【百格大事纪】前特警逃死刑被点名 纳吉喊冤:我没指示杀阿旦 | 11.10.2024

  • yesterday

10月11日 #百格大事纪,继续带你掌握重点时事。

纳吉喊冤:我没指示杀阿旦 我不认识她

GISB案 6律师脸书轰政府害骨肉分离
警救625妇孺没道谢 内长讽6律师“刚睡醒”
失控拖格罗里直面撞来 女子逃过一劫
2男围殴巴士司机 警方:误会所致
持续街头免费派食物 善心妇:仅付出小小力量
社交媒体加剧族群紧张 部长建议4大招解决

宗教司法案引争议 来临国会将提呈?
点名义正词严YB 邓章钦:是时候展现英雄气概
宗教部长:355法案 本次国会不提呈


00:00Azra Khan, a former special police officer who escaped death, claimed that he killed Adan Duya in the form of Najib's instructions.
00:07Najib is in a hurry to make an appeal today.
00:09For the complete content, please continue to watch the 100th Anniversary of October 11th.
00:14Good evening, I am Jiaxuan.
00:16In 2006, the former special police officer Azra Khan, who murdered the Mongolian woman Adan Duya, escaped death.
00:21Yesterday, the Federal Court of Arbitration and Procedure changed the sentence to nearly 40 years and 12 times.
00:26His lawyer claimed that his client was just following Najib's instructions to kill him.
00:33This statement instantly aroused the public's interest.
00:36Najib has denied the murder of Adan Duya again.
00:48He has never seen Adan Duya, and he has never issued a similar order.
00:56Najib criticized the memory of Tamus for prejudice, and wrote an unverified accusation in the book.
01:02Obviously, he deliberately tarnished his reputation.
01:06Then, there is the related news of the scandal of the GSB Children's Home.
01:10The police announced that they had successfully rescued 625 women and children.
01:1572 of the children have been returned to their families after being reviewed by the Welfare Bureau.
01:21Six lawyers issued a joint statement on October 8,
01:24accusing the government and the police of violating the law by separating the rescued children from their parents during the investigation,
01:31and therefore considering taking legal action against the government.
01:35In response to the criticism, Interior Minister Saifuddin was very dissatisfied,
01:38and angrily criticized the police for not saying thank you to the rescue of the women and children.
01:43He even claimed that these lawyers had just woken up.
01:47It was only after the police took action that they began to pay attention to the situation of the victims.
01:52Saifuddin said at a press conference today that the police need time to verify
01:57whether the rescued children have been defamatory or other illegal behavior,
02:01and whether the parents voluntarily sent the children to the GSB organization
02:06in order to decide whether to return the children to their parents.
02:10He emphasized that once all the verification work is completed,
02:13if there is no problem, the children will be returned to their families.
02:18Mohamud Nayeen, the Prime Minister of Religious Affairs,
02:21on July 2 this year,
02:23proposed three bills related to Islam in Congress,
02:27including the Federal Judiciary and Religious Justice Act.
02:31Just at the end of last month, he revealed that the government will propose related bills on October 16,
02:36and will hold a second round of debates and summaries at this Congress meeting,
02:40and seek a third round of approval.
02:42Although this bill has received partial interest from the Islamic judiciary,
02:46such as the support of the Damascus Islamic Law Lawyers' Association,
02:50the opposition is still strong.
02:52After Bozho Lader Duangu Saifuddin shot back,
02:57Human Rights Lawyer Latifah also issued a statement the day before.
03:00This bill will weaken the federal constitution,
03:04as well as the status of the Islamic leader.
03:06Latifah emphasized that the religious affairs of the Federal Judiciary
03:09cannot be controlled by two authorities.
03:12To this day, the former governor of Xuezhou,
03:14and former Central Committee member Deng Zhangxian,
03:17have issued statements expressing their concerns.
03:20He pointed out that there are several provisions in the Federal Judiciary and Religious Justice Act
03:24that violate the federal constitution,
03:26and the spirit of the Damascus Islamic State.
03:29He also warned that once the Federal Judiciary and Religious Justice Act is passed,
03:32the government may be under the pressure of religious extremists in the future,
03:37and the status of the Damascus Islamic State will disappear and become a religious state.
03:41Deng Zhangxian also pointed out that
03:43those members who are active in the church corridors,
03:45service centers, TV stations, police stations,
03:48and election speeches,
03:50and those who are generous and righteous,
03:53it is time to show the real heroic spirit in the coming church.
03:58On the other hand, the Minister of Religious Affairs, Na Ying,
04:00emphasized after attending the event in Bucheng today
04:03that the Federal Judiciary and Religious Justice Act
04:05is aimed at strengthening religious institutions in Bucheng,
04:07Kuala Lumpur and Namien Judiciary Districts.
04:11As for the 1965 Islamic Court of Justice
04:13in which it was concerned,
04:16Na Ying said that it would not be proposed at the meeting held next week.
04:21Earlier, Prime Minister Anhuai had said
04:23that the revision of Article 3 and 5 would not be carried out in a hurry,
04:26and emphasized that the process of revision must be cautious
04:29and listen to the opinions of Islamic courts,
04:31civil courts, and international legal experts.
04:35Next, let's look at a study report from the National Unity Department.
04:39The report pointed out that with the advancement of digital technology and information,
04:43social media is not only a major communication and social platform,
04:46but also a hotbed for hatred speech,
04:49which seriously affects the relationship between different ethnic groups and religions.
04:52For example, insults of religion or culture
04:55may aggravate tensions between groups and weaken social unity.
04:59The National Unity Department's Minister of State, Alan Ganda, pointed out that
05:02this study mainly understands people's perception of social media hatred speech,
05:07analyzes its impact on community behavior, ethnic and religious relations,
05:10and social tension,
05:12and proposed response strategies and methods.
05:15Alan Ganda proposed four ways to solve the problem.
05:18First, formulate policies and laws to control hatred speech.
05:23Second, hold public education and promotional activities.
05:26Third, formulate special education training programs for the media.
05:29Fourth, cooperate with NGOs to deal with hatred speech,
05:32and carry out awareness-raising and education activities.
05:35In any case, he emphasized that
05:37the study only focuses on hatred speech in China,
05:40and does not involve freedom of speech.
05:42Today, in addition to these focus news,
05:44there are other hot news to share with you before the end of the century.
05:48Yesterday, a bus driver was beaten by two unidentified people
05:53in Roubo Laqin Bus Terminal.
05:56The whole incident was captured by the passenger using a mobile phone
06:00and uploaded to social media.
06:03The picture shows that the hit bus driver did not press the horn,
06:06but the murderer did not beat him, but hit him harder.
06:10One of the men in red did not forget to kick the driver before getting off the bus.
06:16Laowu, director of Xinshan Nanjing District, confirmed today
06:19that the police had received a tip-off,
06:21and at the same time revealed that this incident was caused by a misunderstanding.
06:25The police are currently investigating Article 324 of the Criminal Code.
06:31In a moment of life and death,
06:33a woman was previously hit by a out-of-control Togloli on her way to work.
06:39Fortunately, her speed was not fast and calm enough.
06:42She quickly turned the steering wheel and eventually avoided the disaster.
06:47It is understood that this incident happened at 5.37 pm on October 10
06:52on the road of Roubo Laqin Bus Terminal.
06:55The woman then uploaded the video of the hit by the bus to her phone.
07:00The video shows that a Togloli was out of control on the turn,
07:06rushed into the opposite lane and hit the fence on the right.
07:10The owner said in the post,
07:12although he escaped a hit, there is still hope.
07:15He also urged people to pay close attention to the road conditions when driving,
07:20to avoid causing a tragedy due to an accident.
07:26In the past four years,
07:28the woman has regularly distributed free food in Bincheng and Kuala Lumpur.
07:33Her good deeds have won the appreciation of many netizens after spreading online.
07:39When I look at you, you say you are not shocked at all.
07:42I can see you are really happy doing this.
07:44It brings me tears.
07:46Because of the boss, I can help people by giving this little thing.
07:51It's not a life changer, but I am part of their life.
07:57I see all the motorbike riders as my children.
08:01Because my children ride a motorbike, we will not get angry.
08:05If I take care of other people's children,
08:07God willing, other people will take care of my children.
08:11She emphasized that this charity is not limited to Muslims,
08:15and all the donations of food are also from the support of her friends.
08:20Many netizens are deeply touched by this
08:23and hope that they can help others with their own strength,
08:26just like she did.
08:30If you want to know more about the news,
08:33please leave a message or text us.
08:35Don't forget to subscribe to Baige.
08:37See you next time.
