前特警阿兹拉逃死劫 法庭改判监40年打12鞭

  • 2 days ago
新闻报报看 | 18年前,我国曾发生一宗震惊国内外的命案。2006年,28岁的蒙古女郎阿丹杜雅在雪州莎亚南一片森林遭枪杀,还被残忍炸尸。其中一名特警阿兹拉被关押在大马监狱,前后整整16年。不过阿兹拉的命运迎来大反转,成功逃过死刑。(主播:颜江瀚、梁宝仪)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.M.E. website.
00:04At the beginning of the program, we are going to talk about a case that happened 18 years ago.
00:08It was a shocking case that happened in China and abroad.
00:13At the age of 28 in 2006, the Mongolian girl, Adan Duya, was shot and brutally killed in the forest of Sayanan, Sri Lanka.
00:23After that, three people were detained, including two special police officers and a businessman.
00:27The businessman was acquitted and released, while the two special police officers were sentenced to death.
00:35One of the special police officers, Xilu, later escaped to Australia,
00:39while the other, Azla, was detained in the Dama Prison for 16 years.
00:44However, Azla's fate has turned around today,
00:48just like what is written on the cover of Guangming,
00:50he successfully escaped death.
00:53Azla's lawyer applied to the Federal Court for a death sentence,
00:57and the case was heard today.
00:59The three parties finally reached a consensus,
01:01and Azla was sentenced to nearly 40 years in prison,
01:04and was sentenced to 12 years in prison.
01:06Azla was able to escape death,
01:08and the key was that a letter from Adan Duya's father, Shalibu, saved his life.
01:13His lawyer read the letter in court,
01:16and in the letter, Shalibu said that every life has the right to survive,
01:21so he supported Azla's acquittal and sentenced him to life imprisonment.
01:27This is also the first time that a victim's family has supported the case of the prisoner's father's death.
01:33Maybe he knew he had a chance to escape death,
01:37so when Azla was brought to court today,
01:40he was very relaxed.
01:42If you have followed the trial of this case in the past,
01:46you will find that Azla used to wear clothes
01:50to cover his head,
01:52so as not to be photographed by photographers.
01:54But today, his attitude is very different from the past.
01:57He is wearing a red and white uniform,
02:00not covering his eyes,
02:02just wearing a mask,
02:04and looking at the camera of the media.
02:07Compared with the photos from 18 years ago,
02:09you will find that Azla's figure has obviously gained a lot of weight.
02:13This is also the first time that Azla's appearance has been exposed to the public.
02:18After Azla's trial, he held a press conference and said
02:21that Azla had gained a lot of weight after he learned that he had escaped death.
02:25He said that the 40-year-prison sentence,
02:27the sentence from the day he was arrested,
02:29that is, from November 1, 2006,
02:32if Azla behaved well during his imprisonment
02:36and was able to deduct one-third of the sentence,
02:38Azla may be released from prison in 2034.
02:43As mentioned before,
02:46in addition to Azla,
02:48those who were sentenced to death for murdering Aden Duyar
02:50and those who had fled to Australia,
02:53because the Australian extradition law
02:55does not allow prisoners to be sent to other countries for death.
02:59Now, with Azla's successful review of the death sentence,
03:02can the other detainee,
03:05Xilu, be extradited back to China?
03:07Or is he willing to return to China for torture?
03:10How will the situation develop in the future?
03:12This has become a focus of everyone's attention.
