Emmerdale 8th October 2024

  • yesterday
Emmerdale 8th October 2024


00:00Right then, I'll be clearing most of this up then, will I?
00:15Sorry, Lydia. Bit of a heavy night.
00:18So heavy you dropped most of it on the floor.
00:20Look, I'll sort it. Miss Kim, she's, er, playing silly games.
00:27Oh, I'd say poor you, but there's folk in this village with problems not of their own making.
00:31Oh, it's not a problem. She's just trying to make me jealous, but it's not working.
00:36Sounds very grown up.
00:39Well, go on then, what did she do?
00:41Oh, she's just been out with that financial bloke, Peter.
00:45I mean, as if going out for tea with rent-a-date's gonna bother me.
00:50How about having breakfast with?
00:54Kitchen's this way, isn't it?
01:01Grab a coffee?
01:02Oh, we've got coffee at home and we need to get to the hospital.
01:08What's up?
01:09Just a bit nervous about bringing him home.
01:12Yeah, same.
01:14But let's not think like that today.
01:16We've got three whole weeks with him.
01:19He'll be fine.
01:21Right, I'll go and get something for Jenny.
01:26Hey, can I grab the car?
01:28Of course, but it's failed its MOT.
01:31Failed it for what?
01:32Well, I could print you out a list, but I wouldn't want to do that to the environment.
01:36Oh, and so what's it gonna cost to put it right?
01:38Erm, about nine times what it's worth.
01:42It's gonna need a new car. Brilliant.
01:44Can you get us one?
01:46Of course. What kind?
01:48Cheap kind.
01:50How cheap?
01:51A couple grand.
01:52You do know that that means £2,000, right?
01:56You're not gonna get anything better than that for a couple of grand, mate.
01:59Unless you're in the market for a well-loved mobility scooter.
02:12You look like you've just got out of that bin.
02:14Oh, does me having a good time bother you?
02:19Because all I'll be able to think about when I'm back upstairs with Peter
02:23is you and Jimmy crushing empty beer cans on your thick skulls.
02:28You know, your self-respect has gone through the floor.
02:31My self-respect?
02:33There's a bloke up there that's wearing my dressing gown.
02:36Not anymore he isn't.
02:38You're trying to make me jealous.
02:40Peter and I are going out for lunch.
02:42To that Michelin star place.
02:45Shall I order you in some peanuts and beer
02:47for another knuckle-dragging day of frying your brain cells?
02:51I can look after myself, ta.
02:53Ah, well, that's fortunate.
02:55Cos you're gonna have to soon.
03:04Hello, mate.
03:07No school?
03:08I feel sick.
03:11You, er, you seen my phone?
03:13I haven't got it.
03:14Yeah, I just think I left it this morning.
03:20What's up?
03:23Are you sure?
03:27As if.
03:33Please, end.
03:34So, I've just forgot this.
03:36Did you remember your wallet?
03:39You can get a shop in then, eh?
03:41Oh, well, I am slightly injured.
03:43So, I'll take you down.
03:45I'll see you later.
03:47See you, Karl.
03:49See you.
03:52How are you feeling?
03:55Come on.
03:56Oh, hang on.
03:57Come in!
03:59Oh, hiya.
04:01Are you sick as well?
04:02Yeah, sick of my mum.
04:04Shift up.
04:10Even better, Karl.
04:11I've got a big basket of socks upstairs.
04:13Go pair them up and I'll give you a quid.
04:22Oh, we won't trouble you further.
04:24We're off for a delightful lunch.
04:28Has he got my shirt on?
04:30Oh, I believe he has.
04:32It's a bit loose around the gut, actually.
04:35But my one had lipstick all over the collar.
04:39Forgive him.
04:40You, I get, you're some old nomad that's just after a free lunch.
04:44But you, I thought you had more class.
04:49Lessons in class from a convicted drug trafficker.
04:53What's next?
04:54Morality lessons from the cheating husband?
04:57Both him, by the way.
04:58I admitted I'd made a mistake.
05:02But the blackmailing, I mean, that were deliberate.
05:05That were well worked out.
05:07Was the work of a twisted old cow.
05:10Can you mind how you speak to the lady, please?
05:12The lady is my wife.
05:14It doesn't give you the right to be vile, I'm afraid.
05:16Yeah, and it doesn't give you the right to sleep with her either.
05:19Oh, we didn't sleep a wink.
05:21Well, maybe you should get some shut-eye now, eh?
05:27Sorry to barge in.
05:28You didn't barge in, Art.
05:30Why are you sick of your mum?
05:31I'm not sick of her, I'm sick of the situation.
05:34I can't see him to get things right.
05:37See where lying gets you?
05:39Yeah, it's just...
05:41I hate that I'm not, you know...
05:44That you're not some sort of Casanova.
05:47What's that?
05:48You're 17, you've got your whole life.
05:51I mean, some people my age, it's like they're living on Flippin' Love Island.
05:55These other people your age, how do you know what they're up to?
05:58The same.
05:59Like you said about you and John?
06:01You'd better actually tell them the truth.
06:03Because they sound convincing, like you sounded convincing.
06:06Even if it's true, and they are all at it right now,
06:09which is a phrase I've never understood, by the way...
06:12Is it really what you want?
06:15Oh, I genuinely thought you were going to say no,
06:18and I'd sound like a genius.
06:22I'm not about to sit here
06:25and advise my best mate's son to put it about with anyone who'll look at him.
06:29But you do need to talk to your mum about it.
06:32She's no Mother Teresa, you know.
06:34Who's Mother Teresa?
06:36Do you know anyone?
06:38Doesn't matter.
06:39Right, there is a big pile of Jimmy's grimy underpants in there.
06:43Do you want to wash them?
06:45Um, no.
06:46Good choice.
06:47Right, well, get comfy while I do.
06:49Then we're going to sort this out.
06:52Why don't you go and get cleaned up upstairs?
06:56This matter isn't over.
07:00You can keep the shirt, by the way.
07:03Well, the green-eyed monster packs a punch.
07:08I'm not jealous.
07:09Excellent impersonation of someone who is.
07:12I'm just not taking that from him in my own home.
07:15You're not in your own home, Will.
07:18You don't have your own home,
07:20and that will become very clear very soon.
07:23And I'm glad you're not jealous.
07:26It'll spare me endless days of worrying.
07:29And I'm glad you're not jealous.
07:31It'll spare me endless days seeing you mope around.
07:35Because, quite frankly, I can't stand you even when you're not.
07:41You know, I surprised myself when I fell for you.
07:44But the only surprise you've ever given me
07:47is this endless propensity for shamelessness
07:50that you demonstrate every single minute more you stay in my house.
07:54Desperately trying to cling on to a life that you never had
07:58and that you don't deserve.
08:09Oh, I thought you were at college.
08:12Yeah, he came for a chat with me.
08:14Oh, I didn't realise you were on the curriculum.
08:18So this is the point that you tell me what's going on?
08:21Mind you go up to Uri, Martha.
08:26Can I sit down?
08:28Well, I should be asking you because you're clearly in charge, Nicola.
08:31Permission granted.
08:33So what's going on?
08:35Er, he's...
08:39He's finding it hard to talk to you.
08:42Well, he would do if he's round at your house. I live here.
08:45Yeah, well, he might spend more time here if you were a bit more approachable.
08:49Sorry, Nicola.
08:51Are you giving me advice about how to deal with my son?
08:54It's not welcome or necessary.
08:56It might not be welcome, but considering how he's been recently,
08:59it sort of might be necessary.
09:01You're probably right.
09:03It's just I wouldn't want him to end up getting locked up
09:06because then I would feel like a bad parent.
09:11You called it off cos Will decked him.
09:13No, I called it off because he's nothing but a tool.
09:18As in a means of accomplishing something.
09:21Oh, I see.
09:23And what did you accomplish, exactly?
09:28I made Will feel bad.
09:32Shall I tell you a secret?
09:34Go on, then.
09:38It doesn't feel as good as I hoped.
09:42He still cares for you.
09:44I know.
09:46I feel oddly gratified.
09:48Because you still care about him.
09:50Aha, now that's where we disagree.
09:54Look, this is what I see.
09:56There's two people who live in this house who still love each other.
10:00And unless one of them stops being stubborn
10:03and swallows their pride,
10:05they're going to lose each other for good.
10:08Or am I wrong?
10:30Will's on it early.
10:32He's barely been off it.
10:34I got there this morning.
10:36He's fast asleep under a beer-can duvet on the sofa.
10:39Kim's upstairs with some fella who's obviously...
10:41Urgh. Experiment details.
10:43We've got enough proper problems
10:45without worrying what the post folk are up to.
10:47Yeah, I said as much to him myself.
10:49What's on your mind?
10:51Huh? What's not?
10:53You're seeing Samson soon
10:55and Amelia's coming round with Esther later, remember?
10:58Yeah, course I do.
11:00So, whatever problems we may have,
11:02there's always something to look forward to, eh?
11:05What would I do without you, eh?
11:07Oh, I don't know.
11:09Wear dirty clothes and die of starvation.
11:11That's about right.
11:22Sorry, was that a burp
11:24or was it the mating call of a walrus?
11:26It was a burp.
11:28I've done with mating.
11:30Aw, what's the matter? Has Kim cut you off?
11:32Not literally.
11:34I hope not, anyway.
11:36Well, not that I'm interested in you.
11:38Stop while you're ahead.
11:40I wouldn't know how, never been ahead.
11:42Join my club.
11:44Aw, what's the matter?
11:46Have you been drinking at all?
11:50Now I've got no but a vindictive,
11:52soon-to-be ex-wife.
11:54Oh, dear.
11:56I mean, do you want to tell me about it?
11:58Could you be bothered to listen?
12:00I can be if I've got a drink in me hand.
12:02What are you having?
12:08People need to stop thinking they're better than me
12:10just cos my daughter got in trouble.
12:12And people don't take kindly to stones being thrown
12:15and people in glass houses.
12:17Oh, so it's Jimmy as well, is it?
12:19No, I never said that.
12:21You said people.
12:23No, I did not, so you said people.
12:25Well, at least I can keep my man.
12:27You certainly can.
12:33No, I am for saying that.
12:35I'm sorry for saying the other.
12:39You're a really good mum.
12:41So are you.
12:43I'm just really struggling
12:45with him at the moment, Nick.
12:47Well, that's life with teenagers.
12:49I'm very much finding out.
12:51What did he say?
12:53Oh, he...
12:55He's got this idea of how he should seem to other people.
12:57And how does he want to seem?
13:01He's 17.
13:03Said that.
13:05So that's why, the lies.
13:07He's a gay lad in a small village
13:09and while it's friendly enough,
13:11he's working out where he fits in in life.
13:13Square peg, round hole.
13:15And in the meantime,
13:17I'm criticising his every move.
13:19I can't blame Kim
13:21if she wants it over,
13:23but there's ways to do things.
13:25I mean, I woke up this morning on the settee
13:27and there's a bloke knocking about
13:29in my dressing gown
13:31that's definitely not slept on a settee.
13:33Right, so pretty much sounds
13:35the same as what you did to her.
13:37All right, see if you think I'd do this.
13:39I've been getting blackmailed
13:41by someone who knows what I've done, right?
13:43They want £50,000
13:45or they're going to tell Kim.
13:51Right, so that's how she found out
13:53because you almost didn't get it.
13:55Oh, I got it.
13:57What? I should have said triples.
13:59Anyway, so I goes to pay
14:01and there's this grave that's been half dug
14:03and there's a note saying
14:05to carry it on.
14:07They've called me and told me they've got Kim,
14:09by the way, all right.
14:11They've snatched her?
14:13Yeah. Anyway, so I'm digging away
14:15and her voice is coming from underground.
14:17Hang on, so you saved her
14:19and she's still sacked you off?
14:21No, I'm digging like crazy to reach her.
14:23I hits this coffin.
14:25I lifts the lid up
14:27and inside, all that's inside
14:29is a walkie-talkie.
14:31Then Kim appears
14:33at top of all saying that she's been
14:35blackmailing me and making me think
14:37that she's about to get killed
14:39and then she thanks me for money
14:41which, obviously, I've virtually
14:43gambled my life on
14:45and she just leaves me to rot.
14:49Oh, my God.
14:51I mean, that may be
14:53the most impressive
14:55thing I've ever heard in my life.
14:59Your life is a wreck.
15:01It's a ruin.
15:03Do you know what the really
15:05sad thing is?
15:07I loved her and
15:09I still do.
15:17Aye, aye, aye.
15:19Your mum likes long lists,
15:21doesn't she?
15:23Well, this is just a quarter of it.
15:29You on your own?
15:31Come back.
15:35Karl, um...
15:39It feels like we're not mates anymore.
15:41I'm sorry.
15:43Is this about what happened the other day
15:45in the car?
15:47You scared me.
15:49Did I?
15:51I'm sorry.
15:53It's just...
15:55when you lose something like that,
15:57something where you got your whole life on it
15:59Anyway, that's no excuse.
16:01I'm sorry.
16:03And I'm obviously not going to go to the police,
16:05so they're off the hook.
16:09You know what they had at the supermarket?
16:11I saw it and I thought,
16:13I know a little lad
16:15that could use one of those.
16:21Ah, ah, ah, ah.
16:25That business with the tablet.
16:27Are we done with all that?
16:31You sure?
16:33Yeah, sure.
16:35Repeat after me.
16:39What tablet?
16:43What tablet?
16:45Good man.
16:53And then Bob's going around with the mic
16:55and Amelia says,
16:57oh, Dan's the best dad ever
16:59and then his ex said something
17:01and then Val, oh, who you won't know
17:03and then this guy
17:05who nobody knew
17:07well, I recognise him a little bit
17:09he said,
17:11Hiya, I'm Kev
17:13and Kerry is married to me.
17:15Who were he?
17:17My husband.
17:21You just married Dan.
17:25Gotten a bit of bar for that.
17:31I think I'd better
17:33drink this up and go.
17:35Yeah, me too.
17:41Do you fancy another?
17:43I wish you'd get back for us, Dave.
17:45Amelia's just texted
17:47asking if we can do another time.
17:49Was she asking us or telling us?
17:56She didn't say.
17:58It'll be Tom, won't it?
18:00Oh, I really hope not.
18:02I'd hate to think he's starting with Amelia
18:04how he was with Belle.
18:06If he ever, so much as looks,
18:08has to the wrong way.
18:10I know, I agree, but it's Amelia
18:12I'm worried about for now.
18:22The girls were at a party
18:24and the boys were there too.
18:26The girls shook their booties and the boys went,
18:28Yeah, nice one, Eminem.
18:30No, have you got any hopscotch?
18:32Because I'm proper good at that.
18:34No, but Clemmie's got a dollhouse you can play with.
18:36What's up?
18:38Yeah, I think I should be asking you that.
18:40That punch bag doesn't punch back, does it?
18:42Not so far, no.
18:44So what's with all of the...
18:46Playing with the kids.
18:48Right, and what's the game? Hit Daddy with bricks?
18:50Look, I've got
18:52sort of a training programme going, so...
18:54What's that in aid of?
18:56Keeping healthy.
18:58Want to join in?
19:02No, I had a banana last week, so I'm good.
19:04Listen, R.E., the car.
19:06Oh, the one I can't afford
19:08because I'm a know-nothing peasant.
19:10I've made some calls.
19:12Not heard anything back yet because it's such a small budget.
19:14Well, can I get something for three?
19:16A thousand? Yeah, I can get you something for three.
19:18It won't come from Germany.
19:20Then I might be able to stretch to four.
19:22Sorry, you've made two grand
19:24in, what,
19:26three hours?
19:28Tell me your secret.
19:30Don't have one.
19:32But the sooner, the better, yeah?
19:36Yeah, yeah, I'll get you a cheap rental
19:38in the meantime.
19:40Yeah, cheers.
19:42Tell those kids to lay off you, yeah?
19:52Tomorrow's no good.
19:54And the day after won't work for me either.
19:58can I save you
20:00the trouble of listing all the days of the week
20:02in order and say
20:04thank you for your interest in pursuing
20:06a relationship, but it's not reciprocated.
20:14Are you getting back with your husband?
20:18Well, that
20:20will depend on him.
20:30Hello. Hello.
20:32Been to the pub by any chance?
20:36And are you capable of a coherent conversation?
20:38About what?
20:40You, me,
20:42you and me.
20:44Couldn't hold on.
20:46Definitely should have gone before we left the pub,
20:50at least the plants have been watered.
20:54Hello. Hi.
20:56I'm sorry, but we already have a clean.
21:02No, it's not.
21:04We're free agents, aren't we?
21:08Very modern, aren't we just?
21:10So are you good?
21:16Oh, right. Now.
21:18Oh? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:20See ya.
21:22See ya.