• 1 hour ago
Carolyn Cameron wins Inverness 5k 2025
00:00Good time, are you happy with your time?
00:02Yeah, I think it was about a 4 or 5 second PB, so I can't really complain, so yeah, it was good fun.
00:07Good, so this is the first time you've done this one?
00:09Yeah, yeah, I've never even been to Inverness until this weekend, so it's a very new experience,
00:13but it was a really nice route along the river and stuff, and very flat, which is always a good thing.
00:18And perfect running conditions.
00:19Oh for sure, it's such a nice day, and there's very little wind as well, which makes it better.
00:23Okay, so you've been a member of Aberdeen for long?
00:25I've been a member of Aberdeen for a few years, I was a member of Edinburgh AC before that.
00:30But yeah, I've been running since I was like 8 years old, so it's...
00:32Okay, so what age are you now?
00:34Eh, 25.
00:3525, okay, right, okay.
00:37So what do you actually do for, are you a student, or are you...?
00:39I'm a teacher, a PE teacher.
00:40Okay, which school?
00:42Kemney and Aberdeenshire.
00:43Alright, okay, yeah, yeah, okay.
00:45So any big plans from here on?
00:48Eh, I don't really know, maybe a 1 or 2 more 5Ks and then aim for the track season.
00:52I normally do like 1500s, 3Ks on track, so yeah, just looking forward to some outdoors tracks.
00:57This is a bit step up in distance, but...
00:59Yeah, love it.
01:00Yeah, okay, well thank you very much.