Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) 04 Freezer Burn, SF animation、 アニメーション

  • 2 days ago
Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) playlist:

Umi no Triton playlist:

Betty Boop playlist:

Archie's Funhouse playlist:

Action Man (2000 TV series) playlist:

Action Man playlist:

Men In Black: The Series playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7y6jg

Super Mario Brothers Super Show playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7xlu0

Super Mario World Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7x79j

Kirby Right Back at Ya Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7r0sn

101 Dalmatians (Disney dog animation) playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7u52l


00:00To many, it is modern day folklore. To others, it is simply tabloid headlines. But to a select
00:11few, it is the ultimate reality. Intergalactic aliens have arrived on Earth. Now, they move
00:18among us. Only one top secret elite group of trained professionals has the ability to
00:24detect these extraterrestrial beings. The A.D. The Bureau of Alien Detectors. Led by
00:31squadron leader Sergeant Ben Packer, military war hero. Special agent Shane Sanderson, life
00:36science expert. Moose Tringanu, alien encounter survivor. Colin Marcus, computer specialist.
00:42And Casey Taylor, psychic communicator. Together, they have only one mission. To confront, control,
00:49and contain all alien encounters. Together, they are the A.D. The Bureau of Alien Detectors.
01:01This way, men. Remember, keep it simple. No heroics. What are we looking for, sir?
01:06Orders are to find parts of the Angel satellite that recently fell to Earth.
01:10Sir, I see the fallen Angel over there. All right, Sergeant. You take the point.
01:14Okay, men. Move out.
01:19So, is it a satellite or an alien craft?
01:22That's what we're here to find out. Get the containment crates.
01:25Hold on. I'm getting a radiation read. That way.
01:30Move out.
01:31We've locked onto your signal, Lieutenant. Try not to confront the visitors. Your objective
01:37must remain a secret. Proceed with caution.
01:42We don't know what's inside. Wait for backup if you see anything.
01:45I thought we were after satellite parts, sir. What's in this case?
01:49Change of directive, soldier. There's a special package we're looking for. Orders of B.A.D.
01:54Caution, men.
01:56You hear those strange sounds? We're not alone.
01:59Do not fire your weapons. This place gives me the creeps.
02:02Keep your cool, guys.
02:05What's that?
02:07Hold your fire, soldiers. Shoot them. They're all around us. Don't panic. They're all around us.
02:13We need backup. There's too many of them.
02:16We can't stop them. Let's get out of here.
02:19Fall back. Fall back, men.
02:23Charlie, report in.
02:25They're coming straight for us. Help us, sir. They got us pinned.
02:29Just keep firing. Just keep firing.
02:37What in the world?
02:46Captain, help me.
02:50Help me.
03:12I was so close. Why did Major V have to call a special meeting now? I'm not giving up.
03:20He's alive. I just know it. He's alive.
03:27Team 22C, we have a situation.
03:31I see Special Agent Taylor has not seen fit to join us yet.
03:35Uh, Major V, she's on her way. I'll get her up to speed.
03:38Indeed. Your assignment is to track down and recover a four-member hazardous materials recovery team.
03:45Missing in Quadrant J38 since yesterday.
03:49J38? That's in Canada.
03:52Can't somebody get lost somewhere warm for once like the Bahamas or Tahiti or Rio?
03:58The missing hazmat personnel are to be recovered at all costs. Time is of the essence.
04:06Let's move out.
04:09That means you too, Special Agent Taylor.
04:12If it's because you haven't had any luck in locating the whereabouts of Special Agent Borges...
04:16No, it's not Miguel. It's... I don't know.
04:21You were out in the chopper looking for him.
04:24Unauthorized use of Bureau equipment can get the whole team grounded, Casey.
04:28Special Agent Borges didn't just vanish into thin air, sir.
04:32It was a firefight with the aliens. The whole mountain was on fire.
04:35You were there? You saw the destruction? The smoke?
04:39Yes, I was there, pinned down by aliens in a firefight. I might have been taken out if not for...
04:50Miguel! Look out!
04:53Agent Borges saved my life. Sacrificed his own. The aliens abducted him.
04:58I gave chase and found their base hidden under a lake.
05:02They were trying to escape. Was Miguel in their ship? I don't know.
05:06But that's when you joined in.
05:08Hold your position, Agent Taylor. I'm in pursuit.
05:11I'm only going to disable their flight. We want them and Agent Borges alive.
05:15Locked on. Firing to disable.
05:21I didn't mean it, but the ship blew up with Miguel on it.
05:24Well, maybe that's the difference between us, sir. You've written him off as dead.
05:28But me? I know he's out there somewhere, fighting for his life. I can feel it.
05:37I thought you called off the search for Special Agent Borges.
05:40Special Agent Taylor is trouble. Her inner sixth sense worries us.
05:45She has no idea of the truth when it comes to Agent Borges.
05:49And believe me, Ms. Gray, she is going to be kept too busy to ever find out.
05:55Team 22C, exercise extreme caution. There is possibility of extraterrestrial involvement.
06:03Keep comm-links open for constant communication and updates.
06:07That is all. V out.
06:17This way, team.
06:19There's the debris from the Angel satellite.
06:22This must be the cave they entered.
06:25The hazmat team found something.
06:27Their beacon is on, through that crack in the ice.
06:30Well, you're not afraid of the dark. Neither am I.
06:33We're with you, Sarge.
06:35Tight formation. Taylor, Tringano, take the rear.
06:37Let's join the party, Casey.
06:45We're headed in the right direction. The signal from their communicator is strong.
06:49We're practically right on top of them.
06:51There's something faint up ahead.
06:53Here it is. Takes the licking and keeps on ticking.
06:56No. I was afraid of this.
07:00Those stinking aliens. They froze them in a block of ice.
07:04We don't know aliens did it.
07:06The heck we don't.
07:08Carve them out of there and transport them back to the Battlehawk.
07:11I want to be cleared out of here in 15 minutes.
07:13Taylor, you and I will secure the perimeter.
07:20Sorry, Sarge.
07:21I could have sworn I heard Miguel right then, calling me.
07:28Come on, surfer boy. Let's load them up and move them out.
07:31I'm getting the creeps.
07:33Whoa, that's weird.
07:35This ice is so thin.
07:37I don't think I've ever seen ice this thick before.
07:40I don't think I've ever seen ice this thick before.
07:43I don't think I've ever seen ice this thick before.
07:46This ice isn't cold.
07:48At least not ice cold.
07:50Some kind of artificial ice?
07:52Could be.
07:55What are you getting?
07:56Methane, some ammonia, some rare earths, lithium, cesium.
08:00Sounds extraterrestrial to me.
08:02About as extraterrestrial as they come.
08:04That's freaky.
08:06Hey, wait a minute.
08:08They're alive!
08:11I knew it. Aliens.
08:14Man, I've never seen anything like it.
08:17Those hazmat guys are in a perfect state of cryogenic suspension.
08:21So? Cryo's been around for years.
08:23This is light years ahead of any human technology.
08:26Trust me.
08:28But why would aliens want to freeze humans?
08:31Maybe the aliens want to transport them back to their home planet.
08:36Even at light speed, some galaxies are hundreds of years away.
08:39No human, not even human remains, would last that long unless they were preserved somehow.
08:44I think we're dealing with a T1 encounter.
08:47Could be very dangerous.
08:49And that's why we're going to make sure that whatever is in there doesn't get out.
08:53Put them on ice for a change.
08:55Yeah, okay.
08:57Time to lock the door.
09:09All set, sir.
09:11We'll start the timer when everyone's clear.
09:13Yes, sir. Two minutes.
09:15Let's go, team.
09:18Come on, Case.
09:20Wait a second, Moose. I'm sensing something.
09:24Let's sense it from out there, okay?
09:26The countdown hasn't started yet.
09:28Just give me a few seconds.
09:32Hold it. I've got something big here.
09:35What is it, Taylor?
09:36I'm sending a visual feed.
09:38I don't think it's a craft.
09:40Maybe the alien's energy unit or food processing device.
09:44Or it's an early warning device.
09:47Sarge, I think we've hit some kind of laser tripwire.
09:50Get out of there now. Go! Go!
09:57Oh, my...
09:59There's a baby in here, Sarge.
10:01A human baby.
10:05Get out of there, Taylor. Now!
10:07Sarge, the sound triggered the countdown.
10:09It's not responding to recall.
10:11I can't stop it.
10:12Sanderson, Marcus, Tranganu, get to the chopper.
10:15Taylor, get out. That's an order.
10:20Moose, get back here! Now!
10:22Not without Casey.
10:24Casey! Casey!
10:34Casey, come on!
10:37What do you mean, no? Come on!
10:40Man, it's a baby.
10:42That baby is alive, Moose. Get it out of there, fast!
10:45Elemental Mark, steal!
10:51Good job, Moose. You did it!
10:53Box ticket, Case.
10:55Come on, little fella. Casey's got you.
10:58You're gonna be all right.
11:01Hey, Moose!
11:02Hey, Moose!
11:03What was that you were saying about getting out of here pronto?
11:06We've only got seconds left.
11:10Private Tranganu, Special Agent Taylor, respond!
11:14Hang on, Casey! We gotta haul it!
11:18Moose and Casey are either trapped in there, or they've been buried alive.
11:22Scanning the mountain now, Sarge.
11:24Got him!
11:25No, wait. Got three readouts here.
11:28Could be the two of them and the baby Casey said she found.
11:31Sanderson, you sure you're reading human?
11:33Oh, yeah. As human as they come.
11:36We've got to get to the chopper.
11:38Copy that, Sarge.
11:40Could be the two of them and the baby Casey said she found.
11:43Sanderson, you sure you're reading human?
11:45Oh, yeah. As human as they come.
11:52Case, you okay?
11:54Yeah, I think so.
11:56Hey, little buddy.
11:58You're getting a lot of your color back, you know that?
12:00Other people might not have spotted it, but me?
12:03I knew you were alive the minute I saw you.
12:06Come on! Whatever's in here has gotta know we're here by now.
12:09I heard a doorbell pretty loud.
12:12Getting closer, aren't they?
12:14Yeah. Let's see if we can find somewhere to duck out of sight.
12:21Any sign of another way in?
12:23Still looking.
12:24Hey, I think I see an opening, Sarge.
12:2617 left, 23 down.
12:28There's a small vent visible on the scanner screen.
12:40We've gotta work fast.
12:42Whatever froze those soldiers may be after, if they're alive.
12:46There's a little side passage coming up on the left.
12:49Looks like it might just be the place for two fugitives and a baby to hold up while they figure out their next move.
12:54If that ain't it.
12:56You know what? You look just like Miguel.
12:59Did you know that, you little sweetheart?
13:04I'm sensing something. Something different this time.
13:07I don't see anything.
13:09We're being watched. Get us out of here. Go! Go!
13:17They might be alive if they got away from the explosion.
13:20My scanner's picking up life signs of another sort. Not human.
13:23And I'm getting anomalous readings all around us.
13:27Hey, look at this.
13:29We got company, guys. Right here.
13:37Sarge, up there!
13:40If we don't get out of here, we'll be the ice tree of the month.
13:49Let's give them a taste of their own medicine.
13:54Good shooting, Marcus. Hit them again.
14:01The shades are determinated. They're regenerating back to full power. We can't stop them.
14:05Let's make a tactical retreat. There's too many of them.
14:11We're hit! Engine froze!
14:13Get out! Get out!
14:21What's that?
14:22What's what?
14:23There's a light up ahead, Moose. Daylight! It wasn't there a minute ago.
14:27That way!
14:33I can't move my hands or feet! They're frozen! I can't steer the machine!
14:37Come on, Marcus. Move it!
14:42Sarge, look out!
14:47Looks like they're a part of the ice.
14:49Uh-oh. Ten o'clock. Two flying in. Retreat!
14:56Sarge, over here!
14:59Here comes the cavalry. Hope he makes it through.
15:04They spotted us! Let's go!
15:07You rang?
15:09Move, Sanderson!
15:21Sarge, the blasters won't work against these guys.
15:24We know! We know!
15:26I did a lab run on the alien ice. It's not just simple methane and ammonia.
15:30There are a lot of impurities.
15:32And my guess is we can rig a solution that'll break the chemicals down like laundry detergent on a greasy dish towel.
15:37Your guess?
15:39I was sure enough of it to log it into the computer. Ready to go?
15:42Good job. You two get set up to rumble with the aliens. I'm going back for Casey and Moose.
15:49Contact Major V. We might need some backup.
15:52Good luck.
16:01Hang on, little trooper.
16:05I see daylight!
16:07Oh, great. We're going to be entrees in the frozen food section.
16:11Special agent markings to Major V. Code red. Repeat, code red.
16:15We are engaged in an alien firefight.
16:21Yes! Come on, Sarge!
16:31I got a read on Casey and Moose. Close and getting closer.
16:35We need something to divert their attention so the Sarge can get out.
16:39Hey, blue boy! Over here!
16:44Oh, boy. Shane! Get down!
17:00Moose! If we don't get around him, we'll be frozen!
17:03I'll hold him off. You go!
17:05Oh, no. Not without you.
17:10Consider this a Tarzan yodel, blue boy.
17:13Excuse me while I kick some alien butt.
17:16Sarge! Save the hugs and kisses for later. We've got to get out of here.
17:31They've taken one of the cannons out.
17:38Oh, great. Sarge is really going to nail me for this.
17:41Kick it off.
17:43It's already frozen solid. If you try to move it, it snaps off.
17:46Just tell me what to do, Sandman.
17:48Get me on the chopper. If the hazmat guys can come out of this alive, then so can I.
17:53You'll be fine, Marcus. Just like this little guy.
17:57Whoa. Ugly little cuss. Where'd he come from?
18:00Packer to Major V. Call off all backup units. Mission accomplished. We're coming home.
18:09How's Sanderson doing, Marcus?
18:11Got him stabilized, Sarge. I'd swear he's smiling right now.
18:15This is just one big lab test to him.
18:17I'm sure those hazmat guys could have done without being turned into alien guinea pigs.
18:21How are they coming along?
18:23Shane said he was going to make it because they were going to make it, and Shane never lies.
18:27He's right so far. I'll tell you one thing for sure.
18:30This ice stuff stops molecular movement.
18:33The photo in the security file on Agent McLaurin here shows him with gray hair.
18:37These people aren't growing any older.
18:39Even guys dye their hair sometimes, Marcus.
18:42Not when they're encased in a block of ice, Sarge.
18:44If being on alien ice makes you look that much younger in only two days...
18:48How long was this little guy on ice?
18:51A whole lot longer than that.
18:53He sure is one cute little guy.
18:55Don't see many babies with hair that red.
18:58No, you sure don't.
19:00Miguel must have looked like that when he was a kid.
19:03Yeah. Look, this fella's even got the same kind of strawberry mark in the palm of his hand.
19:16Bye, sweetheart. Don't forget me, okay?
19:20Oh, aren't you sweet?
19:22I just love that adorable red hair.
19:26That's Miguel, isn't it?
19:28No, my dear. The Miguel you knew is dead.
19:31No, that baby is him, Special Agent Borges.
19:36He's gotten younger and younger in that alien ice.
19:39And, Ms. Gray, I think you knew that,
19:41and I think you have a pretty good idea of why the aliens would want to do that.
19:45You give me too much credit.
19:47Look, I know it is Miguel.
19:50Would it make you feel better, my dear, to believe that?
19:54Yes, it would.
19:57I've confiscated Special Agent Sanderson's notes, as you suggested.
20:02Yes, well, we can't have people thinking aliens are bringing them a fountain of youth.
20:07Could you imagine the public relations problems that would cause?
20:10No one likes to grow old, Ms. Gray.
20:13They won't like growing too young, either.
20:16If Team 22Z hadn't found him when they did, we may never have found him at all.
20:22Seal the file on Special Agent Borges, Major V.
20:25I want all official inquiries to terminate,
20:27especially any that might be instituted by Special Agent Casey Taylor.
20:32We don't want her to intrude on his second childhood.
20:35Now do we?
