Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) 03 The Encounter, SF animation、 アニメーション

  • 2 days ago
Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) playlist:

Umi no Triton playlist:

Betty Boop playlist:

Archie's Funhouse playlist:

Action Man (2000 TV series) playlist:

Action Man playlist:

Men In Black: The Series playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7y6jg

Super Mario Brothers Super Show playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7xlu0

Super Mario World Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7x79j

Kirby Right Back at Ya Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7r0sn

101 Dalmatians (Disney dog animation) playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7u52l


00:00To many, it is modern-day folklore.
00:06To others, it is simply tabloid headlines.
00:09But to a select few, it is the ultimate reality.
00:13Intergalactic aliens have arrived on Earth.
00:16Now, they move among us.
00:18Only one top-secret elite group of trained professionals
00:22has the ability to detect these extraterrestrial beings.
00:27B.A.D. The Bureau of Alien Detectors.
00:31Led by squadron leader Sgt. Ben Packer, military war hero,
00:34special agent Shane Sanderson, life science expert,
00:37Moose Tringanu, alien encounter survivor,
00:40Colin Marcus, computer specialist,
00:42and Casey Taylor, psychic communicator.
00:44Together, they have only one mission.
00:47To confront, control, and contain all alien encounters.
00:51Together, they are B.A.D. The Bureau of Alien Detectors.
01:02Okay, invasion commence.
01:08Yeah, attack, attack!
01:11Direct hit! Yeah!
01:13Take that! Multiple fires!
01:17Whoa! Where'd that bogey come from?
01:21Oh, no!
01:23Ah, they got me!
01:27Hey, what's this?
01:29Aunt Jean!
01:34Aunt Jean!
01:37Honey, I'm on the phone with your mom.
01:39Yeah, we'll see you in two weeks. Bye-bye.
01:41What is it, Josh?
01:44Turn off the vacuum cleaner, please.
01:46It's messing up my game.
01:48I'm not vacuuming. It must be your computer.
01:51Soon as I'm done, we'll go for ice cream, okay?
01:58How much extra do we get paid to chase Jack Roman's cows?
02:03Hey, you're getting paid?
02:14Aunt Jean, are you sure you're not vacuuming?
02:19This is Control 34. Request assistance to Parker Farm. Roll route four. Over.
02:24Oh, the radio's dead.
02:37What is that thing?
02:39That ain't no Cessna. We need backup.
03:07Aunt Jean, it looks like the barn is on fire!
03:11Josh, get the fire extinguisher, quick!
03:28Aunt Jean!
03:36Aunt Jean!
03:43Aunt Jean!
03:45Aunt Jean!
03:50D.A.D. code level five. Repeat, this is a level five alert.
03:55Fallen angel crash site location confirmed. All leaves canceled.
04:00Recall code Jackhammer one. Teams will assemble at O-900.
04:12Acknowledged, 22C. Over.
04:15Roger, HQ. Sergeant Ben Packer and Special Agent Casey Taylor inbound.
04:19There goes the coffee break. Only the third time this week.
04:23Code Jackhammer one. Sounds like something big.
04:30Incoming personnel. Entry level Q. ID verification procedure commencing.
04:45Verification confirmed. Sergeant Ben Packer. Access authorization code C-4. Pass.
04:52Confirmation. Special Agent Casey Taylor. Access authorization code E-16.
04:59Special Agent Colin Marcus. Special Agent Shane Sanderson. Report ready room B.
05:07Marcus in.
05:09Coming, Mother. Tell Major V to keep his boogie board waxed.
05:16Team 22C, we have a situation.
05:20At 1756 last night, satellites over the Northern Hemisphere detected unidentified alien craft entering Earth's atmosphere.
05:29Any pictures from the relays, Major?
05:31Yeah. I'd like to see what E.T. looked like.
05:34You'll tell us when you report in from the crash site.
05:38You've got the coordinates?
05:40Yes. We think the craft was damaged during a flyby of the asteroid belt.
05:45It wasn't a target Earth?
05:46That will be your determination, Agent Sanderson.
05:49A real fallen angel.
05:51Team 22C, you will proceed to the impact site.
05:55Isolate any alien personnel, alive or dead.
05:59Seal the area.
06:01And Moose, alive is better than dead.
06:05Too bad most of them don't feel the same about us.
06:08Your mission is investigation, not cauterization. Is that clear?
06:14Yes, sir. I only meant...
06:16Whatever the state of the alien crew, we want them and the wreckage...
06:20Boxed and flown home for analysis. Yes, sir.
06:23Team 22C, proceeding on command.
06:46Taylor, check the tie-down on the road gunner. We're heading into some chop.
06:56On it, Sarge.
06:57Coming up on the crash site, Sarge. E.T.A., ten minutes.
07:00How's it coming, Moose? Are things secure?
07:02Yeah. Everything's looking good, Case.
07:05Hey, Case! Casey! Look out!
07:10Metamorph steel!
07:15Great reflexes!
07:17Thanks, Moose.
07:18No problem, Case.
07:32There it is. Prepare for landing.
07:46Marcus, coordinate with the local sheriff on a witness interview list.
07:51Awesome wreckage!
07:53Take Moose and secure the area. I want everything that came down last night.
07:57Yes, Sarge.
07:59Tire tracks.
08:00Someone got here before we did.
08:04Let's go see if there's a welcoming committee.
08:14We've got trouble. People from some bureau are out looking at the wreck.
08:18We can't let them do that.
08:20No, we can't.
08:39Taylor, what is it?
08:40Sorry, Sarge. I guess I'm kind of jumpy.
08:43Somebody around here is real afraid.
08:48House Reed's empty.
08:50No, it's somewhere else. It's something else.
08:56Marcus, scan this box of alien goodies, huh?
09:01Looks okay.
09:04He's in a hurry.
09:05We must be parked in a no-chopper zone.
09:18Hey, Sandman, over here.
09:26Hmm. Boron-based polymers.
09:29We help you people. You got some business here?
09:32That's right. Looks like we got ourselves a code red alien encounter here.
09:36Maybe so. But we got it under control. We really don't need any help from the outside.
09:41Sheriff, this is a federal investigation now. Our jurisdiction supersedes yours.
09:47And we're sure you'll want to cooperate with us. Do you know if there are any witnesses?
09:51I can have that list over to you tomorrow.
09:53Too many hours after the fact, Sheriff.
09:57Sorry. This is a restricted area now.
10:00I'm afraid I can't permit you gentlemen to continue. There are certain local considerations that...
10:05There is also the National Guard. I promise you, Sheriff, they will be all over this place in less than three hours if you interfere further with our investigation.
10:14You boys have it your way for now. But this isn't over. Let's go.
10:21Nothing like a little interagency cooperation, I always say.
10:27Something wrong, Casey?
10:29Yeah. Like maybe we're being watched.
10:35Somebody's in there.
10:38I sense fear.
10:40Mutated. Casey, I've got something here.
10:44Me too, Sarge.
11:00Sarge, over here!
11:05Get back! Get away from me!
11:10That jean just stood there like she was frozen.
11:13And then this alien came over to her. He covered her with this incredibly gross slime. And you're not gonna believe this next thing.
11:21When it comes to aliens, Sarge and the rest of us get real open-minded.
11:25So if I tell you I saw that thing suck itself into my aunt's mouth, you'd believe me?
11:30Where's your aunt now, Josh?
11:31She went into the barn. I went after her, but when I got in there, she was nowhere in sight.
11:35Don't worry, Josh. We'll find your aunt.
11:39Sanderson, report. When can you wrap up the crash site?
11:42Well, we've pretty much collected all the scrap. I'm still running an analysis on some wicked residue Colin found.
11:49The quicker the better, Shane. We've got an eyewitness here confirming an alien may have survived impact.
11:54Copy that loud and clear, Sarge.
12:01Josh, there you are. Where have you been?
12:04Aunt Jean!
12:08Mrs. Parker? We have a few questions we need to ask you.
12:11Well, I have a few questions for Josh. We've been looking everywhere for you.
12:15But Aunt Jean, I was right here.
12:17We've been helping Mrs. Parker look for her nephew. He ran off last night, right after the crash.
12:23I did not!
12:25Oh, no, Josh. Of course you were scared. I don't blame you. I was petrified myself.
12:30I didn't run away!
12:32We'll talk about it in the house, young man. Now.
12:38Josh told us he saw an alien approach you. Maybe even attack you.
12:42All he does is play video games and watch Star Trek. I'm surprised he didn't tell you I was a Klingon.
12:47Look, your people may pull rank out there, but this is private property here. You need to leave.
12:53We'll be in contact, Sheriff.
12:56You think Josh was making it all up?
12:58Do you? He saw something, Case.
13:03I can't believe it. This has got to be the biggest alien crash recovery since Roswell, New Mexico.
13:09Priority code just came in from Major V. This cargo gets back to the base ASAP.
13:14By some as yet unexplained method, what appears to be a normal, full-grown rat has mutated to roughly ten times its usual size.
13:23A silvery fluid can be observed seeping from its mouth and nose.
13:27I am now ascertaining whether its organic makeup is the same as that of the viscous residue Agent Marcus found at the crash site.
13:35That's weird.
13:39Severe photosensitivity.
13:43Sarge, I think I've got something.
13:50This is photosensitivity big time, Sarge.
13:53Could be they don't dig light.
13:55That would mean they'd have to take cover fast, or they're toast.
14:00You aren't going to tell my mom and dad I ran away, are you, Aunt Jean?
14:04Because I didn't. I was trying to find you.
14:07Now, Josh, you're tired and confused, and it's been a really trying day for the both of us. I'll forget it if you will.
14:14I can't forget it, Aunt Jean. I know what I saw.
14:17It was dark. You were upset. You didn't see anything, because there was nothing to see.
14:30Aunt Jean? You're not my Aunt Jean!
14:33What have you done with her? Don't come any closer! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!
14:42Aunt Jean! No! No! No!
14:46It's Josh. He's in trouble.
14:48Sarge, Major V wants us back at HQ. Stat.
14:51We're gonna be late.
14:57Maybe you got my Aunt, but not me! Back off! You're not snatching my body!
15:02Gotta get help, fast! Serious help!
15:06Hello? Give me the Sheriff! This is an emergency!
15:16Sheriff, come quick! The alien took over my aunt! Now it's after me! Come quick to my aunt's house!
15:21Don't worry, son. We're on our way.
15:33Gotta have more light. Need more light!
15:39Yeah, let's see how you like this, you body-snatcher!
15:52Sarge, looks like the Sheriff's on his way, too.
15:55I have a bad feeling about him.
15:57There! Down there! See that?
16:00What is it?
16:01A signal of some kind.
16:03Sending for reinforcements.
16:11Great, the Sheriff's here. We'll get some action now.
16:16Over here, Sheriff! It's on the ground! It can't stand light! Hurry before it recovers!
16:22Kill the lights, now!
16:25What are you doing? Stop it! They don't like the light!
16:30They don't?
16:33You're one of them! You're all aliens! Let me go!
16:36Calm down, Josh! We mean you no harm!
16:42That's Josh's aunt who's shooting at us!
16:48I guess we just found out where the aliens are, team.
16:51Inside the people?
16:53Inside the people?
17:04Hit them with the light! They can't stand bright light!
17:07Shut up, son! We don't want to hurt you!
17:24Hold your fire! He's got Josh!
17:27The heck he does.
17:32Hold it right there. Now it's my turn.
17:35Elemental Morph Shield!
17:40Lower your weapons!
17:42I said lower them!
17:44Shoot us! You shoot our host!
17:47I told you they were bad guys.
17:49Not the way to make friends.
17:52We have no choice.
17:54We can only stay on this planet for a short time.
17:56And that time is already up.
17:58If we are still in these bodies when we disintegrate...
18:01Then get out of them! Now!
18:03We can't! You must let our ship pick us up!
18:06You'll leave your hosts behind?
18:09Yes. Unharmed.
18:11Sarge, it could be a trick.
18:13Yes, it could.
18:15But I don't think they want to risk the consequences.
18:18Call your ship.
18:23We got company. Twelve o'clock.
18:25Unidentified craft closing fast.
18:44They're leaving their host unharmed and returning to their ship.
18:47Good riddance to bad laundry.
18:53That was awesome.
18:55Just like my video game.
18:57I got a really bad taste in my mouth.
19:01This alien encounter took me back to an experience I keep trying to forget.
19:05My own alien abduction.
19:07It remains a mystery as to what they did to my body.
19:10How I morph into different parts of the elements...
19:12I just don't know.
19:14What I do know is that I will fight to the end to prevent it from happening to anyone else.
19:18Each time it happens, a part of me dies.
19:22The four adults and one youth have recovered from their experience and are returning to their homes.
19:27Were they properly deprogrammed to believe this was all a dream?
19:32Standard procedure, Major V.
19:34And what about the aliens?
19:37But we did secure over 500 pounds of material from the original crash site for future study.
19:42There was no loss of human life.
19:44We consider this mission a success.
19:47Sorry I'm late.
19:48Special Agent Tranganu.
19:50The report indicates that you played a key role in the safe rescue of the young hostage.
19:56So did everybody else, sir.
19:58Good work, Team 22C.
20:01Oh, and by the way, I have just been informed that we have another situation.
20:07We need you in North Alaska immediately.
20:11Let's move it.
20:13And so it begins again.
20:14The quest to search out and defend the Earth from all hostile alien invasions.
20:44NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
