Solomon and Sheba | History Drama Romance Yul Brynner & Gina Lollobrigida 1959 part 01

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#northangerabbey #desperateromantics
After becoming king of ancient Israel, Solomon faces threats coming from his jealous dispossessed brother Adonijah, the Egyptian Pharaoh and the scheming Queen of Sheba.
Starring: Yul Brynner, Gina Lollobrigida
00:02:07This is the borderland that lies between the countries of Egypt and Israel as it is today
00:02:13So it was a thousand years before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth
00:02:18Even then these boundaries were kept ablaze with the fires of hatred and conflict
00:02:24Each side prided themselves on the efficiency of their spies, but kept themselves always on the alert
00:02:32soldiers of David commanded by his son and heir Adonijah Prince of Israel a
00:02:45Chariot moving along the road stop the fool whoever he is
00:03:02Solomon is my brother here Prince Adonijah is at the top of the hill follow me
00:03:24What are you doing here on our way to Jerusalem we got word that the Egyptians were on the prowl again I
00:03:30Thought you might need some help
00:03:32You're better suited to the singing of songs than for exploits on the field of battle our father David was a singer of songs
00:03:38But he's also a mighty warrior
00:03:46Where are the Egyptians they thought to trap me to rush in on our camp and kill us why we slept
00:03:52But we're not sleeping
00:04:22Mean your orders
00:04:23This is not your kind of game brother. I never thought of it as a game. I fight by your side
00:04:28Then the sword of victory Solomon and the shield of God in the Niger
00:07:40Once again the Pharaoh will have reason to remember the name of Adonijah
00:07:45Let him write it in the blood of his dead too long. This soil has been bathed in blood
00:07:51You lost your taste for blood now that the heat of battle is over after seeing the glory of victory
00:07:56The greater glory of peace makes itself known peace is for women and children
00:08:02Now that we cleanse my mouth of the stench of the Egyptians
00:08:06To a new victory won by the Prince of Israel to the warrior Prince Adonijah
00:08:12To your glory brother may it ever increase the glory of Israel
00:08:16There'd be much greater glory if these hands of mine were not shackled by command of my father
00:08:21Defend but never attack
00:08:23When I'm King, there'll be no privileged sanctuaries into which my enemies can flee to escape me
00:08:28I'll pursue them into the streets of their own cities. We'll hunt them down like dogs
00:08:35Highness this one was found among the Egyptian dead, but he is no Egyptian put him down
00:08:44The Pharaoh has many mercenaries in his armies, but I've never seen one like him from where do you come?
00:08:49I have the honor to serve her majesty the Queen of Sheba
00:08:55We're a long way from the land of Sheba 800 leagues where goes the Queen of Sheba there go
00:09:01I a soldier of her guard and why does a Sheban fight with Egyptians against Israel?
00:09:06I fight for my Queen commands and it pleased my Queen to come out from the court of the Pharaohs to lead her troops against
00:09:12a band of barbarians
00:09:15I'll send your hide to this brave Queen of yours as a token of my esteem. No
00:09:20Grant him the respect one soldier should have for another
00:09:23bind up his wounds
00:09:27So spare him
00:09:33Out of regard for the tender heart of my dear brother
00:09:37The Sheban Queen amuses herself by leading her men across our borders to watch them slay Israelites as she might attend a circus
00:09:43I doubt if she found much amusement here
00:09:51Here's right
00:09:58What brings the King's Chancellor here more orders from his majesty no Highness if that was so mine would be a far happier mission
00:10:08Father King David lies at the point of death. He lapsed into a coma two days ago and has not regained consciousness
00:10:14His physicians could give me no word of hope to bring you Josiah
00:10:20We're right to Jerusalem. Hail Adonijah King of Israel
00:10:26It is not your right to proclaim the King joy
00:10:29These are the words of the law
00:10:31The King shall be anointed with the waters of Guillaume and crowned in the presence of the Prophet the high priest and the elders
00:10:37Of the tribe your law may be the word Chancellor. Mine is the sword. Hail Adonijah
00:10:45And why do you remain silent
00:10:48Am I not David's rightful heir? Can it be that your first thought is not for the life of our father?
00:10:53Life is for the living when I know that David is no longer living. I
00:10:58Will be the first to acknowledge you as his successor I
00:11:08Will follow you highness
00:11:16We could reach Jerusalem by dawn tomorrow
00:11:19Let Solomon concern himself with the dead. My thoughts are for the living. I
00:11:24Have business with the Sheba and Queen
00:11:28We must ride fast to overtake her
00:12:46Stand aside
00:12:55In Israel I give the orders
00:12:58I regret that we did not meet last night when you visited my encampment. Who are you?
00:13:06The King of Israel
00:13:07He lies majesty
00:13:08Whoever he is he's an imposter the King of Israel is an old man weak with a burden of his years
00:13:13Is that why you thought it's safe to join forces with the Egyptians in an invasion of my kingdom?
00:13:17Give me leave majesty, and I will clear them from the road. You think you could do better now than you did last night
00:13:26Lies dead in Jerusalem and I Adonijah and his heir we want no dealings with the Israelites
00:13:33Let him speak Baltar
00:13:35What favor do you seek of me?
00:13:38If we were dealing in favors, I could have brought you the heads of your dead
00:13:41Tell him tell him your own head is not too secure silence around. I
00:13:46Pursued you not to ask favors, but to grant them
00:13:50And what favor could an Israelite grant the Queen of Sheba a kingdom twice as large as she now rules
00:13:57Renounce your alliance with the Pharaoh. Let your banners fly beside mine
00:14:03When I've overthrown him, I'll give you all of the lands of Egypt that border on your own
00:14:09And if I refuse your generosity
00:14:13Then I will hurl you down into the same dust that will choke the Pharaoh
00:14:17Yours is the choice
00:14:19Glory with Israel or disaster with Egypt
00:14:23you dog
00:14:25My ancestors sat upon the throne of a great country when you're still crawled on the hands and knees feeding on roots and insects
00:14:32Is that your answer? This is my answer
00:15:48I'm a shark. He still lives your mother and I have been constantly by side. We must have hope
00:15:56My prayers have been answered that you are here while your father is able to give you his blessing
00:16:05My son
00:16:08Do not despair
00:16:26There hope his heart still beats but his breath is so quenched that it leaves no mist upon the metal
00:16:37My father my king let my prayers call you back from the shadows
00:16:56Peace of the Lord
00:16:58In my dream
00:17:00Your face was ever before me
00:17:03No, I'm here father
00:17:06Where is your brother the Niger was detained with his troops
00:17:11Never the soldier
00:17:13before all else
00:17:15Send messengers with my command that he returned it will be done
00:17:23Now rest until your strength returns
00:17:26Bring me Nathan the Prophet I am here. Okay
00:17:31Summon the elders of the twelve tribes and the council. I
00:17:36Have had a vision from God
00:18:17You've been summoned at the King's command
00:18:20Hear the words of the King has there been no report from the couriers sent to bring her to Niger
00:18:26No, sire. None have returned
00:18:29And I must act without him
00:18:35Forty years I have reigned over you and I have been your father and you my beloved children
00:18:42Accepting the memory of me which will live in your hearts. I leave but one monument to my name
00:18:49the unity of
00:18:53symbol of the twelve tribes
00:18:55once separate each
00:18:57Striving for dominance, but now you the eldest of the tribe stand before me banded together in an indestructible
00:19:07You were the last
00:19:09To lead your tribe into the Union Ahab and as a pledge of your loyalty
00:19:15You brought me your only child
00:19:18Abishag I
00:19:21Have loved and cherished her as my own daughter as I have loved and cherished this
00:19:28Of which she has become the living symbol
00:19:33She has been an honor to my house
00:19:37And to the household of David
00:19:40My day is almost done
00:19:43But the day of Israel has hardly dawned
00:19:47It is well that I make room for another to follow after me on this throne. No you stay
00:19:55His Highness Prince Adonijah
00:19:59Sire I have driven like a fury to attend this council ever since your command reached me
00:20:10Behold the two halves of me the soldier and the poet I
00:20:19Have loved you both dearly
00:20:23Tell me
00:20:25Is there any jealousy between you? No, sire
00:20:30Jealousy of what have I desired to distinguish myself as a scholar
00:20:35It is Adonijah's destiny to rule and I will truly serve him
00:20:39It is God who decrees the destinies of his creatures my son
00:20:44As I lay close to death out of the darkness a great voice called to me and said I
00:20:51Am the Lord thy God who placed thee upon the throne
00:20:56And this I declare unto you
00:20:59Only in peace
00:21:01Can Israel prosper and be made great?
00:21:04not in strife
00:21:07And again, the Lord God Jehovah spoke to his servant David
00:21:14The Sun has been born unto thee a man of peace
00:21:19Welfare thou hast named him Solomon
00:21:24And I will establish his kingdom forever
00:21:28The kingdom is mine God wills it. Otherwise you made good use of your time alone with him
00:21:34You used his weakness to poison his mind against me. I knew nothing you lost
00:21:37I denied you you were always a weaver of words. You accuse your brother falsely
00:21:42How do you've chosen him over me? There should be the choice there Israel. Let them choose. I hear us
00:21:50And you the elders what say you
00:21:53Accept the will of God Adonijah the crown is mine and I shall fight for it
00:21:56Adonijah is the rightful heir act not with violence. Lest the wrath of God fall upon you
00:22:00Adonijah believe me. I have never done anything to deprive you of this crown words from the mouth of a hypocrite
00:22:06Isn't yours the act of a hypocrite highness in coming here to greet your father?
00:22:10You who proclaimed yourself king even though you knew that's David still lived
00:22:16As has rice spoken truly I did not know that you had sent him to me
00:22:21I did not know that you had sent him to spy on me
00:22:24Could not wait until the breath had left my body. I am weary with waiting above all others
00:22:29The king must respect and obey the law
00:22:32In proclaiming yourself. You violated the law of God and man. I claimed what was mine by right and I shall never relinquish that right
00:22:41I will take them to discover the incompetence of Solomon
00:22:45Solomon king
00:22:47impossible now
00:22:49It is revealed out of the mouth of Adonijah himself
00:22:52Why God hath turned his face from him the wisdom of God passeth all understanding
00:22:58As it is written
00:23:00So let it be done
00:23:02Bring forth the waters of Gion and hear as God commands
00:23:07anoint Solomon king of Israel
00:23:12By the grace of God
00:23:15Yield Adonijah yield and bend the knee in the name of God never
00:23:20Rather would I bend knee to the Egyptian pharaoh than to this brother who has robbed me of my birthright
00:23:29Then hold high the tablet of unity before his eyes
00:23:33So that he may ever remember
00:23:35the purpose
00:23:36of his consecration
00:23:48Hail Solomon by the grace of God king of Israel
00:24:05Turn not against thy brother Solomon
00:24:10His blood is hot but
00:24:12It will cool
00:24:13You have my pledge sire
00:24:15I will never forget that. He is my brother
00:24:19And you my child
00:24:22Will you remain in the king's household or
00:24:25Or will you return to Gilead with your father Ahab when I was brought to the house of David
00:24:32My people sang songs of gladness
00:24:34And I came with joy my heart
00:24:37with the same joy
00:24:39I will remain within the house of Solomon
00:24:41I will be with you
00:24:44One thing
00:24:47Remains heavy on my heart
00:24:50In my youth
00:24:52I dreamed that I would build a mighty temple
00:24:55To house the ark of the covenant
00:24:58But I sinned greatly
00:25:01And was not fit to erect the habitation of the lord
00:25:07Redeem my vow my son
00:25:09Pledge me that you will build the great temple of which I had dreamed
00:25:15So that god
00:25:16Will have his dwelling place
00:25:19among his people
00:25:21I promise you it shall be built
00:25:24Be strong
00:25:27And of good courage
00:25:30Dread not
00:25:33Nor be dismayed
00:26:19Oh lord my god
00:26:22Thou hast made thy servant king instead of david my father
00:26:27And I am no more than a little child
00:26:31Give therefore unto thy servant an understanding heart that I may judge thy people
00:26:40That I may discern between good and evil
00:26:43For who is able to judge this?
00:26:47Thy so great a people
00:26:53Because thou hast asked this thing
00:26:56And has not asked for thyself long life nor riches for thyself
00:27:02Nor the life of thine enemies
00:27:04But has asked for understanding to discern judgment
00:27:08Behold I have done according to thy words
00:27:12I have given unto thee a wise and understanding heart
00:27:18And if thou wilt walk in my ways
00:27:21Keeping my statutes and my commandments
00:27:24I will give unto thee both riches and honor
00:27:28So there shall not be
00:27:30among the kings of the earth
00:27:33Any like unto thee
00:27:35in all thy days
00:27:55Not good enough no
00:28:04With you i'm seldom good enough double the wager
00:28:07Very well
00:28:11I should have killed him when he was chosen king patience highness wait
00:28:17I'm, not a patient man. I'm aware of that
00:28:32Leave us job
00:28:34Did you not hear his majesty job?
00:28:37Obey his command
00:28:41For a man whose wisdom is becoming the marvel of the land
00:28:44You are showing a surprising lack of it by coming here alone
00:28:48I've come to ask a favor of you
00:28:51Knowing that this hand of mine must ache to dry this spear through your body
00:28:56I know what is in your heart
00:28:58All I ask is that you love your country as much as you hate me
00:29:02That would make me the greatest patriot in the history of israel
00:29:06David has laid a great burden upon me to rule the kingdom
00:29:09And to build the temple of jehovah both of which I have undertaken
00:29:13But you have elected to remain here in your lodge
00:29:17Depriving the people of your great talent as a soldier and a commander
00:29:21To build is not enough
00:29:23What has been built must be defended against all the enemies of the nation
00:29:28Against all the enemies of the nation
00:29:31For that task you are far better suited than I
00:29:35Return to jerusalem offer your services not to me but to your country and your god
00:29:43You are offering me command of the army yes, even though you know that one day I might try to use it against you. Yes
00:30:00I'm trying to decide if you are the wisest of the wise or the fool of fools
00:30:25So solomon walked in the way of his god and through a long era of peace israel grew and prospered
00:30:55With the completion of the temple solomon had fulfilled a most sacred pledge to his father
00:31:18Solomon king over israel
00:31:36Lord god of israel
00:31:38There is no god like thee
00:31:41Heaven of heavens cannot contain thee
00:31:44How much less this house that I have built it unto thy name?
00:31:49Yet hear thy servant and his supplication
00:31:53And let thy word be verified which thou spakest unto my father david
00:31:59And of thy people israel
00:32:02When they shall pray toward this place
00:32:06Here thou in heaven and when thou hearest forgive
00:32:12For they be thy people
00:32:15As this house is thine that all the earth may know
00:32:20The lord is god
00:32:23There is none else
00:32:42Come come come
00:32:48Come oh majesty
00:32:54Come and join us balto
00:32:56I am teaching my bird to obey
00:32:59Takian disapproves
00:33:01I need an ally
00:33:02That is exactly what the pharaoh is complaining about your majesty
00:33:06The pharaoh is complaining
00:33:08We will have to teach him
00:33:10Now the message has just arrived from egypt
00:33:13Let it wait
00:33:15But it is a serious matter. The pharaoh has called a conference of all the kings
00:33:21Sit down balto you make tokyo nervous
00:33:32Pomegranate that is the right color
00:33:37Well balto
00:33:39What is the problem this time?
00:33:41Your majesty the problem is the israelites they proclaim peace yet continually strengthen their army and for what purpose?
00:33:48They are afraid of the pharaoh perhaps
00:33:51What have we to fear?
00:33:53In spite of our eternal hatred
00:33:57We now have friendly relations with israel true, but our security is threatened
00:34:02Almost fanatically they support their great king solomon a dreamer
00:34:08A man of peace but a man of ideas and there's nothing more dangerous than a man with an idea
00:34:17The threat is real very real
00:34:20Solomon's threat is not only his army, but he's god. He's god
00:34:24We have a hundred gods. It is this one god who teaches that all men are equal and none are slaves
00:34:33What a foolish idea
00:34:37And yet
00:34:38If that idea were to take hold of the people
00:34:43The queen of sheba would soon come crashing down from her throne
00:34:48As would all other absolute monarchs
00:34:51Therefore I strongly advise your majesty to attend this conference
00:34:55You see balto
00:34:57To catch the bird first bait the trap
00:35:02Perhaps we can help the pharaoh solve the problem of solomon and kill two birds with one stone
00:35:21Since solomon came to the throne of israel
00:35:24I've watched his strength grow
00:35:26Until now his power has become a threat to my northern borders and the wealth and trade which once came to us
00:35:33Now finds its way to him for too long. We have delayed plans for his destruction. Yes, take up arms against him
00:35:40Raise a great host
00:35:42trample israel into the dust king aglon
00:35:45From moab. I want a thousand heavy chariots. I will send you two thousand caldio from chaldea. You will send me five thousand archers
00:35:53More if they are needed
00:35:54We will launch the attack exactly as I have planned from the north the east and the south at the same time by surprise
00:36:01The israelites will not know how or where to make a defense. We will drive them into the sea
00:36:07and sheba
00:36:09What force will you send against solomon?
00:36:18Are you not my ally? We must put an end to israel with this dangerous idea of one god you talk of war
00:36:25How can you destroy an idea a faith?
00:36:29with a point of your spears
00:36:34There is only one way it can be done, what do you suggest have your plan
00:36:39I have
00:36:42But for every plan there is a price what do you want this time?
00:36:51The part of malice on the red sea in return for the downfall of solomon it is impossible malice is my port
00:36:58This time you ask for too much sheba
00:37:02Tell me
00:37:03What would be the cost of a war against israel?
00:37:07You know very well and I offer you a plan almost without cost
00:37:18His majesty hesitates balto
00:37:21Perhaps we should return to sheba
00:37:23Rather than to visit jerusalem
00:37:31I grant it
00:37:34And how will you destroy solomon?
00:37:37It is said that solomon is wise
00:37:40But no matter how wise a man may be
00:37:43He is still human
00:37:45with a human weakness
00:37:49I will sit at the feet of solomon like the wise man who flocked to jerusalem
00:37:55And perhaps I will learn from his own lips the way to destroy him
00:38:12Truly the way of a woman is beyond our understanding
00:38:16The way of a woman is simple my lord
00:38:19It is always to follow the way of a man
00:38:30I shall keep myself informed of your progress in jerusalem
00:38:48Mother mother come look mother
00:39:46My compliments I am benaiah captain of the king's guard sent to escort you into jerusalem greetings
00:39:53Her majesty the queen of sheba
00:39:59Your majesty the king of israel wishes me to convey his greetings to you
00:40:04Truly your king has built nobly there is no such splendor even in egypt
00:40:15And all that for a god cannot even see
00:40:56Do you think she will be as beautiful as we have heard
00:41:00This is something I never thought to see a pagan welcome to israel
00:41:06How can a pagan be converted to the true god?
00:41:09Unless she be brought to noah. We must never forget. She's an ally of egypt
00:41:14Because she is an ally of egypt. We must show her our unity and our strength
00:41:18Yes, let us offer her our friendship in the hope that we may have one less enemy confronting us
00:41:49She is very beautiful, isn't she?
00:42:01Your royal majesty
00:42:04Permit me to present my sovereign her royal majesty the queen of sheba
00:42:23Israel extends a warm welcome to your majesty. I am grateful for your majesty's permission to visit your beautiful country
00:42:43After so much traveling you must be pleased you have at last reached your destination
00:42:47If I had traveled 10 times the distance it would be forgotten in the face of the marvels I have seen
00:42:54And in the splendor of your city of jerusalem
00:42:58If it pleases you we can dispense with ceremony and let you see crest
00:43:02You are most considerate
00:43:04But first let me offer a token of my appreciation for the kindness you have shown
00:43:11to a stranger within your gates
00:44:08So many gifts yes and brought from so far such riches
00:44:29I have no adequate words to express my thanks and the gratitude of my people along with them. I offer my hand
00:44:36In the hope that this day will mark the beginning of a closer friendship
00:44:42between israel and sheba
00:44:44That would be the most welcome gift of all
00:45:28Do you suppose the land of the shebans is always like this I would think so. Yes
00:45:54We must not keep the queen waiting
00:46:14Welcome a message for your queen
00:46:27Her majesty the queen
00:46:31His majesty king solomon sends his greetings and has commanded me
00:46:35Uh has commanded us to inform your majesty that in response to your majesty's request
00:46:42He will be most happy to receive you in private audience
00:46:46He is most gracious
00:46:48How thoughtful of the king to send so charming an envoy
00:46:53Oh, he doesn't know i'm here
00:46:55I was so anxious to come then. I am even more pleased come in
00:47:01You are the first of his majesty's court to visit me how interesting your encampment is
00:47:08Are your people always so carefree and gay?
00:47:12We enjoy life and pleasure
00:47:16Don't you?
00:47:17Oh, yes, we do
00:47:19But we are an austere people
00:47:22We tend to be more serious
00:47:24And your king
00:47:26Is he also serious?
00:47:29King solomon has a great responsibility. He must maintain the unity of our 12 tribes
00:47:36It is very important this unity. Oh, yes without her there would be no israel
00:47:47The gods of shiva
00:47:49Malra the guardian of destiny
00:47:52Call god of the sun and stars
00:47:55Rama who sends the rain
00:47:58We have many gods
00:48:00In israel, we have one god
00:48:03In israel, we have one god
00:48:06When he fails you do you blame him for everything
00:48:10He never fails us
00:48:13You must find that gratifying to be so close to your king
00:48:17Are you his sister perhaps?
00:48:22Sometimes he calls me that we have been very close to each other ever since I came to live in the house of his father
00:48:31Do you stay long in israel
00:48:36That depends upon your king
00:48:40You are charming innocent
00:48:43And you fulfill all my expectations
00:48:51For you from the land of sheba a gift from its queen
00:49:04This solomon the almighty
00:49:1020 men surrounding him and he calls the private audience king solomon has entertained your majesty royally and those state banquets
00:49:19I at one end he at the other and in between us a lot of sour-faced old men
00:49:26Not once have I been with him alone
00:49:28Not once but your majesty. We've only been here five days. This solomon is more difficult to approach than the pharaoh of egypt
00:49:37This great king has time for everything
00:49:40Except the time for being a man
00:49:53Send him to me
00:49:55Dragon god of love
00:49:59Make me the most desirable of women
00:50:02Make my lips sweet as honey
00:50:05My skin soft and fragrant like the petals of a flower
00:50:12Give him to me
00:50:18I want him at my feet
00:50:32Your majesty has a royal visitor
00:50:46Her majesty and I have met before
00:50:51My apologies to your majesty
00:50:53I regret that I was unable to be present at the reception to welcome you to jerusalem
00:50:58Had you been there it would have made my welcome even more complete
00:51:01Your majesty is too gracious rather different from the occasion of your last visit
00:51:06If I remember rightly your highness was then a king. Yes
00:51:11And as a king I offered you an alliance against the pharaoh
00:51:18My answer was not too kind so I remember
00:51:23This time I venture to offer you another alliance
00:51:27Do you come as envoy from the king of israel? I come as adonijah
00:51:32Rightful heir to the throne of israel an alliance between us could give us many of the things we both desire
00:51:38Do you want sheban arms to help you usurp your brother's throne solomon is use upper
00:51:44Once I am on the throne our two lands could encircle egypt and all of the kings would be at our mercy
00:51:54Why should I want them at my mercy
00:51:57I maintain good relations with the kings
00:52:00And king solomon is my friend
00:52:03So, how could your offer possibly interest me? Has the screaming eagle been transformed into a cooing dove?
00:52:11How dull the world would be if people never changed
00:52:15I am wiser prince adonijah
00:52:18I no longer do battle with a sword
00:52:21That's why I find your visit here. So disturbing. I find it difficult to believe that you have come bearing an olive branch of peace
00:52:29What else could I bring to king solomon? Who is a man of peace?
00:52:34Your majesty, it is clear that I waste your time as well as mine
00:52:42With your majesty's permission
00:52:47I think I understood you better as the screaming eagle
00:52:57He is a man of peace
00:52:59He is a man of peace
00:53:03He is still a dog
00:53:12Let the women in judgment come forward never before has an alien sat beside our king in judgment
00:53:19Her presence here profanes all israel
00:53:28Who makes complaint
00:53:30My lord king
00:53:32This woman lea and I dwell within the same house
00:53:36I was delivered of a child
00:53:38On the third day after I was delivered. She was delivered also
00:53:42There was no one in the house, but we two
00:53:46In the night this woman's child died because she lay upon it
00:53:51Wherefore she removed my son from beside me while I slept and laid her dead child against my bosom. She lies. I do not
00:54:00And when I rose in the morning to nurse my child
00:54:03He was dead. Not so lord. Solomon the truth lord king
00:54:07For when I looked at the child in my arms
00:54:10I knew it was not the son that I did bear
00:54:12It was her own child and none other the living child is mine. The dead is yours. The dead is yours the living mine
00:54:18Bring the infant forward
00:54:24Place the child on the steps before me and show him to me
00:54:49Draw your assault josiah
00:54:57Divide the child into two parts
00:55:01Give half to the one woman half to the other
00:55:09Oh, no
00:55:15If it must be
00:55:18Give the child to her that it may not be slain divide it. It shall be neither hers nor mine
00:55:47Take your son mother
00:55:49He's surely yours
00:55:50May the lord god jehovah praise and bless you
00:55:55Would rather have surrendered him to another than to seem harmed
00:56:04And take this woman hence and administer to her punishment to fit her perjury
00:56:11She lies she lies it's not right the child is mine mine
00:56:19Now at last I have seen a judgment of solomon
00:56:24And your wisdom amazes me
00:56:27Whatever wisdom has been given me was for the benefit of my people
00:56:32Continue to teach me I beg of you
00:56:35So that I may gain a greater insight into the wonder of your understanding
00:56:41It will enable me to become a better and wiser ruler over my own people
00:56:48Real wisdom lies in the ability to decide between the true and the false
00:57:07Can you believe that only four years ago all this was barren desert
00:57:13Have such a joy in all you have accomplished
00:57:16It is a joy to make the desert bloom by bringing water from the far mountains
00:57:20You have made this into a paradise
00:57:23the water the work
00:57:25The warmth of the sun have done it not I
00:57:32In the last few days i've shown you much of israel
00:57:35But you have not told me anything of your own country
00:57:39At this moment my own land seems as distant as the stars
00:57:44In my youth, I used to dream of visiting all the faraway kingdoms of the earth
00:57:48And now instead the rulers of those countries come to you
00:57:53You rule shiba alone
00:57:56From the beginning of time only queens have ruled in shiba. That is our law
00:58:04I would be happy to tell your majesty many things concerning my country
00:58:08If I was sure it would be of interest to you. Why do you say that?
00:58:14After all the times I have visited you
00:58:17You have not returned a compliment
00:58:19by visiting my encampment
00:58:22and me
00:58:25Perhaps I was waiting for an invitation
00:58:29You promise to accept
00:58:33I promise
00:58:54I am so happy that at last you have come to visit me
00:58:58My people feel honored
00:59:00It is your guest who feels honored
00:59:03You are not bored by our primitive pastimes no, it interests me to learn what amuses you
00:59:17Enough dakin
00:59:32If I do not prevent it my people will stay and stare at you the fabled solomon
00:59:41The way I stare at you
00:59:48This is the hour of ragan every evening I make an offering to him
01:00:00Giver of life god of love accept this token of my gratitude and devotion
01:00:27The feast of ragan is the most sacred rite celebrated each year in the land of shiba
01:00:36But tonight let a vino talk of gods not even of wisdom
01:00:41And there is sheban wine to warm the heart
01:00:46My offering to you
01:00:51We are alone in a different world
01:00:55My world
01:01:00Yes, we are in a different world
01:01:19It's not the wine to your taste my lord
01:01:23It almost made me forget that you're an ally of the pharaoh
01:01:28An enemy of israel
01:01:41Your majesty everything is prepared for tonight
01:02:01I chose this one
01:02:05Heir of roses
01:02:07I love it the king's favorite scent
01:02:10How do you know the women of his harem told me?
01:02:14I don't want to remind him of other women
01:02:18What else have you heard
01:02:21They complain of solomon's neglect of them
01:02:25There is no reason to be jealous of me as yet
01:02:29In spite of the way he left her before he must have had difficulty in forgetting you
01:02:35I will make it even more difficult
01:02:39Try me
01:03:23He may still come majesty it is not yet midnight do I need you to tell me the time
01:03:42Take it away get it out of my sight
01:03:47How dare he treat me this way what does he think I am just another cat in his royal
01:03:55I don't care if he never comes
01:03:58Never never
01:04:16Weren't you supposed to dine with her majesty? Yes, I was then. Why are you sitting here alone?
01:04:23I felt the need of being alone
01:04:27What is it that weighs so heavily upon your heart
01:04:31Is it come to where you can read my thoughts haven't I always shared your thoughts? Yes
01:04:39At times a man feels drawn toward the dangers that confront him even at the risk of his own destruction
01:04:47Like a moth approaches a flame
01:04:52Is there something different about this flame
01:04:55I could put it out in one second
01:04:57Such a little flame abishak
01:05:00And yet unrestrained it could destroy all of jerusalem
01:05:04Simply yes
01:05:06But perhaps without it there would be darkness
01:05:13In light or in darkness
01:05:16You've only to reach for my hand
01:05:20I'll be at your side always
01:05:22Good night. Good night
01:05:52His majesty his majesty
01:07:29Her majesty awaited you until after midnight and then she
01:07:33She retired. I'm, sorry
01:07:35Takian admit his majesty
01:07:49I've disturbed your rest
01:07:52Could I rest thinking that perhaps I had displeased you in some way
01:07:58Now you have to be completely truthful with me
01:08:01Why did you come to jerusalem?
01:08:07Why do you ask me such a question now
01:08:10Because from the first I knew that behind those lovely eyes is a brain of a very clever woman
01:08:15Who would never have traveled 800 leagues without a purpose?
01:08:29You have found me out
01:08:31I will confess to you
01:08:34The pharaoh is paying me a fabulous price to spy on you
01:08:40To deliver to him all of your secrets
01:08:43I have considered that but israel has no real secrets from egypt
01:08:47The pharaoh is aware of our weaknesses and our strength
01:08:53How could I hope to deceive you
01:08:57I have been trying to entrap you
01:09:00With these
01:09:03To bind you to me in soft chains
01:09:07So that I may do with you as I will now perhaps we're approaching the truth
01:09:13Every woman exacts her price from a man. You're a queen
01:09:17But you also demand a price I do so great that I wonder if you will pay it
01:09:25I want you to love me. Hold it completely
01:09:29And that love to be the most precious thing in your life
01:09:33I hope it is true
01:09:36But if it is not
01:09:38Then let me remain blind to the truth
01:10:03Even when you're not with me I find myself trying to recall to recapture every moment we have spent together
01:10:09The words you have said to me. I will never forget
01:10:13After what has come to pass between us
01:10:16New words keep singing in my heart
01:10:19Tell them to me behold thou art fair my love
01:10:24Thine eyes are as doves thy lips are as pomegranates. How much better is thy love than wine?
01:10:33I have never before known such happiness nor I
01:10:38And if I have thought I was happy
01:10:40I know now that I was deceived
