakes.
31:55I was so envious of other people that were chasing their dreams,
32:00having new experiences, falling in love.
32:09And even when others encouraged me,
32:12you'd lecture me on my limitations and do whatever you could to hold me back.
32:18And I have the right to live my life beyond the cage that you're trying to keep me in.
32:24Well, that all sounds really nice, except you're forgetting one thing.
32:30You are not like everybody else.
32:32You are different.
32:34No matter how hard you try to wish that away.
32:37Why are you being so mean?
32:40I am not mean.
32:41I am realistic.
32:43I mean, look at you.
32:44You're covered in paint, like a child.
32:48You would have slept through your work schedule if I was not here to wake you up.
32:52And you didn't get into art school.
32:56How are you supposed to live on your own?
32:58You need to drop this fantasy and move back home.
33:05You're going to be much happier with me.
33:09I promise you.
33:10Now go get yourself cleaned up before breakfast gets cold.
33:28Is that you?
33:30This is her mother.
33:32I'm sorry.
33:33I didn't mean to wake you up.
33:34I'm sorry.
33:34I'm sorry.
33:35I'm sorry.
33:35I'm sorry.
33:36I'm sorry.
33:36I'm sorry.
33:37I'm sorry.
33:37I'm sorry.
33:38I'm sorry.
33:38I'm sorry.
33:39I'm sorry.
33:40I assume this is Bradley.
33:42Yeah, I was just calling to see how she's doing.
33:46Oh, she's doing great now that she's going to be moving back home with me.
33:52So I think it would be best if you two went your separate ways.
33:57I'm going to be deleting your number.
34:10I don't know why you don't just get rid of that thing.
34:12We've got no room for it at our house.
34:14I know.
34:15That's why we're here.
34:18Hey, Lauren.
34:19Your mom called and said that you're going to be leaving us.
34:25But before I go, I wanted to give you this as a thank you for letting me work here.
34:35Oh, Lauren.
34:36Lauren, this is magnificent.
34:41You like it?
34:42Like it.
34:44I'm going to hang it in the gallery.
34:47You know, you don't have to hang that out of pity.
34:50You're sending my daughter the wrong message.
34:53It's hardly pity.
34:55This is a masterpiece.
34:57If you say so.
35:00Come on, Lauren.
35:00We need to get a box truck and load up your apartment.
35:04Don't do it, Lauren.
35:06I thought I made it clear to you that things between you and my daughter were over.
35:10With all due respect, ma'am, your daughter can make her own decisions.
35:14And we've all seen where that's gotten her.
35:16It got her a job.
35:18And an apartment.
35:19And somebody who cares about her.
35:21I am the one who cares about her and the only one acting in her best interest.
35:26Is she, Lauren?
35:28Is she acting in your best interest?
35:30Yeah, it's really good.
35:32Hey, Lauren.
35:34Is that one of your new ones?
35:36Yes, it is.
35:41An exquisite image, young lady.
35:45Can you tell me a little bit more about it?
35:52Well, so often in life I feel like a caged bird struggling to break free and take flight.
36:06And even when I manage to escape from my cage,
36:11someone burns up my wings and I'm stuck on the ground.
36:20Mom, I know you love me, but you have to let me go.
36:25I'm more than some helpless kid on the spectrum.
36:31I'm more than my autism.
36:36I'm not coming home.
36:40And I know where you should be going.
36:43Garrett College of Art.
36:45I'd love that, but they rejected my application.
36:50An unfortunate mistake.
36:52But since I happen to be the head of that department, it's a mistake that we will be
36:59A talent that yours belongs at our school with the full ride scholarship.
37:34Life is good, life is good, yeah.
37:39Life is good, life is good, yeah.
37:44Yet in my darkest times, you've got me feeling like I've been walking on air.
37:54Left all my worries and cares.
37:59I've got no burdens around you.
38:02Yeah, I just think that the color palette that I chose, I just really wanted to reflect
38:06the emotions in the piece and also just the contrasting colors between background and
38:11the foreground.
38:12You know, I was just really interested in the comparisons between nature and life.
38:17Oh, here I have to talk with her.
38:18Thank you so much.
38:21Well, congratulations, Lauren, on another successful gallery show.
38:26You know, pretty soon you're going to be too big for us.
38:29I'll always be proud to show my work here.
38:33Well, thanks for taking a chance on me years ago.
38:37Well, what can I say?
38:38It was a win-win, right?
38:44Well, looks like you have a visitor, young lady.
38:59Hi, honey bunny.
39:00I know it's been a long time, but I just came here to to apologize.
39:11Mom, it's OK.
39:13No, it's not.
39:15It was never OK.
39:17You were right all along.
39:20I was coddling you.
39:22The truth is that when your father passed away, I didn't want to be alone.
39:30And I needed someone to need me.
39:36And so micromanaging your life became my purpose.
39:43It made me feel important.
39:45And it kept me going.
39:47But when you told me you were leaving, I thought I was going to lose you.
39:54And it felt like I was losing myself.
39:56But I was wrong for putting all of that on you.
39:59You needed my support and my encouragement, and not my smothering.
40:08I should have never held you back.
40:10And you were right to break free.
40:13I am so proud of who you've become.
40:18I only hope that someday you'll be able to forgive me.
40:26I won't forgive you someday.
40:31I forgive you now.
40:45If any of your paintings don't sell, I would be honored to hang one in my home.
40:53To hang one in my home?
40:55Actually, I have a painting for you that isn't on display.
41:10I think this one would speak to you the most.
41:16Oh, Lauren.
41:19Lauren, it's everything.
41:28You're everything.
41:32I love you, Mom.
41:35I love you, too.
41:49I love you, too.
