Apple Day in Oswestry.

  • 2 days ago
It was a celebration of the humble apple in Oswestry today.
00:00Ronini, how are you? I'm good, thank you.
00:03Special day here, Apple Day in Oswestry. Yeah, that's right.
00:08What's it all about? Go on. It's a crop which is Cambrian Railway's orchard project.
00:18Oh, the railways? Yeah.
00:20Okay, they've got their own orchard?
00:22Well, we have the land, he says, and we have use of the land. We've been there since 2012.
00:32Okay, so 2012 there was no orchard and you planted it up from...
00:36Yeah, we planted it up from scratch. It was cleared and it was planted in two stages.
00:45The first stage was the standards and then a couple of years later we planted the cordons and the espaliers and things.
00:54Are they types of apples? What are they?
00:56They're types of growing apples. They're types of trees. The standards are from the trees.
01:02And the cordons are sort of cut. They're grown on a slant.
01:09They're pruned in such a way that the apples will grow on short spurs off the trunk.
01:23So what's at the orchard? Is it all about apples or is it the different stuff?
01:27We've got a few pears and a few plums.
01:30So how many different types of apples do you reckon you've got growing there?
01:33A lot, a lot.
01:35So all this on the stall here today has come from there?
01:38Every single one, yeah.
01:39Fantastic. So who looks after the orchard then?
01:42Well, we do. We're all volunteers.
01:45How many volunteers do you reckon you have looking after it?
01:47Maybe about ten. But it's been difficult recently with volunteers.
01:53But we've just had a new cohort of volunteers, which is lovely.
01:58So you're always after more, are you?
02:00Always after more, when they're on a Friday morning.
02:02So if people want to find out more, have you got a Facebook page or anything like that?
02:06We have got an Instagram page.
02:08How can people find that? What do they put in?
02:10It's Oswestry Community Orchard across.
02:15Fantastic. Well, it looks fantastic on the table.
02:18I bet you have a lovely blush of blossom, don't you, in the orchard there in the spring?
02:23Yeah, it's very pretty.
02:25And what a lovely way to kind of come together as a community, really.
02:28All over apples and blossom.
02:30Yeah, we have fun.
02:33Any particular favourite apple that's on display here today?
02:37Personally, I like the Adam's Pear Mane.
02:41So what's so nice about that one, would you say, then?
02:44Well, it's got a really nice flavour and you can see the shape of it.
02:51That's an apple, then?
02:52Yeah, sorry.
02:53I was going to say, it does look pear-shaped, doesn't it?
02:59This one's nice. Captain Kidd.
03:01I love the names of some of these.
03:03Captain Kidd.
03:05Ashmead's Kernel over there, that's a nice one.
03:08Great stuff.
03:09Are there any apples that are named after Oswestry?
03:13Sorry, Shropshire, like Shropshire Towns or Shropshire People?
03:19And what else is there? Shropshire Lady's Finger.
03:22Shropshire Lady's Finger.
03:24Bridgewood Chippin is one of those.
03:26Is it Bridgewood Chippin?
03:28Yeah, that's the one.
03:29I'll look at that.
03:30That looks lovely.
03:31Bridgewood Chippin.
03:32That's specific origin to Ludlow, then, that one?
03:35Yes, Bridgewood is a town village.
03:37Oh, wow.
03:38I'm learning something new here.
03:40Well, thank you very much for inviting us down to your apple stall.
03:54We're just videoing for the Shropshire Star.
03:57How are you getting on there?
04:00It's funny, isn't it, how many different types of apples there are?
04:03We just kind of tend to think of Granny Smith's and Golden Delicious, don't we, really?
04:07No, it's supermarkets.
04:09Yeah, yeah, that's the problem with them, yeah.
04:11So what one have you tried there?
04:13That one.
04:14That one.
04:15So we've tried a, what's that, a Charlie's?
04:18Charles Ross.
04:19A Charles Ross.
04:20So how's the Charles Ross going down?
04:22Very nice.
04:23Very nice, yeah.
04:24Good stuff.
