Moray Playhouse Cinema

  • last week
00:00Hello, I'm Alistair from the Northern Scot, and I'm here with Steve Pieski, the General Manager of the Murray Playhouse Cinema.
00:09I've got a question for you, Steve.
00:12Are you ready?
00:13I am ready, yes.
00:14Come on, let's go.
00:15Let's go.
00:17All right.
00:22We have had some spooky goings-on in the cinema over the past few years.
00:27Here we have the kiosk.
00:28Not a lot of people will recognise the cinema in the dark.
00:31It's usually a lot brighter.
00:33Our most recent event that we had involved the kiosk here.
00:40To my surprise, we had three piles of hot lid cups kindly remove themselves from the counter where they are stored and landed down in front of our microwave down here.
00:59I was in the building myself.
01:01Nobody else here at all.
01:03I heard the noise and came through and seen immediately what it was.
01:07Those cup lids that are on the floor do not get stored anywhere near there.
01:10They came from up here.
01:13Nobody else was in the building, and they landed down there.
01:15Three perfect piles there.
01:17I have photographic evidence on my phone as well.
01:19Sadly, nothing was picked up on the CCTV cameras because they don't quite cover that area there.
01:25When was this, Steve?
01:26This was probably about two months ago now.
01:28So that's the most recent?
01:29That's the most recent one that we've had.
01:31But there's far more than that, isn't there?
01:33Far more has happened in the past four years that I have been here, and there has been lots going on before my time here as well.
01:40Now, I will take you upstairs and I will show you and tell you about what has happened over the past couple of years that warrants an investigation of the paranormal activity.
01:51Please leave the way.
01:53If you follow me.
01:56Okay, so here we have the foyer for cinema two and three where I've seen my most impressive spooky situation here.
02:05I came up to a lock up one night, came around the corner here, and straight ahead of me at the door here at the giant's toilets.
02:13Have you got the torch here, Alistair?
02:16Giant's toilets here.
02:18A shadowy figure came through the toilet door, actually through the toilet door.
02:23The door didn't move.
02:24It came out, walked around the corner and went into the door on the right hand side there.
02:30This door here is the giant's toilets.
02:32The shadowy figure came through this door, took a couple of steps, went around the corner and went through this door into the staff room here.
02:41It's a large figure of a gentleman.
02:44There was no other details on it.
02:46It was just a shadowy figure, pure black.
02:49No other distinctive features on it at all.
02:52And it's strange that it happened in this corner because my other personal situation that's happened was opening up one morning.
03:00This is the door here for the cleaner's cupboard.
03:02All our light switches are behind here.
03:06Wednesday morning, opened up.
03:08As soon as I put the key in the door and opened the door, a voice as clear as day just over my right hand shoulder, right in the ear.
03:16Are you ready?
03:17Are you ready?
03:18Are you ready?
03:19And that was it.
03:21Instantly got the goosebumps.
03:22My reply was, I'm ready.
03:24I hope it's going to be busy.
03:26And that was it.
03:28When you hear things, it's clear as day.
03:30I know I'm not going crazy.
03:32It does put a shock to the system.
03:36I bet.
03:37Is it just yourself that's seen this then?
03:39Other members of staff have said they've seen and heard things in the cinema.
03:44We've got a couple of ladies in the kiosk, Sheena Cameron, Linda Connor.
03:47They've been with the company for over 30 years and they have both heard stories of people seeing things.
03:53They've experienced things themselves.
03:55We've had workmen in the building that have said that they've heard noises, especially when Cinema 3 was getting built.
04:01A lot of activity seems to be happening when things are getting done in the building.
04:06We're making changes.
04:08But you say, is it frightening?
04:10You say you never felt threatened?
04:11Never once felt threatened.
04:13This was the biggest one with the shadow coming through the door.
04:16Because that was something I could actually see with my own eyes.
04:20And I had to run downstairs and get help from Sheena to come up.
04:23Because I just didn't want to be up here myself.
04:25Since then, everything has been cool.
04:27There's not been any issues.
04:29But I never once felt threatened.
04:31It's almost like we're a part of a family.