Con Sisters - EP 2

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Con Sisters - EP 2 - We Meet Our Rich Grandparents


00:00And I opened the door to find the most gorgeous boy ever standing outside.
00:04Hello, I'm Eric. We got some of your mail. I came to return it.
00:08I just stared at him, dumbstruck, feeling acutely aware of how terrible I looked.
00:13Just then, Meredith pushed me out of the way.
00:16Hey, thanks. You're such a lifesaver. Haven't seen you around before.
00:21I just moved into the house across the street.
00:23The big white one with the quadruplets?
00:25Yeah, they're my brothers.
00:27What? No, they can't be related to you. They're very unattractive.
00:32Meredith, can't you ever sugarcoat anything?
00:35I am sugarcoating. Did I call them ugly ogres?
00:39I am so sorry.
00:40It's okay. People have this reaction often. I'll see you girls around.
00:45He flashed his beautiful smile at us and then left.
00:49Wow, Eric stole his brother's luck, the school boy's luck,
00:52the neighborhood boy's luck, and his mother's and his father's luck, and the whole town's.
00:56I agree. He's beautiful. I hope he's smart and funny and kind, too.
01:01I'm sure he is. I never believed in love at first sight till I met Eric.
01:06Okay, maybe love is an exaggeration, but I was crushing on him hard.
01:10Freddie, how does this purple dress look on me?
01:13Claire, what the? You can't just come in without knocking. What if I wasn't wearing a towel?
01:18Well, you are, so unclench your butt. Now, what do you think about the dress?
01:22Hey, Freddie, I want your opinion on this red dress.
01:25Oh, hi, Claire. I didn't know you were here.
01:27Have some respect for my privacy.
01:30What are you talking about? Actually, I don't care. Now, tell me, I look hot, right?
01:34Of course I look hot. I could wear a potato sack and I'd look hot. I can do hot in my sleep.
01:39What's the dress for?
01:40The party at Eric's place. What, did you think you're the only one who got invited?
01:44The red's a bit much for a casual housewarming party, no?
01:49Yeah, you're right. It's more of a second date dress.
01:51Thanks, I'll look for something else. And your dress looks lovely.
01:55I am not your sister, and you can't treat me like this. I am a man.
02:01Okay, thanks for the newsflash. Come on, Claire, let's go before Freddie has a heart attack.
02:06The party was coming up soon, but I knew there would be many guests,
02:09and I wouldn't really get a chance to talk to Eric then.
02:12So, I decided to drop by to borrow some sugar one evening.
02:15But my heart sank when I spotted Meredith and Eric in the kitchen, and they were kissing.
02:21I couldn't believe that, witch. It was so obvious I was crushing on Eric, wasn't it?
02:26Can you give me some mashed potatoes, Claire?
02:28I lifted a spoonful and threw it straight at her face.
02:32Claire, what the heck?
02:34Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't want them on your face? You should have been clearer then.
02:39You got a problem with me?
02:41What a genius. Since you're so smart, I'm sure you already knew I liked Eric,
02:46but you went after him anyway.
02:47Yeah, I saw you two kissing.
02:49Oh my god, what? You like Eric? I had no idea. You should have been clearer, too.
02:56Cut it out, okay? You knew.
02:59Did not.
03:00Okay, so now that you know, will you stop seeing him?
03:04No, duh.
03:05Are you really into him?
03:07Not really, I barely know him. But he's cute and rich and he likes me.
03:12You did see that he was kissing me back, right?
03:14I flung another dollop of mashed potato straight in her eye and stormed off.
03:19Fine, that jerk could have Eric. I wasn't even gonna go to the party now.
03:22But on the night of the party, when I heard music floating from across the street,
03:26I couldn't help myself. Eric had just known Meredith for two days.
03:30This battle wasn't over yet.
03:32I knew I looked smoking hot as I marched up to Eric and Meredith in her stupid red dress.
03:37She looked furious to see me before she turned sickly sweet.
03:42Oh, hi. I thought you were unwell and not coming, honey. How are you doing now, honey?
03:48I'm good, honey. How are you, honey?
03:51I'm great, honey. Do you like my honey, honey?
03:54What honey? Honey?
03:55The honey, honey.
03:56I see no honey, honey.
03:59Uh, what's happening here?
04:00Don't worry about it. Let's go get some honey, honey.
04:03We don't have any honey, Meredith.
04:05Honey! You've ruined it. You should have ended the sentence with honey.
04:09Don't mind her, Eric. You already know she's rude. And she has a vile temper.
04:13She once tried stealing money from an old lady and kicked her hard when she resisted.
04:19Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?
04:21Eric, did you know that Claire is so dumb?
04:24I told her when we were kids that if she ate bluebells, her eyes would turn blue like mine.
04:28She ate a bunch and then pooped her pants in school.
04:31Didn't Meredith tell you she used to fart in the neighbor's jacuzzi?
04:34Just because they said they liked me more than her? It went on for a month.
04:39Oh, oh, how about the time you dropped mom's toothbrush in the toilet and just put it right back?
04:43Imagine someone being so awful to their own mother.
04:46Meredith has a boyfriend who works in a mental institution
04:49and he steals the patient's clothes from there for her.
04:52Imagine doing that to sick people.
04:54Claire keeps acting like she doesn't know her best friend is in love with her
04:57and she keeps using him for his money.
04:59What? Are you talking about Fred? I've never used him. And he's not in love with me.
05:04Oh, please. A blind person can see Freddie's been in love with you since day one.
05:09Shut up!
05:10You shut up!
05:11Um, how about you shut the heck up?
05:13Not till you shut up first.
05:15I pushed Meredith out of my way, but I ended up pushing a little too hard
05:19and she crashed straight into the punch bowl.
05:21She got up and charged me and we landed straight on the food table.
05:25As Eric was trying to pull us apart, Freddie suddenly ran in.
05:29Claire, Meredith, stop!
05:31Your mom, she isn't okay. You gotta come now.
05:35We ran outside to see mom unconscious and being wheeled into an ambulance.
05:39Since Freddie's dad was a neurosurgeon, he took mom's case and ran tests for weeks
05:44to discover that she had some inflammation in her brain for unknown reasons
05:48which had sent her into a coma.
05:50Freddie's dad decided to enter her name in a clinical trial for rare brain diseases
05:54since she met all the criteria.
05:56But what's it gonna cost us?
05:58We take one pro bono case for the trial, but there will still be other hospital expenses
06:04and you girls will have to figure out something soon.
06:07Do you have any relatives?
06:08We had to contact our grandparents, but to our surprise,
06:12mom didn't even have their numbers saved in her phone.
06:14All we had was a framed picture with their names signed at the back.
06:18Freddie offered to hire a private investigator and within a week,
06:21he said they'd been found and were flying over to see us.
06:24But I couldn't help noticing as they got out of the cab that they didn't look rich at all.
06:29Those paupers are our grandparents?
06:32They're definitely the people from the picture.
06:34Why do grandma's shoes look like something out of a museum?
06:37And grandma's coat is missing three buttons.
06:40The old lady hobbled towards us and hugged us tight.
06:43Oh girls, it's so good to see you.
06:46We had no idea we had granddaughters till yesterday.
06:50You look nothing like our son though.
06:53Your son?
06:54No, we're your daughter's kids.
06:56Oh honey, we don't have a daughter.
06:59The private investigator who tracked us down did say our daughter was looking for us,
07:04but we just assumed that was our son who ran away from home 18 years ago.
07:10He was always saying he'd change into a woman one day.
07:14What? Our mom used to be a man?
07:18No, this is crazy.
07:19Look at this picture. Does this woman look anything like your son?
07:23Our son is ugly and I remember this woman.
07:27Alfred, you remember this beautiful lady came to stay at our motel many years ago?
07:33She disappeared suddenly one night and the next day some mafia men turned up looking for her.
07:39Ah yes, those men kept turning up for weeks.
07:43They seemed like bad news.
07:46I'm happy to hear the lady is okay.
07:49So you're not her parents?
07:51Then why does she have this picture of you guys?
07:54She took it from the motel.
07:56I don't know why.
07:58I'm so tired, dear.
08:01Can I rest for a little while?
08:03No, if you're not our rich grandparents, you gotta go.
08:08Meredith sent them packing immediately and we just stood staring at each other.
08:13When was mom in a motel and why were there bad men after her?
08:17She told us all our lives these random people are our grandparents.
08:21What else has she been lying about?
08:23Apparently, a lot of things.
08:25When we checked out if she had any health insurance, she couldn't be found in the system.
08:29I went to the diner where she'd been working for years to see if the manager could help,
08:33only to find out that no one there had ever seen her.
08:36We had no clue where she'd been going all this time while she was pretending to work
08:41or where she got her salary from.
08:43Meredith and I tore up mom's room looking for more clues.
08:46We didn't find anything in the closets or under the bed,
08:49but I pulled the rug away and came across a loose floorboard.
08:52We pried it open to find a laptop and so many fake IDs and passports all belonging to mom.
08:59Oh. My. God.
09:01Mom? As a French redhead?
09:04Her hair is black here and she's Swedish.
09:07We opened the laptop, but we couldn't get past the security code.
09:10We asked Freddy to come over and told him everything,
09:12and when he went over the laptop, he let out a low whistle.
09:16Whoa, this is heavy encryption and insane firewalls.
09:22Is your mom from the CIA or something?
09:24Have you ever seen her using this laptop?
09:26Yeah, I have once, but she told me she borrowed it from a friend
09:30to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
09:32Who is this woman?
09:34We really had no idea, except that her hair dye started fading soon
09:38and we discovered she was a natural blonde.
09:41We still desperately needed the money and contemplated selling the house,
09:45but we couldn't even find any documents for it.
09:47For the first time in my life, I felt overwhelmed and completely out of ideas.
09:52Then one night, as Meredith and I were sitting on the porch,
09:55Freddy joined us, looking grim.
09:58I need to tell you guys something about the clinical trial.
10:00There's only a 50% chance that your mom will get the drug that could make her well.
10:05What do you mean?
10:06Doesn't everyone get the drug?
10:08No, half the patients get a placebo drug.
10:11Oh god, I did something really wrong.
10:14I checked the files of everyone on the clinical trial
10:16and your mom has been assigned the placebo drug.
10:20She's not gonna get the treatment.
10:22So that's it?
10:23We're just gonna sit back and watch, knowing there's no chance of her getting better?
10:27Make your dad give her the drug!
10:29I can't.
10:30Dad would lose his medical license if anyone thought he interfered with the trial.
10:34Then why did you even tell us, Freddy?
10:37Freddy looked at me silently.
10:39He told us because he and his dad can't do anything, but we can.
10:44Whatever you plan, I can't be part of it, but you have to do it soon.
10:48The trial starts next week.
10:50Thank you, Freddy.
10:51You don't know what this means to us.
10:53Of course, I'd do anything for you, Claire.
10:56For the first time, I saw what had maybe been so obvious all along.
11:01Freddy was in love with me and I was about to use it to my advantage.
