
  • last week


00:00This is a story of a boy who went to the park with his girlfriend, and he met a boy he didn't like.
00:09Or at least, a girl who thought he didn't like him.
00:25Listen! That sounds like the ice cream truck!
00:28It does!
00:29Oh boy!
00:34Where is it?
00:36That's funny. It sounded like it was right outside.
00:44That sounds like a... a garbage truck!
00:47You're right! And it sounds like it's coming from...
00:52Over there!
00:56How did you do that?
00:58I used my cassette player to record sounds in the neighborhood.
01:01Pretty neat, huh?
01:02You sure fooled us!
01:04You sure did.
01:05There are all kinds of sounds on here. Would you like to hear some more?
01:19Does anybody know what that is?
01:21That sounds like a saw!
01:23Right! That's my grandfather's sawing wood.
01:29That's a bouncing ball!
01:31You guessed it! It's my neighbor playing basketball.
01:41What was that?
01:42The sound of a newspaper being thrown into our front yard.
01:46That's not a newspaper. He recorded that whistle.
01:59That sounds like Barney!
02:02You're right, Jason!
02:06Hi, everybody!
02:07Oh, boy!
02:09So many people!
02:11Hi, everybody!
02:14Sounds like you're all having fun!
02:19I just love guessing sounds.
02:22Especially silly sounds!
02:27Oh, silly sounds get sillier when you hear them once again.
02:32And maybe you're hearing an echo, or maybe it's only a friend.
02:37Me oh my!
02:38Me oh my!
02:39Doodle daddle doo!
02:40Doodle daddle doo!
02:45Me oh my!
02:46Doodle daddle doo!
02:51Oh, silly sounds get sillier when you hear them once again.
02:56And maybe you're hearing an echo, or maybe it's only a friend.
03:01Pickle pie!
03:02Pickle pie!
03:10Pickle pie!
03:16Oh, silly sounds get sillier when you hear them once again.
03:21And maybe you're hearing an echo, or maybe it's only a friend.
03:26Hippity high!
03:27Hippity high!
03:34Hippity high!
03:39That sounds like a fire engine.
03:40Is that you again, Julie?
03:41That's not me.
03:42It must be a real fire engine.
03:43Oh, boy!
03:44Oh, goodness!
03:46It is a fire engine!
03:47Get out of here!
03:48Oh, goody, goody, goody!
03:49Oh, no!
03:50Oh, wait for me, everybody!
03:51Oh, no!
03:52Oh, no!
03:53Oh, no!
03:54Oh, no!
03:55Oh, no!
03:56Oh, no!
03:57Oh, no!
03:58Oh, no!
03:59Oh, no!
04:00Oh, no!
04:05Wow, look at those lights.
04:06Fire engines are so cool.
04:07It sure is loud!
04:08Ooh, there's nothing like the sound of a fire engine!
04:09Here comes the fire truck!
04:10The people shout, hooray!
04:11The siren tells the cars and trucks to get out of the way!
04:12Look at all the flashing lights and watch the water spray.
04:35That spells firetruck!
04:38I love the firetruck
04:40With all its hoses and ladders
04:42And firefighters up to save the day
04:46I love to watch them ride
04:48As they hang on to the side
04:50Of the F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K
04:54That spells firetruck!
04:57Here comes the firetruck
04:59The people shout hooray
05:01As the cars and trucks do get out of the way
05:04Look at all the flashing lights
05:06And watch the water spray
05:08Hey! F-I-R-E-T-R-U-C-K
05:17Here comes the firetruck
05:19Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
05:23Oh boy, they were really in a hurry
05:26They must have been going to put out a fire
05:28We had a fire at my house once
05:30Wow, what happened?
05:32We had a fire in the kitchen
05:34And the whole house filled up with smoke
05:36The firefighters had to come and put it out
05:38Wow, was it scary?
05:40A little
05:41But my family had practiced what to do
05:43In case of a fire
05:44And that helped
05:45So what did you do?
05:47Well, my parents have always said
05:49That if I ever see a fire
05:51I'm supposed to tell a grown-up
05:52And then get out
05:54So I told my mom and we all ran out
05:56We used the phone at the house next door
05:58To call the firefighters
05:59What happened then?
06:00The firefighters came really fast
06:02They saved our house and everybody was okay
06:05I bet you were glad
06:06I sure was
06:07Someday I'd like to go to the fire station
06:10And see the firetrucks up close
06:12We could visit the fire station right now, Jason
06:15We could?
06:16Sure, with the adventure screen
06:20Come on, everybody
06:22We're going to the fire station
06:25Are you ready to explore the fire station?
06:30Okay then, here we go
06:37Most fire stations have two kinds of trucks
06:41This is called a bumper
06:43It carries water inside
06:45It has long hoses that the firefighters use
06:50To spray water on the fire to put it out
06:54The ladder truck has a great big ladder
06:57That can reach windows on tall buildings
07:00So that firefighters can rescue people trapped inside
07:05The firefighters need to be ready all the time
07:07So they take turns living in the fire station
07:10They have a kitchen
07:12And a place to eat
07:14A place to exercise
07:17And a place to sleep
07:19Why do they sleep there?
07:21Well, sometimes there are fires during the night
07:24The firefighters need to be close
07:26So they can get to the fire fast
07:29When the fire alarm rings
07:31The firefighters rush to their trucks
07:34Where they quickly get into their protective clothing
07:37The boots, pants, and jackets that will keep them safe
07:41With seatbelts buckled and helmets on
07:44Your neighborhood firefighters are ready to go
07:49There they go
07:55Hiya, B.J.!
07:57B.J., hi!
07:59Hi, whatcha doing?
08:01We were learning about firefighters on the adventure screen
08:04Oh, cool! Firefighters, that's what I want to be
08:09Me too! I want to be a firefighter too
08:12All right! Let's go!
08:17When I grow up, I know what I want to be
08:20A firefighter
08:22That's me! I'll put fires out quick as can be
08:27When I'm a firefighter
08:30With all those people that I'm gonna save
08:34I know I must be real brave
08:37Everyone will cheer and wave
08:40When I'm a firefighter
08:52When I grow up, I know what I want to be
08:55A firefighter
08:57That's me! I'll put fires out quick as can be
09:02When I'm a firefighter
09:05With all those people that I'm gonna save
09:09I know I must be real brave
09:12Everyone will cheer and wave
09:15When I'm a firefighter
09:18When I'm a firefighter
09:26If you really want to be a firefighter,
09:28you need to learn about a lot of different things
09:31Like what, Barney?
09:32Well, you need to know about the special clothes
09:35and equipment you have to wear to keep safe in a fire
09:38Can you show us, Barney?
09:40Actually, I've invited a friend
09:42who knows a lot more about firefighting than me
09:46And I think I hear him coming now
09:51A dog?
09:54Hello, Barney
09:55Hi, Frank
09:57Everybody, this is Firefighter Frank
10:00Hi, everyone
10:01Hi, Frank
10:03And this is Chief. He lives at the firehouse
10:06Hi, Chief
10:08Good boy, Chief
10:10Okay, go lie down
10:12Go lie down
10:13Bye, Chief
10:15Oh, Frank, would you tell us about what you wear to a fire?
10:19Well, I wear this helmet to protect my head
10:22in case something falls on me during a fire
10:24And I have this special coat
10:26which keeps me dry when we spray water on the fire
10:29And it also protects my body from the heat of the fire
10:32It gets very hot
10:33And I have these special boots
10:35which keep my feet dry
10:37and also protect me from the fire
10:39What's that on your back?
10:40It's a tank full of air
10:42When there's a fire, there's lots of smoke
10:45And if you breathe smoke, well, it can make you sick
10:48So we breathe air from the tank through this special mask
10:52Oh, cool!
10:54Boy, look at that
10:56It's just me, Barney
10:58When I'm wearing this mask, I'm trying to help people
11:02Well, how about it?
11:03Would somebody like to try on some gear like this?
11:06Oh, I would
11:07I'd really like to be a firefighter
11:10Well, I brought some extra gear along
11:12So why don't you try the boots on first?
11:15Oh, this is great!
11:17I'll be right back
11:19I'm gonna get my firefighter outfit
11:22Okay, DJ, bye
11:24See you later
11:27They're a little big for me
11:29Let's try this coat on for size
11:31Oh, it's so long
11:35And we can't forget your helmet
11:41That's great
11:42This stuff is heavy
11:45Can you move around?
11:50Well, I'll have to get big and strong to be a firefighter
11:53Well, if you're going to get big and strong
11:56You'll need lots of exercise, Julie
11:59Okay, everybody, let's build up our muscles
12:02So we can be firefighters
12:05I exercise
12:06I exercise
12:07It's good for me
12:08It's good for me
12:09It makes me strong
12:10It makes me strong
12:11As you can see
12:12As you can see
12:13I exercise
12:14It's good for me
12:17It makes me strong
12:18As you can see
12:21I touch my knees
12:22I touch my knees
12:23I touch my toes
12:24I touch my toes
12:25I reach up high
12:26I reach up high
12:27And I will grow
12:28And I will grow
12:29I touch my knees
12:30I touch my toes
12:33I reach up high
12:34And I will grow
12:37I lift my legs
12:38I lift my legs
12:39I run in place
12:40I run in place
12:41And keep a smile
12:42And keep a smile
12:43Upon my face
12:44Upon my face
12:45I lift my legs
12:46I run in place
12:49And keep a smile upon my face
12:53I move my arms
12:54I move my arms
12:55Around and round
12:56Around and round
12:57I think I might
12:58I think I might
12:59Fly off the ground
13:00Fly off the ground
13:01I move my arms
13:02Around and round
13:05I think I might
13:06Fly off the ground
13:09I'm nearly done
13:10I'm nearly done
13:11I have to hustle
13:12I have to hustle
13:13But not before
13:14But not before
13:15I show my muscles
13:16I show my muscles
13:17I'm nearly done
13:18I have to hustle
13:21But not before
13:22I show my muscles
13:28I think I better give this back
13:29until I'm big enough to wear it.
13:32Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
13:34Okay, Frank,
13:35I'm ready to fight fires.
13:37If there's a fire around here,
13:39I'll be the first one there
13:41to help you put it out.
13:43Well, thanks for the offer, B.J.,
13:45but let me show you something.
13:47We use hoses
13:48that are this big around,
13:50and they carry a lot more water
13:52than a garden hose.
13:53Oy, oy, oy!
13:54That's a lot bigger.
13:56And we've got ladders
13:57that go all the way to the roof.
13:59Oh, so I guess
14:00you don't need my help, huh?
14:02Oh, but I do need your help, B.J.
14:05You bet.
14:06When you see a fire,
14:07there are two very important things
14:09that I'm counting on you to do.
14:11Number one, tell a grown-up.
14:14And number two,
14:15get out of the building.
14:17That's what I did
14:18when there was a fire at my house.
14:20Good, Tasha.
14:21I can do that.
14:22If I see a fire,
14:23I'll tell a grown-up,
14:25and then get out of the building.
14:28Now, does everyone know
14:29how to get out of a building
14:31when there's lots of smoke?
14:33No, sir.
14:35You crawl under smoke, like this.
14:40Why don't you try it?
14:42Oh, boy.
14:43Oh, here they go.
14:45Under the smoke.
14:51Now, once you get out of a burning building,
14:54stay out.
14:55Don't go back in for anything.
14:57Can you remember that?
15:00Crawl out under smoke.
15:01And once you get out, stay out.
15:03Very good.
15:04When there's a fire around,
15:06you really have to move quickly,
15:08don't you, Frank?
15:09That's right, Barney.
15:10Well, then,
15:11maybe we should get some practice.
15:13Come on, everybody.
15:14Let's find out
15:15how many different ways our bodies move.
15:18There are lots of different ways our bodies move.
15:21Bodies move.
15:22They can twist and bend and shake and really groove.
15:25Really groove.
15:26If you're ready now to start,
15:28let's try to find the part
15:30that will do the things old Barney says to do.
15:33Okay, now twist.
15:35That's it.
15:36And bend.
15:37Now shake.
15:38Here we go.
15:39And groove.
15:42There are lots of different ways our bodies move.
15:45Bodies move.
15:46They can twist and bend and shake and really groove.
15:49Really groove.
15:50Now we had a lot of fun.
15:52It's a shame that we're all done.
15:54But we'd like to play this game again real soon.
15:57Let's twist again.
15:59Okay, now bend.
16:01And shake.
16:03Now groove.
16:09I think I know what to do now when there's a fire.
16:11But I just have one question.
16:13What's that, Jason?
16:14Can we take Chief outside and play firefighters?
16:17I think he'd like that.
16:20Let's all dress up like firefighters.
16:22Good idea.
16:24Boy, that sounds like fun, doesn't it?
16:27All right, you guys look terrific.
16:31Oh, they do.
16:32Let's get ready to drive our fire truck.
16:35Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
16:38Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
16:40Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
16:42Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
16:44Okay, climb the ladder.
16:47Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
16:49Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
16:51Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
16:53Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
16:55Okay, squirt the water.
16:57Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
16:59Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
17:01Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
17:03Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
17:05The fire alarm.
17:06Hey, where's the fire?
17:08Oh, goodness.
17:09Let's get ready to go.
17:11Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
17:13Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
17:15Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
17:17Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
17:19Okay, climb the ladder.
17:20Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
17:22Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
17:24Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
17:26Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
17:27Now squirt that water.
17:29Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
17:31Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
17:32Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
17:34Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
17:36Oh, perfect.
17:38Oh, ding.
17:40Whoa, that was great.
17:48Oh, what are you doing, Frank?
17:50I'm just checking the smoke detector to make sure it's still working.
17:54What's a smoke detector?
17:56A smoke detector can tell you when there's smoke in a room,
17:59which may mean there's a fire.
18:01You mean it can kind of smell smoke?
18:03Well, in a way.
18:05When the smoke touches the detector, it makes a loud noise
18:08to let you know that there's something burning in your house.
18:11Some smoke detectors even have flashing lights, too.
18:13Oh, every home should have at least one smoke detector.
18:17And if there's a fire, you tell a grown-up and get out.
18:21That's right, BJ.
18:23Oh, I can't wait until I'm big enough to be a firefighter.
18:27Well, you can be a firefighter right now by helping us prevent fires,
18:31and that means leave matches alone.
18:33But I'm sure none of you plays with matches.
18:35Oh, no.
18:38Well, Chief, I think it's time we got back to the station.
18:41You ready to go?
18:43Oh, thanks for coming by, Frank.
18:45We sure learned a lot today.
18:47Yeah, we sure did.
18:48Can I carry your bag out to the car?
18:51Sure, BJ, thanks.
18:54All right.
18:56Let's go, Chief.
19:00See you.
19:01So long, everybody.
19:02Bye-bye, Frank.
19:04See ya.
19:06You know, with all the different kinds of alarms and sirens and everything,
19:09hearing sure is important for fire safety.
19:12It sure is, Tasha.
19:14But there are other ways to tell there's a fire.
19:16I have a good smoke detector right here,
19:19and I can see the smoking fire and feel the heat from the fire.
19:23Our senses of hearing, smell, sight, and touch
19:27are all important when it comes to fire safety.
19:32With our eyes, we...
19:35With our ears, we...
19:37With our fingers, we can...
19:39With our nose, we...
19:41With our mouth, we...
19:43Oh, very good.
19:45I am an eye.
19:47Yes, an eye is what I am.
19:49Sometimes I need some glasses to see the best I can.
19:54With our eyes, we see.
19:55With our ears, we hear.
19:56With our fingers, we can touch.
19:58With our nose, we smell.
19:59With our mouth, we taste.
20:00Now, thank you very much.
20:03It's wet.
20:05I am an ear.
20:07If I'm working, you can hear.
20:09Please don't put things inside me.
20:11I'd like to make that clear.
20:13With our eyes, we see.
20:14With our ears, we hear.
20:15With our fingers, we can touch.
20:18With our nose, we smell.
20:19With our mouth, we taste.
20:20Now, thank you very much.
20:25You know me.
20:27I'm a finger that lets you touch.
20:29I can tell if it's hot or cold or if it's smooth or rough.
20:33With our eyes, we see.
20:34With our ears, we hear.
20:35With our fingers, we can touch.
20:37With our nose, we smell.
20:38With our mouth, we taste.
20:39Now, thank you very much.
20:42Who's next?
20:44I am a nose.
20:46An elephant, I'm a trunk.
20:48With me, you'll smell the difference
20:50between a flower and a skunk.
20:53With our eyes, we see.
20:54With our ears, we hear.
20:55With our fingers, we can touch.
20:57With our nose, we smell.
20:58With our mouth, we taste.
20:59Now, thank you very much.
21:02What can I be next?
21:04I am a mouth.
21:06I'm the one that lets you taste.
21:08With me, you'll enjoy your dinner,
21:10so it won't go to waste.
21:12With our eyes, we see.
21:13With our ears, we hear.
21:14With our fingers, we can touch.
21:17With our nose, we smell.
21:18With our mouth, we taste.
21:19Now, thank you very much.
21:21With our eyes, we see.
21:22With our ears, we hear.
21:23With our fingers, we can touch.
21:25With our nose, we smell.
21:26With our mouth, we taste.
21:27Now, thank you very much.
21:33We sure have learned a lot about firefighting
21:36and fire safety today, haven't we?
21:39Sure have.
21:40What do you like best about firefighting, Julie?
21:42Riding the truck with the siren going.
21:48Oh, boy.
21:49What do you like best, Tasha?
21:51Squirting the water on the fire to put it out.
21:57Very good.
21:58How about you, Kathy?
22:00Climbing the big ladder.
22:03The part I like best is helping other people.
22:07Helping others is a very important job
22:10that many people do.
22:15Oh, a firefighter's someone who gives help
22:18each and every day.
22:20If you want to fight fires when you grow up,
22:23it's A-OK.
22:26Because people helping other people
22:28is what this world's about.
22:31And the people who fight fires,
22:33we couldn't do without.
22:37Oh, a teacher is a person who gives help
22:40each and every day.
22:42If you like to help people, then being a teacher
22:45is A-OK.
22:48Because people helping other people
22:51is what this world's about.
22:54And people like our teachers,
22:56we couldn't do without.
23:00Oh, a doctor is a person who gives help
23:03each and every day.
23:05If you like to help people, then being a doctor
23:08is A-OK.
23:11Because people helping other people
23:14is what this world's about.
23:16And people like our doctors,
23:19we couldn't do without.
23:23There are lots of other people who give help
23:26each and every day.
23:28If you like to help people, then helping other people
23:31is A-OK.
23:34Because people helping other people
23:37is what this world's about.
23:39And the people who are helping other people,
23:42we couldn't do without.
23:52Oh, I'm so glad you like to help people.
23:55It's fun helping people.
23:57That's one of the reasons I want to be a firefighter.
23:59Oh, but fighting fires isn't the only way to help people.
24:02When we help to prevent fires
24:05and teach others about fire safety,
24:07that's helping people, too.
24:09We can all find a way to help each other every day.
24:13It's just another way of saying...
24:16I love you.
24:18You love me.
24:21We're a happy family
24:25With a great big hug
24:28And a kiss from me to you
24:31Won't you say you love me, too?
24:41I love you
24:43You love me
24:45We're best friends
24:47Like friends should be
24:49With a great big hug
24:52And a kiss from me to you
24:54Won't you say you love me, too?
25:01Bye, Mark.
25:03So long.
25:05All right, you had a good time.
25:07See you.
25:14Oh, I love you, too, Jason.
25:18Bye-bye now. See you soon.
25:31Hey, everybody, it's time for Barnsters.
25:36Hello again to all my friends.
25:39I'm glad you came to play.
25:41Our fun and learning never ends.
25:43Here's what we did today.
25:48We sure learned a lot visiting a fire station today.
25:52Our new friend Firefighter Frank and his dog, Chief,
25:56showed us that a firefighter's clothes
25:58might be too big for you now.
26:01But if you exercise,
26:03someday you can grow up to be a firefighter.
26:08Please remember, don't ever play with matches.
26:11And if you see a fire or smell smoke,
26:14tell a grown-up right away
26:16and get out of the building as fast as you can.
26:19These are very important safety rules
26:22because I want you to be safe from fires.
26:27And remember, I love you.