My Vampire System - In the Library

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Everyone thinks I'm the bully. What they don't see is that I'm just trying to survive. It's the same everywhere I go.
00:06Hey, Quinn! Is that your a**?
00:09Those aren't mine. I swear, they're not. They're not mine.
00:11Yeah, right.
00:17My dad taught me how to do this.
00:19Fantastic, thank you. Quinn, you're up next.
00:22Looks like it's my turn. This is gonna suck.
00:27I was born without any powers.
00:30What the hell was that, Quinn?
00:33Do you even have a special ability?
00:35No, but my parents...
00:39My parents died in a war with alien invaders.
00:42They left me an ability book, but for some reason, I haven't been able to open mine.
00:47Your parents what?
00:49My parents couldn't afford an ability book.
00:51No powers? And he's poor?
00:54Talentless talent! Talentless talent! Talentless talent! Talentless talent!
01:00I'll show them. One day, they'll all learn what it means to mess with Quinn Talon.
01:06Aliens burned the world, killed my family, and all I got was this stupid book.
01:11A book that's impossible to open.
01:13Still, my parents must have left it to me for a reason.
01:17It's my one shot at answers.
01:20Okay, so far, no reaction.
01:26I don't know why I keep trying.
01:28Those f**ks messed up my nose real bad.
01:31I have to open this book. It's my last chance at having a better life.
01:36Quinn believed the book was the only solution to having a better life, not knowing it would add more to his troubles.
01:43At last, the book opened, and it was nothing like what he'd expected.
01:54Upload complete.
01:58What the hell?
01:59Was it just a dream? How did I get here?
02:02Quinn was shocked to be back at the school, the same place he had been running from.
02:06He woke up to a nightmare, unable to fully understand what had happened to him.
02:11What Quinn didn't know was that he now possessed powers.
02:15Every student here is required to go through military training.
02:18We are under threat. This isn't a drill.
02:21As Sgt. Griff's voice echoed through the hall, Quinn's thoughts spiraled.
02:26What help could he be in fighting aliens when the school is filled with superheroes?
02:31What bothered him the most, though, was the event that had taken place at his home.
02:35Once you've been tested, it will be displayed as a number representing your position.
02:39I think I could get at least a five.
02:42I heard no one's ever gotten higher than a five on the first test.
02:45Well, except originals.
02:47You know, people who don't need ability books for their powers to perform that way?
02:50Yeah, I know what originals are.
02:52Are you okay?
02:54I was just making conversation.
02:56I know. I'm sorry.
02:58I'm sorry.
03:00I'm sorry.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:04I'm sorry.
03:06I'm sorry.
03:08I'm sorry.
03:09So, name, ability, favorite color.
03:12Next group, Quinn Talon.
03:16Peter Chuck.
03:19Hide me.
03:20Hey, knock it off.
03:21Vorden Blade.
03:23Rough hands, bro.
03:25Ever tried lotion?
03:26Layla Monroe.
03:31And Aaron Healy.
03:36So, you five will be today's final group.
03:39Good luck.
03:40So, Quinn, right?
03:44Name's Vorden.
03:45What's his angle?
03:46Why is someone that looks like him being so nice to me?
03:49Use of foreign ability detected.
03:50What did you say your ability was?
03:52Ability attempt blocked.
03:54Ability blocked?
03:55Wait, who said that?
03:56What is all this?
03:58Quinn freaked out, thinking he was losing his mind.
04:01He had gained powers but didn't realize it yet.
04:04As his abilities emerged, the sun became his enemy.
04:07And he had to cope with the changes without understanding what was happening.
04:11First time teleporting?
04:12Second ability attempt blocked.
04:16Don't touch me.
04:17Look, I'm pretty strong.
04:18So, if anybody messes with you, I just put them in their place.
04:21You know?
04:23What's up?
04:25Nice to meet you.
04:27Nice to meet you.
04:29Very nice to meet you.
04:31Nice to meet you.
04:32He's just friendly with everyone?
04:34Cool box.
04:35What's inside it?
04:39What gives?
04:40Line up.
04:41Side by side.
04:42My name is Jane.
04:43And I will be in charge of testing today.
04:45Once you have finished your trials, I will be adjusting your wrist devices to match your decided ability levels.
04:52But before we get started, we have a couple things to take care of.
04:56Peter Chuck.
04:57Step forward.
05:03I bet he's in trouble.
05:05For not having an ability.
05:06Now I understand why he was so nervous.
05:10Hey, get your Earth ability book.
05:12They're pretty common, but really help.
05:14You want it?
05:15Knock yourself out.
05:17It's yours.
05:18I can't accept it.
05:19They just give this to us to keep us indebted to them anyway.
05:22Quinn Talon.
05:23Their records show I don't have an ability.
05:26But do I have an ability?
05:33Standard issue Earth abilities.
05:35I can't.
05:38I don't want to.
05:41Would you excuse me for one moment?
05:46Talon Quinn won't take the book.
05:49How do you wish to proceed?
05:52No abilities, no parents, no connection to Pure either.
05:56Let's see how he does without the help of military assistance, shall we?
05:59Understood, sir.
06:02My apologies.
06:04Please, await further instruction.
06:09That was a close one.
06:11All right.
06:12Testing will begin in groups of two.
06:15First up, Erin Healy and Layla Monroe.
06:21Good luck, babe.
06:22Send that pretty little face my regards.
06:29She has ice abilities.
06:30She could freeze me anytime.
06:31What the hell's the matter with you?
06:32Stop touching people without their permission.
06:34Stop touching people without permission.
06:36Hey, that's what you sound like.
06:37If you are not Erin or Layla, please move away from the immediate area.
06:44I'll try to go easy on you.
06:45It won't be a competition.
06:48We do this in twos to save time.
06:49It literally is not a competition.
06:52Please, stand back to back.
06:54It's a beast weapon.
06:56Not for me.
06:59You know, I kind of had her pegged as a terrorist.
07:02Outside the military?
07:04The only other people who use them is a terrorist group called Pure.
07:08They want to rid the world of ability users.
07:10Beast weapons are made from crystal hearts of powerful alien beasts.
07:15Even if she's not a member of Pure, it's hard to tell her apart.
07:18Crystal hearts of powerful alien beasts.
07:20Even if she's not a member of Pure, it's hard to imagine someone so young might have been to other planets.
07:28This test will measure your combat prowess.
07:31Use whatever tools you have available to decimate the targets.
07:36Three, two, one, start.
07:49What's she doing?
07:51She's telekinetic.
07:52Telekinesis is normally considered weak, but maybe when paired with a beast weapon, any power can be strong.
08:19Did you get her?
08:21She's a beast weapon, too.
08:25This next test will gauge endurance.
08:29We call it the blade test.
08:31Try to avoid getting struck.
08:38Are you scared?
08:40Don't worry, they're just simple holograms.
08:44Three, two, one.
09:05They're moving so fast.
09:07Is it possible to dodge them?
09:12Guess they weren't holograms after all.
09:15I have made my decision.
09:17Layla Monroe, you have been awarded the rank of a level two ability user.
09:22A respectable score for a first try.
09:24Level two?
09:26Congrats on your win, princess.
09:28Again, not a contest.
09:31Erin Healy, you've been awarded the rank of a level five ability user.
09:37Only the third person in history to do so on their first test.
09:42That's it.
09:44I guess neither of them are happy with their scores.
09:47Next two up.
09:49Vorden Blade.
09:51You're ready to watch me blow these dames out of the water?
09:53There's no way he's that strong.
09:55Quinn Talon.
09:58No, you can't test me. I don't have an ability.
10:00And yet you refuse the ability book.
10:02My commander has instructed me to test your mettle regardless.
10:05They're making an example out of me.
10:07If you aren't Vorden or Quinn, please step aside.
10:10You two, get in position.
10:11Don't worry, Talon.
10:13I'll make sure to go easy on you.
10:15It's not a contest.
10:17Not with you it isn't.
10:22How am I supposed to hit those targets?
10:25This idiot couldn't really be strong.
10:28Could he?
10:30Quinn suspected something might change in him after the book opened.
10:33But he was disappointed to find nothing had.
10:36Little did he know, he was far more powerful than any superhero he knew.
10:39His powers would reveal themselves in time, when he least expected them.
10:47It can't be.
10:51Ice abilities?
10:53He also has ice abilities?
10:55What are the chances two people in the same class have such rare gifts?
10:59That's why he kept touching them.
11:01Nice to meet you.
11:02Hi, I'm Vorden.
11:03Nice to meet you.
11:04He was sampling abilities.
11:06Please, thank you, thank you.
11:08Make me blush.
11:10I really couldn't have done it without you in particular.
11:16Get ready for the blade test.
11:19Three, two, one.
11:21It was nice knowing you, Talon.
11:23I'm sure we would have made great friends.
11:27Are they trying to kill me?
11:29No, they're not.
11:31They're trying to kill you.
11:33Are they trying to kill me?
11:35Why are they after me?
11:37All stops will be reduced by 50%.
11:40Am I about to die?
11:55That's enough.
11:57Vorden Blade, level five.
12:00Quin Talon, level one.
12:04Sorry about the frost, bro.
12:07It's okay.
12:10Told you I'd protect you.
12:11Maybe he's not so bad after all.
12:14You didn't try to take my ability that time.
12:18You know, no one's ever figured out my trick so fast.
12:21So is that your ability?
12:23You were pretty surprised when it didn't work.
12:25Well, credit where credit's due.
12:29You know,
12:31there's no ability book that teaches copy ability.
12:34You're an original, aren't you?
12:40All right.
12:42Let's see what room number I get.
12:46I got 14.
12:49Yo, Quinn.
12:51Dude, what room number did you get?
12:54Okay, cool.
12:56Oh, fingers crossed we get the same one.
12:58All right?
13:01See ya.
13:05No way.
13:06I'm in room 23.
13:07We're neighbors.
13:24What room number did you get?
13:27You're gonna trade with me.
13:31Why would I do that?
13:38Don't forget to wash your hands.
13:43Do you really think it's gonna be different from the crap holes we came from?
13:48One can only hope, right?
13:54Guess who got room 23?
13:56Same as Quinn.
13:59What are the chances?
14:01It's like fate wanted us to be best friends.
14:04Right, buddy?
14:16Do you know who this is?
14:19First year.
14:21Nothing out of the ordinary.
14:23Orphan boy.
14:25No abilities.
14:26You'll notice he refused to take the standard ability book when offered.
14:29You can bump into me like that without saying sorry?
14:32I'm sorry.
14:33I can't hear you.
14:34I'm sorry.
14:37What's going on?
14:38There's much you don't know.
14:40We originals have a heavy burden that even you and your military might could never comprehend.
14:50There are abilities that are far darker and more dangerous than have been made public.
14:55Abilities that we're still discovering from books that have been lost to the outside world.
14:59What is this?
15:01Quinn's powers finally emerged.
15:03Initiate battle mode.
15:05You think this boy has an ability powerful enough to end the world?
15:11Or end a war before it begins.
15:15What are you going to do, level one?
15:17You think you can do better than this twerp?
15:18I believe this Quinn Talon is hiding something.
15:22You can help me reveal it.
15:25Initiating battle mode.
15:28You want to find out the hard way?
15:30Quinn had wished to get back at his bullies.
15:33I can take him.
15:34Make his life hell.
15:35Make him suffer.
15:38And we'll see what he becomes.
15:40He's gotten into you.
15:41He had his chance.
15:43I think I've found an easy way to level up.
15:50Let me have him.
15:52He had become an unstoppable beast.
15:55Let's do this.