El Precio de Amarte Cap 30 Completo - El Precio de Amarte Ep 30 Completo

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El Precio de Amarte Cap 30 Completo - El Precio de Amarte Ep 30 Completo

El Precio de Amarte Cap 30 Completo:


00:00I have to make a statement so you can explain to me
00:03why a girl who is supposedly single is living in your house.
00:07I can't tell you the name of the man who is my reason to live.
00:13I respect that.
00:15I'm very happy that you have the possibility to enjoy love.
00:20I want something serious.
00:22But it won't be easy, Casicura.
00:25He feels that he is missing his wife's memory.
00:28But I want to show him that I can be his divine companion.
00:33Well, I wish you a lot of luck.
00:35Thank you, thank you.
00:37And changing the subject, there's no problem with the sign I put outside the church, right?
00:43What sign?
00:45I'm offering my services to repair...
00:50...home appliances.
00:52You see, I'm good at mechanics.
00:55You are a gift of virtue.
00:57I'm going to bring you my sewing machine so you can fix it.
01:00Bring it and I'll leave it as new.
01:02Oh, yes.
01:03And how is the cooperation for the repair of the church going?
01:13Inspector, please.
01:15Let me talk to Gina before the social worker arrives.
01:18She knows me very well.
01:19So she doesn't get scared, please.
01:21You've been a cop, you know I can't do that.
01:24Besides, I have to make a statement for you to explain to me...
01:27...why a girl supposedly...
01:29...is living in your house.
01:33...could I do it later?
01:37I have an element...
01:39...guarding the girl discreetly.
01:42And what happens if she leaves school and the social worker hasn't arrived yet?
01:46They'll have to come here together, to the police station.
01:48No, inspector, let me go with him, please.
01:50We're talking about a girl who just lost her mother.
01:59I'll call Oscar to tell him she's leaving...
02:01...and I'll call the social worker to tell her to come directly to the police station.
02:08I'm going to talk to Silverio so he can take care of this.
02:10Excuse me. Thank you.
02:12Rodrigo, the MP is waiting for you.
02:15I'm going to make a statement.
02:16Thank you very much.
02:18Thank you, inspector.
02:19Hey, aren't you going to go to recess?
02:23I'm going to stay here and eat my sandwich.
02:25Oh, okay.
02:26Then I'll stay too.
02:29I also brought a sandwich.
02:32Hey, are you excited to go to therapy with my mom?
02:36Not really.
02:37It's just that...
02:39...horses scare me.
02:42But they're the best in the world!
02:44I have a horse.
02:45His name is Taku.
02:47And I learned how to ride him when I was three years old.
02:49If you want, I can help you get rid of your fear.
02:56Do you want to try my sandwich?
02:57It's delicious.
02:59Do you want to try mine too?
03:07Let's see.
03:09I never imagined that Mario was going to report me to the police.
03:14Yes, but why didn't you tell him you were at my house?
03:17Yes, I told him.
03:18I sent him messages.
03:20And I was so scared that he would come for Gina and take her by force.
03:24Because you know how he is.
03:25He's not well.
03:26He can't take care of my sister.
03:27You should have reported him.
03:28Since you didn't do it, now you committed a crime.
03:31And besides, I'm your accomplice.
03:33Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
03:35No, no, no.
03:36Forgive me, Rodrigo.
03:37I swear.
03:38I swear I didn't want to get you in trouble.
03:40Don't worry.
03:41Please help me.
03:42I don't want to stay here, in this place.
03:44Who's going to take care of my sister?
03:46We're going to solve it, okay?
03:48I'm going to get you out of here.
03:49Don't worry.
03:55I didn't have any friends in my previous school.
03:57Well, but you're going to have a lot here.
04:00Starting with me.
04:03No, what are you doing here?
04:04I'm here for Gina.
04:06For me? Why?
04:08Your sister needs to talk to you.
04:09I already asked the teacher for permission.
04:11Did something happen to Olga?
04:12No, honey, don't worry.
04:14Pick up your things, okay?
04:17Is everything okay?
04:18Yes, honey.
04:22This is Rodrigo Zarate.
04:24She is the social worker in charge of Gina.
04:27Lidia Herrera.
04:28Nice to meet you.
04:29Nice to meet you.
04:31The truth is that I recommend that before you give the girl to your father,
04:34it is important that you do a psychological assessment of the gentleman.
04:38Apparently he suffered a very big trauma.
04:41I'm afraid he can't take care of Gina.
04:44I appreciate it, but first I have to talk to the girl.
04:46Yes, I understand, but ...
04:50Romelio already told me everything.
04:52I don't want anything to happen to Olga.
04:54Don't worry, everything will be fine.
04:56Hi, I'm Lidia.
04:58I came to help you.
05:00Can we talk?
05:02Don't worry.
05:04Go with her.
05:06Here we are.
05:10She will be fine.
05:12Olga didn't force me.
05:14I already wanted to leave my house.
05:15My father was always drinking and screaming very ugly.
05:19Once he threatened us with a knife because he thought we were the thieves who killed my mother.
05:25Thanks for your statement, Gina.
05:27I'm going to check some data.
05:29Excuse me.
05:31I'm going to make a call.
05:33I'll be right back.
05:41Gina, come here.
05:42Gina, come here.
05:48Can I see my sister now?
05:50Let me talk to Lidia first and we'll see if she gives us a chance, okay?
06:01Everything agrees.
06:03Apparently, Miss Tavares only prevented Gina's father from hurting her.
06:06I just received a call from the capital.
06:09The father was taken to a psychiatric hospital.
06:11Apparently, he attacked a person.
06:14All his arguments are true.
06:16However, I have to talk to Miss Tavares first.
06:19Sure, thank you very much.
06:21Excuse me.
06:23Give me a hug.
06:25I'm very sorry.
06:27I'm very sorry.
06:29Look, I have all the evidence and I'm on your side.
06:32As I told you, Gina's father is in a psychiatric hospital.
06:36But there is a lawsuit in the way.
06:37And above all, if it's a minor, we can't ignore her.
06:42I don't want them to take Gina to a mental hospital.
06:45Please help me.
06:47What do I have to do?
06:49I already explained to you.
06:51I left you a letter telling you that I was going to take Gina and to let me know as soon as he felt better.
06:54Okay, a letter.
06:58And have you tried to locate him in another way?
07:02Calls, messages?
07:04Yes, I've left him messages.
07:05But he never answered.
07:07Now I understand that he was locked up.
07:11Okay, I'm going to ask for his cell phone records to verify his innocence.
07:17With the girl's statement and that the father is in a psychiatric hospital,
07:20probably a judge can grant him temporary custody.
07:25But we have to hurry.
07:27Yes, yes, yes, whatever it takes to recover my sister.
07:29Let me see what I can do.
07:31Yes, thank you.
07:33You're welcome.
07:37Oh, I was late at the market, I have to go running to the hospital.
07:39Leave it to me, leave it to me.
07:41Don't worry, I'll do it.
07:43I mean, in the end I have nothing to do.
07:45Oh, thank you.
07:47And why don't you make a plan with Chanati and Nubia?
07:49Well, because they are very fighting and nothing is like before.
07:55Maybe it's a good time to reconnect, don't you think?
08:01Okay, I'm running.
08:05Good luck.
08:09Mr. Silverio is preparing everything for Olga to be released.
08:11I am convinced that the best thing is for the minor to stay with her sister for now.
08:14I'm going to let the judge know.
08:16Of course.
08:18I suppose Olga's trial will not advance while her father is in the psychiatric hospital, right?
08:22As long as the judge does not tell me otherwise, Olga will continue in Serrano.
08:28Excuse me, could you temporarily take care of the girl?
08:32Of course, of course.
08:34It is that in addition to Miss Tavares, the minor does not have family
08:39and I would not want to send her to a house to drown.
08:42No, no way.
08:44No way, don't worry, I'll take care of it.
08:48Olga, please, you can't stay here.
08:51Please, please come with me.
08:54I don't want you to leave.
08:56Gina, Gina, calm down.
08:58Gina, calm down.
08:59I'm going out.
09:01I'm going out and I'm going to be with you, I promise you.
09:04Please, please.
09:06I promise you.
09:29I was hurt by the people when I offered it to you,
09:32because now I have you and that bastard in my sights.
09:35That thing is not going to be.
09:37My son is going to be.
09:45Already with cravings?
09:48Francisco just came to live with you and you got pregnant.
09:53In one of those and it's not his.
09:56Anyway, congratulations.
10:02Olga, Rodrigo's ex-girlfriend
10:04is detained and accused of having sex with him.
10:07Yes, yes, I know it sounds strange,
10:09but right now the important thing is to get her out of the divorce
10:12for the good of the child, that everything is solved.
10:14Hey, but they must have lasted a long time
10:17for Rodrigo to be so worried about her, right?
10:20They were about to get married.
10:22They broke up for work and until now ...
10:25Oh, I don't want to make up ideas, friend.
10:27Oh, friend, forgive me,
10:29but living together gives a lot to think about.
10:33But they do it for the girl.
10:35Rodrigo doesn't feel anything for Olga anymore.
10:37He doesn't want to leave her either.
10:40I don't have to get jealous.
10:43Well, I'm going to tell Ivan everything that's going on with Olga.
10:46No, no, no, don't do it. You know how it is.
10:48Maybe he'll fire her.
10:50As you wish.
10:52Yes, you know what? I'm going to take the opportunity to see my aunt Rosetta.
10:54I didn't tell you.
10:56I'm going to have a child with my dad.
11:01You should have left town when I offered you.
11:04Because now I have you and that bastard in my sights.
11:07They're not going to do that.
11:09My son is going to be born.
11:11And Francisco and I are waiting for him with all our love.
11:13Now, if that makes your guts twist,
11:16then it's your problem. Go to therapy.
11:18I'm never going to divorce him.
11:20You will always be the one who tried to steal my husband.
11:24I don't care.
11:26Francisco, my son and I are going to be a family.
11:31Mom, what are you doing? What's wrong with you?
11:33I came to clarify her truths to this whore.
11:36Don't insult my aunt or try to hurt her.
11:38Francisco is never going to marry her.
11:41Let it be very clear to him.
11:49I know you're not a priest,
11:52but I need you to absolve me.
11:54I can't do that, Raul.
11:56But can I listen to you?
11:58Tell me what's bothering you.
12:04I'm sorry that I've failed to remember my late wife.
12:08And I've been carried away by low passions and lust.
12:14Let's see, Raul, tell me what's wrong with you.
12:17Vera, there's a lady I considered a very good friend,
12:21but she started seducing me.
12:24And I had many years of abstinence.
12:29And I was weak.
12:31And now I don't know how to prevent those encounters from happening.
12:36Your wife, who did love you,
12:39must be dreaming of giving you the opportunity to fall in love again.
12:44You are a free man.
12:46So start living life and enjoying it.
12:51Enjoy those encounters.
12:55So you're not going to punish me?
12:58No, Raul.
13:00God doesn't punish something as beautiful as love.
13:03Don't worry.
13:07Enjoy it.
13:10That's why I didn't want Francisco to tell you about my pregnancy.
13:14He threatened me.
13:16That my son wouldn't be born.
13:18I know.
13:21my mom is very sick.
13:23And she's frustrated because she couldn't give her a child.
13:26Believe it or not, my mom has suffered a lot.
13:30That doesn't excuse her behavior.
13:32No, no, I don't excuse it.
13:34It's been more than 20 years, Amelia.
13:36It's been more than 20 years since she manipulated and kidnapped Francisco.
13:39And right now,
13:41life is going in a direction that would seem orchestrated by divine justice.
13:46I know, aunt.
13:47I just want your happiness and Francisco's.
13:50I promise I'll talk to her.
13:52I'll try to calm her down.
13:56And Amelia is on Rosetta's side.
13:58You don't know what I would do to make my sister disappear from the face of the earth.
14:02You know I do everything to protect the lady.
14:05But you can't put me against Amelia's aunt.
14:08And I ask you, please,
14:10don't do anything that could compromise her.
14:13You're right.
14:14I just needed to vent with someone.
14:17And you, Rodrigo, have proven to have so much appreciation for me and your loyalty.
14:22I love it.
14:24You know I'm on your side.
14:26What your husband did was not right.
14:28Thank you for listening to me, Rodrigo.
14:30See you later, right?
14:44I have to ask you a favor.
14:48And suddenly Eduarda came
14:51to yell at me and threaten me
14:54that if I get pregnant, that if I don't stay.
14:56Horrible. Fortunately, Amelia arrived.
14:58And then she left.
15:00The harpy.
15:02Well, how lucky that Amelia arrived.
15:05For whatever you want, try not to be alone.
15:08So you don't expose yourself to another aggression.
15:10Yes, I know.
15:12But Alfonso had to go with some workers to buy.
15:16Hey, but Amelia doesn't judge me.
15:19Much less hates me.
15:21On the contrary, she told me she was going to talk to Eduarda to see if she can calm her down.
15:29Everything will be clear, my love.
15:31And surely Gina will be able to return to school very soon.
15:33Please help your sister, okay?
15:37Rodrigo is with them.
15:39Nothing will happen to them.
15:44I already found out that Don Francisco is expecting a baby.
15:48Congratulations to you too.
15:50How nice.
15:54A gossip.
15:56Yes, Don Francisco is expecting a baby.
15:58Mom, why is Armina's sister saying that?
16:00My grandmother is going to have a baby.
16:04Hey, I'm very happy that your son is already dating someone else.
16:10Oh, I thought I had already told you.
16:12I was like a gossip.
16:14No, no, no.
16:16Let's see, tell me, tell me.
16:18Well, he was here the other day.
16:20And he came with ...
16:22With her.
16:26Well, go, go, go, go.
16:28Ah, yes.
16:30Keep this.
16:34Hello, welcome.
16:37I heard that my grandfather and my aunt Rosetta are going to have a baby.
16:40They fell in love, honey.
16:43And my grandfather and my grandmother are not going to be together anymore?
16:49But it's not right for my grandfather Francisco to be with my grandmother.
16:53He is married to my grandfather Eduardo, they are sisters.
16:56I know.
16:58Your grandfather and Rosetta fell in love.
17:00A lot.
17:02They loved each other a lot before my mother married him.
17:08Dad, it's a pleasure to introduce you to my friend Candy.
17:12Nice to meet you, Candy.
17:14Tomas Franco.
17:16I'm glad my son is dating such a beautiful girl.
17:18Oh, how kind.
17:20Thank you very much, Mr. Tomas.
17:22And as much help, the one who does not get in the way, I leave you to talk about your things.
17:25I'm going to send you a delicious horchata water.
17:28Thank you for that, Dad.
17:32How are you?
17:34It's good that your dad likes you.
17:36Here the pretty one is you.
17:41Well, what are you going to order?
17:44Oh, well.
17:46Mom, I don't say it for him, but for you.
17:48You can't force my dad to be in a marriage that doesn't exist.
17:51He decided to be with my aunt Rosetta, and more now that they are going to have a child together.
17:55Well, I'm going to make their life impossible.
17:57Oh, mom, you took my aunt Rosetta's boyfriend.
17:59Of course not.
18:01And if Francisco had loved her as much as he says, he wouldn't have listened to me.
18:03We fell in love and he offered me a future together.
18:06And he gave it to you.
18:08He married you, he was a father to us.
18:10But sometimes things don't work the way you want them to.
18:13Mom, you can't fight against love.
18:15They love each other.
18:17I can't believe you're on his side.
18:19Oh, mom, I'm not on his side.
18:21You are beautiful.
18:23You can get someone to love you.
18:25Divorce him.
18:29Unless he wants to give up everything we built together.
18:31We built together.
18:57It was so cold.
18:59I missed you.
19:05What are you doing?
19:09Hi, Raul.
19:12I brought you an almond pancake.
19:15I hope we can eat it together.
19:19I appreciate it, but...
19:22Look, Perpetua.
19:24What happened between us
19:25can't happen again.
19:29You didn't like it?
19:31Well, I liked it, I liked it, I liked it, yes.
19:36I even...
19:38I had forgotten...
19:41What was that like?
19:43Look, I've also respected the memory of my late husband,
19:49But I do think there's a spark between us
19:52that's hard to stop.
19:53It's just that I keep...
19:55reproaching myself
19:57for not remembering my late husband.
20:02We're alive.
20:05We have to leave the dead alone.
20:08We have to take advantage of the fact that we're alive.
20:19Wait for me back there in the cellar.
20:21Wait for me back there in the cellar.
20:28Oh, my love, your grandfather Francisco forgot
20:31all the promises he made to me.
20:33He got involved with Rosetta
20:35and now they're even going to have a baby together, can you imagine?
20:38It wasn't enough to embarrass me
20:40and humiliate me in front of the whole town.
20:43Grandma, but don't cry, okay?
20:47I'm very sad about everything my grandfather did to you.
20:49If I have a broken heart, my love,
20:52I don't know if I'll be able to get out of this.
20:56Do you want me to stop talking to my grandfather?
21:01Would you do that for me?
21:04Of course I would.
21:06Oh, my love.
21:08Thank you, my love, thank you,
21:10because you're the only one who understands me
21:12and supports me.
21:14Because neither your mother
21:16nor Alfonso are on my side.
21:18You're even apologizing to your grandfather
21:20for what he's doing.
21:24Thank you, my love.
21:26You're welcome, Grandma.
21:29How's everything going?
21:31Well, Silverio is asking for a bail.
21:33We're waiting for the judge's answer,
21:35but apparently Olga isn't leaving Los Amparos tonight.
21:38Can I help you with anything?
21:40No, baby, don't worry.
21:42I'm going to stay here tonight
21:44waiting to see what happens.
21:47You know, I love you
21:49and I admire you for what you're doing for her.
21:51No, baby, I love you.
21:53Hey, you know I'm here alone
21:55to help Olga, right?
21:57I mean, there's nothing else.
21:59No, I know not.
22:01I send you a kiss.
22:04Another one.
22:11Please, Pepetua,
22:12let this stay between us.
22:15If my doll finds out,
22:17she won't forgive me.
22:19Look, I see her so upset
22:21that I don't want to give her any more reasons
22:23to be sad.
22:25Don't worry.
22:27In fact, for now,
22:29just for now,
22:31I like it when you're like this,
22:35It's more exciting, right?
22:37Well, yes.
22:40Another kiss.
22:42Come on, come on.
22:44Another kiss.
22:46Another kiss.
22:48Hello, Martin.
22:50How is my grandson doing?
22:52I'm just calling to tell you
22:54that when you come to the producer's office,
22:56I don't want to see you.
22:58Don't even come to say hello, okay?
23:00My grandmother already told me everything you did to her.
23:02Martin, let me explain to you
23:04because I'm sure your grandmother gave you her version.
23:06I don't like seeing my grandmother like this because of you.
23:08You're a liar who doesn't know how to keep his promises.
23:11What happened?
23:13Who was it?
23:17He doesn't want to see me.
23:21Eduardo knows how to hit where it hurts the most.
23:27Hi, Dad.
23:29Hi, son.
23:31How's Olga?
23:33They're still separating today.
23:35The judge hasn't said anything about it yet.
23:37How's Gina?
23:38She cried all night
23:40until she fell asleep.
23:42I'm going to get her sister out.
23:44I promise.
23:46Any news?
23:50Your friend from Interpol sent you an email.
23:52I forgot.
23:54I can't check my email.
23:56Here it is.
23:58I investigated the company you told me about.
24:00Stellaris Blue was fired a few months ago.
24:03And according to the information I found,
24:05shortly after,
24:06the company closed operations
24:08without leaving a trace.
24:11So Eduardo used the company
24:13to justify the transfers they made to the foundation.
24:16It's a company created to meet his needs.
24:19To meet his needs.
24:21We have to investigate that company.
24:23How did they fire her?
24:26Don't you want my mom to intervene with the judge?
24:29And Olivia.
24:31No, don't worry.
24:33We better wait and see what the judge says.
24:36I'm going to see if Martin is ready to go to school.
24:40How did you spend the night at the police station?
24:43More or less.
24:45I was sitting in a chair.
24:47It was cold.
24:49I missed it.
24:55What are you doing?
24:58What do you want to buy?
25:00This is a book for the university.
25:02Hi, girlfriend.
25:04Do you think I'm okay?
25:08I'm sorry.
25:10You're unbearable.
25:12What you have to do is forget about these things.
25:15What I have to do is forget that she offended me with the song
25:18so I'm going to apologize.
25:20No, you don't have to.
25:22It's what you're telling me to do.
25:24Hi, Alfonso.
25:25How are you?
25:26Fine, and you?
25:28Hi, honey.
25:30Well, I have to go to my homework.
25:32Hey, gorgeous, what's up with your girlfriend?
25:34I saw her, and suddenly...
25:35I don't know, I don't know.
25:36What's up with your girlfriend? I don't know.
25:38I see Tavo the same way.
25:39Don't you think those two miss each other?
25:41Look, what I know about Liya
25:42is that Tavo is looking for her,
25:43but she doesn't answer,
25:44and I'm not surprised
25:45because she's stumbling on a brick.
25:47I would like to help you to reconcile.
25:50I'm going to go close to her, make a contract
25:51and you'll have to leave town.
25:53Will you help me?
25:55Well, yes.
25:57Honey, it was just a kiss from friends.
25:59Friends don't kiss like that.
26:01I think it would be better if I told you.
26:03Yes, please leave me alone with my son.
26:09Honey, you're right.
26:10It wasn't a friendship kiss.
26:13Rodrigo and I are falling in love.
26:17Is it his fault you stopped loving my dad?
26:20No, no, no.
26:21Your dad and I loved you a lot, honey.
26:25That's why we broke up.
26:26It had nothing to do with Rodrigo.
26:29He never wanted to leave you.
26:31It was always you.
26:32It hurt him a lot.
26:36You told me you had nothing to do with Rodrigo.
26:38I had nothing to do with him, Martin.
26:40Listen to me.
26:41We didn't have anything until a few days ago.
26:43I promise.
26:44You're just as bad as my grandfather Francisco.
26:46No, no, Martin, Martin.
26:48Your mom never disrespected your dad
26:50while they were husband and wife.
26:52We started a few days ago.
26:53You also told me you were just friends.
26:56Well, yes, until recently.
26:58But that changed.
27:00I don't trust you anymore.
27:03And you're not my friend anymore.
27:07Let her go.
27:09She needs space to assimilate information.
27:14I don't want to hurt my son.
27:21My son!
27:22What happened?
27:24Why are you walking, son?
27:26Where's your mom?
27:27Who's taking you to school?
27:29My mom and Rodrigo are in love.
27:31We just saw each other.
27:33Oh, my God.
27:37Oh, my son, my son.
27:41So, Roseta wants to give the Tropicalozo
27:44a chance at new talents?
27:46Yes, in the repertoire before the show starts.
27:48And as soon as she told me,
27:49I thought that if someone has talent in the village,
27:53A girlfriend?
27:55I'm not talking to a girlfriend.
27:57And I wouldn't propose to her.
27:58I'm telling you that if you'd like to be a part of it.
28:03You know I left the guitar.
28:05My life now is the stationery.
28:07But you love composing.
28:09And you have a lot of songs in dust.
28:13No, no, no, but no.
28:14It was for the other one.
28:16You owe me one, Stavo.
28:18For stealing that kiss
28:19and getting me in a lot of trouble with a girlfriend.
28:21Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
28:23I messed it up with you.
28:24I know.
28:26Look, tell Roseta that I'm in.
28:30But don't be so hard on her.
28:54Tell me why you don't want to be on the farm anymore.
28:58Tell me.
28:59Because you were right, Dad.
29:02My mom and Rodrigo fell in love.
29:04Your mom knows you're with me, honey.
29:06But don't be like that.
29:07You should be happy that your mom found love
29:10in a good man, son.
29:12Rodrigo has been a very good person with your family.
29:15What are you doing? Aren't you friends?
29:18What do you mean no?
29:19No, because Rodrigo only became my friend
29:21to get close to my mom.
29:23Son, how can you say that?
29:25Of course I do.
29:26I want to go to my room.
29:28I'll take you, honey.
29:29I'll take you.
29:31Here you go, miss.
29:33Hey, I already convinced Tavos and he's going to be in.
29:38Very good.
29:39All I need to do is convince Roseta
29:41to let Tavos do the show.
29:46Look at my wife's shame.
29:49We've only been divorced for a few weeks
29:51and she's already with someone else.
29:53I'm sure they've been together before.
29:57This doesn't prove that your ex-wife is a bad mother.
30:01You're giving my son the worst example
30:03and under the same roof where he lives.
30:07For your own good, I need to take custody away from him.
30:10Photos don't serve as proof.
30:12I need much more.
30:20Son, what happened?
30:29I can't take this anxiety anymore.
30:31I need to talk to my son.
30:33Amelia, Amelia.
30:35I'm sure he's calmer now.
30:38I don't know how to tell you this.
30:42Ivan took Martin from the farm.
30:47He just took him.
30:53Okay, son.
30:54Get some rest.
30:55Are you okay?
30:56Yes, Dad.
30:57Your legs?
30:58I see you getting better.
31:01Hey, I didn't tell my grandmother I left the farm.
31:04No, don't worry about that.
31:07I'll let her know when I go get your things.
31:10And don't forget my collection of...
31:16You know what?
31:17I don't want it anymore.
31:20Okay, son.
31:24Talk to me.
31:25Talk to me because you don't want to be at the farm anymore.
31:29Tell me.
31:30Because you were right, Dad.
31:33My mom and Rodrigo fell in love.
31:36And she kissed him as if they were dating.
31:43Come here.
31:44I've been thinking that everything has to be new
31:46when we reunite.
31:47I don't know.
31:48We could have someone young for the show.
31:50It could be Tavo.
31:51He plays an incredible guitar.
31:52You don't know how.
31:53Or Nubia.
31:54Or both of them.
31:57Point number one, you just thanked me.
32:00And two, we agreed that I would be in charge of the show.
32:03No, no.
32:04And that's how it's going to be.
32:05I just think we need to open up some options.
32:07We have to win the audience.
32:09No, thank you.
32:10I'm asking you as a special favor.
32:14Okay, I accept.
32:15Okay, I think it's fine.
32:17I also want to ask you for a favor.
32:20Look, if you're going to ask me to accept your relationship with my dad,
32:23I'd rather not meddle.
32:24No, no, no.
32:25It's fine that you don't meddle.
32:26It's good that you don't meddle.
32:28But well, Francisco is going to be living here with me.
32:30And I just want to ask you not to see me as...
32:33How do you think, aunt?
32:34No, no, no.
32:35Not at all.
32:36No, no, no.
32:37Oh, how I would love for your mom to accept things and leave us alone.
32:41But that's not going to happen.
32:42So, I'm sorry.
32:43But let your anger be stirred.
32:45I'm not afraid of you.
32:47I'm going to get my son right now.
32:49I'll go with you, Amelia.
32:50No, I don't think it's a good idea.
32:51I'm sorry.
32:52What's going on?
32:53Where are you going?
32:54Ivan took Martin without asking for Amelia's authorization.
32:58That's terrible.
32:59This couple has to come to an agreement.
33:00Because the only one who gets hurt in all this is my grandson.
33:03I'm going to talk to Ivan.
33:05It can't be.
33:06Well, excuse me, ma'am.
33:08I have to go.
33:11What do you want, Lía?
33:13To help you.
33:14To be here for my friend.
33:17I understand you.
33:19And my heart has also been broken.
33:21But I thought that together we could overcome it.
33:26You have no idea what's going on with me.
33:29Of course I do.
33:32I know you're sad for Tavo.
33:34But you're very worthy to accept him.
33:37I know you.
33:39I love you.
33:45Rosetta is thinking of some incredible things for the Tropical Bear's repertory.
33:49Yes, you're going to love it.
33:51I can't wait to see you dance again.
33:53You know I'm your number one fan, right?
33:57Thank you very much.
33:59And I brought you this.
34:02I thought you'd like it.
34:04How do you know I love merengues?
34:07I don't eat a lot because they make me fat.
34:08But because of you?
34:12They gave me some commissions.
34:14And it's for you to use them if you have a girlfriend you want to invite to go out.
34:21You better invite me.
34:22Where do you live?
34:23Where do you work?
34:26Well, what would happen if the place where I work...
34:30It's not like you imagine it.
34:32Daughter, any job is worthy.
34:35Well, as long as they don't ask you to take off your clothes...
34:46I'm here for my son.
34:47You had no right to take him without my permission.
34:49Where is he?
34:50And you had no right to make him suffer like you did.
34:52The poor man cried so much that he fell asleep.
34:54I'm going to get him.
34:55You're not going anywhere.
34:57You're not taking my son.
35:00You're not taking my son.
35:02He's staying here.
35:03You've already hurt him enough.
35:05I have to explain it to him.
35:06Explain what?
35:08Martin is already very clear that thanks to Rodrigo we got divorced.
35:12And that you've been lying to him while you get involved with that idiot.
35:15That's a lie.
35:17Stop putting those ideas in his head.
35:19Stop telling him those things.
35:21He's a child.
35:23He's a child who wants to stay in this house, here with me.
35:26I'm his mother.
35:27And I'm his father.
35:29We have shared custody.
35:31Don't forget that, Amelia.
35:33My son is staying with me.
35:35Do you understand?
35:38Tomorrow is his birthday.
35:47I betrayed Martin's trust
35:49for not recognizing that I loved his mother.
35:52It's natural that the child is hurt, but...
35:56He knows how much you love him.
35:57And above all,
35:59what you've done for him.
36:01He'll find out.
36:02He'll get over it.
36:04I hope so.
36:06That Ivan will do everything he can to put him against me.
36:08You know.
36:10Well, I can't get my hands in there.
36:16How's Gina?
36:18Did you take her to school?
36:20No, she's locked up in her room.
36:24I didn't think it was wise to take her to school.
36:27We have to give them their space.
36:31Oh, honey, so what happened?
36:34Ivan is poisoning Martin's head.
36:36I have to get him out of Tomas' house.
36:39It's just that Martincito was very angry to see you with Rodrigo.
36:42I know.
36:43I had to tell him the truth before he found out.
36:46But he's going to understand, honey.
36:47You'll see that he's going to accept it.
36:48I hope so.
36:50Your mom asked me to let her know when you arrived.
36:53Yes, she surely wants to know why Martin left and why he's so upset.
36:56But I don't have the head to talk to her, to fight.
36:59Don't worry.
37:01I'm going.
37:02Thank you, Mom.
37:03I'm going.
37:13I'm glad you're here.
37:15I thought you had a new illusion with this girl, Candy.
37:18I liked her very much.
37:20Dad, this drink is to celebrate that I won a battle.
37:24I know you've always considered me an obsessive person.
37:27And that you think these damn jealousy make me invent things.
37:30But I was right, Dad.
37:33Martin surprised Amelia and Rodrigo by kissing.
37:38He doesn't want to be on the farm anymore.
37:41Do you know what that means, Dad?
37:43That he wants to live with me, with us.
37:46I was waiting for you.
37:48Look at this.
37:50Oh, no.
37:57Did Amelia arrive?
37:59Yes, but she arrived without Martin.
38:01What? Didn't you tell her I wanted to see her? Where is she?
38:04She must be in her bedroom.
38:06She's going to have to explain several things to me.
38:09What's going on?
38:19Come on.
38:49Come on.
