Amberlynn & Salami's September 28, 2024 Instagram Q&A

  • 2 days ago
While staying with her new gorlfriend Salami, Amberlynn answered questions during a Instagram q&a. She answers questions about her pets, traveling, "broken a furniture", and more. Salami also answered some questions on Instagram which is included in this video.
00:06Know my pets more than anyone else. I have had Twinkie for almost nine years. I've had ready. I'm a sloppy for almost eight
00:10Don't lie. Guess what? Everybody? I'm a mama
00:16Gave birth to a bouncing baby boy
00:19I'm so freaking happy. I have a little kitten. I am like over the moon right now
00:25Twinkie star is our dog forever and ever and I'm super excited. She is three years old. This is our new kitty cat
00:31We're really great
00:40They are my children they are my everything and I'm not going to leave them never
00:46How often have you bought cat litter and food every month they've had them
00:55I've given them the money for it. I think I'm just gonna buy the actual products myself this time though, right?
01:00She's trying to insinuate you steal. That's such a fucking lie, and she knows it
01:03Oh, I know you're shitting me
01:04The only time she actually brought food and litter over was when she gave me wasabi
01:08I've also had a lot of people sticking up for me saying like if Amberlynn would have left her pets with someone else y'all would
01:11Have been calling her like an abandoner
01:12Is that even a word rarity was a all-of-a-sudden decision?
01:15I had said before that I would take her if she couldn't keep her then she scarred us so bad
01:18I didn't want anything to do with her
01:20Amberlynn always blows up every relationship. She's in we all told you you didn't you really did
01:26What if she apologizes any chance of being friends? No, because there is literally nothing that she can say
01:33After why she would pay destiny a hundred week to watch them and me only for their food and litter
01:37She said because I'm her friend and friends do that for each other
01:40I was terrified to tell the landlord. Yeah, I also have two cats because I knew he was gonna say no
01:46But no, they're my children. I would never
01:50Leave them the cats are doing great. They have the run of the house plenty of food
01:53I'm trying to put some weight on them when AL brought him to me
01:55He was matted horribly on his stomach and legs
01:57I had to cut them out guys
01:58I like when you have pets you have a very big responsibility to make sure that they're safe and protected always and it should be
02:03Under your care Rafe was caring for those cats. Very well. You're just mad because the truth is out
02:07Yeah in her nasty dirt infested house like your pets are your responsibility. Hey doll
02:10I'm gonna call Monday and set rarity up a spay appointment at the vet. Is that okay?
02:14I would rather be there for that and be a part of it
02:16How so because that's a big thing for her. I want to be there for her when she's out of surgery
02:19I want to be the one helping her and I want to take her. She's my baby. I'm her mama
02:23I just don't have her right now because of the landlord
02:27Evelyn shows us a shirt destiny and Dana ordered for her from Hot Topic
02:31They dropped it off earlier in the day right here says the 1975
02:37I was like, did you guys really give me it's like I was so shocked. It was so sweet
02:47Are you stressing and swelling in the car? It's
02:51Swelling Oh from the car rides. You have lymphedema from the car rides
03:03I've been in a relationship with people where um, I
03:07I'm traveling with them did not sound enticing did not sound fun
03:09But then other people have been in a relationship with I was just like traveling with them would be amazing
03:13It'd be so fun. So it's like I get it if that was the thing maybe subconsciously, which is totally fine
03:17Like I would never like hold that against you. That's crazy. No because it could have been
03:21I'm just let you know, you know, you just start seeing things differently like depending on like the people in your life
03:25I've always wanted to travel and Becky never did which newly she wants to which is so weird to me
03:31So it's like I thought I was gonna be with her forever
03:33So I kind of like put all my dreams on the back burner like you guys know that like a lot of
03:36You saw that because when you love someone you kind of like do that now that I'm talking to someone that like likes to travel
03:41And wants to travel. I'm just like wow perfect match. Hi, so it's like now
03:45Like I just like see things differently, but he can admit that you just didn't want to travel with Amber
03:49Which is totally fine if that's true. No, that's not it. Okay. Well, I'm just saying if that is it
03:53I had major anxiety about it back then. Mm-hmm, you know, I still kind of do but it's not like that's bad
03:59Yeah, cuz guess what? I have a spare but I don't have a jack
04:02Something as simple as there's this place three hours three hours from here that I wanted to go to and I've been wanting to go
04:06for literal ever and
04:08A big hard part for me was like her not wanting to like take me. Okay, and I'm trying to have you take me to a
04:14Casino, you know, you should go on a road trip. I'm trying to talk her into
04:18I'm going to Indiana
04:20To go to a casino and I know a lot of people are like don't do it in my land waste of money
04:23I'm gonna set like an amount obviously
04:27And I'm now like, you know $50 each or whatever like even less or more give or take I don't really care
04:32I want to go there and like stay in a hotel and like go to Indiana and like go to the casino cuz I've never
04:36Been to one before and I'm 27
04:3927, you know, and I just think it'd be fun experience. I don't know. I just think it's really fun
04:44So I'm trying to talk her into that like doing it around Valentine's Day or something
04:47But he he also has car anxiety but like in a different way. She doesn't care about driving like oh, yeah driving's fine
04:53But her whole thing is like, oh my god, what if we break down or wonder if like the oil isn't changed, you know
04:59She's just so silly when it comes to stuff like that my boob almost popped out
05:03Well, that's all my bucket. Why is he take you to casino now? I'm playing I'll take it. Oh
05:08That's a good idea. That's a good idea. But then she would drive hours away for like other things or people like what?
05:16You could say the bad that I've done
05:18Oh the other places I've went for people cuz I knew where I was going. Oh, I love that
05:21I mean, yeah, like if I'm going somewhere if I want to travel I don't want to be the one driving the whole time
05:25So, yeah, I've also been more willing had you had your license as well for sure. I told him totally
05:31It's like Becky wants to travel. That's new. She never wanted trouble
05:34She never wanted to she was too scared to go on a plane like over the waters
05:37She never wanted to move. No, we're different plane was not the thing
05:40It's always been a bucket list of mine to jump out of a plane. So it's not the plane
05:45Where do you want to travel to first? I always say Bora Bora
05:49Like Bora Bora. Yeah, three hours away three hours away three hours away
05:54No, I don't care about that. You're all we're literally arguing on here because you're lying because I just told you
05:59Oh my god, you guys are getting tea. It's fine, though
06:01Um, okay back in the day
06:03I had bad anxiety about driving really far places because
06:05Always imagine myself breaking down and being stuck there forever and then getting murdered on the side of the road
06:09Like that's literally how I thought back in the day
06:11I was like, oh, I don't really want to go far because you know what if something happens and now I'm at a point where
06:16I'm like
06:19Now you're at a point you'll live in a different state
06:22No, no, maybe
06:30I'm leaving you guys know how much this affected us
06:33Listen, and now she's like, yeah, I'll do all of it now
06:36I've always said if it weren't for my family, then I'd go somewhere around 2019
06:42that's whenever I started becoming very afraid of everything and having anxiety and
06:47I was afraid to leave my house and I actually canceled a bunch of doctor's appointments. This is my 29th birthday
06:54I don't remember anything about it
07:06You ready? Yeah
07:25Don't remember any of it they got really out of control, you know, so that's what that was about
07:32So you're gonna lose weight and travel with wifey yes amber
07:34Why did you say that Becky was stopping you from seeing the world when you can't travel now anyway?
07:39She didn't want to travel at all. If I was to lose all the weight and
07:42Or enough to travel. I don't have to lose all the way to travel. Let's be real
07:45That's insane, I just have to lose enough to travel and
07:50She didn't want that she don't want to travel which I do know which is so crazy to me
07:54It's like what the heck cuz that was like a really big like deal-breaker in my head
07:56Amber, do you think Becky truly believed you would have ever lost the way to be able to travel?
07:58No, I don't think Becky thought I would ever lose a ton of weight. No, I don't
08:03Amber you're delusional if you think you can travel. Um, no, I can like we recently in November November
08:09We traveled we're actually going to a cabin in Gatlinburg a four-hour drive totally fine
08:16Was over a four-hour drive and I was fine. Honestly, Amber you barely fit in a car
08:22People ask if I can wear a seatbelt. No, they don't fit me. I feel like this has been my forever
08:27I don't know
08:27I remember what it feels like just to be able to walk out to the car and fit in the car
08:32Normally like a normal person. I don't know how his seatbelt feels anymore
08:36Like it's just these little things where it's just like I have ruined my life completely
08:43Well, I will say it's a tight squeeze but um, I definitely fit
08:50All right, so we stopped and got some McDonald's I got a hash brown and
08:58Their bagel with sausage and egg and cheese
09:02So we went to Dunkin Donuts because it is lunchtime I got a small kiwi watermelon refresher
09:08Like a hot dog with like bread and then I also wanted to try the everything mini bagels
09:14So there's like cream cheese on the inside
09:16I got so a little update on like how my body's doing because you guys know I have lipedema and lymphedema. So
09:22We swell in the car even like short rides like even rides are like just an hour
09:27But yes, I have some swelling but like there's not really that much pain
09:30There's a little bit of discomfort, but I'm doing really good. No, I'm not gonna show my legs
09:40Yes, destiny made it official with Dana yesterday and yesterday was our one month of being broken up so
09:53It's confusing I got care, but I don't but then I care but then I don't
10:23She's a good
10:26You're gonna say I'm gonna say it her tail she's good up her tail
10:34No, okay
10:40All right, so we had to get me this like step thingy because her truck is so tall
10:58We're about to be rich right now, I'm fun. Yeah
11:04This is just a clear acrylic acrylic coating
11:08That just seals it up. So the paint doesn't like chip and get worn away
11:19Like I should have known I shouldn't have
11:24Should have done it, but we were so fucking happy and in love and on cloud nine like
11:31Literally, like I've never felt so loved before and to have that taken from me because of people who actually ate me
11:38But I hope that these people are happy because not only did they ruin my life
11:44but they're ruining someone else's life and
11:47Her mental health is not good right now and neither am I like I'm literally look at me
11:52Okay, I just am a mess
12:03The Tommy cam the Tommy cam
12:07Which is they're doing that my POV. Yeah, this is her POV
12:26The Tommy cam
12:36There is this one thing that's floating around of this girl saying how like my girlfriend messaged her, you know weeks ago
12:43Spanx beluga says I know the person she has seen because they were chatting to me a few weeks ago
12:47I mean, I don't keep up with this kind of drama
12:49I just noticed someone who was hitting on me a few weeks ago now has her on her snapchat. And here is Spanx belugas Instagram
13:02Destiny's mom and stepdad are camping right now for one the last time I went camping was when I was living in Oklahoma
13:09I was 18. We went and I got ticks on me. My clothes got stained anything
13:15That's really big and resembles maybe a lake or an ocean river is really man-made
13:20So I ended up going swimming and it stained everything. They have like red dirt
13:25It was just a whole thing there were snakes in the water and bugs everywhere
13:29I used to love camping when I was little like I'm talking like when I was like 7 and 10 and like all those ages
13:35I literally loved camping
13:36It was the best time of year me and my family would go every summer when I was living with them
13:41Not when I was in foster care
13:42No, like I I'm 25 now and it's weird how like I just changed so much like just thinking about a bug
13:50Be near me freaks me out. I used to never be like that when I was younger, so it's weird
13:54but yeah, they're camping and I wish I didn't have so many fears because they invited both of us and I was just like
14:00Destiny why didn't you want to go?
14:05My gosh mosquitoes
14:07Yes, me and destiny get eaten like eaten by mosquitoes the minute we step outside. Some people just aren't lucky
14:14I almost feel like I'm losing weight for us. Like I'm not losing weight for her. It's like for me and for us because
14:23She said something so sweet today
14:25She was like, you know
14:25I want to like hike with you and stuff and it's like honestly I can't like I can't right now and that's super sad and
14:30Like I hate like I'm getting emotional thinking about it. Like I feel bad but
14:35To do those things. I have to lose weight and it is what it is. So I love perfumes
14:39I have I just I collect perfumes. I don't hoard them the haters say that I hoard I do not hoard perfumes
14:46I have a shopping addiction and I have my
14:50Glass perfume on here and my body spray is gonna be in that little shelf right there. Just got out of the bath
14:57So I'm gonna use some body spray I use these when I stay home and then these when I go out cuz these are actual
15:03Perfumes I just choose random. I always used to just out of habit. You already have 10 of those at home
15:07Not this version. I need this one, too
15:11We have a lot of candles. We need somewhere to put them Becky chose this basket
15:17Only buy what I need and I give it
15:20Mostly away like not out sometimes I give it away. So it was I'm only gonna buy what I need today
15:25What's aesthetically pleasing
15:28And I'm actually gonna get three kinds
15:33We're looking at the Northern Lights right now folks, that's the first time I've ever seen the Northern Lights before I can't do cigarettes
15:40Like I'm not no not a cigarette person never will be I'm like so thankful destiny isn't either. Oh my god
15:47I don't think I could date a smoker
15:58You look great that day we went to this Mexican restaurant
16:01That's where we met was the Mexican restaurant supposedly her favorite restaurant ever. Yeah, it was my most favorite restaurant right now
16:07We're at a restaurant that we'd really like and I'm gonna get chicken fajitas
16:14You want to film me I'm gonna eat a little chip I told myself I wasn't gonna have any chips but
16:34So Twinkie looks like a seal wasabi looks like a skunk and rarity it looks like a shark
16:40It's just an inside joke me and my friend have so
16:47This right here is a very dangerous area for me
16:55Who needs a paper therapist when you got paper you got pen and you got stickers girl, I'm getting some journals
17:02We'll just take all of these you can't have enough journals. So we'll just take all we'll take all of these
17:06I'm getting a bunch of journals because there is something I will be doing girl
17:15Tommy's not a
17:19At all
17:25With vanilla ice cream
17:30Mm-hmm. Well, I said crunchy it freezes it
17:41That's no one's business that is no one's business
17:47Okay, I get jealous every time wasabi lays on my chest you get mad and take him away
17:53I want him to cuddle with me. Yeah, not me. You're jealousy. Okay
18:03I will remember you
18:13Leaving wasabi your basement and nearly dumping rarity in a yard
18:16You are cruel that woman wasn't even home that evening to get rarity
18:19She was in another state the neighbor told you not to leave her not one more animal on that property to deal with neglect
18:24So like I'm not sure if Amberlynn knows what this person's talking about
18:28But she just wants to let them know that Rafe is a crazy liar
18:31I'm not sure if that actually happened or if Rafe literally made up the fact that Amberlynn was gonna leave
18:37Rarity in a yard somewhere for somebody else to deal with Rafe is nothing but a crazy liar
18:42Are you freaking see me right now?
18:43You had a rape bring the cats halfway because they live so far
18:46Don't you dare try to paint her in this light that she dumped them you forced her
18:50They met at a gas station because you insisted that those cats leave at 4 a.m. Because they live so far away Rafe didn't go
18:55It was just Hannah. So Hannah at 4 a.m. Packed up two cats and took them to meet Becky and Amberlynn
19:07It's just an inside joke me and my friend have so
19:14Yeah, that happened
19:19The lowest way to ever remember being was when I was 11 years old I weighed 290
19:25Pounds, I will never forget that day when I weighed in
19:31And I was 420 pounds. And for some reason I feel like I even weighed more at one point. It was shocking and
19:38People made fun of me still I mean we're almost 18 years old and that was being made fun of still
19:44I mean, when do you grow up? Honestly?
20:05So if you guys remember the saga about my
20:09Packing my jewelry. This actually works out pretty good. Like I know that I want to wear these triangles today
20:16So it's easy to just be like, hmm
20:19What do I want to wear and then choose like that pretty great
20:29So cute
20:51Uh, excuse me
21:06It's going on
21:18You can't find a book like a spot
21:22I'm not good at finding the spots. I'm not the selfie expert. Oh
21:27That's you. Mm-hmm
21:29Are you actually filming me cuz you don't know what you're going wrong
21:45What is he doing
22:19Our cat
22:21Got out last night. Not when she got out for me because I caught her and catched her
22:26We're thinking she wanted to do it in her next opportunity and she did we're thinking our friend Jessica
22:31Didn't notice but Gracie ran away. We're in our roommates room real quick because
22:37We like to check on her snake
22:46I'm really about to Google amberlin breaking couch
22:51Break couches you are up to ng hw comments. You did bring a couch last year at work the whole couch situation
22:57I was working as a PCA worker said the story like a thousand times. There was a resident who broke the couch
23:02So we have the couch on these two woodens to kind of make the couch more even
23:07And the couch slid off and that's what y'all heard and the couch slid off the wood and hit the actual floor
23:13Here's the clip. What do you think?
23:22Happens to even skinny people that was on the couch
23:24We had to tell them to be careful and I wasn't even thinking so yeah, Toby Harlow asks
23:28How TF does one break a couch? Yeah, someone doesn't break a couch
23:32Well, Amberlynn just said that the resident broke the couch
23:37Arab to ng hw says and destiny started laughing. It was shady TVH
23:52Molly Brown eight three nine says you changed the subject right away because you didn't want people to notice when the incident happened
23:58Amberlynn asked destiny a couple times. What was that and blamed it on a ghost?
24:02I wonder if the wood was placed under the couch leg after this incident instead of before
24:07No, I change this over because it was no big deal
24:09I did not break a couch trust me on that one if I broke a couch that would not have been in my video at
24:14All I broke a chair, which I did and I still have the chair upstairs, which I even said that in videos before
24:19Okay, this one's funny, but I broke a chair. I have never broken furniture before today
24:23We're getting a new bed funny story though when we picked up the old mattress
24:27We realized that on crystal side the bed frame was actually broken. So that was what was causing the bed to be super like saggy
24:39But it's nice to get a new bed and a new box frame ever and I did recently the funny thing is it happened on
24:46You now and nobody noticed the broken chair is right next to me
24:49It's holding up a bunch of books and Berlin decides to look up the video and watch it
25:14You guys I'm about to shower but I just want to let you know that I've literally
25:18Made myself at home. Like all of this is mine besides the plant, of course
25:23I've just I have my own bathroom. So this is probably the one of the weirdest things I've ever filmed for you guys
25:29But you know, that's how my life goes a lot of you are asking
25:32I'm so morbidly obese
25:35So morbidly obese Harvey, so whatever how do you shake your legs?
25:39Let me show you girl. Let me show you because some of you don't think I can shake my legs, which is weird because
25:44I definitely can
25:47Like I'm
25:49Literally reaching next we take some toilet paper tear off some teeth little squares and stick one there
25:55And there and any place you're bleeding there and there don't worry the blood will hold it right on your face and now some aftershave
26:05And that's how we shave
26:17Bending like I don't know how to show you
26:24It's just a lot of you think I am like incapable of doing anything which is
26:33Kind of sad, I mean I am really obese, but I can't do daily
26:38Normal things some of them not all but some every land did not shower the whole time. We were at my mom's
