Legendary Twins Ep-15 season 1 official hindi dubbed

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Legendary Twins Episode-15 season 1 official hindi dubbed latest
00:05Have you gone mad?
00:10You know, you could have sold that jewel and bought a bigger house if you wanted.
00:14And you threw it away.
00:20I know everything here is precious.
00:23But do you want freedom or this treasure?
00:28You will have to decide that.
00:46Now I understand, you are really smart.
00:48When these monkeys will go to the nearby villages with these precious jewels.
00:52If any of these jewels will be seen by anyone.
00:56Then he will reach here in search of the jewels.
01:02But I don't know if any human will ever come to this jungle or not.
01:07You are forgetting that there is already a lot of mess on Mount Emi.
01:11So, only one person needs to be seen.
01:15This means we can all be free.
01:17Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
01:19I thought I will die here.
01:21But after years of imprisonment, now I will breathe fresh air.
01:49Now I will not let you throw even a single diamond.
01:51Why are you in a hurry?
01:54You keep quiet.
01:55It's been many days.
01:56The treasure has come to end.
01:58But no one has come yet.
01:59Birds die for food and humans die for money.
02:03These stupid monkeys are just staring at us.
02:18I don't feel like throwing it.
02:21Now even I am getting suspicious.
02:26Don't even look at me.
02:30People do come at this time.
02:52This blood is still fresh.
02:55Looks like our plan was successful.
03:07Looks like there is a fight going on up there.
03:09Hey! Why are you laughing?
03:11If no one is alive, how will we get out?
03:14What's the hurry?
03:16The strongest one will kill the rest.
03:19And only he will come down.
03:27Be ready to face it.
03:29Move back and hide.
03:58Is there anyone in this cave?
04:03The cave is empty.
04:05If you are not a human,
04:07then you must be a demon or a saint.
04:10Not at all.
04:11There are two more people here.
04:14And we were waiting for you.
04:16If this is true,
04:18then can I come inside and rest?
04:21It's very hot outside.
04:23And there is no place to rest.
04:25And my legs are aching.
04:29Then come inside.
04:30You can consider this your own house.
04:32Okay, I am coming inside.
04:58You are useless.
05:09Why do you both want to kill me?
05:12What crime have I committed?
05:16I even asked for permission before coming inside.
05:23What a beautiful face!
05:25Listen girl, are you okay?
05:27What's your name?
05:32Yes, I am fine.
05:33But I think you both are trapped here.
05:36If I had known this earlier,
05:38then I would have saved you long back.
05:44I hope this monkey won't bite.
05:46Look, you don't have to be afraid as long as I am here.
05:49Nothing will happen to you.
05:53I am also a good human being.
05:55And as long as I am here,
05:56this monkey can't even touch you.
06:05You are so beautiful.
06:10Who is there?
06:15Listen girl,
06:16I can introduce myself.
06:21I think you have forgotten that I am also here.
06:29What's the hurry?
06:31You haven't even told me your name yet.
06:34I will tell you everything once I go up there.
06:37I know I am handsome.
06:38Don't stick to me.
06:40Don't say that.
06:42Talk to me.
06:44You know, I love fish.
06:47Get lost!
06:49Listen girl,
06:50if you stay with me,
06:51I will always protect you.
06:53I am very strong.
06:55You are such a protector.
06:57I will write songs in your praise.
07:00I will keep you like a queen.
07:05Yes, I know.
07:07But I am afraid that
07:08what if your friend cuts the rope up there?
07:12You should go up first
07:14so that you can pull me first.
07:16You are right.
07:17I will go up first.
07:18Hey, not you.
07:19She was talking to me.
07:28Listen girl,
07:29I will pull you as soon as I go up.
07:31Then we will live happily together.
07:36What happened?
07:48How did this happen?
07:50I think you have hidden a needle on the rope.
07:54You are mistaken.
07:56Believe me,
07:57I haven't done anything.
07:58Wait, I will prove it to you.
08:09Now do you believe me?
08:11I am not lying to you.
08:14See, you fool.
08:15You are doubting her for no reason.
08:17Such a beautiful girl.
08:19She can't be a cheater.
08:22Now I will go up first and wait.
08:27I will wait for you.
08:29You come up soon.
08:34Don't worry about me.
08:36I told you,
08:37such a beautiful girl can't be a cheater.
08:40I am dead.
08:42Save us.
08:48Enough is enough.
08:49Stop this drama now.
08:51You killed a monkey with the help of a poisonous needle.
08:54And then you killed this fool with the help of a rope.
08:58You are misunderstanding me.
09:01You think I cut the rope.
09:04Which was the only way to get out of here.
09:08Now only the two of us are left in this cave.
09:11All alone.
09:12All alone.
09:15Now there is no one here except us.
09:18Your magic won't work on me.
09:21There is no alcohol or food here.
09:23Why should I think about love?
09:25Stay away from me.
09:31So you don't accept my love.
09:34You think I killed both of them.
09:38Okay, I will kill myself.
09:42Then you will believe that I was telling the truth.
09:47I don't want this treasure.
09:50I am just looking for love.
09:52If there is no company in life,
09:55then what is the meaning of living?
10:01Maybe we will be together in the next life.
10:04Goodbye master.
10:08Sorry, I didn't believe you.
10:10I won't let you go alone.
10:20Are you ready?
10:21Are we really going to jump?
10:23I will let you go with a smile.
10:26Now let's go.
10:35I didn't think you would really jump.
10:38If we can't live together, we will die together.
10:42Nothing will happen to you as long as I am there.
10:44Nothing will happen to you as long as I am there.
10:49Wow, you saved my life.
10:54Hold me tight.
10:58I am scared.
11:00Don't worry.
11:09We have reached the ground.
11:12My house is nearby.
11:14I thought I would drown and die.
11:19Yes, it won't happen now.
11:21So tell me, where do we have to go?
11:24Do you believe that I will take you home?
11:28We can wander in the jungle.
11:31You remember the way, right?
11:32Otherwise we will get lost while roaming here.
11:35You just take us home.
11:37Then we will live in peace.
11:39My house is nearby.
11:42But it is not easy to reach there.
11:49You will also stay here from today.
11:51You will stay here from today.
12:08Welcome home, madam.
12:16It is true that I wanted to go to the earth and live like a human.
12:20But then I thought that I will settle down here.
12:25And now I want you to stay here with me.
12:34So she is the one.
12:44Go and get the royal attire.
13:02She is here.
13:04Take this.
13:07So now I will be one of them.
13:10Yes, but now she is my ordinary slave.
13:14But you are my life.
13:18Look how he is staring at me.
13:21As if he will chew me raw.
13:23Don't be scared. I am here.
13:29How dare you?
13:35No, my dear.
13:37Forgive him.
13:38Hope you are not hurt.
13:40The pain is not in my hand.
13:42It is in my heart.
13:44I thought it was near my heart.
13:46But it turned out to be ordinary like others.
13:49And now my heart is broken.
13:52You won't break my heart like him, right?
13:55And even if you break it, the outcome will be very bad.
13:59No, why will I do that?
14:01I will keep you close to my heart.
14:06You look happy.
14:08But remember one thing.
14:10If you try to cheat me, you will be punished with death.
14:17Why will I cheat you?
14:19I can live like a king in your presence.
14:22From now on, I am your love.
14:26Go away from here.
14:28I want to talk to Rani alone.
14:33Hey, you wait.
14:35You won't go.
14:37Arrange for liquor and food.
