Home and Away 8367 3rd October 2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00All I could think was if he gets my head under the water one more time, I'm gone.
00:12I got a hold of his shirt and I rolled him over and that's when he went into the water
00:15and hit his head.
00:16I heard Perry's been charged.
00:17Well, he's not doing himself any favours, let's put it that way.
00:18What do you mean?
00:19He's trying to protect Tane.
00:20According to the law, he helped someone escape after a murder.
00:21If they can prove that, Tane could get 20 years.
00:28Whoever was helping you, whether it was Tane.
00:31It wasn't.
00:32That person might hold the key to swaying the magistrate on your state of mind.
00:35It gives us a real chance of getting you out of here.
00:37But then they'll get in trouble.
00:38I came to turn myself in.
00:40Tane wasn't the one hiding Perry.
00:42I was.
00:43Why should I be the one to make the first move?
00:45Because someone has to.
00:47He doesn't get to take the moral high ground after he's been lying to me for the past month.
00:51What did you get up to last night?
00:52What the hell does that mean?
00:54I was just asking you a question.
00:56What do you think I was getting up to last night?
00:58Oh, come on.
00:59No, no, no.
01:01You're implying something.
01:02I just want to hear you say it.
01:03You're being ridiculous.
01:04Am I?
01:05I think running off to a motel is childish.
01:08Well, so maybe I should stay then.
01:09Maybe you should.
01:12Back to work?
01:15Just came off the night shift.
01:17It's the first time I've seen you back in uniform in a while.
01:18It's about time I went back.
01:19How's it feeling?
01:20Is what it is.
01:21Oh, that good, huh?
01:23Didn't you put that gang leader in prison?
01:24Surely things have improved since then.
01:25Yeah, well, turns out there's always someone ready to take their place, eh?
01:26Can't be easy.
01:27It's not.
01:28Actually, Cash, while I've got you here,
01:29is there any chance that you could come back later
01:30and sign that contract of sale?
01:32Yes, yes, of course.
01:33Can I text you about it later?
01:37See ya.
01:38See ya.
01:39Poor guy.
01:40It's going to be tough.
01:42It's going to be tough.
01:43It's going to be tough.
01:44It's going to be tough.
01:45It's going to be tough.
01:46It's going to be tough.
01:47It's going to be tough.
01:48It's going to be tough.
01:49Poor guy.
01:50It's going to be tough.
01:52It will be.
01:59Why are you guys all dressed up?
02:00We've got Perry's bail hearing.
02:03What's he been charged with?
02:07He handed himself in.
02:10Well, look, that's something.
02:12Except Rose is still convinced Tana was hiding him the whole time.
02:16I can't even think about that right now.
02:19If Perry pleads self-defense, what do you think his chances of making bail are?
02:24I need a bit more information than that, mate.
02:26You want to talk me through it?
02:28So when I asked you where Perry was and you told me you had no idea...
02:31I lied.
02:32And you're willing to make an official statement to that effect?
02:39What are you doing here?
02:40I told her you were staying at the garage.
02:42Dude, why would you say that?
02:43It's okay. It's alright.
02:45I told her because it's the right thing to do.
02:48I'll be fine.
02:50Good luck in court.
02:52Stay strong.
02:57Okay, Theo.
02:59Let's make this official.
03:06Take a seat.
03:28That's the third time you've gone through those since you got here.
03:32Yeah, I think I'm nervous.
03:33Just a bit.
03:35Well, once I sign this, it'll be all my responsibility again.
03:38That's what you wanted though, isn't it?
03:41I feel like I owe it to Felicity to get it right this time.
03:44She stepped up when I needed a partner to get me out of debt.
03:46And without her, I would have lost this place.
03:48Well, for what it's worth, I think you'll do Felicity proud.
03:56What do you know about the death of Carl Hayes?
03:59I know that it was an accident.
04:01How do you know that?
04:03Were you there?
04:05No. Perry told me.
04:08What else did he say?
04:11He said his dad tried to drown him.
04:13And then there was a struggle and his dad fell in the pool.
04:20How did you get involved?
04:23I ran into Perry outside the surf club.
04:26I could tell something wasn't right.
04:29He was scared.
04:31He wasn't thinking straight.
04:34So no one else knew where Perry was this whole time?
04:40Why should I believe you?
04:42Why should I believe you?
04:44You lied to my face.
04:45I know. I'm sorry about that.
04:47You knew we were looking for Perry.
04:49Why didn't you come straight to us if you believed it was an accident?
04:51It was more complicated than that, Rose.
04:53You know what's complicated, Theo?
04:55Being an accessory to murder.
05:02Am I under arrest?
05:04Not at this stage, no.
05:09Can I call someone for you?
05:11Leo or Justin, maybe.
05:20I don't want to talk. I don't want to have another argument.
05:22Hear me out.
05:23I don't really care. I'm not after it. Just please turn around and go, okay?
05:26That's not why I'm here.
05:27I don't really care what it's about.
05:29I got a call from Theo. He's at Yabby Creek Police Station.
05:32He's in trouble.
05:42You all right, mate?
05:45I didn't think I'd ever be here again.
05:47I'll make us some food.
05:52How are you feeling?
05:55I need to thank your lawyer.
05:57Underestimated her.
05:59I still can't believe you put the gym up for my bail.
06:02Well, it's done now.
06:04So I reckon we'll eat and then we need to go.
06:09So I reckon we'll eat and then we need to go over your bail conditions.
06:12Before we do that, um, I need to check in with Theo.
06:15Well, maybe that's not a great idea right now.
06:18I just need to know he's not in trouble.
06:20You know, he's had my back all the way.
06:22Okay, I get it. We do owe him.
06:24How about I go follow up with him?
06:26And you can sit down with Tana and do what you need to do.
06:29Sounds good.
06:31I'll get back to you as soon as I hear from him, okay?
06:35Okay, thanks.
06:36I'll call Cash to let him know the latest.
06:38Yeah, I'm sure he'd appreciate that.
06:40So how about you go get changed and we'll work out what our next move is, yeah?
06:57Rose, is Theo okay?
07:00So I'd say he's had better days.
07:02What's going on? Why's he in here?
07:03He hid Perry Hayes in your garage after the death of his father.
07:09Can I see him?
07:11Yep, of course. Come through.
07:17Rose, look, I get what Theo did was dumb,
07:21but it sounds like he was just looking out for a mate.
07:24It was dumb and illegal.
07:26There was nothing malicious about it.
07:28I mean, he's a good kid, you know that.
07:30I can't forget it, Justin.
07:31What do you want me to do?
07:33Pretend he didn't confess.
07:45What possessed you to do something like this?
07:48Perry needed my help.
07:50Tell someone. You don't just hide him in the garage.
07:52His dad has been abusing him since he was a kid, Leah.
07:55It was a mess.
07:57I just, I couldn't turn my back on him.
07:59Oh, right.
08:03We understand why you did it,
08:05but you could have told us because we would have understood that.
08:07We could have helped.
08:09You guys had your own stuff going on.
08:14Okay, but is Theo going to be charged?
08:17I really can't talk about it.
08:19But is it likely?
08:21Look, Leah and Justin are here, so he's not on his own.
08:23I'm glad.
08:27Hey, I just spoke to Tana.
08:29You okay?
08:31Yeah. I'll leave you to it.
08:34See ya.
08:36What are you doing here?
08:38Thought you could use one of these.
08:42It's alright. I can't even imagine the day you must be having.
08:44It's been rough. Everyone's been really stressed.
08:47I don't know who's telling me the truth or not.
08:49Justin's begging me not to charge Theo.
08:52That's not surprising. He's family.
08:54I have no idea why he'd do something so stupid.
08:56He hasn't told you why?
08:57Just that Perry told him it was self-defense and he believed him.
09:00Okay, alright.
09:02You understand that you can use your discretion.
09:05In a case like this, you don't actually have to charge him.
09:07Cash, Theo deliberately hid Perry.
09:10And I know that.
09:12But there's some history with Theo that you might not be across.
09:14Like what?
09:16His father was violent.
09:19That's actually why you came here, to get away from him.
09:22Are you sure?
09:24I took Theo's statement myself.
09:26I took Theo's statement myself.
09:34You okay?
09:36Yeah, I'm just trying not to read into Cash being late.
09:38What, you think he's having doubts?
09:40Well, if he was, I wouldn't blame him.
09:42He just came off non-shift.
09:44Give the bloke a few minutes, yeah?
09:50Hi. You made it.
09:52Yeah, yeah. Sorry I'm late. Just got caught up in a couple of things.
09:53Everything okay?
09:55Yeah, yeah. You know what, it is.
09:57Well, that's good.
09:59Here to get this done?
10:01Yes, okay. It won't take long. You just need to sign where the tabs are.
10:08This one won't be the same without her.
10:11I mean, it's Felicity. She was a force, right?
10:15And if you want to hold off on all this, honestly, it's okay.
10:18This is what she'd want.
10:51You good with all that? You understand everything?
10:54What's to understand?
10:56Go to the cop shop, show my face, sign in and walk away.
10:59Nothing I haven't done before.
11:03So this meeting we've got tomorrow with your lawyer,
11:06you heard everything she said about needing references.
11:08Can we just talk about something else?
11:10Hey, look, I know it's a lot.
11:12Why hasn't Harper called?
11:14Well, maybe there's nothing to report.
11:16Look, right now I just need you to get your head in the game.
11:18Do you think any of this is actually going to make a difference?
11:20Look, we don't know what will happen, but we have to throw everything we have at it.
11:23Why would the court let me off?
11:25Because you're telling the truth.
11:27Yeah, but I told the truth last time.
11:29The magistrate let Dad walk.
11:31Plus, I did it. Dad is dead because of me.
11:33Alright, hey, that's enough of that.
11:35Now you listen to me.
11:36I've walked in your shoes before.
11:38You know I've been through this.
11:40And mate, I gave up.
11:42I wasn't fighting for myself.
11:44I didn't think there was any point.
11:46So what changed?
11:48I had good people around me.
11:50Especially Harper.
11:52And here I am.
11:55You really think I've got a chance?
11:57I know you do.
11:59And we're going to fight this all the way.
12:01You got that?
12:06Yep, they're all signed.
12:08No, no, it was no trouble.
12:12Okay, great, I'll have them queried over this afternoon.
12:15Okay, bye.
12:25Can I get you anything?
12:27Something to eat, maybe?
12:29No, no, no, I'm okay.
12:32Can I get you something?
12:35An answer, maybe?
12:41Are you okay?
12:43I don't know.
12:45What does that mean?
12:47I'm not having second thoughts about handing the place over, if that's what you're worried about.
12:51I was a bit worried about that, but I'm also worried about you.
12:55Cash, I want you to know how much we all care about you.
12:58And if there's anything that I can do.
13:02Appreciate that.
13:08Come on, just talk to me.
13:12I feel like every decision I make just takes me further away from the way things used to be.
13:22I understand that.
13:24You know what? I'm going to take you up on that offer for food.
13:27Yeah, I'd love some.
13:28Yeah? Okay, I'll grab you a menu.
13:37I'm starting to wonder if we should call them lawyer.
13:40I'm thinking the same thing.
13:42Will I turn myself in when I account for something?
13:46I hope so.
13:49Rose, what's happening?
13:52Theo's free to go.
13:56We won't be pressing charges.
13:58Thank you. Thank you so much.
14:00You're welcome. Just don't give me a reason to change my mind.
14:03I won't.
14:11Thanks, Rose.
14:15Just out of curiosity, what did make you change your mind?
14:19Doesn't matter. Just look after him.
14:29Okay, well, I could use a cuppa. Anyone else?
14:42Yeah, that'd be great.
14:44I'm good, thanks.
14:46Theo, listen up.
14:48We've got to talk about why you were hiding Perry in the garage.
14:51I thought I explained.
14:52No, no, no, it's not that.
14:56You were saying that we've had a lot going on and I'm sorry about that.
15:02Yeah, so am I.
15:04We don't have to apologise.
15:06No, we do. Next time you're in trouble, we want you to come and talk to us.
15:10No matter what's going on.
15:12Don't worry, because there won't be next time.
15:15Good. Good.
15:17Why don't we all sit down?
15:23Oh, it's Perry.
15:25Better go check in with him.
15:29Yeah, I think you two have some stuff to talk about.
15:45Hey, you okay?
15:47You okay?
15:49Yeah, yeah, I just signed my half assault over to Mackenzie.
15:52It must have been hard.
15:54Yes and no. It's weird.
15:57Well, it might sound selfish, but I'm glad you're back in blue.
16:00It'd be a loss to the force and me if you left us forever.
16:03Oh, really? Can't imagine me up there shaking cocktails.
16:05No, I so can't.
16:09Looks like I made the right call about Theo.
16:12Yeah, Perry's got a tough road ahead of him.
16:14It's going to help to have his mates around.
16:17I owe you big time.
16:19Forget it. I'm just stoked you made bail.
16:24It's a good sign for your case, right?
16:28I'm still up on a murder charge.
16:31It's not exactly a good thing.
16:33Yeah, all you need to do is tell the truth.
16:36For what it's worth.
16:38They know what your dad was like.
16:40And you handed yourself in.
16:42Would a guilty person do that?
16:44Hey, it's going to be okay.
17:13Hey, what's this?
17:14New cocktail in honour of Felicity.
17:16Vodka base with a sassy lemon twist.
17:22The Felicitini?
17:25Where's yours?
17:27Nah, I'm working.
17:29Your new boss, she's tough.
17:31Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard that.
17:33Get back to work.
17:47I'm glad I ran into you.
17:49I assumed you heard about what happened with Theo.
17:52Heard you let him off.
17:54That's good of you.
17:56I owe you an apology.
17:58That's fine. I get why you thought it was me who was hiding him.
18:00Still, I shouldn't have thrown around those accusations.
18:02I just want to focus on getting Perry through this court case.
18:07Alright, see ya.
18:09Take it easy.
18:11She really has no idea you knew where Perry was hiding.
18:14She wouldn't be apologising if she did.
18:17Let's keep it that way, eh?
18:19Okay, good. That's one less thing to think about.
18:24So how are you and the bub feeling?
18:26Well, I don't know about the baby, but I'm pretty much tired and hungry all the time.
18:31I hope you haven't taken on any of my stress.
18:34No, I'm a big girl. And getting bigger.
18:37You don't have to worry about me.
18:41Well, I better go rustle up Perry.
18:43We have to go to the city and meet up with the lawyer.
18:45How long do you think he'll be gone?
18:47A day or so.
18:49Keep an eye on him.
18:51Prepping for court, he'll have to go over his statement a lot.
18:54Reliving the attack.
18:56Yeah, it's going to be tough.
18:58I'll get him through with that.
19:00Take care, yeah?
19:02Both of you. Only a little one.
19:30Thanks for the tea.
19:32Oh, yeah. Thanks for being there today for Theo and me.
19:44Okay, well, I suppose I should go back to the motel.
19:50If you want to.
19:58Justin, wait.
20:01Theo's right, these arguments, they're stupid.
20:06I feel the same way.
20:08Do you want to sort it out?
20:13Tane said that you've gone back to work.
20:17That's good. It's great.
20:19How's it going for you?
20:21It's just work, you know, nothing really changes.
20:23Right, right.
20:25How's the pregnancy?
20:27Okay, aside from one little scare.
20:31There was nothing in the end. False alarm.
20:33Yeah, that's good.
20:35Yeah, baby's coming along well.
20:36I'm focusing on helping Tane support Perry.
20:39Well, that's a lot for you guys to take on.
20:41Yeah, Tane's carrying the brunt of it.
20:43He's all over his case, taking him to see the lawyer tomorrow.
20:46He never stops.
20:48I guess he's like the father that Perry never had, you know?
20:52He's so amazing, patient and always knows what to say.
20:56Does he know that you're in love with him?
20:58I can't take Abbey to her new counsellor.
21:00I'll take her.
21:02Maybe you'll enjoy, you know, getting to talk about yourself.
21:05I don't want to talk to you anymore.
21:09I thought you were taking Abigail to the counsellor.
21:11Eden's going to drive her instead.
21:13Are you sure that's a good idea?
21:15You're not happy?
21:17Is it because of the counselling?
21:19Or have I done something?
21:21Hi, I'm Tim.
21:23I'm Tim.
21:24Guessing one of you is Abigail?
21:26She's a bit nervous.
21:28I can speak for myself.