10 Difficult Skills/video/viral

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00:00In life, there are lots of skills we need to learn to navigate the world.
00:05We go to school to learn how to read, write, and do math.
00:09These skills are foundational to getting into college, getting our first jobs, and living
00:13as a citizen in society.
00:16But there are some skills you don't get taught in school that can help you grow and
00:20that end up paying off not just in the short term, but throughout your whole life.
00:26These skills can be difficult to master, but their long-term benefits far outweigh
00:30any frustrations we might experience trying to learn them.
00:34Here are 10 difficult skills that, once you've learned them, will pay off forever.
00:40Working out consistently The hardest part about working out isn't
00:44lifting weights, running long distances, or folding into those yoga poses.
00:49The hardest part is actually working out consistently.
00:53Learning how to make time in your life, at all stages of your life, to go to the gym,
00:57hit the pavement, or roll out your yoga mat is one of the greatest battles you may face
01:02within yourself.
01:04Even though it's all in your head, learning to work out consistently will have immense
01:08short and long-term benefits.
01:11Working out releases endorphins, controls weight, reduces your risk of cardiovascular
01:16disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and even some cancers.
01:22Improving your strength has mental and physical benefits that will echo throughout the rest
01:26of your life.
01:27If you can master exercising consistently, the payoff will be huge.
01:33Personal finance skills No matter how much money you make, if you
01:37learn personal finance skills, you can help improve your financial situation.
01:42Do research on personal finance and read books like Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki,
01:48The 80-20 Principle by Richard Koch, or Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier.
01:54Learning how to create a budget, save money, and invest in yourself is a huge asset.
01:59When you learn personal finance skills and can keep track of where your money is going,
02:03you've set your future self up for success.
02:08Meditation Sitting in silence for any amount of time
02:11can be difficult.
02:12Many people practice meditation their entire lives to improve their meditation skills.
02:18But science shows that even meditating for just a few minutes a day can have vast improvements
02:23on your life and brain.
02:25Meditation can help you focus on the present moment, build stress management skills, increase
02:30creativity and patience, and reduce negative emotions.
02:35Meditation also has some major long-term benefits.
02:38In a study done by UCLA, Forever Younger, Potential Age-Defying Effects of Long-Term
02:44Meditation on Gray Matter Atrophy, they found that gray matter loss was less pronounced
02:49in meditators than in non-meditators.
02:51Essentially, it can help keep your brain preserved as you age.
02:57Verbal and Written Communication Skills The way you communicate with the world determines
03:02how the world interacts with you.
03:05If you can verbally communicate your needs, thoughts, and goals with others in an effective
03:10way, you have a superpower that will help you get very far in business, relationships,
03:16and life.
03:17Being able to communicate with the written word also goes a long way.
03:21From being able to craft an email asking your boss for a raise, to writing out a business
03:26proposal, being able to communicate through writing has enormous benefits for your life
03:32As Tony Robbins has said, to effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different
03:37in the way we perceive the world, and use this understanding as a guide to our communication
03:42with others.
03:45Waking Up Early For some, waking up early is as natural as
03:50For others, it takes some getting used to.
03:53However, waking up early is one of those skills that can help you reclaim your day, get more
03:58hours, and work on the things that matter most to you.
04:02Many high-earning CEOs have early morning routines, such as Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey,
04:08Elon Musk, Howard Schultz, Jeff Weiner, Martha Stewart, Tim Cook, and Bob Iger.
04:15The most important aspect of waking up early is that it forces you to plan your day consciously
04:20instead of just letting other people dictate when you wake up.
04:24When you take control of your schedule, you can make room for the things that really matter
04:28and improve your life.
04:32Public Speaking Knowing how to command a crowd can have huge
04:35advantages throughout the rest of your life.
04:38If you can communicate to a large audience, keep their attention, and express your opinions
04:42and thoughts, you'll get a long way towards accomplishing your goals and aspirations.
04:48Public speaking also helps improve your social connections, leadership skills, logical thinking
04:54skills, and more.
04:56Get Honest With Yourself Sometimes, looking at ourselves honestly
05:00is one of the hardest things we can do.
05:03But if we don't understand the truth of ourselves and our problems, we can never work to overcome
05:09Learning how to look at yourself honestly and get real with your issues will help you break
05:14through barriers so much faster than if you kept telling yourself lies.
05:19In the words of Gift Gugu Mona, you can never be true to others if you keep on lying to
05:27Leadership Maya Angelou is quoted as saying,
05:30If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.
05:36Learning how to lead helps improve your career options and opportunities, boosts your confidence,
05:41and helps bring your vision to life.
05:44Without leadership skills, it's very hard to make change in the world.
05:48Learning it alone is almost never as effective as bringing a team together.
05:52If you can master leadership skills, you'll see its rewards forever.
05:58Decision Making Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube once said,
06:03Rarely are opportunities presented to you in a perfect way — in a nice little box
06:08with a yellow bow on top.
06:09Here, open it.
06:11It's perfect.
06:12You'll love it.
06:14Opportunities — the good ones — are messy, confusing and hard to recognize.
06:18They're risky.
06:20They challenge you.
06:21One of the hardest parts of life is simply deciding what path to take in any given situation.
06:27Sometimes, we can get decision paralysis, which occurs when there are so many options,
06:33we can't choose one, so we end up doing nothing.
06:36But if you can master the skill of making decisions, sorting through your options and
06:41making a choice from confidence, you can keep moving forward without wasting time.
06:46Part of decision making is accepting that you can't know the outcomes of every possible
06:52You can only know what you know now, so you have to make the best decision with that information.
06:58If you discover later down the road that you should have done something differently, learn
07:02how to pivot quickly and without guilt.
07:08In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen
07:12R. Covey, he writes that,
07:15Most people do not listen with the intent to understand.
07:18They listen with the intent to reply.
07:21Listeners are learners.
07:23When you can learn how to listen, you'll learn all kinds of useful information.
07:28Being able to listen can help you close a sales deal that's about to fall through.
07:33It can help you repair relationships with friends and family.
07:36It can show you new things you never knew before.
07:40Realize that you don't know everything and start listening to those around you.
07:44They might just have something valuable to share.
07:47Try cultivating these 10 skills in your own life and see how they affect your life both
07:52in the short and long term.
07:54It might just surprise you.
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08:09Thank you for watching and have an awesome week!
