BTCC 2000 - Silverstone - Race 2

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Hey, talk about going from hero to zero.
00:02Gabriele Tarquini, the ebullient Italian, you might remember momentarily led Race 1.
00:07Well, he ain't going to do that in Race 2 because look where he is, right down the back
00:10of the grid.
00:11He was slung out of qualifying yesterday for a technical infringement and finds himself
00:15all the way down the back of the grid.
00:17He's not on his own though because he's right alongside independent giant killer Matt Neal
00:20in the Nissan.
00:21Matt too fell foul of the officials and finds himself in the middle of the Class B runners.
00:26Now, his team reckon the strategy's going to be if he gets caught up in traffic, they're
00:29going to pit early, say lap 6, see if they can make up some places.
00:33Talking of Class B, keep an eye out for this guy, Alan Morrison.
00:35Now, he started the first race from the last position and won the class.
00:39I reckon, John Watson, he'll do it again.
00:42Charlie History is with those men from Northern Ireland.
00:45I started at the back of the grid and also won races.
00:48But back at the front is that man, Ricard Rodel, his second pole position of the day.
00:53Alongside him is Mr. Consistency, Anthony Reid looking for his first win of the year.
00:57Plato and Muller make up row two.
00:59And this afternoon's first winner, James Thompson, alongside his teammate, Tom Christensen.
01:03Alan Menu down in row four with Vincent Rademacher, then the lead independent, Colin Blair in
01:08his Nissan.
01:09And the quickest of the Class Bs, once again, is Will Hoy.
01:12James Kay and Robert Collard in row six, a pair of Honda Integra Rs in row seven, Tarquini
01:18and Matt Neal down in row eight, and Charlie's tip for the top, Alan Morrison in row nine.
01:24OK, revs are up and it's symmetry a go-go.
01:26Ford, Ford, Vauxhall, Vauxhall, Honda, Honda, and all three pairs are away.
01:30Well, Rodel, our pole man, a blinder away.
01:33Look at Muller in the Vauxhall on the left-hand side of the screen, moving up on the pit wall.
01:37Then you've got Plato on the right-hand side.
01:40See, Anthony Reid in that second of the fours is in a real Vauxhall sandwich.
01:43You've got unfriendly people on both sides of you, but somewhere holds through, gets
01:47through, cop's OK.
01:48Rodel's still in the lead.
01:50Reidy has got all sorts of problems around him.
01:52That's Ivan Muller challenging, and Plato is challenging Muller.
01:55Muller gets a little bit sideways in the first of those red Vauxhalls, hangs onto it, gives
01:59Reid a little bit of a rub.
02:01Everyone amazingly through, blinding start there, and Wilhoy, class B, off again.
02:06Bad luck, didn't finish race one.
02:09Now we're on board with Colin Blair.
02:11He's our Independence Cup leader, heading down towards Abbey for the first time.
02:15Now that Menuh just ahead of us, the whole field compresses.
02:18Menuh is trying to slide through and someone is sliding through past us.
02:21We can just see a bonnet on the right-hand side.
02:23That was Gabriele Tarquini, James Thompson.
02:25You're not seeing double, that's a Honda on both sides of the screen, and they are weaving
02:29right up the middle around the tail end Vauxhall, through Briggs Corner.
02:33Very quickly now, Colin Blair making a good start, a good showing here, and now running
02:40Someone else must have just slid through the inside, yes, lost the position to Matt Neal.
02:43Matt Neal obviously a lot more experienced and a lot quicker than Colin Blair in his
02:47initial year in Touring Cars, giving plenty of space, sensible thing to do in the early
02:51stages of a race like this because it's so easy to get knocked.
02:56Very clean start by Ricard Rydell, au contraire, he stayed well out of trouble, Anthony Reid
03:00in second position, counting them down, Muller is right behind him in the first of the red
03:04Vauxhalls, there he is, then it's Plato, then Tom Christensen in the Honda, then Alan Menuh
03:10in the third of the Fords who's picked up another position, he's up into sixth now.
03:14So Menuh really hurting with that 40kg weight penalty he's got to carry, it hurt him in
03:18practice, and he's really struggling to get through the field.
03:21Roughly smoked there from the back of Plato's car, there's Tom Christensen in the lead Honda,
03:26and he's really staying in touch, it was a very, very neat grid with a pair of Fords
03:31followed by a pair of Vauxhalls, then the two Hondas, Christensen is the better performer
03:35out of those.
03:36Now in Class B, there's Mark Lemmer coming under challenge already from Morrison, once
03:41again he started off the back of the grid, but you just can't keep him down.
03:44Now that's a quick car Morrison getting again, more experience, very quick in the zone, finding
03:49it a little bit tougher in traffic, but Mark Lemmer will teach you those lessons pretty
03:54Now here's some traffic, what a pair of Fords, and look at Ivan Muller, the flamboyant Frenchman,
03:58absolutely hanging it out under Prince Corner.
04:01It's as if somebody told him he isn't in the front wheel drive touring car, I mean he just
04:05throws that car around, he's got no carer, he's just all abandoned.
04:08Yeah, there's a Vauxhall plan actually, they never let him look under the bonnet, he has
04:11no idea.
04:12Now Mark Lemmer sliding around the inside of Morrison, Morrison takes the place from
04:17Nice pass, there's Collard, Collard in the Nissan, he wants a bit of this as well, gives
04:21Mark Lemmer a bit of a tap, very strong.
04:22And you know what the good news is, this is what we're going to see all next year, these
04:27are the cars we're going to have in touring car racing next year, they can pass, and the
04:30reason they can pass, no aerodynamics.
04:32Well you can chuck a blanket over them, they're trying to chuck car doors over each other,
04:36but Mark Lemmer fights back once again, gives him an absolute hip and shoulder into the
04:41grass, take that.
04:42He reminds me of Dennis Wise, enough said.
04:45Yeah, rough tough stuff, good to watch.
04:48Now here's something good to watch as well, because we're in the box seat with Gabriele
04:51Tarquini and he is just very neatly tucking on the inside of Vincent Ranamacca with whom
04:56he had so much fun in Race 1, Vincent unsportingly has changed his rear bumper and made the car
05:01look like new again, that's inviting disaster, where is he?
05:06And Tarquini is not the person to do it with either, I don't know what actually happened
05:20to James, he was further up the grid than this, he's coming back through, he either
05:24had a bad start or got pushed wide somewhere, but he's way down the pack.
05:30Ranamacca was showing all sorts of restraint, not to give him a little bit of a headbutt
05:33in return.
05:35Here's Colin Blair, he was leading the independents at the start of this race, but he scored himself
05:39a drive-thru penalty, bad luck for him, and Ivan Muller just will not let that corner
05:44go, he clips the inside kerb there through bridge, it's terrifying to watch.
05:48Yeah, I mean you've got to be so committed going through bridge corner and then up into
05:51prairie you have to anticipate the apex, but he just throws the box around and away, I
05:56don't know anybody else who drives a touring car like Ivan Muller.
05:58I don't know if he is committed or ought to be committed, but he's absolutely fearless
06:02under there through bridge corner, now here's Colin Blair after his drive-thru, working
06:06his way back up through the field, passing Morrison in the Peugeot, who himself is working
06:11his way up through the Class B field, starting off the back of the grid, there is our leader
06:15in Class B, just saw a glimpse of him, James Kaye in the Honda.
06:19And I think you can see here really the difference between the Class B cars and the Super Tours,
06:24Class B just moves around a lot more in the racetrack, there's James Kaye ahead, now just
06:28you can see, a lot slower going through Brooklyn's corner as they drop down into Luffield, and
06:34again Blair really having to back out of it, he can't afford to go the long way around,
06:38just James Kaye fighting for grip, but now the power and the grip of the Nissan take
06:43it ahead.
06:46Very easy to see how much more power they've got, but very, very spectacular, this is looking
06:51pretty spectacular as well, that's a bumper-eye view from the front of Ivan Muller's car,
06:58very moving into the back of Anthony Reid's Ford, as close as you like, there's our race
07:01leader, Rydell, there is Reid, and there is Muller, we know how close he is, we just saw...
07:05Reid, Ivan, Reid, OK, Reid.
07:08I was just going to say, we just saw right up Reid's exhaust pipe, but more importantly,
07:12Waddy, early pit for Muller.
07:14Yes it is, I think maybe the team have decided that Muller can run quicker than the two Fords,
07:18but he can't get past them, so rather than wasting time running behind them and then
07:22making a pit stop, go into the pits now, get the job done, get back out on a clear-footed
07:27run, run hard on those outlaps, and try and make up the time that otherwise he would lose
07:31by being behind.
07:32Now the average time in stopped, and now it's going to be around about 27, 28 seconds, but
07:37of course the pit stop itself will be somewhere around about 6 seconds.
07:42Muller in, car up, front's only, Vauxhall have been stunning, we've seen four and a
07:48half seconds stopped, well, 4.56, that's as good as it gets.
07:52Gabrieli Taekwini also following the Honda in, let's see how the Honda team do the job,
07:57and remember that Honda still raised very high, 5.52 seconds, Honda tell me the lower
08:02jack position makes it more difficult for the guys to get the guns attached to the wheels,
08:06but they can stick with what they do best.
08:09Might need to get younger pit guys that can bend down more quickly, but the point of the
08:12whole exercise is that Ivan Muller is now going to have to absolutely stand on the gas
08:18for the next three laps to try and make up some space, because the guy we're riding with,
08:22Ricard Rydel is our race leader, we look back to the second place man, Anthony Reid, they're
08:26still out, they haven't pitted, now these guys are going to be absolutely thrashing
08:30in that Vauxhall and that Honda of Gabrieli Taekwini, trying to make up track position
08:35while it's in the clear.
08:37Well, here's Rademacher with James Thompson, Thompson passed him a couple of laps ago,
08:40but now can't shake him.
08:42Well, it's very competitive throughout the field, and look, James Thompson won the first
08:45race, OK, he was a bit fortuitous, but now he's stuck in a battle in the midfield.
08:50All that can be is that the car performances are so equal, that wherever you find yourself
08:55running lap, it is difficult to make your way up through the field.
08:59Well, Vincent Rademacher is hanging on manfully to that, and at the same time, James Kay is
09:03hanging on manfully to his lead, because there is Morrison, and he's caught James Kay, the
09:07Class B leader, side by side down the hill.
09:11This is going to be close, we're coming into Abbey Corner, that's the really tight right
09:14hander, makes it look easy.
09:16Yeah, and remember, the Accord's got a 2 litre Honda engine, unlike the Integra R's, which
09:20have got a 1.8 litre engine.
09:23OK, there's Menu out, that's very close in the pit lane, there goes Matt Neal as well.
09:28Rattling out of the pits, one after the other, on board with Menu, ahead of us is Jason Plato,
09:34and the Vauxhall squirming all over the place.
09:37Yes, you can see, when they put the power on, the front wheels tramlined a bit, pulled
09:40the car one way or the other, and there goes Muller, there goes Muller, ahead of us, and
09:44Muller has picked up position.
09:46Very strong run from Ivan Muller, and he'll be able to pull away very quickly indeed from
09:50Plato and from Menu.
09:52There's Plato, little bit of a puff of smoke, trying to brake on cold tyres, cold front
09:56There's Ivan Muller, still really trying to get some pace on.
09:59That was a real key play from Muller, to be in early, get out on those tyres, get them
10:03up to temperature.
10:04He's ahead of his teammate, he's ahead of Menu, but he's really got to pull away from
10:07Plato if he's got any chance to take full advantage of that very early pit stop.
10:12And here's the other half of that Muller equation, because these are the race leaders, Rytel and
10:16Reid in the Fords, and that is Reid pulling into the pits now.
10:19Critically important, very agricultural line he's using across there, real shortcut.
10:23Well, we do have gardeners at Silverstone, but Anthony Reid thinks the Vergers do need
10:27a bit of trimming.
10:28OK, well, Rytel is still our race leader, but where Rytel and Reid finish up in relation
10:33to Muller is absolutely going to test it.
10:35Here's the first half of it, Reidy in.
10:37We've seen 4.5 from Vauxhall, 5.5 from Honda, Reid and Rademacher in, so a battle 4-6-7.
10:45Rademacher 4.8, stunning, a terrible stop for Reid, 9 seconds, he's given away almost
10:514 seconds to the Vauxhall team.
10:54They must have had some sort of a problem of a wheel done jamming or something, but
10:58that's half the equation gone, because Reidy won't feature now.
11:01You can't give away that many seconds out comes Reid, but you can see cars flying past
11:05him that are all part of the shuffle.
11:07There's Muller, miles ahead of Reid now, so this is looking pretty good for him, but
11:11Rytel is the key because he's yet to pit.
11:14Van Muller absolutely driving a qualifier.
11:16The car had body language, that car is saying, give me more, I love it.
11:21It is just on the limit, that's what a racing car should be all the time.
11:25It shows my mindset, I'd have thought, mercy, mercy, but there you go.
11:28Now, Reidy, he's got no green stripe under the name on his window, that means he has
11:32pitted, Rytel has a green stripe under the name on his window, that means he has not
11:37When they pit, they rip the stripe off, so we don't lose the plot and work out where
11:41everybody is on track, and now he goes, this is it.
11:44He really had to come in immediately once Reid had been in, once Muller had done his
11:48pit stop.
11:49Get in, do the job, get back out, but it's going to be questionable.
11:52Will Rytel be able to come in, stop, we saw a terrible stop from his teammate, nine seconds.
11:57Get back out on track and be ahead of Muller.
12:00Tom Christensen in that Honda has moved up the position, but this is the key.
12:06Full car on the Ford has jacked up, got the front wheels changed, well, there's a stop
12:11at 4.52.
12:12The Prodrive guys can do stunning pit stops, just in it from Richard Rytel's team.
12:17Moving down the pit lane, looking back from Richard, Ivan Muller will be out there on
12:21the other side of that guardrail.
12:23Get on with it indeed, there's Muller, there's Muller, and Rytel is coming out of the pit
12:27Rytel on the right, Muller on the left.
12:29Where is it going to end up?
12:31I'll tell you where it's going to end up, Muller in front.
12:34Well, you can't get any closer than that, two brilliant pit stops, two superb touring
12:38car drivers, but Muller's got the lead.
12:40And really, if he had been in the lead in the early part of this race, those two Fords
12:43wouldn't have seen where the Vauxhall would have gone.
12:45Now, we've got a race on our hands, they've got fresh tyres, they've got the second half
12:49of the race to this run, and Rytel has got his tail up, he must catch him.
12:53And that's the gap moving down into Abbey Corner, standing on the brakes, remember,
12:57Rytel is on cold tyres, that's going to make it harder in this outlap.
13:01Yeah, it's very tough, you've got to be so careful, so precise, and those front tyres
13:05are still cold, it's not just the braking, but the steering of the car that's going to
13:08be affected.
13:09Tom Christensen there in the Honda at the moment, of course he's our race leader, because
13:13he has not pitted.
13:14One of his teammates is doing so, though.
13:16James Thompson in.
13:18So the Honda guys get the car up.
13:20Looks like it's going to be a reasonable stop for James Thompson.
13:23That's six, well, 5.76 seconds.
13:26Burns rubber, that's to try and get temperature into those front tyres as quickly as possible.
13:30Matt Neil, problems on board with Matt.
13:35OK, engine's gone.
13:37It's trying to rot or something.
13:39I'm pulling off to the side of the track.
13:41Well, he's got max power on his windscreen, but he's got no power under his bonnet.
13:45He's going to need a max bank account to fix it as well.
13:47Yeah, something gone wrong, a pretty expensive something.
13:50Tom Christensen, still our race leader in the Honda, but he'll have to pit pretty soon,
13:54and there it is.
13:56So all the main players have now made their pit stops.
13:58Tom Christensen, ooh, runs a little bit wide, you know, it's so important to come into the
14:02quickly to mitigate the length of time you are,
14:05from entry to exit, down to 40 miles an hour.
14:08It seems interminable the length of time it takes you to get down to your garage.
14:11There you can see the guys are prepared.
14:14Cuts in at the last moment, stays in the black stuff,
14:16because that grey concrete doesn't have the same braking effect as the tarmac itself.
14:21Well, the jack's still up.
14:23Christensen in trouble, seven, or eight seconds.
14:25That's rounded out to eight seconds, and a problem there.
14:28Doesn't need that, that will really cost him race order.
14:32There's his teammate, Gabriele Tarquini, up in seventh position.
14:37Coming into Copse Corner, just past Collard in the independent class B Nissan.
14:41And, uh, oh, oh, it's again, it's Copse again.
14:45That's where he fell off in race one.
14:47Yeah, but he must have so much confidence in the car and in Copse Corner,
14:50he doesn't mind when he gets the car on the edge, and in fact, some occasions, beyond the edge.
14:55Well, it is one of those corners where you have to carry through bags of speed, isn't it?
14:59Really big momentum corner.
15:01Anthony Reid, he's had plenty of momentum, so much so that he head-butted his teammate
15:04in race one, down into Abbey Corner.
15:06We are heading down towards Abbey Corner now.
15:10Now, there's Tarquini.
15:12There's Grattamacca, just sliding around the inside of Mark Lemmer.
15:16Mark Lemmer gives him a touch.
15:18Bit cheeky from Mark, you know, this is class B against the SuperTouros.
15:21Is Mark Lemmer maybe repaying a debt from a previous event?
15:25Yeah, had a bit of a count-settling feeling about it, didn't we?
15:27Now, we're on board with Ivan Muller, and we are sliding down the inside of Morrison.
15:31Gust, nice and tight, used a bit of the kerb.
15:37That interminable right-hander, back onto the pit straight.
15:40Yeah, a little bit wide in the entry, but I mean, when Muller comes up,
15:42he just launches himself at a car, puts the nose of the Vauxhall into the driver's door mirror,
15:47and says, it's me, I'm coming through.
15:50All of the action happens in front of the A-pillar in his car.
15:55Rydell and Plato, so Vauxhall, Ford, Vauxhall, then another Ford, then another Ford,
16:00then a Honda, Gabriele Tarquini in 6th, then Rattamacca 7th,
16:03Thompson 8th position, and Christensen 9th.
16:06The Honda struggling, they were further up the field than that at the start of this race.
16:10Ivan Muller, meantime, is still absolutely driving the doors off this Vauxhall.
16:14You can see the energy going into the car.
16:17Oh, and there's energy of one sort.
16:19That's Jason Plato!
16:21Now, he's chucked it at the scenery, and now he's trying to snowplough his way out of that gravel,
16:27and manages to do so, did not get stuck.
16:30That's been a gritty day for Jason Plato, if you'll pardon the pun.
16:34He was in the gravel in the first race, and then again.
16:36Now, what happened? Here we go.
16:38He's just gone past Alan Morrison, and everything looks fine,
16:41but he maybe just gets a little bit loose, gets onto the dirty stuff on the outside of the circuit,
16:45and the car just gets away.
16:47And the slide continues, and the goose, there we are, into the gravel.
16:50Up at Beckett's, it's almost like Brighton Beach up there.
16:53At times, there's so much gravel, and it's not Jason's idea to dig himself into it.
16:57He wants out.
17:05And in comes Colin Blair into the pits.
17:07Colin comes in, very slow.
17:09Yes, it's a slightly slow stop, but I mean, it is sure, and the team are there to change those front wheels,
17:15and it looks like somebody set the extinguisher off as well,
17:17so the clock, in fact, is not a bad stop.
17:196.48 seconds, but it's not good enough to win the season-long Michelin Pit Stop Challenge.
17:25Alan Menuh did a time 25.736.
17:28That's from entry to pit lane.
17:30Stop, get back out on track, over the stripe.
17:33Good job from the Ford team.
17:35Obviously a problem there for Blair, some sort of mechanical problem, because he is crawling.
17:39Ivan Muller's not crawling, though, leading the race.
17:41Rydell and Menuh in 2nd and 3rd, and Reid in 4th,
17:44so it's a Vauxhall, then three Fords,
17:46then Gabriele Tarquini upholding Honda's honours in 5th position.
17:51On board with Rademacher now, the 2nd-placed Vauxhall.
17:55His teammate is leading, and that's Tarquini ahead of us,
17:58and James Thompson in there behind us.
18:00Now, Rademacher is really being pressured by Thompson,
18:03and that's Blair. He obviously has a problem. He's limping around here.
18:07Moving down the back of the field, letting everyone pass,
18:10but he is just crawling.
18:12It's all getting a bit competitive as they come into Abbey.
18:14It's six cars, two Fords, a Honda, a Vauxhall, and another Honda.
18:18I suppose you're...
18:21Now, that's one of the Fords. That's Anthony Reid running deep.
18:24That's the view from Rademacher's car.
18:25Anthony Reid ran too deep there into Abbey Corner. It's lost momentum.
18:29So what can Rademacher do?
18:31Up over the hill, Rademacher is right on his boot, leaning on the bridge.
18:35He's trying to capitalise on that boost to the inside of the field.
18:39Reid, he covers.
18:40Ducks on the inside again.
18:42James Thompson's part of this as well.
18:43Thompson and Rademacher side by side.
18:45He's touched him. He's spun.
18:49Oh, that hurt.
18:52Rademacher, bang into the side of Anthony Reid's car,
18:55turned around by James Thompson.
18:58Let's hope everybody's OK.
19:00Thompson pushed me off, ah, very badly.
19:04If you can continue, keep going.
19:06I tried to come back in a bit.
19:09Oh, he's limping back.
19:10That was a very big impact, but he's OK.
19:13Yeah, the car, but it's...
19:14I suppose it is drivable, but, I mean, Rademacher,
19:16he went off worse than a bag of prawns in the sun on that shunt.
19:20Look at that.
19:22Looks like an Astra.
19:24That is an enormous impact.
19:26Rademacher was very fortunate, as was Anthony Reid.
19:28Reid can't get out the driver's door.
19:30He's had to climb across the car, through the roll cage,
19:33get out the passenger's door.
19:34Look at Rademacher, struggling even in the pit lane.
19:37Sliding all over the place,
19:38because his right rear wheel is not touching.
19:41He's trying to bring the remains of that car back into the pits.
19:45Excuse me, Derek, I need a new car, please.
19:47This one's kaput.
19:50That's an astonishing amount of damage, just forget it.
19:52I hope Vincent isn't thinking,
19:54quick tyre change, I'll be back out there.
19:56He doesn't realise how appallingly damaged it is yet.
20:01I think when he gets out of the car and walks round the back,
20:04he'll say, I don't believe it.
20:06But that was a big, big shunt,
20:08started by James Thompson.
20:09It was a race for position,
20:11and Rademacher and Reid were fighting.
20:13Let's look at it again.
20:14There you see Rademacher, Reid,
20:15Thompson positioned himself to get inside.
20:17Coming at the very last minute.
20:19I mean, it came so quickly,
20:20and Reid just sort of, the eyes said,
20:22I don't believe it.
20:23And then it was a big impact.
20:25That's the biggest shunt I've seen all year.
20:27Yeah, and important to remember,
20:28Reid was driving a left-hand drive car,
20:30so he took it in his driver's door,
20:32but the car held up alright.
20:34Now, here's someone else with problems.
20:36Left rear's gone.
20:38My rear tyre's gone.
20:39Coming in for a pit stop, OK?
20:41But, folks, we ready.
20:43We ready.
20:44Tom Christensen, bad news for him.
20:46He's having a lacklustre second race anyway,
20:48and now a flat.
20:49This guy's not having a lacklustre race.
20:51Tarquini is belting his way up through the field.
20:53It's been an inspired drive from Tarquini.
20:55Now, this is the battle for the last place on the podium.
20:57Alain Meunier is in third position,
20:59Tarquini in fourth position,
21:01and we're on our last lap.
21:02He's running out of time.
21:03And one real corner to go without Zindouabi.
21:06Down the inside, he's going to do it.
21:08There was no resistance at all.
21:09Alain Meunier lets him through.
21:10It looked very, very easy.
21:12And, of course, if Meunier were to finish in third place,
21:14he would still carry a weight penalty
21:16into the next round of crafts.
21:18So maybe the thinking man's racing driver
21:20has been thinking over time this afternoon.
21:22Well, a very cool player to give up points
21:24to avoid weight, if that's what he's doing.
21:27But he's definitely dropped the position.
21:29Now, here's Ivan Muller, our race leader.
21:31He's sure going to be hauling lead next round
21:33because he is on his last corner.
21:35He's now on the straight,
21:37heading up to the chequered flag to take a win.
21:39And a great win for Ivan Muller.
21:41He drove that win.
21:43Nut stuff.
21:44Yeah, superb win for Vauxhall and Muller
21:46and puts himself back into contention in the championship.
21:48And a little bit of good news as well
21:50for Rickard Rydell, second position.
21:52He was our pole man,
21:54but the second place is some compensation
21:56for having lost an almost certain win
21:58in round one.
21:59He is closely followed by Gabriele Tarquini
22:01in the Honda.
22:02Great drive from him.
22:03Alain Menu, fourth place.
22:05And James Thompson, the man who won race one,
22:07a bruising fifth.
22:09Disappointment for Jason Plato,
22:11ultimately finishing only sixth.
22:13Tom Christensen, seventh.
22:14But the scorecard tells the story.
22:16What attrition.
22:17Three Class B runners in the top ten.
22:19All those super-tourers knocking themselves out.
22:21But for Ivan Muller,
22:23this pit stop and those great outlaps
22:25really made the difference.
22:29Yeah, it was a really good race
22:31and all the team has made
22:33definitely a really good job
22:35and a fantastic pit stop.
22:37Unfortunately, the first stage should be a bit
22:39like this one, but
22:42somebody there decided differently.
22:44Now, incredibly,
22:46Rickard Rydell has been excluded
22:48from the results of race two.
22:50A technical infringement
22:52to do with the rear spoiler on the car
22:55and he gets no points for this round.
22:57He had led the championship at one point.
22:59He may now regard Silverstone
23:01as the moment.
23:11Yeah, it was
23:13obviously a fantastic weekend.
23:15Delighted to be up here
23:17for the second time.
23:19And the race really went how we sort of
23:21planned it out, really.
23:23Started off
23:25and took it quite easy.
23:27The start's a long way around here.
23:29So, we just, you know,
23:31bided our time and got into the lead
23:33and really we just went away
23:35from them, really.
23:37306 is working fantastic
23:39and everything's going really well.
