• last year
The best armor in God of War Ragnarök you can only get in the late game. However early game armor is still good for damage, defense, and health for a good while.
00:00Armour builds are a much bigger part of Ragnarok than they were in the previous game,
00:03with players choosing armour depending on what they want the God of War to be capable of.
00:07Your playstyle here really is going to be best suited by different types of armour,
00:12so there isn't going to be one catch-all armour for everyone.
00:15Depending on what you like to do and how you like to fight,
00:18you'll end up finding an armour set or various pieces that work best for you.
00:22However, to give you a good idea of what's available and things that you might like,
00:25here is a selection of armour sets for players to choose from,
00:28with options for the early game, the mid game and the late game,
00:31things like best for aggro and defence, and a best armour set overall.
00:36Something else that you need to know is that armour comes in many forms,
00:38and a single set usually has a very particular function and synergy.
00:42For example, in the Lunda set, the chest piece grants poison effects to Kratos,
00:46while the wrist and waist pieces increase damage done to poisoned enemies.
00:50Consequently, there is rarely any advantage to mixing up different bits of armour from
00:54different sets, as they are unlikely to pair as well together as armour specifically from the same set.
01:00So, keep the armour together if you can.
01:02So for the best God of War Ragnarok armour that you can get,
01:05the Steinborn armour set is fantastic,
01:07but it's from the late game and final sequences of God of War Ragnarok.
01:11There's nothing better that we could find in this incredibly resilient armour set.
01:14It's a resilient build that actually grants more defence than the UI bar can even show,
01:19as well as granting lifesteal and stunning shockwaves when Kratos takes damage.
01:24Which won't matter much, because your defence is so high.
01:27So not only will even the toughest bosses do piddling damage when they hit you,
01:32Kratos auto-retaliates and even gets health back from hitting them.
01:35So how do you get this amazing armour?
01:37Well, once you have the Draupnir Spear, head to the Lake of the Nine of Midgard,
01:41and at its southern edge behind some breakable ice, you'll find the Mystical Heirloom,
01:45which can be used to awaken four trolls frozen as statues.
01:48The slumber stones they drop can be turned at any blacksmiths into this tanky armour.
01:52If you're having trouble finding them, check out the video in the description below
01:56that we've linked and is a full guide to getting this amazing armour set.
02:00The best mid-game armour is Lunda's armour set.
02:03Lunda's armour is pretty great for a few reasons.
02:06First of all, you can get it pretty early on,
02:08but more importantly, it's a solid option for a multitude of reasons.
02:11The chest piece has a high chance to inflict poison on unarmed attacks, parries and blocks,
02:16doing bonus damage and weakening enemies' attacks,
02:18while the other two pieces increase all damage done to poisoned enemies.
02:22Plus, the whole set nicely boosts strength and luck, among a few others.
02:25This will even carry you comfortably into the late game if you're willing to upgrade it.
02:29Now, how to get Lunda's armour set.
02:31To get Lunda's armour set, it's a reward for the Lunda's Lost Armour labour,
02:35in which three damaged pieces of the armour are found around the River Delta.
02:39This opens up after fighting the Nidhogg boss fight in Vanaheim.
02:42Just go back to the smith's shop in Freya's Cap to get it,
02:45then search the areas marked here to find them as artefacts.
02:49Once you have them, head back to Lunda to get them all fixed up.
02:52So, what's the best early game armour?
02:54It's basically the first optional set you can get.
02:57The Dwarven Nidavellir set is designed to prove the value of doing side quests and favours,
03:02and it does that nicely.
03:04A vitality and defence boosting set,
03:06the armour chest piece grants health for stun-grabbing enemies,
03:09while the wrists and trousers reduce the rate at which stun bars drain,
03:12making it much easier to enact these health-restoring finisher moves.
03:16So, how to get this early armour set.
03:18This early game armour becomes accessible
03:20after Mimir will have some dialogue prompting the start of the In-Service of Asgard favour,
03:25which has you clear three mining rigs of enemies,
03:28and then destroy the rigs themselves, marked on the map here.
03:31Take the ore that each rig drops back to the Haldra brothers,
03:33and they can forge it into some shiny new armour for you,
03:36which should help you loads in the early game.
03:39So, what's the best offensive armour if you like doing high damage?
03:42Well, the Guarding Light armour, aside from boosting strength,
03:45it also puts luck-focused boosters on your attacks.
03:48All attacks you do have a moderate chance to boost strength, runic or luck,
03:52as well as having a chance to do critical hit explosions on every attack you make.
03:56With fast hitting combos like the Blades of Chaos,
03:58you'll be getting these buffs and bursts constantly.
04:01So, how do you get this offensive armour?
04:03Well, unsurprisingly it's part of the Guiding Light favour in the Lake of the Nine,
04:07where you find runes and messages left behind by Tyr on his destroyed statue.
04:12While not an official reward, right next to each message which you can find on this map,
04:16is a buried treasure with one of the three armour pieces in,
04:19glinting gold to make sure you don't miss them.
04:22So, all you have to do once you've got this favour is go and pick them up, which is great!
04:26So, if you want an armour set that's a bit more defensive,
04:28then the Raven Tyr's armour is great.
04:31It's a reward for advancing through the Eyes of Odin questline.
04:34The Raven Tyr's armour provides a very high defence,
04:37as well as a small chance to heal you on every hit you land,
04:39as well as increasing the potency of all healing you get.
04:42If you pair it up with the Leviathan Axe's grip of the Fallen Alchemist,
04:45which has a high chance to restore health with every Serpent Snare attack,
04:49this turns into a great armour.
04:51In order to get this health boosting armour, you only need to find 18 of Odin's Ravens.
04:55Go to Niflheim, look under the Raven Tree,
04:58and you should be able to pop open some chests to get the armour sets.
05:01If you need help finding any of the Ravens, we have a full video
05:03which lists all of the ones that you need to get throughout the whole game.
05:07Go and check out our YouTube channel to find that Ravens video,
05:10which should help to get you at least the 18 that you need for this armour.