المنتصف - 12/10/2024

  • 3 days ago
مدي 1 تي في : المنتصف - 12/10/2024


00:00Welcome to Al-Nasr Al-Ekhbari from Mediantv channel in Tanja, and we start with the headlines.
00:28In the opening speech of the legislative year, His Majesty the King highlights the positive dynamics that the issue of the Moroccan Sahara and the support provided by the initiative of self-government.
00:40His Majesty the King calls for strengthening the position of the Kingdom regarding the issue of the Moroccan Sahara and explaining the basis of the Moroccan position of the few countries that are still going against the logic of truth and history by working to convince them of the arguments, legal, political, historical and spiritual evidences that confirm the legitimacy of the Moroccan Sahara.
00:59In the midst of total ignorance from the international community, Israel continues to bomb and besiege the Gaza Strip. At least 30 Palestinians have been killed in the past few hours.
01:12His Majesty King Mohammed VI, accompanied by the Crown Prince, Prince Hassan and Prince Rashid, opened the first round of the fourth legislative year of the eleventh legislative states.
01:29His Majesty the King delivered a speech in front of the members of the two rooms of the parliament on the latest developments in the Moroccan Sahara, considering it the first issue for all Moroccans.
01:40His Majesty the King pointed out the position of the French Republic, which recognizes the sovereignty of the Kingdom over the entire Sahara, and supports the initiative of self-government within the framework of the Moroccan Land Union.
01:53His Majesty King Mohammed VI said in his address to open the legislative round that the Moroccan Sahara issue, which is the issue of all Moroccans, has moved from the reign of His Majesty the King from the stage of reorganization to the stage of international change, referring to the last French position towards the national issue.
02:14His Majesty King Mohammed VI said in his address to open the legislative round that the Moroccan Sahara issue, which is the issue of all Moroccans, has moved from the reign of His Majesty the King from the stage of reorganization to the stage of international change, referring to the last French position towards the national issue.
02:44His Majesty King Mohammed VI said in his address to open the legislative round that the Moroccan Sahara issue, which is the issue of all Moroccans, has moved from the reign of His Majesty the King from the stage of international change, referring to the last French position towards the national issue.
03:09His Majesty King Mohammed VI said in his address to open the legislative round that the Moroccan Sahara issue, which is the issue of all Moroccans, has moved from the reign of His Majesty the King from the stage of international change, referring to the last French position towards the national issue.
03:35In the next phase, there is a need for more patience and alertness in order to strengthen our country's position, to define our issue in a just manner, and to support the efforts of our opponents.
03:53In this framework, the Moroccan position must be explained to the few countries that are still moving against the region of truth and history, and to work to convince them of the legal, political, historical and spiritual arguments that confirm the vision of the Moroccan Sahara.
04:16It is necessary to double the efforts of all national institutions, official, party and civil, and to strengthen coordination between them, in order to achieve the necessary survival in terms of its performance and movements.
04:39His Majesty King Mohammed VI also noted the economic and social development of the southern regions of the Kingdom, thanks to the solidarity of the Moroccan people and the efforts to strengthen the national unity of the Kingdom.
04:53In this context, His Majesty also pointed out the Moroccan diplomacy and the efforts made by various meaningful institutions to defend the legitimate rights of the Kingdom.
05:03We have made great achievements in this regard.
05:08Our southern regions are well aware of the economic and social development of the region, thanks to the solidarity of the Moroccan people and their efforts to strengthen the national unity of the Kingdom.
05:23We should not forget to mention the efforts made by the diplomatic national institutions, various German and Kurdish institutions, as well as all the free Moroccans inside and outside the Kingdom,
05:38in order to defend the legitimate rights of the Kingdom and to strengthen the performance of its performance.
05:53We also express our condolences and appreciation to our children in the Sahara for their steadfast loyalty to their homeland and their commitment to the sanctity of religion and patriotism, and their sacrifices for the unity of the Kingdom and its stability.
06:10After that, His Majesty welcomed His Royal Highness Prince Hassan and His Royal Highness Prince Rashid, the President of the Council of Delegates of the International Request Council,
06:23who submitted to His Majesty the achievements of the Council of Delegates for the year 2023-2024.
06:29His Majesty also welcomed the President of the Council of Advisers, Mr. Naam Miara, who submitted to His Majesty the achievements of the Council of Advisers.
06:36His Majesty also welcomed the minister in charge of relations with the parliament, the official spokesman for the government, Mustafa Beytas,
06:44who submitted to His Majesty the achievements of the government in its relations with the parliament in the third legislative year of the 11th legislative state.
06:52After that, His Majesty held a reception party for the honour of the parliamentarians.
06:57The deputies of the majority parties in the parliament agreed on the importance of the messages included in the royal address and on strengthening the equal diplomatic roles to defend the issue of the Moroccan soil unity.
07:17The royal address, as His Majesty used to do, includes the map of the road.
07:22Today's address is on the national issue of all Moroccans, the issue of the soil unity.
07:27We, as representatives and electors of the southern regions, appreciate the steps taken by His Majesty,
07:34and we say to everyone, to the international organization, that self-government is the solution to which there is no victory or defeat,
07:41and that we are behind the wise policy of His Majesty, may God help us.
07:44Today, as usual, His Majesty was clear in his address.
07:48There are a number of signals that we, as parliamentarians, have to meet.
07:52The first thing is to focus on the national issue, which is our first issue,
07:58and the steps taken by Morocco in this issue, which was a great success.
08:03The last one is the recognition of a number of countries in this issue, including France and Spain,
08:09and he also emphasized that it is our duty to emphasize parliamentary diplomacy,
08:16because it plays a major role in the relations and partnerships with a number of countries,
08:21which can only be pushed in this direction in a safe way.
08:25Today, His Majesty invites us all to move from the stage of management to the stage of change.
08:32Today, Morocco, in all its institutions, demands that it takes brave steps
08:37to defend a just cause.
08:40A just cause that today is being recorded with all the pride and honor
08:48of this great level of recognition of the sovereignty of Morocco over the Sahara.
08:52Today, Moscow is moving forward in this direction.
08:55A number of friendly countries today recognize this territorial unity.
08:59The most important countries that have great knowledge of this issue,
09:03mainly the Republic of France and Spain,
09:07and today, as His Majesty has called for,
09:11they demand that we take brave steps.
09:14Today, they demand that we, as Moroccans, defend our cause in various international forums.
09:19In the same context, the opposition parties to the parliament considered
09:24that the royal address represents a beacon that guides the path of parliamentary work
09:28in defending the cause of the Moroccan Sahara,
09:31emphasizing the need to cooperate with this file in an active and effective way.
09:35Of course, the speeches in the parliament always have a role.
09:41Today, His Majesty has assigned them all to the national issue of territorial unity.
09:46His Majesty said that we will work in a framework of will,
09:53not in response, and we will work in a framework of improving the achievements that we have.
10:01Of course, he emphasized that the parliament should play its role in the framework of parliamentary diplomacy.
10:08We are very happy that he has given us some guidelines
10:12related to the delegation, whether it is an official delegation or a delegation
10:17that should be provided in a non-profit organization.
10:20Of course, this is a guideline that we will work on.
10:23We are also in the parliament, God willing, through the people
10:26and through the conferences and meetings that we hold.
10:30Of course, the priority of the priority is always the issue of territorial unity.
10:34Today, the royal address has great indications,
10:37indications that show the great work done by the parliament and the party.
10:43Today, we are very happy with this address
10:47to ensure that we are a king, a people, and a parliament
10:52behind our national cause, behind defending our cause in international assemblies,
10:56in international organizations, as well as in party organizations.
10:58His Majesty the King agreed to extend the date of our national cause
11:04in the form of a deal with him.
11:06He said that we have moved from this date to change it to a lower level than the South,
11:12because it was a change in different areas,
11:16especially in the field of development and diplomacy.
11:19Today, His Majesty the King, since he gave his instructions
11:23in the field of diplomacy, he confirmed that the presence and diplomacy
11:28in the deal with the UN was always leading to positive results.
11:34His Majesty the King gave his instructions to the political parties
11:38and to the parliament in order to work on this file with great determination
11:44and to communicate with the few countries that have not yet signed
11:50an agreement with the UN.
11:54In his opening speech in the legislative year,
11:58His Majesty the King highlighted the positive dynamics
12:02that the Moroccan Sahara has shown,
12:05and the support that many countries are offering
12:09for the initiative of self-government.
12:11At the same time, His Majesty the King called for more coordination
12:14in order to strengthen the position of the Kingdom,
12:16emphasizing the need to continue to recognize the justice of the national cause
12:21and to confront the enemies' maneuvers.
12:24To add to this, we have Dr. Mohamed Neshtaoui,
12:28Professor of International Relations and International Law at the University of Judiciary.
12:33Greetings to you, Dr. Mohamed Neshtaoui.
12:36Hello, hello.
12:38So, Dr. Mohamed Neshtaoui, His Majesty the King's speech yesterday
12:41was addressed to all the parties concerned with defending the first issue of all the Moroccan Sahara.
12:52What is your comment?
12:54Thank you for the invitation.
12:56You are welcome.
12:58The King's speech included a number of issues related to the issue of our soil unity.
13:05First of all, he emphasized the need to change the way we deal with the national cause
13:13and that the time is now for more proactive steps,
13:20highlighting the role of Moroccan diplomacy in managing this issue,
13:26and that Morocco does not only have a role to respond to this,
13:36but more than that.
13:38There must be an aggressive policy and diplomacy,
13:42especially when His Majesty outlined the mechanisms of dealing with countries
13:48that still do not recognize the logic and reality of things in the Moroccan Sahara.
13:57Then, His Majesty also emphasized the need to thank the various countries
14:05that recognized the Moroccan Sahara,
14:07especially France and Spain,
14:10as they are the two countries that know the truth and reality of the historical data related to the conflict.
14:19Then, His Majesty outlined a roadmap for various institutions and activists,
14:27whether through parliamentary diplomacy or through parallel diplomacy,
14:33and His Majesty also emphasized that the battle against Polisario
14:40should not only depend on the traditional Moroccan allies,
14:46but must also be communicated with the public opinion and various civil and political actors in these countries.
14:55And of course, the Moroccan civil society must take on more responsibility
15:06by promoting the issue of our soil unity,
15:12and also by recording points in the areas where some countries still intend our soil unity.
15:22And it is necessary to work to change their point of view in dealing with this issue.
15:28Dr. Mohamed Njtaoui, King Mohammed VI, in his speech,
15:32mentioned the role of parliamentary and parliamentary diplomacy, as I mentioned in this context.
15:37In your opinion, how can this diplomacy be strengthened to be more effective and successful?
15:45Indeed, in addition to the diplomacy related to the diplomacy of the summit held by His Majesty,
15:54as well as the normal diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
15:58there is also parliamentary and parliamentary diplomacy,
16:02as well as parallel diplomacy related to the civil society.
16:06Therefore, the King's speech was, as I said, a roadmap for these institutions
16:12to take on their responsibility in defending the national cause.
16:17In his speech, he called for His Majesty to be more attentive
16:23and alert to the enemies of soil unity in their issues and their intentions for our just cause.
16:35I think that the political parties in various fields,
16:39and the civil society in various fields,
16:43and in all areas of work in all directions,
16:47there is a diverse diplomacy, there is cultural diplomacy,
16:52there is human diplomacy, there is health diplomacy,
16:56there is also sports diplomacy.
16:59All fields must be worked through,
17:02because the enemies of soil unity have tried to exploit the weakness of Morocco's presence in a number of areas,
17:09and they are trying to promote their initiatives through the use of either parliaments or civil societies of these countries,
17:16or parties.
17:18Therefore, I said, it is an open call for various institutions,
17:22political, party, and civil actors in Morocco,
17:25in order to integrate everyone and be effective in this cause,
17:29so that the end of this cause can be reached,
17:33and the turning point for human development and economic development in various parts of the country.
17:39Also, the economic side was present,
17:43Mr. Mohamed Njtaoui was present in the royal address,
17:47and the most prominent economic dynamic that the southern regions witnessed,
17:51and perhaps there will also be international choices in this development dynamic.
17:58How can such international contributions and international recognition be affected in the field of the Moroccan Sahara, in your opinion, Dr. Mohamed Njtaoui?
18:08I think that since the time of His Majesty the King of the Right,
18:15he has focused on strengthening economic relations with various countries,
18:23as well as various allies.
18:27So, just to point out the Moroccan investments in the African continent,
18:35Morocco is the second largest African investor in the continent,
18:40and these investments include various fields.
18:44His Majesty spoke about the natural gas line between Nigeria and Morocco.
18:53More than 12 countries will benefit from this line.
18:57There is the Atlantic initiative for coastal countries.
19:00As I said, there are many investments in certain fields in the African continent.
19:05These are economic investments, but they can also have political and strategic consequences.
19:16Of course, this economic diplomacy is very important,
19:20and it is perhaps the most important factor in changing the number of countries in the Moroccan Sahara.
19:31Of course, the opening of Morocco is not only for the Francophone countries in West Africa,
19:40but also for the Anglo-Saxon countries, and this is a positive thing,
19:45even if it is against the issue of our territorial unity.
19:47There is the dealings with Kenya, Ethiopia, and Nigeria.
19:54All of them had hostile situations, but they began to change.
19:59So, I think that leaving the space for the economic actor to have a role in this diplomacy
20:05is an important and additional thing for the justice of our national cause.
20:10Thank you very much, Dr. Mohamed Neshtaoui.
20:12Professor of International Relations and International Law at the University of Al-Qadha-Iyad.
20:18You were with us from Morocco.
20:20Thank you for all this information.
20:23This morning, Mohamed Walid Al-Rashid was elected president of the Council of Advisors,
20:31after the approval of the majority presidency.
20:35Mohamed Walid Al-Rashid decided to run for the Council of Advisors
20:39during the second half of the legislative term of the Council.
20:51The Civil Defense in the Gaza Strip announced yesterday that 30 people were killed
20:56by Israeli strikes in the Jabalia region in the north of the Palestinian Strip.
21:00The spokesman for the Civil Defense in Gaza, who is a member of Hamas,
21:03said that a strike took place around 9.40 p.m.
21:08and that 12 people were killed, including children and women, in the city of Jabalia.
21:13The spokesman for the Civil Defense in Gaza also said that 14 people were killed.
21:19It seems that they are under siege.
21:24The High Independent Committee for Elections in Tunisia announced
21:28the final results of the presidential elections,
21:30with the victory of President Qais Saied,
21:33with the highest vote since the fall of the Ben Ali regime.
21:36While neither the candidates nor the opposition supported the results of the elections,
21:40the calls for political calm in the country rose.
21:43These elections witnessed the weakest participation in Tunisia's history
21:47in the presidential elections, with 28.8%.
21:51Fatah Al-Falhi from Tunisia and details.
21:55The High Independent Committee for Elections in Tunisia
21:58announced the final results of the presidential elections,
22:02with the victory of President Qais Saied,
22:06with the highest vote since the fall of the Ben Ali regime.
22:17Candidate Qais Saied got 2,438,954 votes,
22:27with a percentage of 90.69%.
22:32The High Independent Committee for Elections in Tunisia
22:35announced the final results of the presidential elections,
22:38with the victory of President Qais Saied,
22:41with the highest vote since the fall of the Ben Ali regime.
22:44Neither the opposition supported the results of the presidential elections,
22:48despite the fact that they did not recognize the legitimacy of the elections.
22:52Even though there was a lot of legitimacy,
22:56as a part of the opposition,
22:59they cut the elections, doubted the results of the elections,
23:02doubted the democracy and the integrity of the election process.
23:05But today, President Qais Saied,
23:08with a significant part of Tunisians,
23:10fought to the end,
23:13even though there was an acceptance from the two competitors in the race.
23:18After the victory of the president,
23:21the votes increased with the need to go to a political calm.
23:24The field of progress is opening up in economic and social conditions.
23:28The first calls came from the campaign of Ayesh Al Zaman,
23:31who called for the release of political prisoners and prisoners of opinion.
23:36The president is not in a position of choice.
23:38Today, if we want social peace,
23:41and we want an international environment
23:44to achieve the slogans of the election campaign,
23:47it is very important to go to a political calm,
23:50and to open up to the social and political parties.
23:53A bitter failure for the opposition.
23:56Does Saied want a political calm,
23:59despite the positive outcomes
24:02issued by his campaign manager,
24:05his brother, Nawfal Saied,
24:08who is a victim of political division in the country?
24:11After the Tunisian president strengthened his rule,
24:15does Tunisia want a political calm,
24:18and to focus on economic and social issues?
24:23The answer is to imprison political leaders
24:26in the second presidential era.
24:29Al Falhi Media opened.
24:34The General Directorate of the Air Force said
24:36that local heavy rainfall
24:39with gusts of wind
24:42is expected from Saturday to Sunday.
24:45Several regions in the Kingdom
24:48and the Directorate said
24:51that local heavy rainfall
24:54with gusts of wind
24:57will affect the regions of Sawira,
25:00Asafi and Sidi Ben Nour.
25:03Local heavy rainfall
25:06with gusts of wind
25:09will affect the regions of Tanja,
25:12Asila, Tetouan, Al Araish,
25:15Quneitra, Inzgan, Ayitmeloul,
25:18Agadir, Edoutanan, Tiznit, Sazag,
25:21and Asmara from midnight to midday.
25:24This is the end of our program.
25:29For more information,
25:32visit www.fema.gov