• last year
00:00Ouch! It's hurting, Kitty! Stop it!
00:04My ears! It's hurting! It's hurting me, Kitty!
00:09Please stop!
00:14It's okay, little Kitty.
00:16But don't you ever yabba-dabba do that again!
00:23Hey friends, good to see you all.
00:27Hey friends, good to see you all.
00:29And I'm sure, just like me, you must have felt the same around loud noises.
00:37If so, you were probably experiencing the effects of noise pollution.
00:44Yes, my friends, in today's episode, let us explore the noisy world of noise pollution.
00:52And know about its causes, effects and ways to reduce it.
00:59Zoom in!
01:01Hey friends, unlike other pollution that you see around, like water, land, air, etc.
01:10Noise pollution is invisible to you.
01:14But still, it's very harmful to those who get in its path.
01:19But the crucial question is, what is this noise pollution?
01:25Well, as we know, that sound is everywhere.
01:31Right from the alarm clock you wake up to the sound of, to the school bus, the school bell, loudspeakers and so on.
01:43And as we know, these sounds are a vital part of our daily routine.
01:50And we are very blessed to be able to hear everything around us.
01:57But sometimes, these necessary sounds reach a volume that is dangerous for all living beings.
02:05And if they get too loud or last too long, they become noise pollution.
02:14There are two types of noise pollution, natural and man-made.
02:20The sound coming from natural sources such as birds, animals and all natural calamities..
02:27..are responsible for causing natural noise pollution, which most of the time are minimal.
02:36But the major factor responsible for causing noise pollution is man-made machines.
02:44Such as sounds coming from the loudspeaker, construction sites, traffic, etc.
02:53But the most crucial question is, how does sound affect our health?
03:00Well, human ears are designed to hear sound up to 1 decibel or 1 dB.
03:08But when someone is exposed to sounds that are 85 dB or above, it can cause permanent damage to your ears..
03:18..leading to hearing loss.
03:20Not only that, exposure to prolonged or extreme noise has been shown to cause a range of health problems.
03:29Ranging from stress, poor concentration, productivity loss at work and at school..
03:38..fatigue from lack of sleep and communication difficulties to more severe issues..
03:46..such as cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, etc.
03:53Now, as we know that noise pollution can be so dangerous..
03:58..we must definitely take steps to reduce it for the betterment of our health and environment.
04:06So, what are the steps you can take to stop noise pollution?
04:11Well, make sure to set the volume of your TV to a level where it is only audible enough to you and not your neighbours.
04:23The next vital step is to always try to avoid noisy firecrackers during festivals.
04:31And ask your mom or dad to not honk unnecessarily and specially while passing by school or hospitals.
04:42These little steps from your end will surely help to reduce noise pollution..
04:48..and make our environment a peaceful place to stay in.
04:57Did you know we are not the only ones affected by noise pollution?
05:02Yes, my friends!
05:04Marine scientists are concerned with the excessive noise used by oil drills and submarines on the inside of the ocean.
05:14And as many aquatic animals use the sense of hearing to find food or to defend themselves to survive in the sea..
05:24..they are at a higher risk due to noise pollution.
05:29Also, you won't believe but a submarine sonar can be felt 300 miles away from the source.
05:40Hope you enjoyed today's episode.
05:42Until next time, it's me, Dr. Binox, Zooming out!