General Hospital 10-11-24

  • 3 days ago
00:01Lulu just seems to be getting worse.
00:03I can't believe that none of her brothers are viable donors.
00:05Wait, Ethan was tested?
00:07Yeah. Apparently, Holly contacted him.
00:11With the three of them out of the running, finding a donor seems less and less likely.
00:15Hey, between you and Laura getting word out, and Olivia contacting everyone she knows to get tested, we still have reason to be hopeful.
00:25Hello, Aunt Ava.
00:26Hello. Well, I had no idea that you were back in town.
00:31Although, I can't say I'm completely surprised, considering I didn't see you when you were here for your mother's funeral.
00:36I was here for my family.
00:39Well, I'm family.
00:43Is there any special reason for this visit?
00:46It's not a visit. Lucas is home for good.
00:50Meet G.H.'s new trauma surgeon.
00:54Morning, Alexis.
01:00How is my effervescently challenged client today?
01:04Judging from your effervescence, I take it the P.I. gave the photo to Anna?
01:09Uh, no. Actually, I had to leave it with her assistant, and I haven't heard back yet.
01:13Then again, I don't recall you being all that convinced that my picture was going to get the charges against you dropped.
01:19My lawyer instincts kicked in.
01:21Yeah, so did mine. That's why I had our P.I. do a little more digging.
01:25I take it she found something?
01:27She did.
01:28As far as I'm concerned, you should be out of here by the end of the day.
01:36Well, what brings you by?
01:40Then this would be...
01:42Proof that Alexis Davis is innocent.
01:46Hi, Elizabeth.
01:48Oh, hi.
01:49If you're looking for Dante, he's not here at the moment.
01:52Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to tell him in person that I'm coming to get tested to see if I'm a match for Lulu.
01:58Oh, that's great. I'm sure he'll be pleased.
02:00Yeah. So how's it been going? Are people coming in?
02:03Yes, and people are getting tested at other places as well.
02:07Mama Q strikes again.
02:09I was, uh, yeah, I was bummed to hear that Lulu's brother, Lucky, wasn't able to donate.
02:15Yeah, that was rough.
02:17Especially for Dante.
02:21I don't know how much longer he can hold out hope.
02:24Well, he's not one to give up.
02:26No. No, but he is a realist.
02:29And I know he's bracing himself in case Lulu doesn't make it.
02:35Hey, Dante.
02:37How you doing?
02:39Uh, yeah, we're, uh, hanging in there.
02:43Joss told me that Lulu's brother can't be the donor.
02:46I'm really sorry.
02:48Yeah, well, we're not giving up.
02:50I have an appointment to go get tested over my lunch hour.
02:53Well, thanks, man. I appreciate that.
02:56If you don't mind my saying, I, uh, I'm surprised that you came in.
03:01Yeah, I just gotta finish some stuff up, and, uh, then I'm taking a leave of absence to be with Rocco and Lulu and spend more time with them.
03:08Hey, is it true there was a bomb thrown here yesterday?
03:11Uh, yeah. Someone dropped off a suspicious package. Turned out to be a gun.
03:16A package with a gun in it?
03:18Yeah, the theory is it's the gun that Alexis Davis dropped off the bridge.
03:21Is that right?
03:23Look, I saw the ballistics report. It's definitely not the gun that killed Cates.
03:29Thank you for coming by, Christina.
03:33Yeah, you sounded really urgent on the phone. Now I know why.
03:39Clearly, Michael told you I went to see Anna last night.
03:42Don't worry. I didn't say anything because he stopped me before I even could.
03:46Oh, no, I'm not mad. I'm not mad. Listen.
03:51I love you very much.
03:56I love you, too. What? Wait. What's going on?
04:04I've made up my mind. I'm not gonna let Alexis pay for my crimes.
04:13I'm gonna confess to killing Jack.
04:41Moving back to Port Charles. Why didn't you tell me?
04:45Why would he?
04:47Neither one of us has reached out to the other since I left.
04:51Well, I sent my condolences when your mother passed.
04:56Did you read the note that Trina wrote before you sent it?
04:59Carly, really? I'm hoping to have an uninterrupted conversation with my nephew.
05:03Is that really necessary?
05:05I mean, maybe there's a reason we're not close and maybe that doesn't need to change.
05:12Well, you're right that we're not close.
05:15But we are family.
05:17I can't wait for you to see Avery. She's grown up so much. She's so beautiful.
05:23I know. Carly sends me tons of pictures of Avery, so I'm all up to date.
05:29They're so kind of you.
05:31Well, family is important to Spencers.
05:35While Lucas may have grown up with Bobby and Tony Jones, but there is no changing the fact that he is Julian's son.
05:42It's really funny that you would bring up Julian.
05:45When he's the reason Lulu was fighting for her life.
05:49And I'm sure that Lucas and I both have feelings about that because we were close to Julian and you certainly were not.
05:55Oh, I can tell you what Lucas's feelings are about that.
05:57Actually, actually, Carly, I would like a minute with Annie, though.
06:05Thank you for understanding.
06:06Yes. Your magnanimity knows no bounds.
06:11I'll see you at home.
06:16So, should we get a couple of calls?
06:18No, you're fine.
06:22Well, is there something in particular you want...
06:24I would like you to explain why you outed Christina's girlfriend, Blaze.
06:30You wanted to speak to me?
06:32Oh, yes, I did. We were having so many people come in to get tested for Lulu, our labs are getting backed up.
06:38Can you please approve some overtime for our techs?
06:42Consider it done.
06:45And speaking of the lab, have you had any trouble with Brad Cooper?
06:54So, don't keep me in suspense. What is this new information that's going to set me free?
06:58Our PI was able to get a hold of a copy of Jack Brennan's room service order, Dinner for Two with Champagne, i.e. Ooh La La.
07:08I've already emailed a copy of it over to Commissioner DeVay.
07:13That's it?
07:15What do you mean, that's it? You combined that with a picture of Carly going to his hotel suite.
07:19I know, I agreed to that. You know, at this point, I just don't actually think that's enough proof.
07:25Well, you're right. It doesn't prove anything.
07:28That's the funny thing about evidence. It's supposed to prove stuff.
07:32No, Alexis, it's not. This evidence is there to cast doubt on Carly and Sonny's alibi. That's it.
07:38Yeah, well, I just don't seem to think that Brennan's order, room service order, or picture of that is going to do that.
07:47Well, I've done a heck of a lot more with a hell of a lot less.
07:51You know, I'm so glad that you're so confident. It's a long shot at best.
07:56Alright, fine. You know what? I am open to suggestions since you don't seem to like any of mine.
08:01The only thing that is going to get me out of here is if Sonny confesses.
08:08Yeah, and how likely is it that a known crime boss is going to let his conscience get the better of him?
08:14Not likely.
08:16Because he's not going to put Christina in the mix.
08:18Okay. How about we somehow tie Sonny to the murder weapon?
08:25That weapon is in a thousand pieces somewhere or it's melted down.
08:30Okay, so fine. Where does that leave us?
08:33With the improbable possibility that Sonny is going to put Christina at risk and come forward and save me.
08:43And inside the package is a chrome 9mm pistol.
08:48Like the one that Rick Lansing and Elizabeth Baldwin saw Alexis throw off the Blackstone Canyon Bridge.
08:56I mean, it matches the description, so I'm going to bring them in and see if they can positively ID it.
09:01Is it worth your time? I mean, come on. There's plenty of 9mms out there.
09:06Well, the lab turned up residue consistent with the minerals found in the Blackstone Canyon River.
09:12Enough to confirm that it had probably been there for several weeks.
09:16We also ran the serial number and the gun is registered to Sonny Corinthas.
09:23Similar to the one that disappeared shortly after Kate's murder.
09:26Yeah. Ballistics will be able to tell us whether it's the murder weapon or not.
09:31Well, if it clears Alexis, that's all for the best. I mean, I think we all know she didn't do it.
09:37No. There are far more likely suspects.
09:40One in particular.
09:43You know, if Sonny did this, you realize that we're never going to find the weapon that he used.
09:51The FBI is going to have to build a case without it.
09:53Didn't stop them where Alexis was concerned.
09:56It will now.
09:58All right, I'm going to call Martin Gray and let him know.
10:01Wait, wait, wait.
10:04Let's not be heisty.
10:07Has everybody lost their minds? You cannot do this.
10:11Dad, I know you're trying to do this because of me.
10:13I'm doing this so your mother doesn't have to pay for something she didn't do.
10:17Well, it won't work, okay? It's not going to work.
10:18Mom said herself, I talked to her about it.
10:20And she said, if you go to the FBI, they're only going to think you're doing it to protect me.
10:24I have it under control.
10:28I've got a meeting with the FBI today.
10:30No. No, Dad, I cannot lose you.
10:32You're never going to lose me.
10:34I will lose you if you go to prison.
10:36You have to understand something, Christina. This is the right thing to do.
10:39There has to be another way.
10:42This is the only way to get your mother out of prison.
10:45Okay, you both agree?
10:47Okay, you both know.
10:49Jagger came at me, couldn't get me.
10:51Then he went after everybody that I loved and he wanted to hurt them.
10:55And he hurt you.
10:59In the lowest moment of your life, he had to be stopped.
11:07So that's what you're going to tell the feds?
11:10I'm going to tell the feds the truth.
11:11I don't want anyone else paying for Jagger Cates' death.
11:25Yeah, good to see you, man.
11:27Me too. I take it you're back at GH?
11:31Yeah, on a probationary basis.
11:33But I really want this to work out.
11:35So no capers, no schemes, no altering lab results.
11:39Just doing what I love.
11:41Where I love doing it.
11:43Is your aunt okay with this career change?
11:47Nah, she finally realized I wasn't a good fit for a business.
11:53Well, I know Britt would be happy to see you back here.
11:57Full disclosure, I invoked her name to get my foot in the front door.
12:02Well, she would have loved that.
12:04Damn right she would.
12:07So, well it sounds like you're all good.
12:13What's up?
12:15Well, my ex-husband Lucas, he's also back at GH.
12:21I know you recorded Natalia Ramirez and gave her audio to the Invader.
12:25Oh, I'm sure Carly couldn't wait to tell you about that.
12:28You had no right to outblaze.
12:31Nobody should be forced to come out before they're ready.
12:34I agree with you completely.
12:39I had no intention of outing Blaze.
12:42Lucas, I have spent half my life in the art world.
12:46You don't do what I do for a living if you're not an ally to the gay community.
12:50Well, then why did you do it?
12:52I was trying to protect Avery.
12:55From what?
12:59And I was trying to get any proof that I could that he was incapable of providing a suitable home for her.
13:04And what does Natalia Ramirez...
13:05He's trying to get full custody of you.
13:07No, he's trying to take her away from you.
13:09Okay, I am still just not following.
13:13I somehow thought that by exposing his companion Natalia for the bigot that she is,
13:20that it would reflect badly on Sonny.
13:23And it would help me with my custody case.
13:25Turns out it didn't help at all.
13:27Oh my God, you are just like Julian.
13:30He never thought about anyone but himself either.
13:32And you don't think Sonny would do the same to me.
13:35Or worse.
13:37Is Sonny really the best person to use as a moral barometer?
13:42You know, I suppose not.
13:45But when it comes to Julian,
13:48yes, he was a deeply flawed man.
13:52But he loved you.
13:54With everything he had.
13:56And you know it.
13:57Don't hate me for saying this.
13:59Let me guess, Brad's work has been flawless.
14:04It has.
14:08What about his attitude, his demeanor?
14:12It's beyond reproach?
14:15Trust me, I'm as shocked as you are.
14:18I just don't understand why he's working here.
14:20Brad's employment puts the entire hospital at risk.
14:24Look, I am certainly not going to defend Brad as a person.
14:29But since he's been back, his work has been excellent.
14:33For all his faults, he knows his job.
14:38You didn't have to escort me to therapy, Michael.
14:42I just want to make sure you're alright.
14:44I'm not alright.
14:46How could I possibly be alright?
14:48Our father is about to go to prison for what might be the rest of his life.
14:51Diane is going to get him the best deal possible.
14:52She's not a miracle worker.
14:54Christine, you have to trust that Dad knows what he's doing and that Diane knows how to get it done.
14:58I know you're right.
15:02Pick you up in an hour?
15:04Do you have a real job?
15:06You shouldn't be alone right now.
15:08I appreciate that, and I mean this lovingly.
15:11But please just go home.
15:16I'll check on you later.
15:18Much later.
15:53Hey, Dante.
15:55Can I talk to you for a second?
15:57I'm just on my way over.
15:59It'll be quick.
16:01I spoke to the commissioner.
16:03She wants to keep the ballistics report on that gun confidential for now.
16:06Why's that?
16:08I'm not sure, but I probably shouldn't have said anything to you.
16:11So, would you mind keeping this between us?
16:14I already forgot about it.
16:16Thanks, Detective.
16:18Sure thing.
16:20Diane has requested a meeting with, uh,
16:23Councilor Reynolds and her client, Sonny Corinthas.
16:27To talk about the Cates murder?
16:30We both know that Sonny killed Cates.
16:33But his conscience has never bothered him.
16:37I don't know what he's thinking.
16:39I don't know what he's thinking.
16:41I don't know what he's thinking.
16:43I don't know what he's thinking.
16:45I don't know what he's thinking.
16:46His conscience has never bothered him.
16:49Until now. Why bother talking?
16:52Oh, well, it's making sense.
16:55Because Christina came to see me
16:58to tell me that she had information about the night that Cates was killed.
17:01You said Michael stopped her?
17:03Yeah, he did.
17:05So, whatever it is that Christina was going to say...
17:08Michael knows what it is.
17:10And they're both covering for Sonny.
17:12You know, if anything could make Sonny talk,
17:15it would be his kids.
17:17Do you really believe he'd give up his freedom
17:19to protect his kids?
17:21I think it's possible.
17:23What time is this meeting?
17:25Noon today.
17:27Alright, so you want me
17:29to keep the ballistics results under wraps
17:32until after Sonny has met with the FBI?
17:35I don't know about you, but I can't wait to hear what he's got to say.
17:39And if he finds out
17:40what's in the report,
17:42well, he's going to change his mind about talking.
17:45And the last thing we need
17:47is to give Sonny an excuse not to confess.
17:53You better get busy then.
17:56Doing what?
17:58Breaking Sonny's alibi.
18:00If Carly finds out that Sonny is going to confess,
18:05then she might change her statement.
18:07Because I would hate to see her go down covering for him.
18:11She'd be an accessory in the murder of a federal agent.
18:14But even so,
18:16Sonny's kids don't deserve to lose both parents.
18:19Enough about me.
18:21What's up with you?
18:24Where do I begin?
18:26How about the rumor that you're Max Scorpio's son?
18:30Hospital gossip.
18:32It's true?
18:34Yeah, it's true.
18:35How's that been going?
18:37Well, I almost ruined it right off the bat.
18:42Yeah, naturally.
18:44But Max is such a great guy, he forgave me.
18:47I'm sure saving Max's son from drowning probably scored you a few points.
18:51Didn't hurt.
18:53But I'm not really comfortable being seen as the hero.
18:56Why? You look good in a white hat.
18:59I'm just glad everything turned out okay.
19:02Because Max is the best guy you know.
19:05He really is.
19:07And Lucas is the best guy I know.
19:10So maybe...
19:12He'll forgive me too.
19:14Well, that's...
19:16Thanks, Cody. You're the best.
19:18Mr. Cooper.
19:21Is this what you consider professional behavior?
19:26All right, what's going on? What's with all the text messages?
19:29Dad is meeting with the FBI at noon. He's going to confess to killing Agent Cates.
19:34I don't know anything about any meetings. Is Anna involved in this?
19:38I have no idea. All I know is Dad said he's meeting Diana at the PCPD to talk to the feds.
19:44Look, I know you've figured out that I know more than I've let on.
19:49Did you kill Cates?
19:53Did you say you did kill Cates?
19:57Didn't you do what he says? You do nothing, you say nothing.
19:59And what? Just let him throw his life away?
20:00Well, that depends. Do you trust your father enough to do what he's asking you to do?
20:06Is Christina okay?
20:08Yeah, she's fine.
20:12I wasn't expecting to see you.
20:15Well, there's something that I think you should know.
20:21What is it?
20:24I have a meeting today at noon with FBI Counsel Reynolds.
20:28The prosecutor in my case. Why?
20:33I want to tell him the truth.
20:38And by telling the truth, you mean what exactly?
20:43I want to tell him exactly what happened that night.
20:51I wasn't expecting you to say that.
20:54How do you think Christina's going to handle that?
20:57I already talked to her. She's not going to put herself in jeopardy.
21:00Well, I hope you're right because...
21:03You and I both know she was at the quarter mains and she had a gun.
21:08And if she doesn't keep quiet, they're going to arrest her for obstruction.
21:12I'm handling it.
21:14Okay, well, you need to be a tad more specific.
21:17Before I agree to tell the FBI everything,
21:21they're going to have to promise me in writing
21:24that you, Christina, and Carly will be immune from prosecution.
21:31Excuse me.
21:35I'm looking for a head nurse, Elizabeth Baldwin.
21:37I'm Elizabeth Baldwin. How can I help you?
21:39I'm with GH's legal department.
21:41The hospital's been issued a subpoena from the court of appeals
21:45regarding Heather Weber.
21:48When you're wearing this lab coat, you are representing this hospital
21:52and I assumed that you would act that way.
21:54It was just a hug,
21:57which will not happen again.
22:00I'm sure I don't need to remind you that you are still on probation.
22:05No, you don't.
22:07I know I need to prove I deserve this job.
22:10If you can.
22:11If you can.
22:13I'm certainly going to try.
22:15In fact, I've noticed that the lab's been really busy lately.
22:19If you need me to work more hours...
22:21No, no, no, no. That won't be necessary now.
22:25Oh, have there been problems with my work?
22:28Not yet.
22:30But why don't we just keep it that way?
22:37Hey, Dex, what's up?
22:38Ms. Spencer, is everything all right?
22:41You tell me. I was summoned here.
22:44Oh, good. You're here. Fantastic.
22:47Just follow me, please.
22:54Should I call Diane?
22:56No, it's just one question.
23:00Do you want to change your statement
23:02about the night that Agent Cates was killed?
23:05No. Is that all?
23:06Are you sure?
23:08Yes, I'm sure. Why would I want to change my statement?
23:12Well, just after the year you've had,
23:15I just didn't think you'd want to be charged again.
23:18Charged with what?
23:20Making a full statement to the police
23:22that it's a misdemeanor in the state of New York,
23:25as is obstruction, but then...
23:28murder of an FBI agent. That's federal.
23:33Even so, I'm...
23:35happy to stand by my original statement.
23:40Right. Okay. That's, uh, the statement is that
23:43you were in bed with Sonny
23:46the night that Agent Cates was killed.
23:54You know, um,
23:56you guys were seen having dinner at Metro Court.
23:59Are you back together?
24:01Why do you care?
24:05I don't know, Carly. I mean, it just looks like maybe
24:08your interests lie elsewhere.
24:16Hey, man. I've been looking for you.
24:19I wanted to tell you in person
24:21that I just got tested.
24:23Oh, hey, thanks, man. I, uh, I appreciate that.
24:28What's wrong?
24:29What do you mean?
24:31Well, something tells me that
24:33there's more going on than just you worrying about Lulu.
24:36Oh, yeah. I mean, there always is,
24:38but I can't talk about this.
24:40What is it? Ongoing investigation?
24:42Yeah, something like that.
24:44I mean, you know you'd tell me anything, right?
24:46Yeah, not this.
24:48Come on, man. You obviously need to talk about it.
24:51What's up?
24:59So, we've got new evidence
25:01that, uh, could exonerate someone,
25:04someone who's been charged with a serious crime.
25:07You mean Alexis, your sister's mom?
25:09Why are you naming names?
25:11No names, no names, unspoken rules.
25:13Sorry, cop, civilian, no names.
25:15So it has come to our attention that
25:17someone else is going to come forward
25:19and confess to this crime.
25:21Okay, and did this other person
25:24actually commit the crime?
25:26Yeah, it's highly likely, yeah.
25:27Okay, so what's the problem?
25:29Well, they're really only coming forward
25:31to get the other person off the hook.
25:33Okay, so if this other person is exonerated,
25:36then the real suspect wouldn't need to confess.
25:39That's right.
25:41So, this new evidence now,
25:43we're withholding from the person
25:45in custody's attorney.
25:47Okay, so you have evidence
25:49that would exonerate Alexis,
25:51but the cops are keeping it from her lawyer
25:54so that your dad confesses
25:56to killing that FBI agent.
25:58All right.
26:00And you're wondering if you should warn your dad
26:03before he confesses to a murder
26:05that he probably committed.
26:07Am I right?
26:11If you and Sonny are trying
26:13to make a go of it again,
26:15why are you seen entering Brendan's room?
26:18I'm the co-owner of the MetroCourt.
26:20I was just checking on a guest.
26:21Okay, Jack's certainly getting their VIP treatment.
26:24I mean, didn't I find you in his room
26:26like a couple of weeks back?
26:28Mr. Brennan is the new WSB station chief,
26:31so he is a VIP.
26:33And I want to make sure all my guests
26:35have the best day possible.
26:39Yeah, because there's also a room service order
26:41for dinner and champagne for that same night.
26:43Sounds like Mr. Brennan
26:45had big plans after I left.
26:47Oh, God.
26:51I really like you,
26:53and I'm going to level with you.
26:56You're making a big mistake.
26:59It won't be the first time.
27:01Yeah, but Brendan is a dangerous man.
27:04You do not want to get involved with him.
27:08You're not going to be offended
27:10if I don't take dating advice from you, are you?
27:15I'm not going to be offended
27:17I've known him a really long time.
27:19I know what he's capable of.
27:22I'm calling Diane.
27:24No, it's fine. We're done. We're done.
27:26Diane's going to be very busy this afternoon anyway.
27:33You sure you don't want to change your statement?
27:36I'm good.
27:40You know, loyalty is a very commendable thing.
27:43Unless you're giving it to the wrong person.
27:46I've got to go.
27:48Thank you for your time.
27:55Remember how Julian looked when he talked about you?
27:59He was so proud of you.
28:02There were times when I was proud of him, too.
28:06But every time we got close,
28:08I'd find out some horrible thing he'd done.
28:10Or some old secret would come to light.
28:13Or he hurt somebody else.
28:15And it never stopped.
28:19Did you ever think that maybe the reason
28:21that Julian made all of those bad choices
28:24was his insecurity?
28:27And I know he was always so afraid
28:29that he wasn't good enough to be your father.
28:36There's Baldwin.
28:37Dr. Page, what's up?
28:39Yes. Okay, the court of appeals
28:41has ordered an investigation
28:43of Heather Weber's blood work.
28:47Well, there was a discrepancy
28:49between GH's findings and the other labs.
28:51And the court wants to know,
28:53was there a procedural error?
28:55Is it some fault in our lab?
28:57You want me to look into it?
28:59The sooner the better.
29:01I'll get right on it.
29:05I want to help my father,
29:07but it's my job.
29:11And you're obligated to see
29:13that justice is served.
29:15Yeah, it's kind of my job.
29:17So what's bothering you the most about this?
29:20Is it the withholding evidence thing?
29:22Because, I mean,
29:24don't cops do tricks like that all the time
29:26to get people to confess, right?
29:28It's the fact that I'm either
29:30betraying my badge or I'm betraying my father.
29:32Even if you think he did it?
29:34Especially if I think he did it.
29:35No, I've lost all integrity.
29:37And I've literally
29:39helped him get away with murder.
29:41You don't know what I think?
29:43I don't think I actually do want to know what you think.
29:45Probably not.
29:47Because it's probably not going to be helpful,
29:49but here goes anyways, okay?
29:51After everything that FBI guy did to your family,
29:53I think it just comes down to one simple question.
29:57which one's more important to you?
29:59Your family or your job?
30:02The FBI's going to jump at the chance
30:03to put me behind bars.
30:05So I'm going to talk about everything
30:07that they've ever tried to pin on me.
30:09As long as they keep you, Christina,
30:11and Carly alone.
30:14Because the crime in question isn't enough,
30:17you're going to give them the whole story?
30:20They're not going to play ball
30:22if I don't give them something worth their while.
30:26So what about your associates
30:28in all your endeavors?
30:30What happens to them?
30:31I'll deal with that.
30:33I don't see another way.
30:37So after all these years
30:40of you evading the authorities,
30:44you're just going to give yourself up?
30:48It's either that
30:50or you're going to spend the rest of your life in prison
30:53for something you didn't do.
30:57Do you think that was worth it?
30:59Do you think I would let you do that?
31:03Do you think I would let you do that?
31:07The thought has crossed my mind.
31:11But I know if you were given the choice
31:14between me and Christina...
31:16Mom's been doing this for Christina.
31:22I think you're doing it a little for me, too.
31:26A little bit.
31:32Take care of our girl.
31:36I promise.
31:49It's all worth sending me.
31:53At least we can agree on that.
31:55I did mean it
31:57when I said that not all of my memories of him are bad.
32:01Would you share one with me?
32:04It's been a long time
32:06since I've heard anybody say anything kind about my brother.
32:13I've been thinking about
32:15the day he married Alexis.
32:18I was proud to be his best man
32:21and I was so happy for him.
32:22And that day,
32:24I really thought
32:26maybe my dad can finally be happy.
32:30Maybe he could have been
32:32if he'd married literally anybody else.
32:35Alexis was the worst thing that ever happened to Julian.
32:39Okay, so much for a fond memory.
32:41I'm sorry, I'm just trying to be honest.
32:44How many times did that woman break his heart?
32:47Probably not as many as he broke hers.
32:49Her constant judgments,
32:51her endless conditions
32:54to be worthy of her love and attention
32:57wore him down.
32:59It wore him out.
33:01And in the end, she was the reason he did
33:04all of those terrible things before he was killed.
33:07No, no, you can't blame Alexis for Julian's actions.
33:11I certainly can.
33:13Okay, well, good talk, I gotta run.
33:18Before you go,
33:21just please keep in mind
33:24that nobody should be judged entirely
33:28based on the worst thing that they've done.
33:32Your father loved you.
33:35I know.
33:38I loved him too.
33:42Thank you for saying that.
33:43Just so you know,
33:47I love you too.
33:50And yeah, it's true that we're not close.
33:55But we could be.
33:58Well, think about it.
34:05Because I'd hate to think that you have so much family
34:08that you can afford to throw away your father's side.
34:10You can afford to throw away your father's side.
34:13I'd never throw away Avery.
34:17Or her mother.
34:28Terry told me that the hospital received a court order.
34:31Something about the lab's testing.
34:34Yes, regarding Heather Webber's blood work.
34:37What? What about it?
34:39Rick Lansing had her cobalt levels tested
34:43and our lab concluded that her levels were still high.
34:47Oh, okay. That's good.
34:50But he also had the tests run at three different labs.
34:54Okay, that is normal. They do do that, yeah.
34:57And none of the results matched ours.
34:59So Rick is trying to prove that the error was within our lab
35:04and that's why the court is ordering an investigation.
35:06Yeah, but it's a mistake.
35:08Mistakes happen. You would think they would, I don't know, drop it.
35:13Well, a mistake that big could cast doubt over the integrity of our lab
35:18and not just with Heather's results but other results in the past
35:22that have been used as evidence.
35:24Right. No, that's a good point.
35:27Yeah, but don't worry about it. I'm taking care of it.
35:29I'm sure it's going to be fine.
35:36Come on.
35:44Ho, ho, ho, ho.
35:46Dr. Portia Robinson, what have you been up to?
35:55Thanks for coming by right away.
35:57Yeah, I thought you were pursuing her.
35:59No, she's not answering her phone.
36:01Of course, they can't tell me if she showed up to her therapy session or not,
36:03but I think she ditched it right when I dropped her off.
36:07You didn't watch her walk in?
36:09And I felt intrusive.
36:11Look, Mom, we have to find Christina before she does something rash
36:15and Dad's confession will all be for nothing.
36:18Christina, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you.
36:23We need to talk about Dad.
36:25Your dad has been here. I know what he's going to do.
36:30Did you try to talk him out of it?
36:31Why would I do that?
36:33I don't know. This is all just such a mess.
36:38I should have told Anna everything I knew.
36:40What? Anna? What did you tell Anna?
36:44I went to see her to confess.
36:46To confess to what?
36:48Driving your car to the quarter means stealing Dad's gun.
36:51I was trying to do anything I could to convince her that you didn't do this.
36:54Did you tell her anything?
36:56No. Michael stopped me.
36:58Christina, don't help.
37:01You're just making everything worse.
37:03I think that's what everyone keeps saying,
37:05but we need to stop pretending that this isn't my fault.
37:08Because it is.
37:10If I never went to Ava's hotel room, my child would still be alive.
37:15Kate's, he would never be able to charge me with killing my daughter
37:19and Dad never would have been upset enough.
37:21You know what's missing here, Christina?
37:24The truth. And that's what people need to hear.
37:27That your father actually did the thing that he's going to confess to
37:32and he is doing the right thing by turning himself in.
37:35Okay, but he did it because of me.
37:37He did it because that's what he does.
37:41Granted, Kate's was never going to let out.
37:46Until you were destroyed, until Michael was destroyed,
37:49until Dante was destroyed and he wasn't going to let Kate's hurt his children anymore.
37:54But if Dad confesses, he goes to prison.
37:58Then I can't let that happen.
38:04Oh, you're early.
38:06Yeah, I'm meeting Diane.
38:09Someone will see her any soon as she gets here.
38:12You want to follow me?
38:14Hey, Dad.
38:19Just so you know.