My Vampire System - The Fight Begins

  • 2 days ago
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00:00I'm going to die.
00:02My body...
00:04It's moving.
00:06On its own.
00:08Warning. You must consume human blood in order to survive.
00:15I can't resist.
00:17Quinn wanted to be a superhero, but turned into a monster.
00:21Was the book his dead mom left for him?
00:23When his mother died, she left him with a book that had been with the family for years.
00:27Quinn's mother was a level 5 superhero.
00:30That was the highest power of superheroes.
00:32Since that day, Quinn was determined to find his powers and take revenge on the Dahlkies for his mother's death.
00:39This was the only motive of his life.
00:41But sadly, he was not aware about any of his powers.
00:47The fact that he did not have any abilities in a school full of superheroes made his life miserable.
00:52Everyone perceived him as a loser.
00:54Even his girlfriend cheated on him with his bully who was a level 5 superhero.
00:59Why would I date a loser like you?
01:01You don't even have abilities.
01:03My abilities are level 5, bro.
01:05In fighting.
01:07And I'm a girl.
01:09What did you just say?
01:11What are you going to do about it?
01:13How dare you?
01:15You level 1 piece of shit.
01:18When are you going to learn?
01:20You don't belong in this world.
01:24You don't belong in this world.
01:39Are you okay?
01:41Oh, um...
01:43I didn't...
01:48I can't believe you almost helped that loser.
01:50I didn't know what was.
01:54I thought Vince Halliburton was my friend.
01:57Ew, never.
02:01Quinn knew he would find his powers soon and take revenge on everyone who has done him wrong.
02:06He took out the magic potion from his bag which was his best bet at opening that book his mom gave him while dying.
02:14Rumors about another war against the Dalkis were resurfacing.
02:17Young superheroes were sent to army at the age of 16 to sharpen their powers and prepare for the war.
02:23But poor Quinn did not know any of his abilities, let alone his level.
02:27How will he use his powers?
02:39Here's to hoping.
02:52No reaction yet?
02:56Okay, hang on.
03:05I mean, this is pointless.
03:07I mean, I don't know why I keep trying.
03:09I don't want my parents to have this stupid piece of garbage.
03:35Who's there?
03:37Show yourself!
03:52Quinn woke up confused about what had happened last night.
03:55He reached out for his glasses and did not expect what happened next.
03:59He could see clearly without them.
04:05There's no way.
04:07I can see the whole room.
04:10Was it the book?
04:12It's gone!
04:14Think, Quinn.
04:15Just try to remember what happened.
04:18Menu, menu, menu, menu, menu.
04:22Main menu.
04:25Who said that?
04:30What is all this?
04:35Quinn realized that the interface was controlled by his thoughts.
04:38There was a skills tab, but it said zero skills available.
04:42Ability books can be absorbed for additional XP.
04:45Skill systems.
04:47So the book my parents gave me actually does work.
04:55Okay, okay.
05:00After getting a little hope, Quinn tried everything to figure out what exactly his powers were,
05:05apart from an interface that was controlled by his mind.
05:09This is all I get?
05:10A glorified user interface?
05:12Systems are often disregarded as simple computers,
05:15but with the right user, they can become quite powerful once leveled up.
05:19How do I level up?
05:22Drink two liters of water.
05:25Two liters for five XP, huh?
05:28Well, how hard can that be?
05:31Quinn started chugging water.
05:33He desperately wanted to know what his powers were.
05:35After finishing two liters, his stomach started to hurt,
05:38but at least he was rewarded for completing the task.
05:41At least he knew that the system works.
05:43Once he reaches 100 XP, he will know what his powers are.
05:47Right then, he heard a knock at the door.
05:50The moment he was scared of was here.
05:52The army shuttle was waiting for him.
05:54He had to leave his house and start training for the war.
05:57Although he had gotten his powers, he did not know what they were.
06:00He was worried how he would survive.
06:04It's so bright.
06:06What's happening to me?
06:07Your body is being hit by direct sunlight.
06:10All stats will be reduced by 50% during exposure.
06:13Seek shade immediately.
06:16I'm weaker in sunlight now.
06:18What kind of drawback is this?
06:20You okay, son?
06:24You hear me, boy?
06:28Yeah, I'm working on it.
06:41You are no longer in direct sunlight.
06:44Stats have returned to normal.
06:46What a relief.
06:47That was torture.
06:48Keep moving, recruit.
06:56Right then, Quinn noticed that only direct sunlight affected him.
07:00Not all sunlight was bad for him.
07:03Another quest.
07:06At least this one looks easy.
07:08Buckle up.
07:13How long do you think this bus ride is going to take?
07:16I don't know.
07:26A foreign substance has been detected.
07:28Activating oxygen reserves.
07:31Is something going on?
07:34Your resistance to the substance has increased.
07:37Approximately 30 seconds of consciousness remaining.
07:41Everyone had fainted in presence of the foreign substance.
07:44Except Quinn.
07:45Sergeant noticed Quinn resisting it and put a plastic bag to cover his head.
07:51What the hell?
08:00Welcome to the Academy.
08:02You'll spend the next two years of your miserable lives here.
08:05So you better get used to it.
08:12Placed on your wrist is a lifeline.
08:16It identifies you as a student here at the Academy.
08:20It also allows you access to certain areas.
08:23Daily rations, libations, and all sorts of amenities.
08:28Most importantly, it'll keep you from leaving.
08:36Ever seen someone out on the street with a missing hand?
08:39That's the mark of a deserter.
08:41Once you've been tested, it will display a number representing your corresponding power level.
08:47I think I can get at least a five.
08:51I heard no one's gotten higher than five on their first try.
08:54Well, except for original descendants.
08:58You know, people who don't need ability books to get their powers are just innate.
09:01I know what an original is.
09:04Let's make a conversation.
09:13Use of foreign ability detected.
09:15Ability attempt blocked.
09:18Ability blocked?
09:20What'd you say your ability was again?
09:22First testing.
09:24Quinn Talon.
09:27Peter Chuck.
09:30Just calm down.
09:34Layla Munroe.
09:36Let's hurry this up.
09:37And Aaron Ellie.
09:42You five will be today's first testing group.
09:46They're testing everyone's abilities?
09:55Not everyone's.
09:57Not everyone survives this test.
10:01May God have mercy on your soul.
10:10But I don't even know what my abilities are.
10:14To know more, download the Pocket FM app and listen to the blockbuster audio series My Vampire System.