• 2 weeks ago


00:00Mayuzumi-san, I'm so happy for you!
00:03Oh, really?
00:09I'm so happy!
00:17I'm glad, Fuyuko.
00:19Everyone was praising you.
00:21Of course they were.
00:23Who do you think I am?
00:28I'm going to be the cutest idol in the world.
00:32It's already been decided.
00:36You're so reliable.
00:37Of course I am.
00:39Idols are something that can be calculated and created.
00:43They can be anyone, anytime.
00:45I'm so happy for you!
00:47I'm so happy for you!
00:49I'm so happy for you!
00:51That's why you have to be loved by everyone, Fuyu.
00:56Do you understand?
00:58You don't have to say anything.
01:00Just think about the future.
01:03The plan to sell Fuyu.
01:07Speaking of the future...
01:09I found a perfect unit for Fuyuko.
01:14I'm going to introduce it to you soon.
01:24No matter who comes...
01:28The center is Fuyu.
01:50The center is Fuyuko.
01:56The center is Fuyuko.
01:59The center is Fuyuko.
02:02The center is Fuyuko.
02:05The center is Fuyuko.
02:08The center is Fuyuko.
02:11The center is Fuyuko.
02:14The center is Fuyuko.
02:16The center is Fuyuko.
02:19The center is Fuyuko.
02:22The center is Fuyuko.
02:25The center is Fuyuko.
02:28The center is Fuyuko.
02:31The center is Fuyuko.
02:34The center is Fuyuko.
02:37The center is Fuyuko.
02:40The center is Fuyuko.
02:43The center is Fuyuko.
02:46The center is Fuyuko.
02:49The center is Fuyuko.
02:52The center is Fuyuko.
02:55The center is Fuyuko.
02:58The center is Fuyuko.
03:03I'll be right there.
03:05You said it was perfect for Fuyu, but...
03:12Nice to meet you. I'm Serizawa Asahi.
03:17You're Fuyuko, right?
03:19I heard about you from the producer.
03:21Nice to meet you.
03:25Asahi, I'm Fuyuko. Nice to meet you.
03:31I'd be happy if we could get along.
03:34Of course, Fuyuko.
03:38I'm sorry.
03:39Can you call me Fuyu?
03:43I think Fuyu is better.
03:47Is that so?
03:50I don't think so.
03:53By the way, are you good at dancing?
03:56Or can you sing?
03:59I just want to be a cute idol.
04:08You're aiming for something interesting.
04:12I have a lesson after this.
04:15See you later, Fuyuko.
04:23I'm sorry.
04:25I was so busy.
04:32What do you mean by that and a unit?
04:36I know it's embarrassing at first.
04:39But I'm sure it's a good stimulus.
04:41Thanks to you, I'm stimulated.
04:44I don't have the nerve to think about it.
04:50Here you go.
04:55This is free, too.
04:58Why is he with her?
05:00Hey, how are you doing?
05:03Thank you for your hard work.
05:06Fuyuko, who is this person?
05:08He's in charge.
05:10Come on, say hello.
05:12So you don't have to advertise.
05:15I'll give it to you.
05:20I'm sorry.
05:22It's okay.
05:23I need a cheerful person like that.
05:32You gave me a lot.
05:36I'm sorry.
05:37Can I talk to you for a minute?
05:39What's wrong?
05:41You didn't say hello to the person in charge today, did you?
05:46I don't think that's a good thing.
05:51Asahi is an idol.
05:53If you don't like it, you might not be able to come to the next job.
05:59If you work hard, you'll be recognized.
06:05No, Asahi.
06:09If there's no one to love you,
06:13If there's no one to support you,
06:16Idols are useless.
06:19Is that why you're talking to me?
06:23You want to be liked by everyone, don't you?
06:26I think it's up to the other person.
06:30If you don't like it, that's fine.
06:33It's annoying to act like you don't like it.
06:37Isn't that right, Fuyuko?
06:48If you don't like it, I want you to tell me next time.
06:52See you tomorrow, Fuyuko!
06:57What's wrong with you?
07:00What's wrong with him?
07:06I got a good reaction from the front.
07:11All I need is a chance to shorten the distance between the two of us.
07:17It's not about getting along.
07:21It's because we have different relationships.
07:28I don't think there's a right answer.
07:31I'm looking forward to the new unit and the Halloween event.
07:41Finally, finally!
07:49It's Fuyuko, isn't it?
07:51She's so cute!
07:53I'm Izumi Mei.
07:55Nice to meet you, Fuyuko!
08:00Thank you, Mei.
08:02And I'm not talking about Fuyuko.
08:07It's so beautiful!
08:09Asahi, you're amazing!
08:12You're so energetic!
08:14Thank you!
08:18I'm so touched!
08:22Once again, all the members of the unit will be here.
08:27Fuyuko, Asahi, Mei.
08:30Nice to meet you.
08:32Nice to meet you.
08:33Nice to meet you, too!
08:35Nice to meet you, too!
08:38This is the schedule for the debut.
08:41Debut live!
08:44That's amazing!
08:46Most of the lessons are for the debut live.
08:49There's also an audition for a music show.
08:54Fuyu, I know this show!
08:56There are a lot of new idols.
08:59If you pass the audition, you'll get to know more people.
09:05So, we have to decide the center of this unit.
09:12What's a center?
09:15It's an important role.
09:18It's the face of the unit.
09:20You have to lead the members on stage.
09:26I'm going to look at the balance in the lessons and decide.
09:33I don't know who's going to be chosen.
09:36Let's do our best together, Asahi and Mei!
09:40Got it!
09:43A lesson all of a sudden?
09:46Fuyuko, can I talk to you for a second?
09:50I'll be going now.
09:58You know...
10:00Why do you two have the same character?
10:04What? Are you stupid?
10:07You found out, but that's Fuyu's fault.
10:11Fuyu is Fuyu.
10:17Don't bring up stupid things like this again.
10:23Fuyu is going to be the center.
10:26I don't want to hand it over to anyone.
10:33All right, let's go!
10:46Let's go!
11:16Let's go!
11:19Let's go!
11:25I won't give up!
11:41How was the lesson?
11:44Did you hear that?
11:46It was amazing!
11:47Asahi and Fuyuko were so cool!
11:50I'm going to be a fan of them!
11:53I mean, you are!
11:55It was amazing!
11:58I think Mei is doing well, too.
12:04Can you get along with them?
12:08Of course!
12:09It's not a matter of whether you can do it or not.
12:13It's natural.
12:20Good work, everyone.
12:22Can I say something?
12:26I've decided on the center.
12:29I see.
12:32The center...
12:35I want to leave it to Asahi.
12:40The center...
12:41I want to leave it to Asahi.
12:46I think Fuyuko should be the center.
12:52I mean, the person who wants to do it should do it.
12:56By the way, Fuyuko, do you want to be the center?
13:00Am I wrong?
13:03Of course I want to be the center.
13:09But I think it's important for you to leave it to me.
13:13It's an important position that symbolizes the unit.
13:17Symbolize the unit...
13:19So don't give up.
13:24Asahi has the ability to be chosen and the responsibility to be chosen.
13:31From now on, you have to lead me as the center.
13:35Then I'll be the center, too.
13:46Fuyuko, do you want to be the center, too?
13:51Of course.
13:52What do you think, Asahi?
13:55I don't know.
13:59Okay, I'll be the center.
14:05Like this?
14:13You told me to make Asahi the center.
14:19Thanks to you, I was able to give a good answer.
14:25Stop it.
14:26I'll tell you, but I'm not convinced.
14:29I think I'll steal it someday.
14:36I'm so excited about the audition.
14:40But I'm not excited.
14:43Yeah, you're nervous, aren't you?
14:46I can tell by looking at you.
14:48Hey, I want to hear your advice.
14:52You don't have to.
14:54You just have to follow the music.
14:57That's because you're Asahi, right?
15:04Mei, you're auditioning for a music show.
15:08Why don't you try to be more TV-oriented?
15:14For example...
15:16You can smile at the judges.
15:21Oh, I didn't know that.
15:27Fuyuko, isn't that wrong?
15:31That's not you, Mei.
15:35I'm sorry.
15:36I didn't mean to push you.
15:39Oh, yeah.
15:40Mei, you're fine as you are.
15:44But we're idols.
15:47We shouldn't forget our efforts to be loved.
15:51Can't you just love yourself as you are?
15:55Isn't it best to love yourself even if you don't push yourself?
15:59I think it's better to be honest.
16:06You're amazing, Asahi.
16:09But not everyone can be like you.
16:14You're not strong.
16:16That's not true.
16:17People who can endure are strong.
16:21Am I wrong?
16:23I think you're wrong, Fuyu.
16:34You two are amazing.
16:38I've never thought of an idol like you.
16:45It's not like that.
16:47No, no, no.
16:48You're so cool.
16:51I'll do my best to be like you.
16:55But if you're too greedy, you'll fail.
17:00I'll do my best to be like you.
17:03Thank you, you two.
17:09Let's do our best.
17:11Can I check it later?
17:14Isn't that amazing?
17:24Is it decided?
17:25The girls who pass?
17:27I heard it.
17:29The 10th group of girls.
17:31They're connected to the sponsor.
17:34They seemed to get along with the great people.
17:38Is it a deck race?
17:40By the way, does that mean there's no point in us after their turn?
17:46I don't know if it's true or not.
17:51What's going on?
17:52From one to the next.
17:56But that's weird.
17:59If we show a better performance than them, we'll pass.
18:05It doesn't matter what we do.
18:07We'll do our best.
18:10Asahi's dance is too amazing.
18:18What's wrong?
18:21Asahi's right.
18:23We have to do our best until the end.
18:26That's right.
18:30I'll be right back.
18:39It's almost our turn.
18:41This is bad.
18:42Where did they go?
18:51What's wrong?
18:55The 13th group.
18:56Nice to meet you.
19:01Let's start the audition.
19:03Nice to meet you.
19:11I won't let you regret it.
19:17The 13th group.
19:46You did the dance of the 10th group.
19:49It's amazing.
19:50And it was perfect.
19:54I thought I would pass if I danced better.
19:58But I failed.
20:02That's why I told you.
20:05Don't think about others.
20:09You can't be recognized just because you're amazing.
20:13You're the only one who stands out.
20:18You can't just do whatever you want.
20:24That's not the way to be honest.
20:28It's a stupid world.
20:38But I don't know why I passed.
20:42And Asahi was so cool.
20:45Shut up.
20:46I know that.
20:49I'm sorry.
20:52Fuyuko was right.
20:55You can't just do whatever you want.
20:59That's not the way to be honest.
21:07I'm sorry, Fuyuko.
21:11No, that's...
21:17Chapter 4
21:20You're the center.
21:24Did you hear that?
21:26Shut up.
21:27I don't want to hear anything else.
21:30You're the center.
21:33Fuyuko said so.
21:40You're the center.
21:42Do it.
21:47By the way.
21:49I'm not the only one who thinks so.
21:54I didn't hear Mei's opinion.
22:01It's like a duo.
22:10I got it.
22:12And there are so many auditions.
22:16You can't miss it.
22:23Debut Live!
22:26Debut Live!
22:38That's right.
22:49Fuyu and the others...
22:55I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
23:11I won't lose.
23:13I won't give up.
23:14I won't give up.
23:25Debut Live!
23:27Debut Live!
23:29Debut Live!
23:31Debut Live!
23:33Debut Live!
23:35Debut Live!
23:37Debut Live!
23:39Debut Live!
23:41Debut Live!
23:43Debut Live!
23:45Debut Live!
23:47Debut Live!
23:49Debut Live!
23:51Debut Live!
23:53Debut Live!
23:55Debut Live!