Enraging ,Republicans ‘suddenly’ see disinformation problem amid hurricane crisis

  • 2 days ago

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00:00Far-right kooks and conspiracy theories of all sorts have been part of our political
00:04landscape for a very long time now.
00:06But they're more powerful than they've ever been in my lifetime.
00:09They're on social media.
00:10They're on Fox.
00:11Some now hold elected office, even at the very top.
00:15Now whether they do it out of cynicism or self-delusion or like they've just got brainworms,
00:20they're all happy to promote outrageous disinformation about the libs and the globalists and immigrants
00:25and lots of other people who can't defend themselves.
00:28But then every once in a while, their ceaseless lies present a practical problem to the Republican
00:34political establishment they serve.
00:36There's a moment that I think exemplified this back in November of 2020.
00:41After Donald Trump won, after Joe Biden won and Donald Trump started spinning lies about
00:46a rigged result, there was still, remember, a pair of critical Senate runoff elections
00:51in Georgia which would determine party control of the Senate.
00:54And Ronna Romney McDaniel, the RNC chairwoman at the time, struggled to convince Georgia
00:59Republicans to vote because they falsely believed their votes wouldn't be counted.
01:05Machines are switching the votes and we go there in crazy numbers and they should have
01:12won but then it's still.
01:13Yeah, we have to.
01:14We didn't see that in the audit.
01:15So we've got to just.
01:16That evidence I haven't seen.
01:17So we'll wait and see on that.
01:18It's not decided.
01:19This is the key.
01:20No, it's not decided.
01:21If you lose your faith and you don't vote, people walk away.
01:22That's that will decide it.
01:23Oh, really?
01:24Oh, now.
01:25Now you don't like that disinformation.
01:26Ronna Romney McDaniel.
01:27Now you're standing up to tell them, no, no, it's not decided.
01:28It's not rigged.
01:29Now it's time to tell the truth that there will be bad consequences.
01:30Republicans lie.
01:31They lie.
01:32They lie.
01:33They lie.
01:34They lie.
01:35They lie.
01:36They lie.
01:37They lie.
01:38They lie.
01:39They lie.
01:40They lie.
01:41They lie.
01:42They lie.
01:43They lie.
01:44They lie.
01:45They lie.
01:46They lie.
01:47They lie.
01:48They lie.
01:49They lie.
01:50They lie.
01:51They lie.
01:52And so now here we are watching Hurricane Milton hitting Florida while still dealing
01:55with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene in the Southeast.
01:58And I keep thinking of that Ronna Romney McDaniel clip because you've got government officials
02:02of both parties and apolitical civil servants struggling to combat the rampant misinformation
02:08that far right politicians, pundits, and influencers are spreading about the storms and disaster
02:14Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene posting repeatedly about they can control the weather
02:20to Elon Musk, the diehard Trump supporting owner of the website, formerly known as Twitter,
02:24using his site and his personal account to spread lies that officials say are hampering
02:29recovery efforts.
02:32Listen to some of the lies that Congressman Chuck Edwards decided he needed a rebut.
02:37To be clear, he's a Republican whose district covers some of the parts of North Carolina
02:41that were worst hit by a plane.
02:43He felt the need to tell his own constituents that no, Hurricane Helene was not geoengineered
02:48by the government to seize and access lithium deposits in Chimney Rock, adding, quote, Nobody
02:54can control the weather.
02:56He also stressed that FEMA has not diverted disaster response funding to the border or
03:01foreign aid.
03:03More on that particular lie in a moment.
03:05Also stating that no, FEMA is not going to run out of money and that FEMA cannot seize
03:09your property or land.
03:12That's a conservative Republican congressman trying to save his constituents from disinformation
03:18spreading primarily among Republicans and conservatives on social media.
03:23He's not alone.
03:24When social accounts started spreading a false rumor that FEMA was hiring private security
03:30contractors in Florida to keep evacuees away from their homes, well, it was debunked online
03:36by Christina Pushaw, a staffer for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, saying spreading lies
03:41like this could have serious consequences.
03:44If people in evacuation zone see this and decide not to evacuate, despite warnings from
03:49state and local emergency management, they are unnecessarily putting their own lives
03:53and lives of first responders at grave risk.
03:56If Pushaw's name sounds familiar, it's because she has spent much of her career spreading
04:00anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-media, conspiracy theories and fake news.
04:05She helped popularize the term groomers, a disgusting term, to condemn anyone critical
04:10of Florida's don't say gay law.
04:12Now, imagine how bad the misinformation has to be for Christina to Pushaw to say enough
04:16to enough is enough.
04:18You're endangering people's lives.
04:20Same can be said for Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who just last week, as we quoted on
04:24the show, was telling his social media followers, you can't trust the Biden White House and
04:28Bureau of Labor Statistics on jobs numbers.
04:31Another fake jobs report out from Biden Harris government today.
04:33All the fake numbers in the world aren't going to fool people.
04:37But this week, Rubio was on Twitter telling his followers the path of Hurricane Milton
04:41mirrored what federal weather officials told him was a worst case scenario.
04:45You see, now he needs his constituents to trust federal civil servants and follow their
04:51guidelines to survive the storm.
04:53Just days after he told them that the same federal civil servants lie.
04:59See the problem here, right?
05:00And of course, the ultimate example of this is the big lie circulating about FEMA.
05:07Kamala spent all her FEMA money, billions of dollars on housing for illegal migrants.
05:14Housing assistance under FEMA, almost any reasonable person would think would be available
05:20for Americans who are displaced from their houses in a time of disaster.
05:24But that has been used on illegal immigrants.
05:27How can we afford to give billions of dollars to illegal immigrants in this country?
05:31But we've got to go back to the well to provide disaster relief for our own citizens.
05:35That's a disgrace.
05:36Look, they can't even take care of people in North Carolina from a hurricane because
05:40they're too busy spending our taxpayer dollars taking care of illegal aliens.
05:44This is the Biden Harris administration caught red handed, dedicating a massive amount of
05:49money that was supposed to be there for emergency relief for Americans in North Carolina, Georgia
05:57and elsewhere to dispense to illegal immigrants while hurricane ravaged victims all over the
06:03country are left out to dry.
06:05To be clear, it's not like one of these things where it's a matter of interpretation or a
06:08kernel of truth.
06:09It's an absolute lie.
06:11Stone cold lie started by Donald Trump, then spread by his running mate, his supporters
06:17on Capitol Hill.
06:18All the lackeys you saw there, Steve Scalise, the number two man in Congress, his supporters
06:22on Fox.
06:23The lie says that FEMA lacks the resources for disaster victims because it spent the
06:27cash on undocumented migrants.
06:29It is a lie that, as you just heard, was debunked by a Republican congressman from the affected
06:35So here are the facts.
06:37FEMA has enough funding in the short term to address immediate needs for both Hurricane
06:41Helene and Hurricane Milton.
06:43And there is no funding connection between shelter for migrants and funding for disaster
06:50There is no intermingling of funds between these two programs.
06:54That's not me saying it.
06:56It's the Republicans in charge of the House Appropriations Committee in a fact sheet they
07:02shared yesterday with Chad Pergam, the congressional reporter for Fox, because they felt the urgent
07:07need to push back on a lie that is being spread by Fox News and by Donald Trump.
07:12A lie started by their candidate for president, Donald Trump, and amplified, as you see, by
07:17his campaign surrogates, passed along on the social media site owned by the billionaire
07:21funding one of his super PACs.
07:25Republicans who suddenly see a conflict between the welfare of their constituents and the
07:28toxic effect their party's propaganda, and also don't want to fly back to Washington
07:31for an emergency session to fund FEMA when FEMA has money, now struggling to explain
07:36their audiences that, well, up is up and down is down and water is wet and two plus two
07:41equals four.
07:43And you could laugh at it when their disinformation was mainly just costing them votes in winnable
07:48elections like Georgia, but now it could cost lives in a massive, complex disaster recovery.
07:54It is enraging that it took a crisis of these proportions to convince politicians who politicized
08:00everything that some government functions need to be above politics.
