Ahmad Dhani Spill Tanggal Pernikahan Al Ghazali dan Alyssa Daguise

  • 2 days ago
Al Ghazali dan kekasihnya, Alyssa Daguise tampaknya sudah mantap untuk melangkah ke hubungan yang lebih serius lagi.

Terlebih lagi, Al Ghazali diketahui telah melamar Alyssa Daguise beberapa waktu lalu. Banyak yang penasaran soal kapan pernikahan itu bakal dilangsungkan.

Menurut ibunda Al Ghazali, Maia Estianty, beberapa waktu lalu putra sulungnya itu akan menikah tahun depan.


00:00Al-Ghazali and his lover, Alisada Gwise, seem to be in a better position to step into a more serious relationship.
00:08Moreover, Al-Ghazali is known to have proposed to Alisada Gwise a while ago.
00:15Many are curious about when the wedding will be held.
00:20According to Ibunda Al-Ghazali, Maya Estianti, a while ago her ex-son will be married next year.
00:28Meanwhile, Ahmad Dhani, Al-Ghazali's father, gave a leak about when his ex-son would step into a relationship with Alisa.
00:38The plan is May 25, 2025, if it happens.
00:43Ahmad Dhani's statement was reported by Datikom on Wednesday, October 9, 2024.
00:50When it comes to the wedding of Alisada Gwise and Al-Ghazali will be held abroad, Ahmad Dhani has not been able to give a definite answer.
00:59I don't know yet, abroad, East Leste maybe?
01:05Mulan Jamila's husband said it was dark after Al-Ghazali got married, he and his children would live together.
01:13Therefore, Ahmad Dhani admitted that he was looking for a large piece of land to build a house.
01:19Yes, we want to find a large piece of land, we want to build a house together.
01:23South Jakarta area, the southernmost.
01:26That's it.
01:28Previously, Maya Estianti in a podcast with Robby Purba, admitted that she already knew the date of the wedding of Al-Ghazali and Alisada Gwise.
01:38However, she did not leak it blatantly.
01:42I already know, but it can't be spilled yet, Maya Estianti said.
01:48For sure, Al-Ghazali and Alisada Gwise will get married in the middle of 2025 before the new year of Islam.
01:56I already know, maybe almost midway through before the new year of Islam, Maya Estianti said.
02:03It means June or July, Robby Purba said.
02:08Yes, it's close, Maya Estianti said.
02:12However, Ahmad Dhani still hopes to marry his three sons together.
02:19Moreover, now the three sons each have a partner.
02:25Yes, I want it together.
02:27May 25, 2025, maybe Al wants 12 o'clock in the afternoon, Al at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Dul at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
02:37In fact, Ahmad Dhani will lift his feet from the house if Al is already married and wants to seduce his partner.
02:44Previously, it was known that Al-Ghazali had officially proposed to his lover, Alisa Paramita Da Gwise, on September 21, 2024 in Lecomo, Italy.
02:56September 21, 2024, Lecomo, Italy
03:01To my lifelong love, Alisa Paramita Da Gwise.
03:05Thank you for everything you give.
03:08Loving you is an honor.
03:11Loved by you is a blessing.
03:15Write Al-Ghazali on his Instagram account.
03:18Well, how do you guys think?
03:21Don't forget to write a comment in the comments column.
03:24See you!
