A Doggone Christmas _ Full Christmas Movie _ Hallmark

  • 2 days ago
A Doggone Christmas _ Full Christmas Movie _ Hallmark
00:00:30Here you go, sir.
00:00:45You're welcome.
00:01:02Are you nearby?
00:01:04What happened?
00:01:05I think our little passenger may not be doing so well.
00:01:07Hang tight, Doc.
00:01:08I'll be right there.
00:01:30No coffee, boss?
00:01:31Tell me they're not out.
00:01:33Don't worry.
00:01:34There's plenty.
00:01:35Unfortunately, it didn't make the trip back.
00:01:36Well, that's a bummer.
00:01:37Hey, fellas, take a break and go get yourself some.
00:01:39I'll cover your post till you get back.
00:01:41Thank you, sir.
00:01:45Keep those weapons out of sight.
00:01:46I don't need to alarm any of the passengers.
00:01:48Roger that, sir.
00:01:49Hey, you want us to bring you back anything, boss?
00:01:53How about a bit of peace, a little quiet, and a whole lot of Christmas cheer?
00:01:57I'm not sure that's on the menu, boss.
00:01:59Well, then just give me some hot chocolate.
00:02:01What, with cream on that?
00:02:03Why not?
00:02:04Just be back in 30.
00:02:05How's he doing, Doc?
00:02:06Not ill, I hope.
00:02:07I hate to deliver him to the top brass knowing he got sick on my watch, but they'd have my
00:02:32hide for sure.
00:02:33Health-wise, he's fine.
00:02:34A prime example of canis lupus familiaris.
00:02:37What is it, then?
00:02:38Emotionally, he's just a bit off.
00:02:40He's anxious.
00:02:41He's stressed.
00:02:42He's maybe even a little terrified, and I can't blame him.
00:02:45He has been under lock and key ever since they discovered his special talent at Fort
00:02:50You know, I don't get it.
00:02:52Get what?
00:02:53Well, if this little dog can do what they say he can, why doesn't he just figure a way
00:02:57out of there and be gone?
00:02:59Because dogs' brains don't operate the same way ours do.
00:03:02That's probably why we like them so much.
00:03:04Unlike our species, canines are loyal, and their love is unconditional.
00:03:08Man's best friend, huh?
00:03:09That's what they say, and frankly, I believe it.
00:03:14Wonder how he feels about us.
00:03:15We haven't hurt him.
00:03:16Oh, no.
00:03:17No, not at all.
00:03:18Poking him with needles, keeping him locked up in that cage, shipping him down to the
00:03:22scientific lab for further study, probably for the rest of his life.
00:03:25No, we haven't hurt him, not at all.
00:03:28We haven't helped him, either.
00:03:29Heck, we haven't even given him a name.
00:03:32It is not up to me.
00:03:33It's not up to you, either.
00:03:34I am a hired hand in this, the same as everybody else.
00:03:37It's not our job to ask questions.
00:03:39It is our job to deliver the specimen where the army wants him to go.
00:03:45So shall be, little fella.
00:03:48Merry Christmas to you.
00:03:50What do you two have?
00:03:56Two coffees, cream and sugar.
00:03:57Oh, and a hot chocolate, plenty of whipped cream.
00:03:59Coming right up.
00:04:00I don't get it, Don.
00:04:02I've been assigned to vice presidents, high-ranking honchos, rock stars, movie stars, heck, even
00:04:08Dolly Parton.
00:04:09But I mean gee, mutt, this is just downright degrading.
00:04:13Look, men in black, come on, buddy, cheer up.
00:04:18Maybe next time they'll put us in charge of a kitty cat, all right, buddy, wow, baby.
00:04:25Hardy har har.
00:04:27Here's your coffee and hot chocolate will be right up.
00:04:31He's gone.
00:04:32Get him.
00:04:33I got this.
00:04:34Thanks, Doc.
00:04:35I'll get her reopened.
00:04:36Don, Mike, the Doc got out, he's coming your way.
00:04:37Grab him.
00:04:38Stop him, don't let him get away.
00:04:39Got it, sir.
00:04:40He won't get past us.
00:04:41Come on.
00:04:42Come on.
00:04:44What, no tip?
00:04:45No tip?
00:04:46No tip?
00:04:47No tip?
00:04:48No tip?
00:04:49No tip?
00:04:50No tip?
00:04:51No tip?
00:04:52No tip?
00:04:53No tip?
00:04:54No tip?
00:04:55No tip?
00:04:56No tip?
00:04:57No tip?
00:04:58No tip?
00:04:59No tip?
00:05:00No tip?
00:05:01No tip?
00:05:02No tip?
00:05:03No tip?
00:05:04No tip?
00:05:05No tip?
00:05:06No tip?
00:05:07No tip?
00:05:08No tip?
00:05:09No tip?
00:05:10No tip?
00:05:11No tip?
00:05:12Did anybody see a doc?
00:05:13Did you see the Doc?
00:05:23What's happened?
00:05:30What's happened?
00:05:31It's the FBI.
00:05:32Has anyone seen a dog?
00:05:33This is very important.
00:05:34I saw him.
00:05:35I saw him.
00:05:36Where'd he go, honey?
00:05:37You can tell us.
00:05:38You're not going to hurt him, are you?
00:05:40No, no, no.
00:05:41We just need to find him before he falls off the train.
00:05:42Thanks, sweetie.
00:05:43I'm going to go.
00:06:48Sorry, sir.
00:06:49He jumped off the board.
00:06:50We could get him.
00:06:51It's not your fault.
00:06:52It's nobody's fault.
00:06:53He just got away.
00:06:54You do realize how important that animal is to national defense.
00:06:56We have to retrieve him immediately.
00:06:57I know. I know!
00:06:58If I was a dog, I'd want to get out of the cold before I froze to death.
00:07:01That probably means that he's down there in that valley somewhere below the snow line.
00:07:04So what do we do?
00:07:05Get on the horn of SATCOM. Tell them what's happened.
00:07:08Get pictures of that animal out to all the surrounding municipalities.
00:07:11I want every law enforcement agent looking for our specimen by nightfall.
00:07:14That's a tall order, sir.
00:07:16Well, make it happen, gentlemen.
00:07:17Can somebody get a chopper in here and get us off this train?
00:07:20I want that dog.
00:10:40Strike 2.
00:10:41Come on, Jamie, I know you can do it.
00:10:43Make it happen.
00:10:44For me.
00:10:46You watch.
00:10:47You too, Hugo.
00:10:49Go, Jamie, go.
00:10:55Guess that's the game.
00:10:57Oh, come on!
00:10:59We're not finished yet.
00:11:00Janelle wants to see me hit again.
00:11:02Well, unless you want to play invisible baseball, we're toast.
00:11:05That was her last ball.
00:11:07You can't top that hit, Ronnie.
00:11:09Yeah, but now somebody has to go and get the ball from the clue girls.
00:11:12What are you, afraid, Isaac?
00:11:14Nobody's lived there for years.
00:11:16I'm not afraid. I just don't want to do it.
00:11:19Besides, Johnny Bender was walking by once and heard screams coming from inside.
00:11:24And you believe him, of course.
00:11:26Word is, old man Kluger used to stuff dead animals for a living.
00:11:29Like chickens and frogs?
00:11:31No. Big animals, like tigers, hawks, and mountain lions.
00:11:36That's not true.
00:11:37It is. My dad told me never to go in there.
00:11:41Because it's not safe. That's why.
00:11:43He says there could still be sharp needles lying around.
00:11:46Parents worry too much. All that's in that house is dust.
00:11:49Oh, yeah? So why don't you just go in and get the ball, then?
00:11:53Okay, I will.
00:11:54You're kidding, right?
00:11:55No way. I'd like to see you.
00:11:57Okay, I'll get the ball. There's nothing to it.
00:12:00Jamie, you don't have to do this.
00:12:02Yeah, I do.
00:12:03But what if old man Kluger's ghost is still in there?
00:12:06Well, then I'll say hello for you.
00:12:08Okay, but if you don't come back, I'm keeping your glove.
00:12:11Shut up, Ronnie.
00:12:13If you're going, I'm going, too.
00:12:15No, you're going to stay right here.
00:12:17Please? I've never been in a haunted house before.
00:12:21Hugo, it's not haunted.
00:12:23Pretty, please?
00:12:25Okay, okay. But you stay behind me, all right?
00:12:28I will. Promise.
00:12:30Oh, man. I can't wait to see the look on your mom's face.
00:12:33Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Miss Gernsback,
00:12:36but Jamie and Hugo have tragically been turned into stuffed animals today.
00:12:39Funny, Ronnie. Real funny.
00:12:42I don't see you volunteering.
00:12:43That's because I'm not stupid.
00:12:45I'm not stepping into the zone of fear.
00:12:47The what?
00:12:51The zone of fear.
00:13:21Look at your feet.
00:13:23Legend has it this place is protected by magic.
00:13:26Old Man Kluger didn't want anyone ever coming here again,
00:13:30so he buried cat hair and chicken bones everywhere.
00:13:34Once a few days passed, an invisible force was created,
00:13:37one that would keep trespassing kids from ever escaping.
00:13:41For how long?
00:13:44Shut up, Ronnie.
00:13:45I'm just telling you what my brothers told me
00:13:47and their friends' parents told them.
00:13:49How are we supposed to get from here to the door?
00:13:52I have an idea.
00:13:56Good thing you brought that extra T-shirt in your backpack.
00:14:00Come on, let's go quickly, just in case the T-shirts disintegrate.
00:14:03Somebody count.
00:14:05Three, two, one, go!
00:14:08Keep going!
00:14:15Okay, Hugo, if anything happens,
00:14:17I'll bury $10 in the backyard. You can have it.
00:14:19I found it already.
00:14:20What? When?
00:14:22I saw you digging from the upstairs window.
00:14:24Hugo, you're something else.
00:14:26Well, you guys going in or not?
00:14:28We're going, we're going.
00:14:29Yeah, we're going.
00:14:31Hey, the front door's locked.
00:14:33How'd you know the front door was locked?
00:14:36You just said the front door was locked.
00:14:37No, I didn't.
00:14:40Try the side door.
00:14:43Stupid donut!
00:14:45I didn't say anything.
00:14:47Okay, then let's try the side door.
00:14:51Heck, it'll be dark by the time they get in there.
00:14:54I don't see you rushing to help them, Isaac.
00:14:56That's because I got brains.
00:15:04I don't think anybody's home.
00:15:15You ready to go in?
00:15:17But you said you wanted to see a haunted house.
00:15:20That was over there, not here.
00:15:22Okay, well, I'm going in.
00:15:24Okay, okay.
00:15:26Just be ready to run.
00:15:28I will.
00:16:01Think it's up there?
00:16:03No, I don't think so.
00:16:04Let's keep going this way.
00:16:16Did you hear that?
00:16:18Hear what?
00:16:21Never mind.
00:16:24It's just a stuffed animal.
00:16:26Come on.
00:16:32Hey, Jamie, look at this.
00:16:34Eyeballs. You think they're real?
00:16:36No, but leave them where they are.
00:16:38Because someone might come back looking for them.
00:16:40How are they gonna see them?
00:16:42Just come on.
00:16:45I gotta go somewhere.
00:16:47I'm gonna get grounded.
00:16:48Me too.
00:16:49Nobody's going anywhere.
00:16:51Maybe you should go and check on them, Ronnie.
00:16:53Yeah, they might be in trouble.
00:16:55I'm sure they'll be out any minute now.
00:17:02Double whoa!
00:17:04Bark! Bark! Bark!
00:17:06Make that a triple.
00:17:08Bro, don't get too close.
00:17:10He might have rabies.
00:17:11He doesn't have rabies.
00:17:12He just wants to play.
00:17:13Come on, kid. I'm a good guy.
00:17:15You can trust me.
00:17:16What's your name?
00:17:18Well, they call me Specimen 700,
00:17:20but you can call me Murphy.
00:17:24Hey, he likes that name.
00:17:29You think Mom and Dad will let us keep him?
00:17:31No. You know how much dog food costs.
00:17:33How much?
00:17:34A lot.
00:17:35And Dad just lost his job.
00:17:37You mean got fired.
00:17:39He didn't get fired.
00:17:41Yeah, he did. I heard Mom and Dad talking.
00:17:43Anyways, he's not our dog.
00:17:45Someone probably lost him.
00:17:47Bark! Bark!
00:17:51Well, we can't leave him here.
00:17:53Come on, Jamie. Do the right thing.
00:17:55Okay, fine. He can stay at our house,
00:17:57but until we find its owner, okay?
00:18:00Bark! Bark!
00:18:02Bark! Bark! Bark!
00:18:12Phone rings.
00:18:18Ron, this is Cutler.
00:18:19Yes, sir.
00:18:20What's the latest?
00:18:21I've got National Guard troops
00:18:22searching on the ground in 9 surrounding counties.
00:18:24Local police as well,
00:18:26not to mention the Secret Service agents
00:18:28hitting up all the animal shelters.
00:18:30And they're unaware of the animal's potential, right?
00:18:32Except for my man.
00:18:33Everyone thinks they're looking for our little lost dog.
00:18:35I can't believe you let him get away.
00:18:37It was an accident, sir.
00:18:38The train lurched, the puffed cage hit the floor
00:18:40floor and snapped open.
00:18:42And you and your team couldn't catch him.
00:18:43I mean, he's not that big.
00:18:45He was like greased lightning.
00:18:47Poor little guy saw an opportunity, and he took it.
00:18:49Yeah, well, that poor little guy is
00:18:50now our number one priority.
00:18:52We need him back soon, lest he fall into the wrong hands,
00:18:55possibly even enemy hands.
00:18:57Yes, sir.
00:18:58What about that tracking chip that we put in his collar?
00:19:00Can we get him with that?
00:19:01No dice.
00:19:02The iron ore in the surrounding mountains
00:19:03has scrambled our signal.
00:19:04We can't get a fix.
00:19:05Well, somebody better fix something sooner.
00:19:07There's gonna be a major shakeup,
00:19:08and you're gonna be at the top of it.
00:19:09Do you understand me?
00:19:12I'll expect you to call in before nightfall.
00:19:13And you better have some good news for me.
00:19:15Will do.
00:19:16Ron, find the dog.
00:19:17It's not that hard.
00:19:19Yes, sir.
00:19:22Easy for you to say.
00:19:34He sure is cute.
00:19:35He probably belongs to someone.
00:19:37He's got tags.
00:19:38Maybe they'll say where he's from.
00:19:39Slow down.
00:19:41He's really sensitive to those.
00:19:44I tried looking at him myself, and he did the same thing to me.
00:19:46More than likely, he doesn't want us to know where he's from.
00:19:49Yeah, because he doesn't want to go back.
00:19:51Maybe they heard him there.
00:19:53They won't hurt him anymore, because we're keeping him.
00:19:57No, we have to get permission from Mom and Dad first.
00:20:01No buts.
00:20:02We'll ask them tonight after dinner.
00:20:04All right, but what if they say no?
00:20:07Maybe one of the gang could take him.
00:20:09Not me.
00:20:10My mom's allergic to dog hair.
00:20:13Do not look at me.
00:20:15My mom just redecorated the house.
00:20:17She don't want no puppy messing up with dirt from outside.
00:20:21What about you, Juno?
00:20:22I could ask, but our apartment barely
00:20:25has room for Mom and myself.
00:20:26See, Jamie?
00:20:27We're the ones.
00:20:28The dog picked us.
00:20:30You saw it.
00:20:31OK, but before Mom and Dad say yes,
00:20:34where are we going to put him?
00:20:35Up there, maybe.
00:20:38Oh, in the clubhouse.
00:20:39Great idea, little bro.
00:20:41Let's take him up.
00:20:42Well, I gotta go.
00:20:43Yeah, my parents get all weird and stuff
00:20:45if I don't come home before dark.
00:20:47Mine too.
00:20:48Walk you home, Juno?
00:20:54OK, Ronnie, thanks.
00:20:56Bye, Jamie.
00:20:58And bye-bye, Murphy.
00:21:09Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
00:21:22Honey, are you hearing that?
00:21:24Hear what?
00:21:25It sounds like a dog's barking in the backyard.
00:21:28It's probably the neighbor, St. Bernard.
00:21:29He's always yelping when the kids
00:21:31come home through their shortcut.
00:21:33You know, I could use a shortcut myself.
00:21:43How's it coming?
00:21:45It's not good.
00:21:46Doesn't look like it's going to be much for Christmas this year.
00:21:48After paying all the bills, there's barely anything
00:21:50left over to play Santa.
00:21:55Bob, we'll do fine.
00:21:58The kids understand you were laid off.
00:22:00Laid off?
00:22:01It's more like I was unceremoniously fired.
00:22:04After creating more than half of Galaxy's most profitable toys,
00:22:07you know, the least they could have done
00:22:08is they could have given me some of those toys
00:22:10so I could give them to the boys for Christmas.
00:22:13You and I will get through this.
00:22:15You are a wonderful designer.
00:22:17You create fantastic toys that kids really love.
00:22:20Someone will surely come along who recognizes
00:22:22your amazing abilities.
00:22:26Yeah, well, until that happens, we're
00:22:29going to have to tighten up our belt a little bit.
00:22:33What's for dinner?
00:22:35Your favorite, lamb stew, which I need
00:22:38to get back to you, by the way.
00:22:56All right, Murph, make yourself comfortable.
00:22:59I sleep here in the summer myself.
00:23:01And here's water, just in case you get thirsty.
00:23:05I'm sorry we don't have any dog food.
00:23:07So me and Hugo have to do a little
00:23:08improvising during dinner time.
00:23:10But don't worry.
00:23:11We'll be back later with some really good food.
00:23:14Mom makes really good mashed potatoes.
00:23:18Jamie, Hugo, that's it for today.
00:23:20Drop what you're doing and come to dinner.
00:23:22OK, we're coming, Mom.
00:23:24Now, boys, no dawdling.
00:23:25Your food will get cold.
00:23:27Are we going to ask them about keeping him?
00:23:29Yes, we will.
00:23:30We just need to wait for the right moment.
00:23:33When's that?
00:23:34I don't know yet.
00:23:35But until then, keep it zipped, OK?
00:23:39Bye, Murphy.
00:23:40See you later.
00:23:41Well, if it's all the same to you, Jamie,
00:23:43I'd rather have the meat instead of the potatoes.
00:23:50Did you say something, Hugo?
00:23:51No, you told me to keep quiet.
00:23:53I did, didn't I?
00:24:00Human kids, I don't get it.
00:24:05I got to say, going to all these animal shelters
00:24:07kind of make me want to get a dog.
00:24:09I'm more of a cat guy myself.
00:24:11Less maintenance.
00:24:11Are you kidding?
00:24:12Dogs are way better than cats.
00:24:13Focus, gentlemen.
00:24:15The clock is ticking.
00:24:16We need to find the specimen.
00:24:17Don't worry, sir.
00:24:18We're going to track the fella down.
00:24:19Yeah, two or three days.
00:24:21We may not get two or three days, Agent.
00:24:24I want both of you to.
00:24:28Sir, I was just about to call you.
00:24:29I'm sure you were.
00:24:31We're getting close to retrieving the dog, sir.
00:24:32And what does that mean exactly?
00:24:34Well, we've canvassed the animal shelters nearby.
00:24:37We've combed through the existing countryside.
00:24:39Fa la la la la, la la la la.
00:24:42That's what I heard.
00:24:43You had one simple task.
00:24:45Find the animal.
00:24:48Yes, sir.
00:24:49In my mind, you've already failed.
00:24:50We can't and won't take any more chances.
00:24:52I cannot risk the animal falling into the wrong hands.
00:24:55So I've called in Agent Sharp.
00:24:57Sharp, sir?
00:24:58Don't you think that's a little bit of overkill?
00:25:01There's a chopper heading to your location at dawn.
00:25:03Give Sharp what little bit of information you have.
00:25:05Yes, sir.
00:25:17I heard on the news there might be snow this weekend.
00:25:19They say that every year.
00:25:20They're predicting three to six inches.
00:25:23Hugo, go easy on the mash.
00:25:24I'm hungry.
00:25:25Come on, let him have as much as he wants.
00:25:27Since when did you like Brussels sprouts?
00:25:29Last time we had them, you didn't even eat one.
00:25:33Must be growing up, I'm starting to like them.
00:25:38Hugo, I've been growing up for nearly 40 years.
00:25:41I still don't like them.
00:25:42Bob, I thought you loved my sprouts.
00:25:44Maybe you I love, but your sprouts?
00:25:48Dad, can I ask you a question?
00:25:50Sure, buddy.
00:25:51Well, what if you think, I mean, would you be OK with?
00:25:55Would you be OK with?
00:25:58Napkin, napkin, napkin.
00:26:02That's the second time today.
00:26:04What was your question?
00:26:05Oh, I forget.
00:26:06It's all that coffee you've been drinking, Bob.
00:26:08Gives you the shakes.
00:26:09Tell me about it.
00:26:10I got nothing to do around here but be caffeinated.
00:26:12Maybe you need something else around here
00:26:13to take your mind off things, like a hobby or a pet.
00:26:20A pet?
00:26:21Mom says idle hands are the devil's playground.
00:26:24You actually remembered something I said for once.
00:26:27What I need is a job, a good paying job.
00:26:32Look, guys, you should know that we got a lot of bills
00:26:34coming in right now.
00:26:35And we're going to have to be smart about how
00:26:37we allocate our funds.
00:26:38Allocate funds?
00:26:40Yeah, buddy, our money.
00:26:42We're going to have to count our pennies.
00:26:44You're going to have it in my piggy bank if you need it.
00:26:47Mine too.
00:26:49Guys, I love you for saying that.
00:26:50I really do, but that's not going to be necessary, OK?
00:26:52Because we'll be fine until.
00:26:55Until when?
00:26:57What your father's trying to say is Christmas might
00:26:59be a little tight this year.
00:27:02Yeah, a little tight.
00:27:03You mean no presents?
00:27:08We don't know.
00:27:10What about a dog?
00:27:12A dog?
00:27:13A dog?
00:27:14He's just kidding.
00:27:16Why not?
00:27:17The last thing we need right now is a dog.
00:27:19We can barely afford to feed ourselves.
00:27:26Hey, Hugo, you OK?
00:27:29May we be excused?
00:27:33All right, boys.
00:27:40I don't know what I'm going to do.
00:27:42We're 20 years with the toy company.
00:27:44Now I can't even give my kids a decent Christmas?
00:27:47Babe, you've done plenty for them already this year.
00:27:49You've built that tree house and the wishing well.
00:27:54Don't be so hard on yourself.
00:27:56Something good is coming.
00:27:57I can feel it.
00:28:07So what's the good word?
00:28:07Have you found him yet?
00:28:09Still looking.
00:28:10Sounds a little half-hearted.
00:28:11No, no, I'm just tired.
00:28:13And what?
00:28:14Well, we just came from one of those local shelters.
00:28:17The sight of all those poor animals locked up.
00:28:19You've got to have a heart of stone not to be affected.
00:28:22And I just keep thinking, if we get our dog back,
00:28:24he's going to be trapped in one of those small cages
00:28:26for the rest of his life.
00:28:27I see your point.
00:28:28But that little guy has tremendous potential.
00:28:31He'd be the perfect spy.
00:28:33Pardon me for saying so, Doc, but innocent little animals
00:28:35shouldn't be turned into subversive government agents.
00:28:38That's my job.
00:28:40I get it.
00:28:42I'll keep you posted on the progress.
00:29:03Here, your armor.
00:29:05This is the last you'll sell tomorrow.
00:29:07Come on, boy, eat.
00:29:10What's the matter?
00:29:11He's not going for it.
00:29:12Maybe he's just thinking how good it smells.
00:29:15We snuck this out just for you.
00:29:16Come on, boy.
00:29:18OK, here goes.
00:29:20Look, he's eating it.
00:29:21I guess so.
00:29:23This isn't bad, kid, but what's with the Brussels sprouts?
00:29:26Wait, wait, wait, you go.
00:29:28Did you hear that?
00:29:30OK, you're going to think I'm crazy,
00:29:32but I think the dog just talked to me.
00:29:34And he said he didn't like the Brussels sprouts.
00:29:36Well, who does?
00:29:37That's not what I'm trying to say.
00:29:39He actually spoke to me.
00:29:41I didn't hear anything.
00:29:43But I did.
00:29:44Heard it plain as day.
00:29:46How come I didn't hear it then?
00:29:48I'm not sure, but I'm not kidding, little bro.
00:29:51He talked to me.
00:29:52I don't know about this, Jamie.
00:29:54Not everybody gets my thoughts all the time, kid.
00:29:57Just certain people, like you.
00:29:59Whoa, whoa, whoa, there it is again.
00:30:01He said only certain people can hear him.
00:30:03Jamie, you know when mom says about teasing me,
00:30:06it's not brother-like.
00:30:08I'm not teasing you, Hugo.
00:30:10I'm serious.
00:30:11Well, ask him if we can keep him, OK?
00:30:14Tell your brother I'd like to stick around,
00:30:15but it's not that simple.
00:30:18How so?
00:30:18How so what?
00:30:20Shh, he's talking.
00:30:23Will you just be quiet?
00:30:25What were you saying again?
00:30:26Yeah, better have a look at my collar.
00:30:29He won't bite?
00:30:29Nah, I'd never bite you, or anyone for that matter.
00:30:32Hugo, he said he'd like to stay with us,
00:30:35but there might be a problem.
00:30:37He said to look at his collar.
00:30:39Careful, Jamie.
00:30:40He doesn't seem to like that.
00:30:42He said it was OK.
00:30:46What's it say?
00:30:47It's mostly a bunch of numbers.
00:30:50But it says right here, property of CIA.
00:30:54Wow, the feds.
00:30:56The feds?
00:30:56Where'd you hear that?
00:30:57On the TV.
00:30:59He must be some special government dog.
00:31:01Bah, that's one way to put it.
00:31:03What do you mean?
00:31:04Well, when they found out what I could do,
00:31:06they put me in a cage and sent me away for experiments.
00:31:09Gee, that's terrible.
00:31:11What's terrible?
00:31:13The government locked him up and sent him away forever.
00:31:15That's wrong, way wrong.
00:31:18You know, you got a nice little brother there, Jamie.
00:31:20Tell him I like him, a lot.
00:31:23Hugo, Murphy says he likes you a lot.
00:31:26Well, I love him.
00:31:28That settles it.
00:31:29He stays with us.
00:31:31Whoa, whoa, whoa, not so fast there, kiddo.
00:31:32The army wants me back, and there could be danger.
00:31:35He says the soldiers are going to come looking for him.
00:31:38No, he belongs to us.
00:31:41We'll see, Hugo.
00:31:42Come on, we got to get to bed.
00:31:49He'll be all right out here, at least until morning.
00:31:52Good night, Murphy.
00:31:53Yeah, sleep well, Murph.
00:31:55We'll find some answers out in the morning.
00:31:57I won't let him get you, I promise.
00:32:00Come on, little brother, let's go.
00:32:03This bustle of sprouts are giving me gats.
00:32:11I hope he's going to be all right.
00:32:12He will, he will.
00:32:13Come on, let's go.
00:32:25Sir, there's a helicopter.
00:32:26I see it.
00:32:27They want to know where to land.
00:32:28I told them quadrant seven.
00:32:29It's probably sharp.
00:32:34I don't see any way.
00:32:51So I sense that you're not overjoyed
00:32:53with the new arrival, sir.
00:32:54In all agent manners, I am not.
00:32:56May I ask why?
00:32:57Because if Agent Sharp finds that little animal
00:32:59before we do, chances are that dog will stand a chance.
00:33:03Despite that little mutt putting us through the paces, I hate to see anything happen to him.
00:33:06He's innocent, do you understand?
00:33:08Sir, you...
00:33:08Let me tell you something about Agent Sharp.
00:33:10I've been on three offs with Sharp since I joined the Bureau.
00:33:13And each time, things got bad. And then they went from bad to worse.
00:33:17And ultimately, they didn't have to.
00:33:19Gee, he sounds like a real pain.
00:33:21It's not he, Mike.
00:33:27I've landed.
00:33:31With pleasure.
00:33:37I don't believe it.
00:33:39No way.
00:33:40That's cray-cray.
00:33:41Are you sure that's what he told you, Hugo?
00:33:43Yeah, that's what he said. The dog talked to him.
00:33:46I kind of don't believe it myself, but he's my big brother, so I've gotta.
00:33:50It's true, I tell ya.
00:33:51It's all true.
00:33:53You mean he actually speaks to you?
00:33:55Well, he doesn't exactly talk, but you can hear what he's thinking.
00:33:59Yeah. Prove it.
00:34:00Okay. Look at this collar.
00:34:03Jamie, watch out. Remember what happened yesterday?
00:34:05He doesn't like when you do that.
00:34:07Janelle, it's fine. He told me to take a look yesterday.
00:34:10See? Here, look.
00:34:12It's just a bunch of numbers, but look right here.
00:34:15It says CIA.
00:34:17You know what that is, right, Ronnie?
00:34:19It's the Feds, Ronnie.
00:34:21Murphy belonged to the government, but he ran away, and now he's ours.
00:34:25Wait, wait, wait.
00:34:27Just because he belongs to the government doesn't make him a talking dog.
00:34:32I'm not a talking dog. I'm a thinking dog.
00:34:35Huh? Anyone?
00:34:37You over there, kid in the corner? No?
00:34:40Um, okay.
00:34:42Did you guys just hear that?
00:34:45I'm not sure.
00:34:46No, it's gotta be a gag.
00:34:49Jamie, you've been practicing ventriloquism or something.
00:34:53Uh, yeah, it wasn't Jamie, okay?
00:34:54It's just me, your friendly neighborhood watchdog.
00:34:57Murphy, everybody can hear you.
00:35:00Too weird.
00:35:01You better believe it.
00:35:03Murphy, why didn't you do this yesterday when I found you?
00:35:06Come on, kid. I'm a dog on the run.
00:35:08I'm a fugitive, and I don't know who to trust.
00:35:10Not even me?
00:35:12Hugo, kid, you know, I thought if you heard me, it might scare you just a wee bit.
00:35:16I'm not scared of anything.
00:35:18Buddy, that's gonna change when you meet the guys that want me back.
00:35:22You mean the government?
00:35:24You got it, Ron. Can I call you Ron?
00:35:25Because if they get me, it's back to doggy prison for the rest of my life.
00:35:28I'll spend Christmas behind bars.
00:35:30We can't let that happen, guys.
00:35:31Not gonna happen while I'm around.
00:35:33Well, how do we protect him?
00:35:35Well, the first thing you can do is get rid of this collar here.
00:35:37I think, I don't know, there's some sort of tracking chip, you know, so they can find me.
00:35:41Easy peasy, like my dad would say.
00:35:44Okay, look, it's the last day before Christmas break.
00:35:48Everybody will be watching the pageant in the auditorium.
00:35:51We can easily sneak Murphy into shop class and cut it off there.
00:35:54Right, they have all the tools we need.
00:35:56Yeah, let's get going.
00:35:57The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get this stupid collar off him.
00:36:00Let's rock.
00:36:02Thanks, guys. I'll never forget you for this.
00:36:05Agent Shepard?
00:36:06Agent Sharp.
00:36:07Thanks. I assume you've spoken to General Cutler.
00:36:10He told me you were coming, yes.
00:36:12I told him I'd hand over whatever we have already.
00:36:14Which is Zip, correct?
00:36:15Well, we've chased down a lot of leads, but yeah, you're right, nothing's panned out so far.
00:36:19Well, that's about to change.
00:36:21Here's paperwork authorizing me to take over the manhunt.
00:36:26It's not exactly a manhunt. We're looking for a little dog.
00:36:28According to Washington, it's a manhunt.
00:36:31So where's base camp?
00:36:33200 yards due south. I'll walk you there.
00:36:35Excuse me, miss, where do you want us to put this box that you brought?
00:36:38Just follow us back to the command center.
00:36:40And it's Agent Sharp.
00:36:44Let me guess, case full of doggy treats?
00:36:47I take it you don't like my sense of humor.
00:36:49Worse than the coffee.
00:36:58Gentlemen, the LN-2020.
00:37:01The latest in state-of-the-art drone technology.
00:37:06It's short for Little Nelly.
00:37:08But don't let the bumpkin name fool you.
00:37:10She's fully loaded with everything needed to retrieve the animal.
00:37:13Very imposing.
00:37:14So, you're like the ultimate sci-fi dog catcher.
00:37:19So, Rookie, how old are you, anyway?
00:37:23Uh, dogs don't really keep track of their birthdays.
00:37:26Just like my mom.
00:37:27Mine, too.
00:37:28And you've had this power to talk to humans. How long?
00:37:31Since I was a pup, but I never really thought of using it until I saw the soldiers.
00:37:36You were in the army?
00:37:37Not exactly.
00:37:39You see, one night, I ran into these military guys
00:37:41who were out doing what they call maneuvers.
00:37:45Okay, I was out on my own, running through the forest at night.
00:37:47It's fantastic at night.
00:37:48Squirrel! No, I was kidding.
00:37:50Squirrel. It's nighttime.
00:37:51Anyway, that's when I saw them coming.
00:37:53And they had these lights.
00:37:54They were penetrating lights.
00:37:56I looked around. I didn't know what to do.
00:37:59I saw this nearby bridge.
00:38:01It was partially washed away.
00:38:02And I knew if I didn't say something,
00:38:04that a few might fall off and get hurt.
00:38:06What'd you do?
00:38:07I tried barking.
00:38:08It didn't work.
00:38:09I tried running.
00:38:10It didn't work.
00:38:11I tried running.
00:38:12It didn't work.
00:38:13And I got hurt.
00:38:14What'd you do?
00:38:15I tried barking,
00:38:16but they just thought I was some kind of stray dog.
00:38:18You know, which I kind of was.
00:38:19I can see their point.
00:38:20Well, so what I did is I set out a mental warning, you know,
00:38:23so they'd be careful on the bridge.
00:38:24What happened?
00:38:26They all heard me.
00:38:27That's weird, right?
00:38:28It was weird for me, too.
00:38:30But see, once they realized it had been me who warned them,
00:38:33well, they came over.
00:38:35They scooped me up real quick.
00:38:36And they took me right back to their base.
00:38:39And when they figured out what I could do,
00:38:40they wouldn't let me go.
00:38:42Yeah, how'd you escape?
00:38:44I jumped off a train.
00:38:46My second cousin did that once when he didn't have a ticket.
00:38:49He lost his front tooth. That's dangerous.
00:38:51That it is, Isaac. That it is.
00:38:55Look here.
00:38:56Two swiveling 4K cameras, front and rear.
00:39:00Sophisticated BAT radar technology to avoid possible collisions.
00:39:04A range of 50 miles from point of origin for maximum coverage.
00:39:09And I particularly like this. It's brand new.
00:39:13A taser stun feature which deploys an arc of power that can easily take down a target from mid-air.
00:39:19You do realize, of course, that there's a lot of places a little dog can hide in a 50 mile radius.
00:39:23I'm aware of that.
00:39:25And the iron ore in these mountains has prevented us from accessing the tracking chip in the dog's collar?
00:39:29That won't be a problem for little Nellie.
00:39:32Her probe mechanism sends out 2,000 microbursts per second.
00:39:36Once her thrusters pick up even the hint of signal, she flies directly toward the source.
00:39:42And what happens when we find the dog and there are civilians nearby?
00:39:45Do we fry them too?
00:39:48I'll do my best to avoid it.
00:39:50Yeah. I'm sure you will.
00:39:53Excuse me. I need some fresh air.
00:39:57Okay, boys. Take it outside. Let's get her up and running.
00:40:00Yes, Agent Sharp.
00:40:02Much better.
00:40:06Target programmed.
00:40:37Hey, I almost forgot.
00:40:40Hugo's supposed to be the main sugar plum in the nutcracker scene later on.
00:40:43Aw, but I don't want to be no sugar plum.
00:40:46But you have to. If you don't show, they'll probably come looking for all of us.
00:40:50Aw, gee. They can go home without me.
00:40:52Murphy's more important.
00:40:54Better listen to your brother, Hugo. The show must go on.
00:40:57Especially if it means I can ditch this collar.
00:41:06Shh. Everyone, quiet.
00:41:10Do you hear that?
00:41:18GPS locked.
00:41:25What do you want?
00:41:27There's nothing.
00:41:32Wait. I think I hear it, too.
00:41:34It sounds like a high-pitched whistle.
00:41:39I think I hear it, also.
00:41:41Me, too.
00:41:42Yeah. It sounds like a small helicopter or something.
00:41:45Oh, no.
00:41:50Target located.
00:41:53There's the dog. We've got him.
00:41:56We also got a bunch of frightened ten-year-old kids.
00:41:59There you go. They'll get over it.
00:42:02What is it?
00:42:04I've seen these before, kids. It's a drone.
00:42:06It's like a clone of a helicopter.
00:42:08It's the government men. They found me.
00:42:10You guys got to get away from me. Go. Split.
00:42:12I'm not leaving you, Murphy.
00:42:14Neither am I.
00:42:15We're together. All of us.
00:42:18Well, then head for the trees. It'll be harder for them to follow us there.
00:42:29Target located.
00:42:35Target located.
00:43:00Must be a wizard X-Box.
00:43:20Time for the big guns.
00:43:30Autonomy power down to 75%.
00:43:37Look at her enjoying this.
00:43:39I know.
00:43:44Sharp, don't do it, please. You're gonna hurt those kids.
00:43:46I'm the one in charge here.
00:43:48If you can't handle it, agent, I suggest you go outside and get some more air.
00:43:51And take your men with you.
00:43:53Not the kids.
00:43:55With pleasure.
00:44:02Consider yourself on report.
00:44:04Hey. Accidents happen.
00:44:07We'll see about that. Plug that in.
00:44:14Power restored, ma'am.
00:44:16Keep him out of here.
00:44:18Yes, ma'am.
00:44:24I'm sorry, sir.
00:44:29That's the way it went down.
00:44:31So you just kicked out the power cord.
00:44:33Yeah. Caused quite a bit of commotion, too.
00:44:35Never thought it'd be so easy to resign my commission.
00:44:37They wouldn't.
00:44:39Oh, they might. This agent Sharp has quite a rep in D.C.
00:44:42Sending a power drone against a bunch of innocent 10-year-olds? She must.
00:44:45Yeah. Well, you can testify to that effect at my court, Marshal.
00:44:51Hey, it's stuck!
00:44:53Keep going! We can get away!
00:45:12It's still coming! Run! Keep running!
00:45:15It's still coming! Run! Keep running!
00:45:26Communication interrupted.
00:45:32Hey, it's gone.
00:45:34We must have outrun it.
00:45:36You can relax now, R.P.
00:45:38I'm not so sure.
00:45:40No, there it is again! Run! Run!
00:45:42Go! Go!
00:45:44Let's get him out of here.
00:45:47You got our baseball?
00:45:49In my pack.
00:45:50Okay, then head for the lot. I've got an idea.
00:45:52Everyone follow me!
00:46:10You know what I need, Ronnie.
00:46:14I most certainly do.
00:46:16Then pitch it.
00:46:18Right down the middle.
00:46:20Okay, just don't miss.
00:46:22I won't.
00:46:24I hope he doesn't strike out.
00:46:26He won't, Murphy. I promise.
00:46:28Come on, Jamie, you can do it!
00:46:30Go, Jamie, go!
00:46:32I have you now.
00:46:42Communication interrupted.
00:46:56You did it, Jamie!
00:46:58Great job.
00:47:00I thought we were goners.
00:47:02Well, so you don't hit everything I throw.
00:47:04Uh, not to change the subject!
00:47:06Yeah, me, the collar,
00:47:08it's still around my neck.
00:47:12He's right.
00:47:14Rubber's flying that drone isn't gonna give up that easy.
00:47:16And we can't go inside the school
00:47:18because they already know we're here.
00:47:20What about Mr. Greed?
00:47:22He's got that tool shed.
00:47:24There's gotta be some bolt cutters in there.
00:47:26What do you think, Murph?
00:47:28Sounds like a plan to me.
00:47:32I got something to tell you, boss,
00:47:34and I think you're gonna like it.
00:47:44Well, that should do it.
00:47:46Ah, that's what I'm talking about.
00:47:48Oh, is that a real massage?
00:47:50I've read about these.
00:47:52I can only pay in dog biscuits.
00:47:54So what do we do now?
00:47:56Everybody should go home.
00:47:58That's a great idea, bro.
00:48:00What about Murph?
00:48:02He's staying with us.
00:48:04You don't think they're going to come looking for him?
00:48:06They can't track him without the collar.
00:48:08You sure?
00:48:12Yeah, hello, Principal Callahan's office.
00:48:14This is maintenance. Put him on.
00:48:16I'm sorry, you'll have to call back.
00:48:18He's on the other line,
00:48:20and he's got two FBI people waiting.
00:48:22All right.
00:48:24Yeah, well, you tell that little punk to get back to class.
00:48:26How much longer is this gonna take?
00:48:28I have a school to run here.
00:48:30As soon as we get the answers we're looking for,
00:48:32we'll be gone.
00:48:34Well, I've already answered all your questions.
00:48:36I'm not seeing any stray dog around here.
00:48:38Do you know any of these children?
00:48:42Well, of course.
00:48:44These are all students here.
00:48:46What Agent Sharp means is,
00:48:48do you know where we can find them?
00:48:50I'll tell you where you won't find this one.
00:48:52He's on our stage.
00:48:54Sugar Plum, today's production of The Nutcracker,
00:48:56pulled a no-show, ruined everything.
00:49:00You ever seen The Nutcracker?
00:49:02No, I can't say that I have.
00:49:04Well, you should.
00:49:06It's a heck of a ballet.
00:49:08I'm sure it is.
00:49:10Be that as it may, Mr. Callahan,
00:49:12we are going to need a list of addresses.
00:49:14See the kid outside?
00:49:16I've already told him to give you a printout of all the local addresses.
00:49:22You tell that little Sugar Plum
00:49:24he'll never work in this school again.
00:49:28I'll relay the message.
00:49:30Yeah, make my day, why don't you?
00:49:34Come on, let's get through this
00:49:36while there's still some daylight.
00:49:38Whatever you say.
00:49:42Here's that list for you.
00:49:48You out there, kid?
00:49:50Yes, sir?
00:49:52Call Frisco.
00:49:54Get my brother Harry on the line, will you?
00:49:56Right away, sir.
00:50:00Guys, are you sure I have to stay up here?
00:50:02I'm hungry!
00:50:04Well, it's the safest place until everything blows over.
00:50:06I'm going to get you some food.
00:50:08Great! Just no more Brussels sprouts, okay?
00:50:10Gas, remember?
00:50:12Deal. Okay. See you, Murph.
00:50:14So long, Murph.
00:50:16Okay, high five! High five!
00:50:18Come on, I've been working on this.
00:50:20There you two are.
00:50:22Where have you guys been?
00:50:24Playing baseball.
00:50:26I figured. Well, go make sure your room is clean before dinner.
00:50:28You got it, Mom.
00:50:30Where's Dad?
00:50:32He had to go to Shelbyville for a possible job opportunity.
00:50:34I hope he gets it.
00:50:36Me too.
00:50:38Me three.
00:50:40And Hugo, I'm sorry Mommy wasn't able to see you in your pageant today.
00:50:42Dad and I had to go into town to see about his work benefits.
00:50:44How was it? How'd you do?
00:50:46I bet you really surprised him.
00:50:48I sure did!
00:50:50Alright, well you can tell us all about it at dinner, okay?
00:50:52Great! Can't wait!
00:50:54Yeah. Come on, Hugo. Let's go.
00:51:02Hmm. I got an idea.
00:51:40This is it.
00:51:44You couldn't have gotten a better car.
00:51:46This ain't D.C.
00:51:48I'll be happy it runs.
00:52:08Can I help you?
00:52:12I'm Agent Sharp. This is Agent Shepard, FBI.
00:52:16What's this all about?
00:52:18Have we done something wrong?
00:52:20Nothing's happened to my husband, has it?
00:52:22No, not at all, ma'am.
00:52:24There's just been some complaints in the area and we're taking all proper precautions and going door to door.
00:52:26Uh, what type of complaints?
00:52:30Specifically, dog napping.
00:52:32Oh my goodness. Well, we'll keep an eye out.
00:52:34We're looking for a dog that might have been stolen in your neighborhood, ma'am.
00:52:36A dog.
00:52:38Would it be...
00:52:40Do you think we could come in and just look around just for a minute?
00:52:44I suppose I'd be all right.
00:52:46Sure. Please, come in.
00:52:50You think Dad will find another job?
00:52:52Sure. I hope so.
00:52:56Oh, come in.
00:52:58Hey, guys.
00:53:00We have some visitors from the FBI that are taking a look around the house for a minute.
00:53:04Hello, children.
00:53:06Hello, Dad.
00:53:08Gosh, he's a youngster, isn't he?
00:53:12Yes, son, we're from Washington.
00:53:14We're looking for a dog that was stolen recently.
00:53:16You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?
00:53:18Oh, we don't have a dog, Agent Sharp.
00:53:20I was asking the boys here if you don't mind.
00:53:24Somebody stole a dog?
00:53:26Yeah, well, one went missing
00:53:28and we're just trying to help locate it, that's all.
00:53:30You guys wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
00:53:32No, sir.
00:53:34Well, have you seen a dog?
00:53:36Nope, and neither have I.
00:53:42Okay, well, we'll be on our way.
00:53:44Wait a minute.
00:53:46What about that tree house out there?
00:54:04Ladies first.
00:54:06Be my guest.
00:54:18What are we going to do?
00:54:20Don't worry.
00:54:22We'll get out of this somehow.
00:54:34Come on.
00:54:56So long, boys.
00:54:58I know.
00:55:08Where'd he go?
00:55:10I don't know.
00:55:15Is everything okay?
00:55:19Thank you for your time, Ms. Gernsback.
00:55:21We'll be going now.
00:55:23If you happen to hear anything,
00:55:25please let us know.
00:55:27If you happen to hear or see anything at all,
00:55:30please don't hesitate to give us a call.
00:55:32Will do.
00:55:34Thank you. Have a good day.
00:55:50Okay, okay, let me see.
00:55:52What's that? Okay, first of all,
00:55:54they can't spell N.
00:55:56What's that? Oh, okay, wires.
00:55:58I got it.
00:56:00Cigarette. Put this over here.
00:56:02We'll use another one of these guys.
00:56:04That's a lot of cigars.
00:56:06Somebody likes to smoke.
00:56:08You know, smoking isn't healthy.
00:56:10I happen to know that even though I'm a dog.
00:56:12And let's try...
00:56:14Oh, this thing over here.
00:56:16The big thing.
00:56:18Come on.
00:56:20Let's go.
00:56:22Come on.
00:56:24MacGyver action here.
00:56:26Pine cone.
00:56:28Okay, let's go.
00:56:30Come on, wire.
00:56:32Let's go, let's go.
00:56:34This has got to be so cool.
00:56:42I'm not going to know what happened.
00:56:44I got no possible thumbs about that.
00:56:48It's time for a little nap.
00:56:50Oh, blanket. Nice.
00:56:54Oh, I needed that. That's a lot of work.
00:56:56See you later.
00:56:58This just doesn't feel right.
00:57:00Those kids were scamming us. I just know it.
00:57:02Oh, come on. That little one was no more than seven years old.
00:57:04Yeah, right, Mr. Fed.
00:57:06He's hiding a lot behind those innocent little eyes of his.
00:57:08You know what I think?
00:57:10What's that, agent?
00:57:12You need a vacation.
00:57:14To me, this is a vacation.
00:57:16So what do you want to do, bring him down to headquarters, put him under the hot lights?
00:57:18I've got a better idea.
00:57:20Why don't we have ourselves an old-fashioned stakeout?
00:57:22A stakeout?
00:57:24As in you, me, and that car all night long,
00:57:26take out food and bad coffee?
00:57:30I was afraid you'd say that.
00:57:32What are you in the mood for, Mexican or Chinese?
00:57:50We've got action in the driveway.
00:57:56Wait for it.
00:58:02Wait for it.
00:58:06Wait, wait, wait, what?
00:58:08Do you see something?
00:58:14No, it's nothing.
00:58:16The night is still young.
00:58:18Pass me some more of that hot sauce, would you?
00:58:36Hey, buddy.
00:58:38What are you doing? How come you're not in bed?
00:58:40I couldn't sleep.
00:58:42Did you get the job?
00:58:44Well, they didn't say no,
00:58:46so I guess I'm kind of still in the running.
00:58:52It's good to see you, buddy.
00:58:54I hope it is past your bedtime.
00:59:04I know that look.
00:59:06That's the I-need-to-tell-you-something-and-you-might-get-mad look.
00:59:08Don't worry.
00:59:10Just spill it.
00:59:12I'm way too tired.
00:59:14After today, I can handle anything.
00:59:18Hugo and I,
00:59:22we think we're in trouble with the FBI.
00:59:24The FBI, yeah,
00:59:26but what, for not doing your homework?
00:59:30You're serious.
00:59:36You're serious.
00:59:38What could you two possibly have done
00:59:40that would warrant the FBI's attention?
00:59:42Dog napping.
00:59:44You two? Dog napping?
00:59:46Dog napping? Dad, stop laughing.
00:59:48I'm serious.
00:59:50Okay, but you got to tell me
00:59:52why would the FBI
00:59:54suspect you two
00:59:56of dog napping?
00:59:58Because we kidnapped a dog.
01:00:00Here in town?
01:00:02Yeah, out by the old clugger house.
01:00:04Where's the dog now?
01:00:06I'm not sure.
01:00:10why would the FBI care about
01:00:12some old mutt who followed you guys back
01:00:14from the ball field?
01:00:16Well, because it can talk.
01:00:18Did you just say
01:00:20because it can talk?
01:00:24I think it's time to get back in bed,
01:00:26because you're obviously delirious.
01:00:28Are you coming down with something, buddy?
01:00:30I'm not coming down with anything.
01:00:32The talking dog.
01:00:34Yeah. Yes, sir.
01:00:36Well, it can't exactly
01:00:38talk, but you can hear it
01:00:40in your head. Okay, well, what is it?
01:00:42I mean, can it talk or can it not talk?
01:00:44It's complicated.
01:00:46But its name is Murphy.
01:00:50Okay, fine.
01:00:52I believe you about
01:00:54the talking dog, Jamie.
01:00:56And about
01:00:58the FBI? Yes, yes, of course.
01:01:00About the FBI and the talking dog.
01:01:04What next?
01:01:06I don't know.
01:01:12Oh, buddy, come on. Don't worry about it.
01:01:14We will figure it out in the morning, though.
01:01:16Okay? In the morning.
01:01:18Let's go get some rest.
01:01:22Hey, buddy.
01:01:24Don't stress about it, okay?
01:01:26We'll figure it out tomorrow.
01:01:28I love you. Good night.
01:01:30Thanks, Dad.
01:01:32I love you.
01:02:20What is it?
01:02:22Stand down, false alarm.
01:02:24It's nothing
01:02:26except for your incessant snoring.
01:02:28I don't snore.
01:02:30What time is it?
01:02:3420 after 7.
01:02:38Do we have any more coffee?
01:02:52See anything?
01:02:54No. You? No.
01:02:56All right, boys, breakfast is served.
01:03:00Come on, guys, let's eat.
01:03:06So the FBI paid us a visit yesterday.
01:03:10I heard that.
01:03:14Anything we should know, mister?
01:03:16I'm innocent, I swear.
01:03:18I'm sure you are, kiddo.
01:03:32No idea.
01:03:34Hey, guys!
01:03:38Who let the dog in?
01:03:40Oh, that feels good, that feels good.
01:03:42Hey, do I smell?
01:03:44Is that bacon?
01:03:46Bacon! I smell the bacon!
01:03:50See? Now do you believe me?
01:03:52Son, I mean, I don't know what to say, okay?
01:03:54A real live talking dog?
01:03:58Get over it, okay?
01:04:00Now, how about that bacon?
01:04:06What is that, maple?
01:04:08It's the spot!
01:04:10Listen, now that breakfast is finished,
01:04:12we should get down to business.
01:04:14And that is?
01:04:16Well, for starters, there's two FBI agents
01:04:18parked down the street surveilling your house.
01:04:20Oh, dear.
01:04:22Not to worry. Thankfully, they're not doing
01:04:24a very good job of it.
01:04:26Are we in danger in any way?
01:04:28Not if my plan works.
01:04:30Great. And if your plan doesn't work?
01:04:32Let's just try to focus
01:04:34on the positive here, huh?
01:04:36Shall we do that? Let's try and do that?
01:04:38I'm afraid I didn't catch your name there, sir.
01:04:40Uh, Robert.
01:04:42Ah, Robert. Pleasure to meet you, sir.
01:04:44You got two lovely kids, you know.
01:04:46Yes, I'm keenly aware of that.
01:04:48I'm Mr...
01:04:50My name is Murphy, but you can call me Murph.
01:04:52So, as I was saying,
01:04:54I have a plan, but it requires
01:04:56coordinated, timely action
01:04:58and lots of teamwork.
01:05:00You can count on us, Murph.
01:05:02I salute you both.
01:05:04Jamie, Hugo, we'll need your bikes
01:05:06and your friends' and their bikes.
01:05:08Robert, I'll need your car.
01:05:10Hold on.
01:05:12Mr. Murph, you're going to need our car?
01:05:14Yes, exactly.
01:05:16Your pickup truck, to be precise.
01:05:18Right. And you're going to be driving it, naturally.
01:05:20I'm flattered, sir.
01:05:22But I have enough trouble with a doorknob,
01:05:24let alone a steering wheel.
01:05:26No, I'm afraid I won't, but you will.
01:05:42Pardon me for saying so, agent,
01:05:44but I get the feeling we're about to hit the point
01:05:46of diminishing returns here.
01:05:48Diminishing returns?
01:05:52Do you think this country of ours was built by people
01:05:54who gave up when they felt they were about to hit the point
01:05:56of diminishing returns?
01:05:58Well, probably not,
01:06:00but that's not really what I was...
01:06:02Probably not is right.
01:06:04And that's why we're not going to give up.
01:06:06If I had a nickel for every time
01:06:08someone doubted me
01:06:10and I proved them wrong...
01:06:18What is it?
01:06:26You sure you're good with this?
01:06:28Good with it?
01:06:30No offense, but this is the most fun I've had in years.
01:06:34How are you doing there, little fella?
01:06:36He's such a cutie.
01:06:38You ready?
01:06:40Let's start her up.
01:06:42Here goes nothing.
01:06:52It's game time.
01:07:06So far, so good.
01:07:12Now, this is the last time I'm going to ask,
01:07:14does anyone have to go to the bathroom?
01:07:18Are you sure?
01:07:22Okay, I'm not one for big speeches,
01:07:24but if there was ever a moment for one...
01:07:26Okay, okay. Let's cut to the chase.
01:07:28Fine. Are you ready, Hugo?
01:07:30I'm like lunch meat. I'm always ready.
01:07:32Now remember, lunch meat,
01:07:34as soon as the old shed comes into view,
01:07:36all you guys immediately pull over and stop.
01:07:38I've got a plan
01:07:40that will get me out of this situation
01:07:42and ultimately save you guys, too.
01:07:44Assuming, of course, that your parents
01:07:46have done their job.
01:07:48I'll do it.
01:07:50Hugo's right. They won't let us down.
01:07:52Good. Now, when that happens,
01:07:54do not, under any circumstances,
01:07:56follow me into the shed. Do you understand?
01:08:00Those government agents have to see me
01:08:02enter that shed alone.
01:08:04Are you sure that's a good idea?
01:08:06Yeah. Won't you be quartered then?
01:08:08Trust me, guys. This is how it has to happen.
01:08:10It's for the best.
01:08:12Okay. I trust you.
01:08:14We do. We all do.
01:08:16Janelle, can you lift me up
01:08:18and put me in the basket?
01:08:20Right away.
01:08:24Watch the hair. Watch the hair.
01:08:26Who turned out the lights?
01:08:28I am blind. I cannot see.
01:08:32Ready? Okay, let's go, go, go!
01:08:46Back it off.
01:08:52All right.
01:08:56I hope you're taking notes,
01:08:58Agent Shepard.
01:09:00What you're witnessing firsthand
01:09:02is a textbook tale.
01:09:04Well, it's definitely been.
01:09:06Good. If you've been paying attention,
01:09:08you've probably noticed we've maintained
01:09:10five car lengths of distance at all times
01:09:12between our respective vehicles.
01:09:14Yes, ma'am.
01:09:16If you want to move up in the ranks, Agent,
01:09:18stick with me.
01:09:20I can teach you a lot.
01:09:24Not so much already.
01:09:26They probably don't even know
01:09:28they're being surveyed right now.
01:09:30Clueless civilians.
01:09:44You'd think they'd try to be a little more
01:09:46stealthy back there.
01:09:50Maybe they want us to know they're following us.
01:09:52Yeah. Maybe we're not giving them enough credit.
01:09:54Maybe it's all part of their plan.
01:10:00According to my doggy clock, which runs a little fast,
01:10:02your parent should be pulling over to the side of the road
01:10:04right about now.
01:10:06Sounds good to me.
01:10:16What time is it?
01:10:18It's time.
01:10:26End of phase one.
01:10:32Break it. Break it.
01:10:36That probably could have been a little smoother.
01:10:38I'll do better next time, I promise.
01:10:40I think our cover's been blown.
01:10:44Not likely.
01:10:46Remember, we're dealing with civilians here.
01:10:48We're highly trained special agents.
01:10:50They don't think the way we do.
01:10:54Now we just sit back and
01:10:56wait for them to make the next move.
01:10:58I think they're making it.
01:11:10You gotta be kidding me.
01:11:12We've been duped.
01:11:16We have.
01:11:20Chopper six. Chopper six.
01:11:22What do you got?
01:11:24I got eyes on them, ma'am.
01:11:26They're currently headed to north.
01:11:28They've been on the road now for about 15 minutes.
01:11:30Here, I'll send you a picture.
01:11:34They're currently headed to north.
01:11:36They've been on the road now for about 15 minutes.
01:11:38Here, I'll send you a picture.
01:11:48Time to put on your big boy pants, agent.
01:11:50No mutt makes a fool
01:11:52out of Camilla Sharp.
01:11:54And I'm driving.
01:12:04Let's go.
01:12:22That chopper's heading right for us.
01:12:28Come on, guys. Keep pedaling.
01:12:30What you got a system this time, Jamie?
01:12:38Faster, guys. They're gaining on us.
01:12:40Like my mommy used to say,
01:12:42push the metal to the pedal.
01:12:46It's still coming.
01:12:48Come on, guys.
01:12:50We can make it just a little further.
01:12:52Stay calm, buddy. Stay calm.
01:12:54I'm trying. I'm a dog on a bike.
01:12:56I'm trying. I'm a dog on a bike.
01:12:58I'm trying. I'm a dog on a bike.
01:13:00Chopper six to home plate.
01:13:02Turning back to base.
01:13:04Area too heavily wooded to pursue.
01:13:06Letting ground ops take over.
01:13:08Are we there yet?
01:13:14Well, that was interesting.
01:13:16Anybody got a doggy bag?
01:13:18I was close with those choppers.
01:13:20Too close. Like I almost missed my shorts close.
01:13:22Shorts? Yeah, I never got that.
01:13:24Okay, look.
01:13:26I'm going to have to do this alone, okay?
01:13:28I'm not leaving.
01:13:30You go. You promised, remember?
01:13:32I don't want to, but I will for you, Murphy.
01:13:36You're all brave, you know.
01:13:38You really think so? Yeah.
01:13:40Um, kids, I actually
01:13:42had a loss for words here, you know,
01:13:44but you got to get out of here now, understand?
01:13:46I do.
01:13:48Goodbye, Murphy.
01:13:50Goodbye, kiddo. You're a brave kid, Jamie.
01:13:52Thanks, Murph.
01:13:54Hey, these kids really look up to you.
01:13:56Especially you, Goh.
01:13:58Now, I've never been good with
01:14:00goodbyes, so, um...
01:14:02Janelle, could you
01:14:04kind of help me out of the basket here?
01:14:12See ya.
01:14:14So long, Murph.
01:14:16So long, Murph. We'll see you again.
01:14:18I'm getting worried about the kids.
01:14:20Yeah, I hope that they had as much success as we did.
01:14:34There he is!
01:14:48I hope this works.
01:15:02Here we go.
01:15:04Like they say, don't try this at home.
01:15:08I'm ready for my close-up.
01:15:12It's showtime!
01:15:24That wasn't part of the plan.
01:15:26Where are the boys? I don't see them.
01:15:30There they are.
01:15:36What in the holy heck
01:15:38just happened?
01:15:42Oh, God.
01:15:44Are you guys okay?
01:15:46Come on. What about Murphy?
01:15:52Well, looks like that does it
01:15:54for the mud.
01:15:56Seems so. Looks like there's nothing left
01:15:58for us to do but pack up and clear out of this
01:16:00one-horse town. Let the locals
01:16:02clean it up. Am I right, Agent?
01:16:04Yes, ma'am.
01:16:16I just heard there was a big explosion. Is he...
01:16:18Yeah, I'm afraid so.
01:16:22Murphy's gone.
01:16:24Hey, Agent Shepard!
01:16:26You might want to stick around for the third act
01:16:28twist. It's a good one!
01:16:30What's that, ma'am?
01:16:32Didn't say anything?
01:16:34I did!
01:16:36You should get your hearing checked once we get back to D.C.
01:16:38Did you hear that? Get your hearing checked?
01:16:40You know, a doctor's appointment is very, very
01:16:42important. Your eyes, too. You have any glasses?
01:16:44Maybe you would put those on? Yeah, there you go.
01:16:48Well, that's not a great
01:16:50start to Christmas Eve.
01:16:52Yeah, but at least we still have each other.
01:16:56Yeah, we do.
01:17:04Hey, who's
01:17:06ready for some hot chocolate?
01:17:10Who's gonna drink all this hot chocolate
01:17:12that I made?
01:17:14I can't possibly drink
01:17:16all this hot chocolate by myself. I mean, I could
01:17:18try to drink it all by myself. Let's see.
01:17:24Yeah, that's a lot of hot chocolate.
01:17:26Hey, guys.
01:17:28Honey. Honey, can you
01:17:30come in here? I need to see this.
01:17:32Dad, what is it? Yeah, what is it?
01:17:36Mr. Gernsback, after hearing of your recent
01:17:38departure from Galaxy, we'd like to know if you'd be
01:17:40at all interested in the position of lead developer
01:17:42here at Smart House Toys.
01:17:44Please review the attached offer letter
01:17:46and get back to us at your convenience. Merry Christmas!
01:17:48You got the job!
01:17:50I got the job.
01:17:52I got the job.
01:17:54You got the job.
01:17:56I got the job. I got the job.
01:17:58I got the job.
01:18:00This is the best Christmas ever.
01:18:02It couldn't possibly get any better.
01:18:04Maybe it did.
01:18:06Who is it? Maybe that's Santa
01:18:08out there, boys. What do you think? Do you think that might be Santa?
01:18:14You're definitely not Santa.
01:18:16Sorry to disappoint, Mr. Gernsback.
01:18:18Agent Shepard, FBI.
01:18:20But I'm not here on official business.
01:18:22Why are you here?
01:18:24Just helping out an old friend.
01:18:32Kids, we got company.
01:18:34Well, it ain't Rudolph.
01:18:36Hey, huh?
01:18:38Oh, yeah. Oh, that. I missed that.
01:18:40Hey, come on in. It's cold.
01:18:42Oh, don't mind if I do.
01:18:44Ah, feeling the Christmas love.
01:18:46Oh, hey.
01:18:48Hot chocolate? I thought you'd never ask.
01:18:50I will get you some.
01:18:52You were wrong, Mr. FBI.
01:18:54About what, Murphy? About not being Santa Claus.
01:18:56Thanks, pal.
01:18:58And Merry Christmas.
01:19:00Merry Christmas, everyone.
01:19:02Merry Christmas.
01:19:04Merry Christmas.
01:19:20Merry Christmas.
01:19:50Merry Christmas.
01:19:52Merry Christmas.
01:19:54Merry Christmas.
01:19:56Merry Christmas.
01:19:58Merry Christmas.
01:20:00Merry Christmas.
01:20:02Merry Christmas.
01:20:04Merry Christmas.
01:20:06Merry Christmas.
01:20:08Merry Christmas.
01:20:10Merry Christmas.
01:20:12Merry Christmas.
01:20:14Merry Christmas.
01:20:16Merry Christmas.
01:20:18Merry Christmas.
01:20:20Merry Christmas.
01:20:22Merry Christmas.
01:20:24Merry Christmas.
01:20:26Merry Christmas.
01:20:28Merry Christmas.
01:20:30Merry Christmas.
01:20:32Merry Christmas.
01:20:34Merry Christmas.
01:20:36Merry Christmas.
01:20:38Merry Christmas.
01:20:40Merry Christmas.
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01:20:44Merry Christmas.
01:20:46Merry Christmas.
01:20:48Merry Christmas.
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01:22:26Merry Christmas.
01:22:28Merry Christmas.
01:22:30Merry Christmas.
01:22:32Merry Christmas.
01:22:34Merry Christmas.
01:22:36Merry Christmas.
