Coronation Street 11th October 2024

  • 21 hours ago
Coronation Street 11th October 2024


00:00I've had a couple of viewings this evening, and they both look promising.
00:26What, in the area?
00:27Mm. Ish. Second one's a bit further out.
00:30Lily, are you sure your PE kit's down here? Because I can't find it anywhere.
00:34Don't worry, I've found it.
00:36Morning. Oh, er, I've got to cut and blow dry,
00:39and then I'm off to the hospital to go and see Bethany.
00:44Oh! Ooh, ooh, ooh, sorry, sorry.
00:47Are you trying to kill me? Seriously?
00:49Yeah, well, it went up again.
00:51You said that last time. Are you allergic to putting them away or something?
00:54Yeah, David. Come on. Come on, don't be tight.
00:58Well, don't try and kill me, then.
00:59David, leave it.
01:00Look, I don't want my stuff clutching up your lounge any more than you do.
01:04Mm. What do you mean, mm?
01:06Shouldn't you be getting a shift on?
01:07Come on, spill it.
01:09Well, I'm not being funny or what, but it's not as though you're homeless, is it?
01:12Not like what we're gonna be.
01:13Oh, wow. Wow, we're going there, aren't we? You know it's complicated.
01:18Not from where I'm standing, it isn't. It's just as much your gaff as what it is Leanne's.
01:21Yeah, well, for your information, he has got some flat viewings later.
01:24Yeah, so me and my fatal footwear will be out of your hair next week.
01:27Oh, really? You never said.
01:29No, you never gave him a chance.
01:31Oh. All right, then.
01:37I'll see you later.
01:38Hey, look, give Bethany a hug from me, yeah?
01:40Yeah, and me.
01:44I wouldn't take it personally, you know.
01:45That's how I'm not, Tim.
01:47Yeah, well, he's had dinner, right? It's been inty.
01:49You know, what with the house and Bethany and...
01:52He's really worried about you as well.
01:53He just seems so hacked off with my rubbish decision-making.
01:57He just wants to understand.
01:59So do I. We get that it's complicated.
02:02Is this a non-too-subtle way of asking me about Toya?
02:06He's curious.
02:08Well, to be honest, I don't know where I stand.
02:11Well, don't you think you ought to do something about it?
02:16Better get a wriggle on. Won't want to be late for school now.
02:18Rupert, don't react. And you, stop winding your sister up.
02:21Come on, you. Front and centre, I haven't got all day.
02:24Don't like us other people.
02:26Well, at least I'll be a day cleverer.
02:28Yeah, well, you've got to let your brain catch up with me somehow.
02:29No, can you have a word with these two, please?
02:31Why? I find them most entertaining.
02:33Not helpful.
02:34Oh, no, that's perfect, Mrs Corshaw, yeah?
02:38All right, thank you.
02:39You see you then.
02:41Right, she said she can see us.
02:43Oh, great, that's a result.
02:44Mm-hm. She's aiming to be here about midday.
02:47What, Mrs Corshaw's coming over?
02:49What, to see you and Dad?
02:50No, to see all of us.
02:52Ouch. So school is basically coming to you?
02:55Wow. I believe that's called being hoisted by your own petard.
02:59Oh, yeah, I don't do that.
03:01She's like a little mini-me.
03:03You, try not to get yourself expelled.
03:06Er, not helpful. Go learn stuff.
03:08Why do I have to be in the meeting?
03:10Because you're the reason we're having it.
03:11But I wanted a chill day.
03:13Tough. You're suspended, you're not on holiday.
03:16Oh, no, so fast. Hey.
03:18Can I see your pockets?
03:20What? I'm not vaping.
03:22You really don't trust me?
03:24Well, trust is earned.
03:29Nothing about this makes us happy.
03:37Right, it's only for a few days,
03:39but while I'm in Germany, keep your nose clean.
03:41Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:42No, no, I mean it.
03:44I won't be here to watch your back.
03:46Look, I'm not gonna let you down again.
03:48Oh, Yasmin.
03:49OK, well, I'm gonna hold you to that.
03:51Please, please, try not to annoy her.
03:54Relax. You know I can turn the charm on.
03:57Really? You kept that hidden?
04:04Get back in the house.
04:08No, we're there.
04:09No, no, Stu, don't.
04:12Got a problem, mate?
04:16Yeah, yeah, thought so.
04:21Not a word about this to Yas. Do you understand?
04:26Come on.
04:40You just missed Mum.
04:42Yeah, I know.
04:44Actually, I just wanted to catch you on your own.
04:50Did you sleep?
04:52Yeah, I got a couple of hours.
04:54Are you OK? You seem stressed.
04:56No, erm...
04:58It's just a lot going on, that's all.
05:00Yeah, and I'm to blame.
05:02I never said that.
05:03But it's true.
05:06Listen, I don't do the blame game, all right?
05:08But if I did...
05:10what about me?
05:12What about you?
05:16Could have stopped you from having liposuction.
05:18No, seriously.
05:20I just thought you were joking.
05:24Anyway, I'm sorry.
05:27You've got nothing to be sorry for.
05:29But if I'd just said something...
05:31Trust me, nothing that you could have said
05:33would have made me change my mind.
05:35You don't know that for certain.
05:37I do.
05:38So don't be so hard on yourself.
05:40This is my stuff, it's on me.
05:42Does anyone else know, by the way, like Shona or...?
05:44No, no, just Daniel.
05:47Well, please, can we keep it that way?
05:49There's already enough drama going on.
05:52Fair enough.
05:59Oh, hi.
06:00Erm, that's so weird, I was just about to text you.
06:04Yeah, erm, you've got quite a lot of mail at the flat.
06:06I can fetch it for you if you want, it's no bother.
06:08No, it's fine.
06:11OK, I'll see yourself.
06:13Erm, I'd best let you get on, then.
06:24All right, Nick?
06:26I'm Jesse.
06:27Great to meet you.
06:28Oh, right, yeah, likewise.
06:30Yeah, yeah, your mum's told me all about you.
06:32Has that taught you by any chance?
06:34Yeah, yeah.
06:35Yeah, I hope you don't mind your mum
06:37telling me about everything.
06:40It's just that she worries so much, you know.
06:42It's all right, mum's always been one for sharing.
06:44Well, yeah, that is one of her finer attributes
06:46I think you'll find.
06:49You know, it can be difficult, can't it?
06:51Love, it can feel like heaven and then it can hurt like hell.
06:53Yeah, anyway, look,
06:55that's, er, ancient history.
06:57You moving in?
06:58What, here?
06:59Oh, fat chance.
07:00No, just got a little rewiring job in flat nine.
07:02The agency called it this morning.
07:04I thought, ooh, that's handy.
07:06But anyway, I'll let you get on, but nice to meet you.
07:08Yeah, yeah, bye.
07:10You should never have got involved
07:12in the first place, Adam.
07:14I know, but what if they're interested in contact again?
07:16That's a risk you'll have to take.
07:18If I come clean to Sarah, you'll land yourself right in it.
07:20What's better than the alternative?
07:22Well, how are you going to spin it, Adam?
07:24Ooh, I'm sorry, Sarah, I know you've been in a living nightmare,
07:26but whoops, turns out there's a fat load of cash
07:28in a lock-up on Alansia Road that could have been used
07:30to pay for Bethany's medical expenses.
07:32We changed her spare.
07:34Right, lads, don't mind me.
07:37Yeah, don't know you.
07:39No, but I recognise you from the photos
07:41Gail showed me of you and Sarah's nuptials.
07:43I'm really sorry it didn't work out.
07:45Thanks, thanks. You a friend of Gail's, then?
07:47Well, you could say that, yeah, yeah.
07:49Well, have a good one.
07:51Yeah, yeah, you too.
07:55So, what were you saying, sorry?
07:57Just do what you should have done from the beginning, Adam.
07:59Don't get involved.
08:03This vaping business.
08:05It's illegal, as well as being
08:07very damaging to your health.
08:09It was just a phase, though, wasn't it?
08:11Yeah, totally. I'm so over it.
08:13Well, I'm extremely glad
08:15to hear it.
08:17However, I can't help but wonder
08:19why a girl as bright as you
08:21started such an idiotic habit in the first place.
08:23Just so it happened.
08:25Nothing happens without a reason.
08:27Was it peer pressure?
08:29Have you been stressed or anxious?
08:31Sometimes, I guess.
08:34About your workload?
08:36Then why?
08:38Well, erm...
08:40I mean, we have had a few
08:42family issues of late.
08:44But that's all behind us now, though.
08:46Oh, yeah, yeah, back to normal.
08:48Well, as normal as it can be in this madhouse.
08:54But Hope has learnt her lesson.
08:58She's really sorry.
09:00Is that true?
09:05Well, I have to trust that's the case
09:07because you are running out of second chances.
09:09She can return tomorrow.
09:15Thanks, mates.
09:17Heads up.
09:19He's back again.
09:21She hasn't been yet, right?
09:27Shona Wright?
09:29Actually, it's Shona Wrong. Wright's popped out for Sky.
09:31Hang on, how did you know my name?
09:33Oh, Gail said you were a no-nonsense woman.
09:35Oh, did she now? I'll take that from her.
09:37It's not the worst thing she's said about me.
09:39Now, seeing as you're acquainted with Gail
09:41and my David's eyeball in you,
09:43I'm gonna say that you're Jesse the Clown.
09:45Er, well, for the record,
09:47former children's entertainer.
09:49Not a clown, per se.
09:53Just a humble spark.
09:55Oh, what made you give up?
09:57I guess I grew out of the job.
10:00Oh, sorry, I couldn't resist.
10:02So what can I do you for?
10:04Lunch. Table for one.
10:06Table for one? I think we can do better than that.
10:08No, no, no, I don't think that's a good idea.
10:10Didn't make the best first impression.
10:12Oh, relax, get back on your horse, all that.
10:14You were saying?
10:16Hello again.
10:18Small world.
10:20Yes, but I wouldn't want to paint it, though, would you?
10:22I thought Jesse could join you.
10:24Well, we're kind of talking.
10:26Oh, more like wallowing.
10:28Well, I wouldn't want to intrude.
10:30No, no, no, you're not.
10:32These two need a distraction, and you, Buster, are it.
10:34Now, take a seat.
10:36You be nice.
10:38Here we go, I'll give you those.
10:40I'll give you a couple of minutes just to bruise.
10:46Well, this is awkward.
10:50You are lucky Mrs. Croshaw was so understanding.
10:52Yes, incredibly lucky.
10:54Hashtag blessed.
10:57Fine, I'm really lucky.
10:59Oh, and don't you forget it.
11:01Hashtag you are in the last chance saloon.
11:03Right, we're off to work.
11:05Remember, I'm going to Sky's later.
11:07What, is that still happening?
11:09Yes, it is, if she agrees to help your Nana out in the shop.
11:13Fine, can't wait.
11:15See, you can occasionally make good decisions.
11:17Well done.
11:19Don't look at me, kiddo.
11:21I'd have you under lock and key.
11:29You ready to do some real work, are you?
11:31You ready to exploit a miner?
11:33Oi, you can just stop with that attitude right now.
11:35Because as far as I'm concerned,
11:37we've both drawn the short straw.
11:43So what are you standing there gawping for?
11:45Come on, come on, move it.
11:49And I mean this century, madam.
11:51And I mean this century, madam.
12:22So you managed to bag a job
12:24a hundred yards away
12:26from where our mum lives?
12:28That's right.
12:30It's very convenient.
12:32It's very stalkery.
12:34I just go where they send me.
12:36I got lucky.
12:38Look, I can prove it to you if you want.
12:40It's all right, I'll take your word for it.
12:42So what are you doing here?
12:44Look, as I've told you before,
12:46Gail went radio silent
12:48and I was very concerned.
12:50Well, could have been a hint.
12:52What do you mean, a hint?
12:54As in, I'm not speaking to you.
12:56I.e., I don't want aught to do with you.
13:00It was a holiday romance.
13:02That she never mentioned, ever.
13:04Yeah, well, that was her decision.
13:06Yeah, like it were her decision
13:08not to contact you.
13:10Yeah, a couple of texts here and there.
13:12Don't make it a relationship.
13:14How are we getting on?
13:16Do you know what? I've lost my appetite.
13:19No, no, no, stay, stay, stay. Sit down, sit down.
13:21Thank you. What have you two said to him?
13:23Nothing, we're just trying to fill in the blanks.
13:25Just getting both sides of the story.
13:27Is this true?
13:29Well, apart from waterboarding,
13:31I think they're making pretty good progress.
13:33What is your problem?
13:35Look, I'm not the one who's just rocked up out of nowhere.
13:37Yeah, two months they had together, like three years ago.
13:39It is weird.
13:41Obviously, I have seen her since.
13:45Yeah, when?
13:47Yeah, you don't call that Olympic flame for nothing.
13:49I do not.
13:51You're best asking Mum.
13:53No, we're asking you.
13:55Look, there was no
13:57life drawing class.
13:59The little... She's played us.
14:01Like a cheap fiddle. Unbelievable.
14:03Look, please,
14:05whatever mistakes I've made in the past, I own them.
14:07I am not my man.
14:09I used to be.
14:11You can believe me, or you can't believe me.
14:13It's up to you.
14:17And Gail doesn't know how special she is.
14:19But I do.
14:21And that's why I'm here.
14:23And I'm not going anywhere
14:25until she tells me otherwise.
14:27I like him.
14:33You know, I'm thinking
14:35a madani biryani
14:37for next week's special.
14:39Yeah, I like it.
14:41Lamb or chicken?
14:43Oh, it's got to be lamb.
14:46I'm going to college.
14:48Oh, do you need me to pick up any shopping?
14:50Thanks, I can manage.
14:52No, no, please, I can do it on my way home.
14:54You sure you don't mind?
14:56I've got to put my weight at some more, haven't I?
14:58Well, if you insist.
15:00You know what, you are in luck.
15:02No, not on a second thought.
15:04No, no, let's not get carried away.
15:06Go on, otherwise you will be late.
15:08Yes, boss.
15:10That was unexpected.
15:12Perhaps you're right.
15:15Getting us out together.
15:31She's called Mrs. Dearing.
15:33You can't blame the woman
15:35for wanting to know what's happened to her son.
15:37Yeah, well, that's what I'm trying to find out.
15:41Any progress?
15:43It's a fluid situation.
15:45So that would be a no, then?
15:51I'm still drawing a blank on the CCTV.
15:55Yeah, well, keep at it.
15:57Once we find out where those cars have been
15:59and we find out where the suspects go.
16:01Any chance I could get an extra pair of eyes?
16:03I'm already starting to see double.
16:05Yeah, leave it with me.
16:15What now?
16:17Are you sure about asking Costello
16:19for more resources?
16:21That's a big call.
16:23And it's my call to make as lead detective.
16:25I'm just saying, the more you ask for,
16:27the more pressure for results.
16:29Pressure is a privilege.
16:31But I appreciate the advice.
16:37Some complete plank blocked all the bogs.
16:39So they let us out early.
16:51Right, come here. Got to go.
16:53Oh, thank you.
16:55You take care, yeah? See you soon.
16:59Hi, mate.
17:01Hey, how's Sarah getting on?
17:03Oh, I don't know. It's just all this stuff with Bethany, you know.
17:05Yeah, she's been through the wringer.
17:07Yeah, just a bit. Think she just needs a few less curveballs in her life.
17:09Tell me about it.
17:12What happened?
17:14I was coming out the bistro and I heard a smash.
17:16Did you see who did it?
17:18I'm afraid not. It's a brick.
17:20You best report it to the police.
17:22They won't follow up, but you'll need the crime number for the insurance.
17:24You wouldn't know anything about this, now would you?
17:26Come again?
17:28It's very cowardly, if you ask me.
17:30You're unreal.
17:32Yasmin, I saw him speaking to Sarah.
17:34Yeah, and before that, I've been at a house clearance all afternoon.
17:36Come on.
17:38Yas, just leave it.
17:40I said him to your face.
17:42He didn't brick your house, Yasmin.
17:44I wouldn't put it past that guest of yours.
17:46And why would Mason do something like that?
17:48Oh, I don't know. Maybe for the same reason that he made Liam think about killing himself.
17:50Because he's sick in the head.
17:52Just calm down. She's made a mistake, Gary.
17:54No, the only mistake is letting that lad live under your roof.
17:56See you, mate.
18:00Hey, it wasn't Gary.
18:02You know that.
18:04Then who was it?
18:10Hello again.
18:12Oh, if it's Sam you're after, he's at that chess competition.
18:14Uh, no.
18:16I came to pick up that mail you mentioned.
18:18Yeah, of course.
18:20Um, one sec.
18:24Look, um...
18:26We need to talk.
18:30Um, it's not a great time.
18:34You know, when it is, we'll talk.
18:39You know, when it is, we can't keep putting it off.
18:51Hey. Just thought I'd check in.
18:53Actually, Adam, I'm a bit swamped.
18:55I won't keep you.
18:57How's Bethany doing?
18:59Physically, yeah.
19:01She's on the mend. But mentally, it's like a whole different story.
19:03Yeah, well, that's to be expected
19:05after everything she's been through.
19:08She just feels really guilty, you know, about my mum
19:10having to sell the house.
19:12And I tried to tell her it's just money, but...
19:14Also, given the time frame, there was no other options.
19:18Adam, what?
19:20What if there was another option?
19:24I don't follow you.
19:26About a week ago, Damon got in contact
19:28and offered to cover Bethany's medical bills.
19:30I don't think he did.
19:32It was one of the voice messages that you asked me to listen to.
19:34I haven't had any messages.
19:36No, you haven't.
19:38Cos I deleted them.
19:50Cheers, mate. Nice to see you again.
19:56Thing is,
19:58I thought you'd be Team Eileen.
20:03You're under the bridge for me, that.
20:05I'm not one to hold a grudge, you know.
20:07Thanks. It means a lot.
20:09Nah, you're all right.
20:11You see, the thing is with Eileen,
20:13I love her to death, you know.
20:15But you know how some people can hold a note?
20:17She's the same with a grudge.
20:19I mean, she had this mate in school,
20:21nicked her last pair of drops.
20:23Been banging on about it ever since.
20:25I did mess up big time.
20:27Well, yeah, no arguments there.
20:29I mean, I'm like the Hindenburg and the Titanic
20:31I did mess up big time.
20:33Oh, no, you did.
20:35But now you've got Gail. I mean, glutton for punishment.
20:37Oh, well, Gail is different.
20:39Gail is true love.
20:43So Eileen wasn't exaggerating.
20:45It is for real.
20:47Well, I can only speak for myself, like.
20:49You met in Thailand, is that right?
20:51It was more of a revelation.
20:53You know.
20:55It was...
20:57It was the best couple of months of my life.
21:00In what way?
21:02I think...
21:04We just got each other, you know?
21:06Yeah, yeah.
21:08Then what?
21:10Well, then she come back, and I carried on travelling.
21:12And I thought, you know, I'm looking for something.
21:14But then I realised I'd already found it.
21:16We stayed in touch, you know, and met up occasionally.
21:18And, oh, no hanky-panky.
21:20If you were wondering,
21:22strictly platonic-like.
21:26So, what, you're in the friend zone?
21:31But you want more?
21:33I'm happy with whatever Gail has to offer.
21:35A bit, ain't you? I've got it bad.
21:39I can't help but think what it would have been like
21:41if I'd come back with her.
21:43You know?
21:47Well, ask her, then, you know?
21:49Give her a ring.
21:51No time like the present.
22:21What on earth?
22:23It wasn't me, honest.
22:25All right, all right, come away.
22:27You go and fetch your dad.
22:29Tell him I'm calling the fire brigade.
22:31Ruby, do as you're told!
23:00You had no right interfering.
23:02Damon and Harvey are out of your life
23:04and I wanted to keep it that way.
23:06Oh, you wanted?
23:08I made a judgment call.
23:10Can you even hear yourself?
23:12We're not together anymore.
23:14It doesn't mean I've stopped caring, Sarah.
23:16What, caring or controlling me?
23:18I'm just trying to protect all of you.
23:20Oh, yeah, cos you know best, as always.
23:22Sarah, that money was stolen,
23:26No, no maybe!
23:28And you knew how desperate I was to get Bethany back.
23:30Yeah, but by that point, Gael had taken up the bridge and all.
23:32Yes, a loan that means we're going to have to sell the family home
23:34we grew up in.
23:36At least it's legal.
23:38Handling stolen money is a serious offence, Sarah.
23:40Even having good intentions doesn't give you a free pass.
23:46How do you know the offer was even genuine?
23:48Cos I saw him.
23:50Face to face.
23:53I had to. I had to be certain.
23:57How did he seem to you?
23:59He seemed pretty desperate to help.
24:03He was going to think I am so ungrateful,
24:05not even a thanks, no thanks.
24:09I'm sure he'll get over it.
24:13Well, he did say he wanted a clean break
24:15last time we spoke.
24:17Well, maybe best to keep it that way, yeah?
24:20So, how's things?
24:22I think I might have overstayed my welcome
24:24at my mum's.
24:26A bit snug, is it?
24:28Yeah, just a bit.
24:30David thinks my footwear's got it in for him, so...
24:32Oh, let me guess,
24:34he keeps tripping over your shoes.
24:36Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
24:38Goatee's charged.
24:40Been there, bought the T-shirt.
24:44I missed you.
24:46Don't say that.
24:48It's the truth.
24:50Nick, we're over, OK?
24:52And that is the only truth that matters right now.
24:54Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know, I know.
24:56So, I mean,
24:58what is it you want from me?
25:00I don't know.
25:04Is that too much to ask?
25:06No, but
25:08I think it would be for Leanne.
25:10I can't rebuild
25:12my relationship with her
25:14and have you in my life at the same time.
25:17I'm sorry, but something's got to give.
25:23So, you two been catching up
25:25on old times, then?
25:27Well, more like getting up to speed, really.
25:29I've told him about us.
25:31What I can't figure out
25:33is why you had to meet up in secret.
25:37I didn't want to have to explain myself.
25:39See, Sarah and David can be a touch protective.
25:41They're self-righteous little know-alls
25:43when it comes to my love life.
25:45I'm sure they've got your best interest at heart.
25:47Maybe, when it suits them.
25:49How were they with you, anyway?
25:51They sis-kebabbed him.
25:55I mean, Sheldon was really nice,
25:57but then I found out that Eileen had got in their ears.
25:59Still stirring the old cauldron, then?
26:01He held his own, though.
26:03Are you his PR man?
26:05Well, more like a wingman, really.
26:07Over to you.
26:11Can we have a bit of privacy, please?
26:14Erm, I'd better be off.
26:16See you later.
26:24I should never have let you
26:26leave Thailand without me.
26:30what's done is done.
26:32Do you wish I'd come back with you?
26:36But there's no point looking backwards,
26:38is there?
26:40I agree, but all we have is the now.
26:43Our now is the perfect opportunity
26:45to tell you I'm absolutely nuts
26:47about you.
26:51But what if it was
26:53a holiday romance?
26:55Well, what if it wasn't?
26:57I don't know about you, Gail,
26:59but I'm tired of waiting around to find out.
27:03Here you go.
27:05Oh, thank you.
27:07How are you feeling now?
27:09The same way I was the million other times you've asked.
27:11You've heard Dr Geddes.
27:13She is fine.
27:15It's time.
27:17Fire inspectors arrived.
27:19Sounds like you had a lucky escape.
27:21Hey, look, I had nothing to do with it.
27:23Nana was awesome.
27:25I merely did what was necessary.
27:27Just good old-fashioned, cool, calm
27:29common sense.
27:31What's the damage?
27:33Superficial, really, by the sound of it.
27:35Yeah, your cabinet's had it, though.
27:37Do you know what caused it?
27:40Well, I'm just glad that you're all safe and sound.
27:42Oh, now,
27:44I'd better go and collect Hope.
27:46No, no, no, you sit down. I can do it later.
27:48I've already texted Guy's mum.
27:50I've told her we're running late.
27:52Hope will be well gutted when she hears about it.
27:54That girl loves a fire.
27:56She wasn't even there.
28:00I never said a word.
28:08About the joys of having a stoma.
28:10I literally must have accessory for this girl.
28:12It's early days.
28:14Until the end of my days.
28:16Nothing's definite.
28:18No, it's fine.
28:20Because according to this leaflet,
28:22I'm gonna wake up one day and miraculously forget that it's even there.
28:24You're still processing.
28:26Except the reality is
28:28I have a 24-7 reminder of my stupidity
28:30and vanity strapped to my waist.
28:34don't be so hard on yourself.
28:37It's got to be.
28:39Everyone is tiptoeing around the subject
28:41but we all know that I'm to blame.
28:45what's done is done.
28:47Crucifying yourself
28:49is not gonna change anything, is it?
28:51And neither is hating yourself.
28:53I don't hate myself, Daniel.
28:55I just pity myself.
28:57That's OK.
28:59Just like I pity you, my mum
29:01and everyone else that's got to clean up
29:03this mess that I've made of my life.
29:06Well, I guess I'll have to put you up for the pride of Weatherfield.
29:08Yes, definitely.
29:10You get like this big wrapper-type medal to wear.
29:12I do not need any accolade.
29:14Seeing you safe and unsinged
29:16is my only reward.
29:18There's a cash prize, apparently.
29:20Well, we could look into it, I suppose.
29:22I'm gonna have to close up now, folks.
29:24Oh, yeah, no problem.
29:26You know, if you can't get back into your house,
29:28you're more than welcome to kill time at ours.
29:30Oh, no, no, it's really kind of you, but thank you.
29:32We'll be all right.
29:34Come on, you, we're going. Oh, perfect timing, you OK?
29:36Why don't you put your headphones on, please?
29:38Why? What, don't you want me to hear?
29:40What is it?
29:42Is the damage worse than we thought?
29:44No, it's not that.
29:46Well, what is it? Come on, let me guess.
29:48The fire brigade have had their nose put out a joint
29:50because I did their work for them, is that it?
29:52That's cos you're a shero.
29:54Yeah, I'm a shero.
29:56Look, the investigator knows what started the fire.
29:58Go on, then.
30:00Take us out of our suspense.
30:03Apparently it was caused by a vape.
30:07A vape starts another fire, who knew?
30:17I've cleaned up the glass,
30:19Ed's boarded the window and he's going to replace
30:21the paint tomorrow.
30:23And the police?
30:25What about the police?
30:27Did you contact them?
30:29Not yet.
30:31Why do I get the feeling that you know what happened?
30:33I have a fair idea.
30:37I'm not interested in speculation.
30:39I think I know who did it.
30:41Well, I'm waiting.
30:43OK, but don't fly off the handle.
30:47Mason's brother, Logan,
30:49was sat outside the house this morning in his car.
30:51Doing what?
30:53I don't know, trying to look intimidating, I guess.
30:55Did he threaten you?
30:57No, never said a word.
31:00I sent it packing.
31:02And I'm only just hearing about this.
31:04I didn't want to frighten you.
31:06Do I look frightened?
31:08We are calling the police.
31:10No, wait.
31:12We cannot ignore this.
31:14It's a bit more complicated.
31:16Why? Because it's Mason's family?
31:18That boy's well rid of them all.
31:20No, because
31:22yesterday I caught Mason
31:24with a crowbar on his way to a robbery.
31:30My kids are getting hungry.
31:32Yeah, Mum's on her way home now.
31:34Where's she popped off to, anyway?
31:36I don't know. She hasn't said.
31:38Where's she said she's up to on the house sale?
31:40Oh, I don't know. David?
31:42Well, actually, I've asked her to put the brakes on.
31:44What, and she agreed?
31:46I mean, the money's already been spent.
31:48The house needs to be sold.
31:50Yes, and it will be.
31:52Well, I hope you're not thinking about buying it
31:54because getting a mortgage, David...
31:56I'm not. I'm just looking into other options, that's all.
31:59I can't consider anything without consulting you first.
32:01That's too right, you're not.
32:09We have a guest for dinner.
32:11Oh, great. Well, there's plenty to go around.
32:13Well, stop doing the impersonation
32:15of a guppy fish, David,
32:17and set a place for Jessie.
32:29You should have told me immediately.
32:31I know.
32:33Instead, you chose to keep me in the dark.
32:35I told you. I just didn't want to worry you.
32:37Look, if I'm in danger,
32:39I have a right to know.
32:41Also, I will not be
32:43dictated to by another man.
32:45Oh, please, don't tell me you're comparing me to Jeff.
32:47Oh, don't you dare make this about me.
32:49I wasn't.
32:51Yeah, but it was that guy.
32:53It was him.
32:55It was him.
32:57Yeah, but that isn't exactly what he would have done.
33:01Sorry I'm a little bit late.
33:03First time doing, like, a proper shop shop.
33:05It was intense.
33:07But I'm pretty sure I've got everything.
33:09Here you go.
33:13Yeah, it's all there.
33:15I don't doubt it.
33:17Seriously, though, some people should not be allowed to push a trolley.
33:19There was this one guy, right?
33:21This one bloke.
33:23Have you been back to the house yet?
33:26No, no, no, I came straight here.
33:28What's up?
33:30I'll deal with this.
33:32Somebody threw a brick through the window
33:34of my home, and I am guessing
33:36you know who that somebody is.
33:40Yeah, it
33:42were probably me brother Logan.
33:46In retaliation for you not doing that job yesterday.
33:48I'm so sorry, Yasmeen.
33:50Not as sorry as I am.
33:52I trusted you.
33:54I defended you.
33:56You should have told the police you didn't,
33:58and now we're the target.
34:00I'll sort this.
34:04Are you going to use the crowbar against your brothers?
34:06No, I meant that I'll move out.
34:08Hang on, let's not be hasty.
34:10I think that's for the best.
34:12Come on, Yas, you can't turf the boy out.
34:14No, I'm offering.
34:16Wait just a second.
34:18Come on, let's talk about this.
34:20There is nothing to discuss.
34:23I want you gone
34:25by the weekend.
34:37Fancy helping me do this, Crossword?
34:41You alright?
34:43When we first
34:45got together, I wasn't the
34:47person that I am now.
34:49What do you mean?
34:53Having a stoma bag
34:55doesn't change who you are.
34:57But it changes the way I see myself.
34:59How I see us.
35:01Are you still in shock?
35:03You didn't sign up for this.
35:05Bethany, I love you.
35:07Like you used to love Daisy.
35:09Where's this coming from?
35:11You deserve better.
35:15You mean Daisy?
35:17I don't want her.
35:19I want you.
35:22We're never going to be the same, Daniel.
35:24Which means that we are never going to be the same.
35:26I don't want to hear this.
35:28I'm going to go get us a cup of tea or something.
35:30Yeah, because you know that it's the truth.
35:32I know that you love me.
35:34But six months, a year down the line,
35:36that's not going to be the reason that you stay with me.
35:38So what are you saying then?
35:40That you want to split up?
35:42I don't know what I'm saying.
35:44I just, I need to think.
35:46No, we need to talk about this.
35:48Please, can you just go?
35:50Oh, that were lovely, Shona.
35:52Very nice.
35:54As is the company.
35:56You two are very quiet.
35:58Is this a thing
36:00then, David?
36:02It's OK, Shona.
36:04You let him have his say.
36:06Well, I'm his mother.
36:08I'm his father.
36:10I'm his mother.
36:12I'm his father.
36:14I'm his father.
36:16I'm his father.
36:18You let him have his say.
36:20You've got to admit, the timing's impeccable.
36:22Yeah, there's a lot of moving parts in your life
36:24at the moment, Mum.
36:26You of all people know
36:28there's never a right or a wrong time
36:30to fall in love, Sarah.
36:34It's a bit sodden, isn't it?
36:36Well, not for me, I've felt this way since we met.
36:38Me too.
36:40I just didn't have the courage to say it till today.
36:42Look, honestly, I've really fallen for your mum.
36:48I mean it. I'm all in.
36:51Well, you two are gonna have to have eyes in the backs of your heads when it comes to Eileen.
36:56You leave Eileen to me.
36:58Anything else?
37:00No? Good.
37:02Because Jessie makes me happy.
37:05And that's a feeling I'd almost forgotten.
37:09So, get over yourselves, eh?
37:12And get on board.
37:15I used to have a book of stamps in there.
37:18What if they'd been rare?
37:21No, but I mean, they could've been, one day.
37:24Honestly, that child...
37:26Hope should be doing this.
37:28Come up, I tell.
37:29Ruby, upstairs, get yourself clean, please.
37:31Nuh-uh. This I wanna hear.
37:33Come on, Ruby, do as you're told.
37:35You almost killed me!
37:37I thought she wasn't a pyro...
37:40Maniac. Pyromaniac.
37:42Pyromaniac anymore.
37:44I'm really sorry.
37:48Yeah, come on, come with me, I'm gonna show you something.
37:51Oh, but Nana!
37:53Crowder for a year!
37:58Look, we're all tired, aren't we? Let's do this tomorrow, eh?
38:00No, no, we're gonna do it right now.
38:02It was an accident.
38:03It always is with you, Hope, isn't it, eh?
38:05Never your fault, always somebody else to blame.
38:07She knows she did wrong.
38:08Look, if Nan wasn't there...
38:09I didn't mean to do it.
38:10It was your vape!
38:12It were your lies, it were your choice!
38:15Won't happen again.
38:16Oh, come on. Of course it will.
38:18It's a nailed uncertainty, and do you know why?
38:21Because that's who you are.
38:23And if you carry on like this, that is who you'll always be.
38:27Now, get out of my sight.
38:36It needed to be said.
38:37Not like that, it didn't.
38:38Fiz, she's out of control.
38:40The sooner you realise that, the better.
38:47Any luck with the cars?
38:49I don't do luck.
38:51So that's another no, then.
38:53Half day, is it?
38:55Reassignment has its privileges.
38:58And you've clearly got a problem with that.
39:01With me?
39:04I'm a team player.
39:07If I could make an observation...
39:09Knock yourself out.
39:11I think you're a good detective, Kit.
39:13Why do I sense a book coming my way?
39:15But you're also very ambitious,
39:17which can sometimes lead to tunnel vision.
39:20You're lecturing me about tunnel vision
39:22when you've already decided the suspect is dead.
39:24Why is that?
39:26I'm merely following the evidence available.
39:29Well, the evidence isn't conclusive.
39:32Or do you know something I don't?
39:35No, of course not.
39:37I just feel suicide is the more obvious path of inquiry.
39:41It's also the neatest.
39:43Case closed, crack open a bubbly and everyone moves on.
39:46This isn't about neat.
39:48This is about getting the right result.
39:50As long as the result fits your theory.
39:54Don't make it personal.
39:56I'm not the one with vested interest.
39:58Meaning what, exactly?
40:03Just making an observation.
40:06Suit yourself.
40:08I intend to.
40:10Don't worry too late.
40:12Hey, it's not work when you love it.
40:20Oi, Tinks!
40:22Please, tell me it is knocking off time.
40:24You're hilarious.
40:26Widen the ANPR search pattern by another 25 miles.
40:29You could take me all night.
40:31Well, then, you'd best get your backside into gear.
40:35Oh, and not a word to Swain.
40:38How come?
40:39Because I'm leading this investigation and I say so.
40:53I heard I missed all the excitement.
40:56Oh, Mum.
40:59I mean, talk about a turkey voting for Christmas.
41:02Oh, come on.
41:04Sometimes you've just got to go where you get, haven't you?
41:07Yeah, right over a cliff of misery into a burning volcano of pain.
41:14You should have been a country and western singer.
41:17You've just got to let her make her own decision.
41:20Till it all blows up in her face and we'll have to pick up the pieces.
41:23Oh, I'm loving the optimism.
41:27I want to be happy for her, I do.
41:29But it's... it's just him.
41:31I don't trust him.
41:33Yeah, yeah, I get that.
41:35What are we going to do?
41:37Don't know.
41:39Trust Mum, hope she's learnt from her past mistakes.
41:43I still can't believe she played us.
41:45What do you mean, played you?
41:47Them art classes, them life-drawing classes she's been doing in town.
41:51She hasn't. She's faked them.
41:53She's been meeting up with him.
41:55You're kidding!
41:57I thought, to be fair, I should have twigged her.
41:59I asked her to draw us a picture of the dog
42:01and it looked like a cross between a pig and a donkey.
42:12Is the viewings good?
42:14Yeah, yeah.
42:16Yeah, great. We saw a really nice flat.
42:18You've already got a really nice flat.
42:20Oh, come on. Fresh start.
42:22You know, being with Toya or Leanne isn't an option, is it?
42:27Yeah, sorry.
42:29Sorry? Not sorry, right?
42:33Just make some your priority.
42:37Yeah, he is.
42:39Yeah, good.
42:51I was wondering if I was going to hear from you.
42:53Well, you said you wanted a clean break.
42:56I know.
42:58But a thank you would have been nice.
43:00Which is why I'm calling you.
43:04How's Bethany?
43:06She's on the mend.
43:08She's up and down.
43:11Still, at least she's close to home now.
43:13Yeah, it's a massive weight off, really.
43:17Well, that's the most important thing.
43:19I just hope there was enough.
43:22To cover the costs and everything.
43:25Oh, heads up.
43:27This has to stay between us and Adam, yeah?
43:29Not even Harvey knows about that money,
43:31let alone be giving it to you.
43:35I didn't take any money.
43:40I only found out about the offer today.
43:44Well, I'm confused. Baz checked the lock up.
43:46The cash has gone.
43:47Well, it wasn't me.
43:48Sarah, seriously.
43:49Damon, I swear my mum's taken out a bridging loan
43:52to pay for Bethany.
43:53She's selling the house.
43:57Then who took it?
44:13I don't know.