To Duck or Not to Duck - Daffy Duck - Looney Tunes 1943 - Warner Bros Cartoon

  • avant-hier
00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:30Duck shot!
00:35More duck shot!
00:37Confidentially, those hunters couldn't hit the broad side of a duck.
00:44Ah! They got me!
00:47Oh! Oh! Oh! Yipe!
00:50Duck shot!
00:56Get him, Laramore! Retrieve him! Retrieve him!
01:01Take it easy, Rover! That's no way to retrieve a duck! Look!
01:08Gentle like! See, Laramore?
01:12Duck shot!
01:17Hello? Sorry I had to plug you, Mr. Duck, but I'm a sportsman. A great, great sportsman!
01:26A great sportsman, eh?
01:41Listen, sport! You don't know the meaning of fair play!
01:44What chance has a poor, helpless, fluffy little winged creature like me against you?
01:50You with your bullets and your shotgun and your knife and your duck call and your honey suit and your honey dog and all kind of stuff like that there!
01:59What possession have I got? A bulletproof vest, I suppose!
02:04How did that get there?
02:06How'd you like to meet me in a fair fight, Mr. Sport?
02:09All things being equal! Man to man! Marquise of Queensbury rules!
02:15That's different, eh? Yeah, that's something else again!
02:20You don't like that, do you, sportsman? No!
02:25You don't like it?
02:30You don't like it?
02:35Ladies and gentle ducks!
02:40In that corner...
02:48In that corner...
02:51He's a dog!
02:54You can have him!
02:59What a tramp!
03:06Elmer Fudd!
03:16And in this corner, a duck who needs no introduction!
03:22That outstanding exponent of clean sportsmanship!
03:27That champion of champions!
03:31Your friend and mine, our own, our beloved Daffy, good to his mother, Duck!
03:45Now, boys, fight clean!
03:50Oh, brother!
03:53No rough stuff! None of this!
03:56Or this!
03:57Or this!
03:58Or this!
04:00Or like so!
04:01Or this!
04:02Or this!
04:03Or this!
04:05You understand?
04:08Yeah, you mean none of this?
04:10Or this?
04:12Or like so?
04:13Or this?
04:16Or this?
04:18Or this?
04:21How about a little of this?
04:24Absolument pas!
04:28Vous savez, il y a quelque chose d'extraordinaire dans cette lutte!
04:32Ou mon nom n'est pas Laramore!
04:36Et ce n'est pas vrai!
04:42Tu l'as eu, champ!
04:43Il est presque mort!
04:45Sors de là!
04:48Donne-le à lui, champ!
04:49Laisse-le le faire, champ!
04:51Un peu de sin sur le dessus!
04:53Quelque chose pour stimuler le cerveau!
05:01Maintenant, bougez les mains!
05:09Quelle main prends-tu?
05:15C'est la mauvaise!
05:17C'est la bonne!
05:19C'est la mauvaise!
05:20Encore une fois!
05:22D'accord, d'accord!
05:23Je prends celle-là!
05:26N'est-ce pas génial?
05:28Tu es sûr que c'est celle que tu veux?
05:32Tu as raison!
05:33C'est la bonne!
05:37Et voici la première ronde!
05:411, 3, 9, 10, tu es sorti!
05:42Le gagnant et le nouveau champion, Daffy Duck!
05:49Lui aussi!
05:56Je ne suis pas celui qui complique, Mr. Douche Guy!
05:59Je pensais que vous étiez obligé de dire à rien de douche!
06:01A rien de ceci...
06:02ou ça...
06:03ou ça!
06:06ou ça, ou ça, ou ça!
06:14A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a! C'est tout, les gars!
