
  • 2 days ago
Jорговани је српска љубавна комедија из 2024. године.

Свечана премијера је одржана 27. фебруара 2024. у оквиру такмичарског програма 52. Феста.

Биоскопска дистрибуција је кренула 29. фебруара 2024. године.
00:00:00Igor, first of all, congratulations for the opportunity to play in a modern adaptation of Anna Karenina,
00:00:24that Kirilenko.
00:00:25How will you bear such a long and demanding filming in Moscow without Katerina?
00:00:29Katerina is enough for me personally.
00:00:31Katerina, how do you feel when Igor is filming love scenes with another colleague?
00:00:36Well, that's all part of our job. I'm really looking forward to Igor's successes.
00:00:41Let's take a picture.
00:00:43Take a picture, here it is.
00:00:44Matori, you need to do something.
00:00:46In our art, you know?
00:00:48Have you read that scene?
00:00:51When, Matori? Don't fuck with me, my dear brother.
00:00:53Can't you see I don't know where I am? I'm a woman, I can't see shit.
00:00:55Who the fuck are you?
00:00:58I just wanted to say hello and wish you luck.
00:01:01Matori, you didn't get an award, you know?
00:01:03Give me a break.
00:01:04I'm serious.
00:01:05I talked to Yugoslav, I tried to get something.
00:01:09What was the award I gave you?
00:01:11Five out of six?
00:01:14You're better than me, right?
00:01:15Of course.
00:01:17Are you going to the wedding later?
00:01:19Who's going to the wedding?
00:01:20We're all going, you, him, me, everyone.
00:01:22You're going to the wedding?
00:01:23Of course.
00:01:28This is completely insane.
00:01:29These people don't understand that we're ambushed individuals.
00:01:32They actually think we're one person.
00:01:35I'm sick of no one asking where Igor is.
00:01:37Where are Igor and Katerina?
00:01:38I'm going to give them a new card,
00:01:40and they're going to write about Igor and Katerina.
00:01:44Yeah, and now you're treating me like a friend.
00:01:46Don't push me.
00:01:48If you have a problem,
00:01:50let me speak out loud and I'll solve it.
00:01:52You don't understand that I'm sad
00:01:54because I didn't get the role I graduated with.
00:01:58Lucky you.
00:01:59You graduated 20 years ago.
00:02:01So what?
00:02:02You're a girl, and that's what it's going to be about.
00:02:05It depends on the concept.
00:02:10Are you fucking with me?
00:02:11Well, yes.
00:02:12I wrote a letter to you
00:02:13so that one night I could sit with my people,
00:02:16have a drink, have a chat,
00:02:18and you bring me this degenerate.
00:02:20Don't play dumb.
00:02:21We don't understand what you're talking about.
00:02:23You know very well what I'm thinking about him.
00:02:26To be honest,
00:02:27as your old colleague,
00:02:28as your friend,
00:02:29it's not my choice to eat shit.
00:02:31You're acting like some prima donna.
00:02:33What do you care who's going to be on the show?
00:02:35You know how nice it is to be happy
00:02:37that we're going to get that award,
00:02:39that an Oleg Kirilenko supported us,
00:02:41that he wants to enter the co-production with us.
00:02:44Well, I'll kick his ass too.
00:02:47My dear Stefan,
00:02:48I want you to calm down,
00:02:49and I'll calm you down until I get my car.
00:02:51Otherwise, I'll kick you out of the show
00:02:53and I'll kick your ass.
00:02:57Look at the way you're acting.
00:02:59No, no, no.
00:03:00I know what you're doing.
00:03:01I won't allow it.
00:03:02This is my moment.
00:03:03I finally got a chance to do something big,
00:03:06to be seen by people.
00:03:07And what's more important,
00:03:08to make money
00:03:09that will ensure our future.
00:03:11Yours and mine.
00:03:12And the future of our children,
00:03:13if you think about it, ma'am.
00:03:15I told you that I want children too,
00:03:17but not now.
00:03:18You don't want them now,
00:03:19but you've wanted them for 10 years.
00:03:21I can have 15 more if I want to.
00:03:23Good luck.
00:03:24Should I interrupt something?
00:03:25No, no.
00:03:26Let's just concentrate.
00:03:27Okay, okay.
00:03:28I'll wait for you there.
00:03:29Let's do it.
00:03:30Come on.
00:03:31It's not about the children at all.
00:03:32It's about the fact that you can't turn around
00:03:33my success.
00:03:34But let me tell you something.
00:03:35I'm serious.
00:03:36Just listen to me.
00:03:38My success is much better than yours.
00:03:41If you can't be happy because of me,
00:03:43then try to be happy because of yourself.
00:03:48It will be easier for you
00:03:49when you realize that you got this role
00:03:51and everything else
00:03:52only thanks to me.
00:03:54What did you say?
00:03:55What you heard.
00:04:09Dear audience,
00:04:10as you know,
00:04:12we're celebrating the year
00:04:14of hyper-production
00:04:15of the play's TV content.
00:04:18And as many expected,
00:04:20from that quantity,
00:04:21after some time,
00:04:23quality was finally born.
00:04:25Okay, Danijela, don't be so harsh.
00:04:27We all know that a mother
00:04:28needs nine months to give birth.
00:04:31And for a good series,
00:04:32you need time.
00:04:34but if that series was being written
00:04:36or filmed,
00:04:37we would have reached that quality
00:04:39nine months earlier.
00:04:41now that we've reached that quality,
00:04:42I ask you to give a round of applause
00:04:44to the first candidate
00:04:45for the best series of the year.
00:04:47The Service Killer!
00:04:58A bloodthirsty criminal thriller
00:05:00that, from a production point of view,
00:05:02parries leading world headlines.
00:05:04The secret to their success, of course,
00:05:06lies in the blue filter and...
00:05:08Unpredictable entanglement
00:05:10full of surprises.
00:05:11That's what you wanted to say, right?
00:05:13Okay, it wouldn't be a surprise
00:05:14if it was predictable.
00:05:16She loves me,
00:05:17but she loves to correct me.
00:05:18I don't get mad.
00:05:19You know,
00:05:20I always say
00:05:21that those who make mistakes
00:05:22are funnier
00:05:23than those who correct them.
00:05:25You're always funny to me.
00:05:27The next candidate
00:05:29is one of six series
00:05:31that entered the box office
00:05:33with Vlach magic,
00:05:34unfairly forgotten
00:05:35cultural phenomenon
00:05:37of Eastern Serbia.
00:05:38Her name is
00:05:41and, I hope,
00:05:43Vlach magic!
00:05:50We didn't get a reward.
00:05:52Where are you going?
00:05:54Where are you going?
00:05:56In the end,
00:05:57we're leaving the series
00:05:59because I,
00:06:01I have to say personally,
00:06:02cried tears of tears.
00:06:04And they're not just my tears, people.
00:06:06They're tears of my mother,
00:06:08my sister,
00:06:09my aunt,
00:06:10my grandmother.
00:06:11I even persuaded my ex-girlfriend
00:06:12to watch the series.
00:06:13In the beginning,
00:06:14she didn't want to,
00:06:15but in the end,
00:06:16she watched it
00:06:17and, of course,
00:06:18she cried.
00:06:20I'll tell you.
00:06:21I have to admit
00:06:22that in my house,
00:06:23the situation was similar.
00:06:25I think
00:06:26that with tears.
00:06:27By all accounts,
00:06:28the last candidate
00:06:29for the most prestigious award
00:06:31of the year is
00:06:32a series
00:06:33that deserves
00:06:34tears of tears
00:06:35all over Serbia.
00:06:37When they smell
00:06:39a funeral!
00:06:49Our most beautiful couple,
00:06:50Igor and Katarina.
00:06:55We're not even in love with each other.
00:06:56So you know we're not, Daniela.
00:06:59we're graduated actors.
00:07:00We should be acting,
00:07:01shouldn't we?
00:07:03Our winners
00:07:04and winners
00:07:05of the golden
00:07:08for the best TV series
00:07:09of the year
00:07:10will be announced
00:07:11by this year's
00:07:12president of the jury
00:07:13and a guest
00:07:14we're always happy to see
00:07:15here in Belgrade,
00:07:16the producer
00:07:17and director
00:07:18of Bratskaya nam Rusije,
00:07:19Oleg Kirilenko!
00:07:32Oleg! Oleg! Oleg!
00:07:34Oleg! Oleg! Oleg!
00:07:36Oleg! Oleg! Oleg!
00:07:38Oleg! Oleg! Oleg!
00:07:48Thank you!
00:07:49Thank you so much!
00:07:51My Serbian
00:07:53is not good.
00:07:57You know,
00:07:59usually I'm the one
00:08:00who gets the award.
00:08:01I've never been given
00:08:02the honor of giving
00:08:03the award to someone else.
00:08:05So you'll have to be
00:08:06gentle with me.
00:08:10The award goes to
00:08:21Yes, I can hear you!
00:08:22He said it!
00:08:23That's right!
00:08:26Well done!
00:08:32let's see!
00:08:35Kadzimir Yargavani!
00:08:39Well done!
00:09:04this award
00:09:06doesn't belong to me.
00:09:08This award doesn't belong
00:09:10to these dear,
00:09:14valuable people.
00:09:16This award belongs
00:09:18exclusively to you,
00:09:20our audience.
00:09:32Thank you, Palme!
00:09:34Thank you, Morike!
00:09:36Who has the audience
00:09:37of Berelo Morike?
00:09:38This is what I meant.
00:09:45I'm asking you
00:09:46to do something now.
00:09:50Thank you all.
00:09:52I would really like
00:09:53to somehow participate
00:09:54in the collective
00:09:56delight and joy,
00:09:57but I can't,
00:09:58because for me
00:09:59the job
00:10:00isn't done yet.
00:10:02A good movie
00:10:03doesn't mean anything.
00:10:05A good series
00:10:06doesn't mean anything.
00:10:09Until the entire
00:10:10cinematography of this country
00:10:11is on its feet,
00:10:13until the state
00:10:14starts investing
00:10:15in movies,
00:10:16until we have representatives
00:10:17at all European
00:10:18and world festivals,
00:10:20until that happens,
00:10:23I have nothing to be happy about.
00:10:26The only thing I can
00:10:27publicly promise
00:10:28is that I will do my best
00:10:29until the last atom
00:10:30of my strength
00:10:31to fight
00:10:32to be recognized
00:10:33in the world.
00:10:34Long live art!
00:10:35Long live Serbia!
00:10:47I am...
00:10:50To be honest,
00:10:51I'm surprised
00:10:52just now
00:10:53while we were singing
00:10:54about the White Steps.
00:10:55I'm thinking
00:10:56who to thank first.
00:10:57Is it you,
00:10:58is it the team,
00:10:59is it the young people
00:11:00who have brought
00:11:01a new energy
00:11:02into our work,
00:11:03a completely new spirit.
00:11:05First of all,
00:11:06I'm thinking of us,
00:11:07our young colleague
00:11:09who, believe it or not,
00:11:10is a debutant role.
00:11:11Please give Maja
00:11:12a round of applause.
00:11:20First of all,
00:11:21I'd like to thank
00:11:22our producer Brki,
00:11:23this young guy
00:11:24who wrote
00:11:25the script
00:11:26or the script
00:11:27to my best friend,
00:11:28my buddy,
00:11:29who directed
00:11:30this series so brilliantly,
00:11:31who guided us
00:11:32through this
00:11:33acting process
00:11:34so intelligently.
00:11:35Or, perhaps,
00:11:36first of all,
00:11:37I have to say
00:11:38a big thank you
00:11:39to my companion
00:11:40both in life
00:11:41and on small screens.
00:11:43first of all
00:11:44and first of all,
00:11:45I'd like to say
00:11:46thank you
00:11:47to myself.
00:11:59Excuse me,
00:12:00why are you laughing?
00:12:01Is it something funny?
00:12:02When was the last time
00:12:03you thanked yourself?
00:12:05When was the last time
00:12:06you congratulated yourself
00:12:07for your work,
00:12:08for your discipline,
00:12:09for your success,
00:12:10for your bravery?
00:12:12We must not allow
00:12:14to be infected
00:12:15with false modesty
00:12:16in the name of
00:12:22I will now
00:12:23say to myself
00:12:24in front of you,
00:12:25thank you, Igor,
00:12:26I congratulate you, Tsar.
00:13:04We had a little fight.
00:13:05You pissed me off,
00:13:06I pissed you off.
00:13:07We wouldn't fight
00:13:08if we didn't love each other,
00:13:09would we?
00:13:10Of course.
00:13:11Are these the shoes
00:13:12I bought you?
00:13:14They look great on you.
00:13:15Very nice.
00:13:16How will those Russians
00:13:17drive you crazy now?
00:13:19Do you know,
00:13:20Oleg told me
00:13:21that he's waiting for me
00:13:22when I come back.
00:13:23The whole Russian truck
00:13:24is waiting for me
00:13:25all the time.
00:13:26I believe you,
00:13:27I believe you.
00:13:28I'm a truck.
00:13:29You won't be hungry
00:13:30until I come back.
00:13:31Everything will be fine
00:13:32when we move
00:13:33to a wider Russian steppe.
00:13:35You're exaggerating.
00:13:37Maybe I am.
00:13:38I can't call you
00:13:39Tulumba anymore,
00:13:40I have to call you
00:13:46What are we toasting to?
00:13:48I'm toasting to you,
00:13:50Not to me, right?
00:13:51No, I'm toasting to you.
00:13:53Am I interrupting something?
00:13:56I know you're both going to think
00:13:57that Klinka is here
00:13:58to bother you,
00:13:59but I just wanted
00:14:00to thank you.
00:14:02I mean,
00:14:03I don't even know how
00:14:04to say this.
00:14:05This is the first experience
00:14:06I have with this profession,
00:14:08and I wouldn't have survived
00:14:10if it weren't for you two.
00:14:12I mean, you in particular.
00:14:13You were like a kebab to me,
00:14:17No, no, no, no,
00:14:18not in that bothering way,
00:14:20but, you know,
00:14:21at least you didn't have to
00:14:22poke your nose
00:14:23into my business.
00:14:24Is it normal for you
00:14:25to want to help
00:14:26a younger colleague?
00:14:28I get that it's important to you,
00:14:30but I still think
00:14:31that the majority is watching me,
00:14:33and that the majority
00:14:34is in a phase of...
00:14:35Okay, I'm leaving now.
00:14:36I'm asking you
00:14:37to cancel.
00:14:39Okay, okay.
00:14:40Okay, Tulumbica.
00:14:41Excuse me.
00:14:43Is it normal for you,
00:14:45to have to defend yourself?
00:14:47It's fucked up, man.
00:14:49It's fucked up to see
00:14:50how beautiful you are,
00:14:52and talented.
00:14:55You're welcome.
00:14:56So you're going to make
00:14:57a mistake for sure,
00:14:58and you're going to learn
00:14:59something from it,
00:15:00and you're going to make
00:15:01another mistake,
00:15:02and you're going to learn
00:15:03something from it,
00:15:04and then you're going to make
00:15:05the biggest mistake,
00:15:07with even worse consequences,
00:15:11That's how it is.
00:15:12And that mistake
00:15:13never ends.
00:15:14No, never.
00:15:16But you get used to it quickly.
00:15:19I admire you.
00:15:20My goodness.
00:15:22My father wanted a project
00:15:23that would bring us
00:15:24to the trend
00:15:25of criminal series.
00:15:27But I,
00:15:28on the basis of
00:15:29a public opinion poll,
00:15:30concluded that the market
00:15:31is saturated with such content.
00:15:32Bravo, bravo.
00:15:33And that the audience
00:15:34is thirsty for new romanticism.
00:15:41Take it.
00:15:42No, thank you.
00:15:43But it's real,
00:15:53Excuse me.
00:15:54One moment.
00:15:56Mr. Kirilenko,
00:15:57I wanted to ask you,
00:15:58tell me,
00:15:59how did you shoot
00:16:00the last scene
00:16:01in your masterpiece
00:16:02Russian Soul?
00:16:03How did it happen?
00:16:04Tell me.
00:16:05It was very difficult,
00:16:06you know.
00:16:08Well, listen, my son.
00:16:09How do I put it?
00:16:11If you have the money,
00:16:14then you can shoot
00:16:15whatever you want.
00:16:17But if you don't have the money,
00:16:19then you can shoot
00:16:20whatever you want.
00:16:23Money, bro.
00:16:28Yes, yes, yes.
00:16:29This is my son, 11.
00:16:32Good evening,
00:16:33Mr. Kirilenko.
00:16:34Good evening.
00:16:35It's a great honor
00:16:36to see you here.
00:16:37It's my honor.
00:16:38Well done,
00:16:39it's my honor.
00:16:40I look forward
00:16:41to our production.
00:16:43I just hope
00:16:44that it's not
00:16:46just an empty story.
00:16:48What story?
00:16:50Our family,
00:16:51our future.
00:16:54He didn't understand.
00:16:55Translator, dear,
00:16:56translate it to him.
00:16:57He says that it's necessary
00:16:58that your family
00:16:59is not an empty story.
00:17:01Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:02Right, right.
00:17:03Well done.
00:17:04And play, play.
00:17:05I also hope
00:17:06that you will
00:17:07transfer me
00:17:08the money
00:17:09as soon as possible.
00:17:11Money, money.
00:17:12Money, bro.
00:17:13Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:14You will transfer the money.
00:17:15Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:16Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:17Now it's a party,
00:17:18a party.
00:17:19We, we, we.
00:17:21I mean,
00:17:22we are working people,
00:17:23working men,
00:17:24just like you.
00:17:26When we work,
00:17:27we work all the time.
00:17:28But then it's a party,
00:17:29a party.
00:17:30Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:31We, we, we.
00:17:32Yes, yes, yes.
00:17:34What happened to him?
00:17:35He didn't get along,
00:17:36but that's how it is.
00:17:37We help you
00:17:38with special needs.
00:17:40Trash, trash, trash.
00:17:42Trash, what happened to him?
00:17:44Thank you, thank you.
00:17:45Thank you, thank you.
00:17:49Excuse me, please.
00:17:50Is it a good part?
00:17:53It's unique.
00:18:02We'll see.
00:18:04Well, dear friends,
00:18:10For the money.
00:18:11Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:18:13We, Denji,
00:18:14we'll talk later.
00:18:16Denji tomorrow.
00:18:17Yes, Denji tomorrow.
00:18:20Why don't you be like Maja?
00:18:23I won't be like Maja.
00:18:26Wouldn't you like to be
00:18:27the most promising young actress
00:18:28that everyone is calling for now?
00:18:30I wouldn't sleep with someone
00:18:31to achieve that.
00:18:34what you just said
00:18:35is a classic example
00:18:36of internalized misogyny.
00:18:40I didn't know you were a feminist.
00:18:42It's all about the role, Denji.
00:18:45And you know,
00:18:46you're not religious.
00:18:58You know I was watching
00:18:59your graduation performance
00:19:00when you played Kitty?
00:19:02What are you talking about?
00:19:03Where did you get that?
00:19:04Yeah, I was watching
00:19:05when I was preparing
00:19:06for this casting.
00:19:07Everyone on YouTube
00:19:08was laughing,
00:19:09and you were so present
00:19:10in the silence.
00:19:11You were following so closely.
00:19:13What casting?
00:19:15Well, I play Kitty with Oleg.
00:19:19Aha, Kajo,
00:19:21I thought you knew that.
00:19:25Now I know.
00:19:29You deserved it.
00:19:30Every hour.
00:19:31Now all the doors
00:19:32will open for you.
00:19:33I'm begging you
00:19:34to take this opportunity.
00:19:35It's very important now.
00:19:37don't tell me
00:19:38if you don't mean it.
00:19:41I mean it.
00:19:43I really mean it.
00:20:06The script is excellent.
00:20:07It's excellent.
00:20:08It's excellent.
00:20:09The way she's getting
00:20:10more and more disappointed
00:20:11in him,
00:20:12and how he turns out
00:20:13to be that fool.
00:20:15It's crazy.
00:20:16You know what I'd do now?
00:20:17I'd just
00:20:18edit that beginning a bit.
00:20:20You know,
00:20:21introduce this, introduce that.
00:20:22So everyone says something.
00:20:24So he introduces himself.
00:20:25So he presents this.
00:20:26I mean, the movie.
00:20:27We can all
00:20:28you know,
00:20:29see it.
00:20:30Everyone says that.
00:20:32Where are you, artists?
00:20:33Where are you, Stevke?
00:20:35We're talking about the script.
00:20:36You know what the script is?
00:20:37It's phenomenal.
00:20:38I'm just saying
00:20:39that maybe I could
00:20:40edit the beginning a bit.
00:20:41What's the script?
00:20:42Wait, I'll do it.
00:20:43I'll do it.
00:20:44I memorized it.
00:20:46Eight billion
00:20:48separate cases.
00:20:50Endless combinations
00:20:51of character features
00:20:52under the influence
00:20:53of outrageous factors.
00:20:55I can't believe
00:20:56you memorized it.
00:20:57That's the one
00:20:58with the pretentious title.
00:20:59No, it's not.
00:21:00What's the title?
00:21:02In the end,
00:21:03it turns out
00:21:04that it's a story
00:21:05about two married kids
00:21:06who are in a fight
00:21:07over who fucks who.
00:21:09So, you memorized it.
00:21:11I did.
00:21:12I didn't tell you
00:21:13about Kenya tonight.
00:21:15We'll talk about it.
00:21:17Hey, Maturi.
00:21:19You know what?
00:21:33Why are you so fucked up?
00:21:35Do you want me to tell you?
00:21:36I do.
00:21:38Then you have to tell me something.
00:22:03Where are you, cat?
00:22:06Since when
00:22:07did you call me that?
00:22:08It just came out.
00:22:14While I'm the producer,
00:22:15you won't be left
00:22:16without a job.
00:22:19I'm tired,
00:22:20so you won't be long,
00:22:22How long?
00:22:23Two, three, four,
00:22:24come on, five.
00:22:27You look beautiful.
00:22:30I mean,
00:22:31you're more beautiful than that.
00:22:32Oh, yeah?
00:22:36I'm going to the house
00:22:37to bring
00:22:40I want to treat him
00:22:42to a cake.
00:23:01There you go,
00:23:02and on the eyes, on the balls.
00:23:03Here you go.
00:23:07Well done.
00:23:58Do you want to go to the circus with me?
00:24:00You didn't like it
00:24:01when I came in.
00:24:03No, I don't like it.
00:24:04I'm happy to see
00:24:05Bobo Mićalović.
00:24:07who are you comparing me to?
00:24:09Of course.
00:24:16Excuse me,
00:24:17can I take a picture?
00:24:18Of course, of course.
00:24:20Can you move a little?
00:24:21Because of the light.
00:24:26There you go.
00:24:28Good morning.
00:24:30Hello, hello, hello, hello.
00:24:40Good evening, Katerina.
00:24:41Congratulations again.
00:24:43Thank you, thank you.
00:24:44You look beautiful.
00:24:45Thank you, colleague.
00:25:00Oh, shit.
00:26:01COME ON, MOM
00:26:21So you admit
00:26:22that you wouldn't get any money
00:26:23from a contest
00:26:24because I wasn't on the committee.
00:26:27Should I give it to you?
00:26:28Or did you give it to me?
00:26:29You should have given it to me, because I'm the best.
00:26:32But Stefan, the commission didn't evaluate me like that. I don't understand what you're talking about.
00:26:35How can you have credibility to evaluate me?
00:26:38Right? You blame everyone.
00:26:40You know, and when it's about me,
00:26:42then a certain moral is pulled, some criteria is tripped.
00:26:45You evaluate me.
00:26:48This year, I filmed several hours of material,
00:26:50more than you all filmed for a lifetime.
00:26:52It's a little funny, brother.
00:26:53What's funny?
00:26:54It's funny, brother.
00:26:55It's funny that you saw on the fax who you want to become.
00:26:58That's what's funny.
00:26:59And you, only if you were a little less nosy,
00:27:02more egoistic,
00:27:03and if you were to go beyond your own right,
00:27:08maybe you'd be a good editor. Maybe.
00:27:10And what's that supposed to mean?
00:27:12I have no idea.
00:27:13Stefan, I'm sorry.
00:27:15Daniel, I don't have a role for you.
00:27:17Do you understand? I don't.
00:27:18You know, I would have said,
00:27:19Daniel, I have a role for you,
00:27:21but since that didn't happen, I don't.
00:27:24Can I ask you something?
00:27:28Because you're a director.
00:27:30Because no one will take you seriously in the frame.
00:27:32Do you understand?
00:27:33If I were to film some crazy comedy,
00:27:35but like this, fuck it.
00:27:37At least a casting or something.
00:27:38Daniel, what the fuck is wrong with you?
00:27:43how long are you going to keep it to yourself?
00:27:46Stop sending messages to the directors,
00:27:48fired up,
00:27:49over the top,
00:27:50three in the morning.
00:27:51Because it's not even for a crazy comedy,
00:27:54it's for a job.
00:27:55Do you understand?
00:27:57I really don't know what you're talking about.
00:28:06You know, my friend,
00:28:07just to say,
00:28:08if you have the money.
00:28:10The money, the money.
00:28:11You can do anything.
00:28:12Dad, I'll be there.
00:28:13I'll be there.
00:28:14The money, the money.
00:28:15I want it, I want it.
00:28:16I want it.
00:28:18I'm sorry, Dad,
00:28:19can we talk in private?
00:28:21Was that your mother again?
00:28:23Yes, yes.
00:28:25Sorry, Oleg, family.
00:28:26Of course, friend.
00:28:28Family first.
00:28:29That's it.
00:28:30Sons and daughters, that's right.
00:28:31You said it right.
00:28:32Yes, yes, yes.
00:28:33Come in.
00:28:40Tell me.
00:28:42I just want your money.
00:28:45let your mother,
00:28:46a hundred times,
00:28:47I'll put that woman in jail.
00:28:48No, Mom.
00:28:56What, Oleg?
00:28:58I lived in Oleg's house.
00:29:00And the real house is in Biakov's.
00:29:02But Oleg's is a lie.
00:29:04Oleg's house is a lie.
00:29:10What are you talking about?
00:29:11Just look at this.
00:29:12This is the original house.
00:29:14The walls are black.
00:29:16Not gold, like Oleg's.
00:29:19on the roof,
00:29:20the rooms are divided into three drawings.
00:29:22Not two, like Oleg's.
00:29:24And the numbers are Arabic.
00:29:26Not Roman, like Oleg's.
00:29:28Maybe the man changed something.
00:29:30How do you know?
00:29:31He didn't offer you anything.
00:29:33He just forced you to give him the money.
00:29:35And my guess is,
00:29:36if you give him the money,
00:29:37Oleg won't even hear or see it anymore.
00:29:39If he's lying for something
00:29:41this small,
00:29:43why would a man ever believe him
00:29:44for something bigger?
00:29:45Wait, son, son.
00:29:46Son, don't tell me anything.
00:29:49I've been doing this job for a very long time.
00:29:51For a very long time.
00:29:52I know every nook and cranny.
00:29:54I mean, you're a smart kid,
00:29:56my smart kid,
00:29:57but you're just a kid.
00:29:59I told you,
00:30:00you're stronger now.
00:30:05You took everything from me.
00:30:07You took everything from me.
00:30:08You had everything.
00:30:22What's going on?
00:30:30I don't like to explain things
00:30:31that are elementary to me,
00:30:33like respect.
00:30:38Since we met,
00:30:40I've been having
00:30:42a kind of
00:30:44intimate dialogue with you
00:30:47about you
00:30:49and our relationship.
00:30:53Are you fucking with me?
00:31:05What's all this about me?
00:31:10Why are you wasting your time,
00:31:11for fuck's sake?
00:31:12You could write the whole script
00:31:13for that time.
00:31:15I'm just telling you,
00:31:16I won't make it in time
00:31:17to read it in the spring,
00:31:18so maybe you could
00:31:19give me a different version.
00:31:21You know,
00:31:22if you're able to.
00:31:24Are you aware of that
00:31:25the most that anyone
00:31:26ever thinks about you?
00:31:29First of all,
00:31:30that's very ugly,
00:31:31what you just said.
00:31:32You know,
00:31:33how can you even know
00:31:34how much he thinks about me?
00:31:36you're a gay actor,
00:31:37you know,
00:31:38that's why you won't
00:31:39feel that gay energy
00:31:40with the fish.
00:31:41Maybe you'll try
00:31:42with the hipsters,
00:31:43and you won't fuck up,
00:31:44believe me.
00:32:21Brko, my dear Brko,
00:32:23we conquered Serbia,
00:32:24didn't we?
00:32:25We left.
00:32:26So, next stop,
00:32:28After that,
00:32:30We'll conquer Hollywood.
00:32:31I'll bring Tom Cruise
00:32:32here to work
00:32:33on the stunt scene
00:32:34instead of me.
00:32:35I won't run anymore.
00:32:36Gigo, you're Tom Cruise,
00:32:37more than four heads.
00:32:39Hey, hey.
00:32:40We'll catch him again.
00:32:41Do you want to see it,
00:32:42my dear?
00:32:43Let's send you there first,
00:32:44slowly, slowly.
00:32:46I'm already there.
00:32:47I'm already there.
00:32:49you look great.
00:32:50See you.
00:32:51Bye, see you.
00:33:00What was that?
00:33:02Why didn't you tell me
00:33:03about Maya and Tom?
00:33:04I did tell you.
00:33:05No, you didn't.
00:33:06I did,
00:33:07but you started to forget.
00:33:10You're pissing me off,
00:33:11aren't you?
00:33:12Listen, Katerina,
00:33:13I told you nicely,
00:33:14Mala is coming with me to Moscow.
00:33:15I asked Oleg
00:33:16to give you that role,
00:33:17but he said
00:33:18he needed a younger actress.
00:33:20I'm sorry,
00:33:21but she was really good
00:33:22in the audition.
00:33:23She rocked it.
00:33:25I know.
00:33:26She told me.
00:33:27I congratulated her.
00:33:28You know what?
00:33:29I thought about it.
00:33:30You were right.
00:33:31I need to get some rest.
00:33:34That's right.
00:33:35Health is for us.
00:33:37Come here, my dear.
00:33:41ten horses,
00:33:42we'll play together?
00:33:44who do you want to play with?
00:33:45Come on,
00:33:46enjoy yourself
00:33:47on the swing.
00:33:48It's a swing for young people.
00:33:49I'm an amateur.
00:33:50Believe me,
00:33:51I have to go.
00:33:52I really have to.
00:33:53Enjoy yourself.
00:33:54Enjoy yourself,
00:33:55I'm telling you.
00:34:07go after her.
00:34:09I don't know what she's up to.
00:34:11You don't know?
00:34:13come on, please.
00:34:15Come on.
00:34:21Just a second.
00:34:35What happened?
00:34:36You knew everything
00:34:37and you kept quiet.
00:34:38Because your movie is the most important.
00:34:40Your series is the most important.
00:34:41The actors will kill each other.
00:34:42Someone will cheat on someone.
00:34:44It doesn't matter,
00:34:45does it?
00:34:48I'm going home,
00:34:49I'm going to drink some tea
00:34:50and to forget this night.
00:35:04Some nights are not to be forgotten,
00:35:08but to be experienced.
00:35:14I'm sorry.
00:35:32You write well,
00:35:33you know.
00:35:36Come on,
00:35:37tell us a story.
00:35:38What do you want me to say?
00:35:39Tell us a story.
00:35:42No, no,
00:35:43not a series,
00:35:44tell us a story.
00:35:45You know,
00:35:46a story.
00:35:54Where's my glass?
00:35:55Where's my wife?
00:35:57She left.
00:35:58She left?
00:36:03She left.
00:36:06What should I do?
00:36:07Let her
00:36:12didn't one of you
00:36:13tell Katarina
00:36:14about Maja
00:36:15and me?
00:36:16Are you crazy?
00:36:17Oh, fuck,
00:36:18that's none of your business.
00:36:19That's your problem.
00:36:20That's right,
00:36:21that's just our problem.
00:36:22If someone's going to tell her,
00:36:23I'm going to tell her.
00:36:24Is that clear?
00:36:25You know what,
00:36:26this isn't the first time
00:36:27that Kaiya's been
00:36:28so demonstratively upset.
00:36:29But when I'm upset,
00:36:30I go after her.
00:36:32Then she pokes me,
00:36:33I comfort her,
00:36:34she acts like that
00:36:35because she knows
00:36:36she can act like that.
00:36:37I tell her how great she is,
00:36:38how cool we are,
00:36:39the whole audience.
00:36:40You know,
00:36:41to get her back on set.
00:36:42That's right, that's right.
00:36:43You know what's interesting?
00:36:44I mean,
00:36:45I'm so upset
00:36:46when she goes after you.
00:36:48You don't go after her.
00:36:50Brka goes after you.
00:36:51That's right,
00:36:52because I went after her
00:36:53so many times.
00:36:54Wait, wait, wait.
00:36:56are you crazy?
00:36:58Are you fucking crazy?
00:36:59I mean,
00:37:00you should go after them.
00:37:01You should go.
00:37:04because you're their boss,
00:37:05they're your sheep.
00:37:06What do you mean, sheep?
00:37:07That's what they say,
00:37:08fuck it.
00:37:10what are you?
00:37:13I'm like
00:37:14the owner of the farm.
00:37:20And me?
00:37:21What am I?
00:37:24You're supposed to run around the meadows,
00:37:26chase the sheep,
00:37:27slaughter them.
00:37:28You're fucking crazy, aren't you?
00:37:29You're fucking crazy,
00:37:30and you write about it.
00:37:31I mean,
00:37:32that's why I pay you, right?
00:37:33We're sheep.
00:37:34I'm a sheep, too.
00:37:36Like a sheep?
00:37:37It could actually be
00:37:38that farm,
00:37:41What did you say?
00:37:43A shepherd and his sheep.
00:37:46That is,
00:37:48Like Orwell,
00:37:52I have an idea
00:37:53for a new series.
00:38:17Shock and Breast.
00:38:19We're going to shoot
00:38:20a series about...
00:38:22Making a series.
00:38:26we have all the characters.
00:38:27We have
00:38:28the screenwriter,
00:38:29we have the producer,
00:38:31we have the director,
00:38:32we have
00:38:33the main actors.
00:38:35And now...
00:38:37I'm interrupting something.
00:38:38No, no, sit down, Maja.
00:38:40No, no, no.
00:38:41Kaja has an idea
00:38:42for a new series.
00:38:43Come on, get to it.
00:38:45We follow two actors,
00:38:47who are the main actors in the series,
00:38:49but they are also
00:38:50privately together.
00:38:51Now, listen.
00:38:52The drama begins
00:38:53when during the shoot,
00:38:54during the shooting of the series,
00:38:56the main actor is now...
00:38:58I don't know
00:38:59if he's really in love,
00:39:00or he's having a middle-age crisis,
00:39:02or whatever it is.
00:39:04In any case,
00:39:06cheats on his wife
00:39:08with a young actor.
00:39:10A bit of a cliché,
00:39:11a bit of a cliché,
00:39:12but it doesn't matter.
00:39:13We'll figure it out.
00:39:14In any case,
00:39:15everyone knows everything.
00:39:16They're hiding it from her.
00:39:17And then we have
00:39:18the critique of patriarchy,
00:39:19where men protect each other
00:39:20from all this nonsense.
00:39:22We have
00:39:23the critique of the hypocrisy
00:39:24of the cultural elite,
00:39:26And we have
00:39:28where that woman
00:39:29will fight
00:39:30with the whole system.
00:39:32I mean,
00:39:33you have to help me with that.
00:39:35I'm begging you.
00:39:38What are you saying?
00:39:39Isn't that good?
00:39:40Sit over there.
00:39:49I know what you do.
00:39:51I know that you pretend
00:39:52that you're a person
00:39:53with special needs
00:39:54to get a job,
00:39:55to get my father
00:39:56and all your good.
00:39:58I know that you've stolen a dress.
00:40:00And where do you hide it?
00:40:08Thank you, thank you.
00:40:09Wait a minute.
00:40:10Are you fucking serious?
00:40:11We're making a movie today.
00:40:12You're the one
00:40:13who threw out all that shit
00:40:14they're asking for
00:40:15at these musical festivals.
00:40:16Where the fuck are we going?
00:40:17Who's going to play
00:40:18that guy who's a stalker?
00:40:19You're going to play him,
00:40:20not me.
00:40:21Don't be ridiculous.
00:40:22I'm going to get a little dirty.
00:40:23You keep telling me
00:40:24to play some Ken.
00:40:25I'm not going to play that anymore.
00:40:26I want to play something
00:40:27with blood and flesh,
00:40:28something more brutal.
00:40:29But let's play together.
00:40:30You're right,
00:40:31let's play together.
00:40:32Come on, who are you going to play with?
00:40:38Who's Maja?
00:40:39She's a bitch.
00:40:59I'm sorry,
00:41:00I'm so sorry.
00:41:01I love you.
00:41:20I could give you a lift
00:41:21to the airport,
00:41:23which would mean
00:41:24a guaranteed refusal for you.
00:41:27But I think
00:41:28we can find
00:41:29a happier solution.
00:41:49do you appreciate me?
00:41:57I hate you.
00:41:59I'm sure you noticed
00:42:00Oleg's watch.
00:42:03I want it.
00:42:06If you steal it for me,
00:42:08I won't report you
00:42:10and I'll leave you
00:42:11with your current plan.
00:42:14Let's go to the meeting.
00:42:29Shut up.
00:42:37I won't let anyone
00:42:38destroy my marriage.
00:42:40Quiet, quiet.
00:42:41If you're in love with me,
00:42:42like you say,
00:42:43then let her be with me.
00:42:44If not,
00:42:45then I'll break up with you.
00:42:47Go back to your wife.
00:42:48Don't be a bitch
00:42:49and make all these scandals.
00:42:51it's not as simple
00:42:52as it seems to you.
00:42:54It's not simple.
00:42:55Okay, I've told you everything.
00:42:57What's not clear to you, man?
00:42:58You're right.
00:43:01Next week,
00:43:02at this time,
00:43:03I'll move into my apartment.
00:43:04That's how it is.
00:43:07You promise?
00:43:09Say it.
00:43:11I don't have a camera.
00:43:13You're recording this conversation.
00:43:14Where's your phone?
00:43:16I'm listening, Igor.
00:43:23Can I tell you something?
00:43:24I mean, it's a little stupid,
00:43:25but it's true.
00:43:27Come on, tell me.
00:43:31I got a little carried away.
00:43:34Can you kiss him?
00:43:39Kiss him, kiss him.
00:43:42First, promise me.
00:43:44Come on, just a little.
00:43:48I promise.
00:43:52Come on.
00:44:15Hey, Kaja.
00:44:17How are you?
00:44:22Do you want to go to the church?
00:44:23Let's look around.
00:44:25Let's go.
00:45:10Excuse me.
00:45:11A little space, please.
00:45:12A little space for the artist.
00:45:13Excuse me.
00:45:14Excuse me.
00:45:15Excuse me.
00:45:16A little space.
00:45:17Excuse me.
00:45:21Excuse me for a moment.
00:45:27Oh, Kaja.
00:45:40And to grasp with my soul your magic
00:45:45And perfection of all great things
00:45:48To be at peace with you in fact
00:45:51And to extinguish
00:45:54That is happiness
00:45:56Well done, brilliant, amazing
00:46:02Well, let's listen to the lady
00:46:06No, no
00:46:07Come on, say your favorite poem
00:46:13For me
00:46:23I wanted to be silent first
00:46:26And for the shame of my words you wouldn't know now
00:46:30At least I hope I dared
00:46:33That you will come to us again
00:46:35And that
00:46:37I will rarely be able
00:46:40To see you in our village
00:46:43To hear your cheerful voice
00:46:46To tell you what, and then to think and suffer
00:46:50Day and night, alone
00:46:53That you will not come to us again
00:46:56But we know you personally
00:46:59And it's hard for you to see
00:47:03And we, we are nothing
00:47:06But we are honest
00:47:08For you
00:47:12Brilliant, brilliant
00:47:15Class, bomb
00:47:17I don't know what to say
00:47:21Brilliant, brilliant
00:47:25I don't know what to say
00:47:32I don't know what to say
00:47:50I just thought
00:47:52Igor's perfume smelled
00:47:55I just thought Igor's perfume smelled
00:47:59I don't know, I can't smell anything
00:48:03I can smell it because I bought that perfume for Rodjana
00:48:09You know what, I don't know how two people fall in love
00:48:13And all of a sudden they stop loving each other
00:48:16How does that happen?
00:48:18You explain it to me
00:48:20I don't know, no one knows
00:48:22Ok, but when you write
00:48:24When I write
00:48:26You have no idea
00:48:28Are you kidding me?
00:48:30I'm kidding
00:48:32I'm kidding
00:48:34But don't tell anyone
00:48:36I knew it, I won't
00:48:38Keep it a secret
00:48:40Ok, I'll keep it
00:48:43You know what, I like you a lot
00:48:46And you and I will see each other more often
00:48:49More often?
00:48:51Yes, for sure
00:48:56I fell for you
00:49:04Basically, my god
00:49:06No, no, I didn't mean it like that
00:49:09You look great
00:49:11You probably look better now
00:49:13Do I?
00:49:17I don't even know if I look better
00:49:20Stop it, don't get mad because of me
00:49:22Don't get mad because of me
00:49:45Do I look pretty now?
00:50:10I'm sorry, please
00:50:12No, I'm sorry
00:50:14This is much more than I thought it could be
00:50:22I'm sorry
00:50:52I'm sorry
00:50:59You have to come to Brki
00:51:01Just this time, please
00:51:03If nothing happens, you don't have to come again, ok?
00:51:05Just this time, please
00:51:07Daniel, we won't get the role tonight, ok?
00:51:10We're in a hurry
00:51:12This is better for us, you know?
00:51:14You're humiliating yourself
00:51:16I'm trying, Daniel
00:51:18Find another way
00:51:20Which one?
00:51:22This one
00:51:25Brko, good evening
00:51:27Daniel, here I am with him
00:51:30We've been going around asking people to give us a role
00:51:33Somewhere, in something
00:51:35And we can't think of anyone better to ask than you
00:51:39We know everything we need
00:51:41Scene movement, acrobatics
00:51:43Emotional memory
00:51:47We graduated
00:51:49Did you bring your diploma?
00:51:50Brko, bravo
00:52:21Brko, bravo
00:52:40Are your shoes a part of your penis
00:52:44or something you carried around as a souvenir?
00:52:46From Antalya, when you were in Letvan
00:52:50It's not mine.
00:52:51It's yours, you faggot.
00:52:56Don't take it off the piano, or you'll be in trouble.
00:53:00You hear me?
00:53:09That's it.
00:53:10Don't do it.
00:53:11What are you doing?
00:53:13Don't film.
00:53:14Don't film.
00:53:16Come on, come on.
00:53:17Hit him, hit him.
00:53:20Don't film.
00:53:21I beg you.
00:53:22Don't film.
00:53:23I told you.
00:53:27What are you doing?
00:53:28What are you doing?
00:53:29Come on, come on.
00:53:30What are you doing?
00:53:35You're an idiot.
00:53:40What are you doing?
00:53:51Why are you covering yourself?
00:53:53Is it?
00:53:54Wait, let me.
00:53:55What is a tulumbica?
00:53:56I'm not pretty when I'm not fully covered.
00:53:58I won't call me that anymore.
00:54:00What tulumbica?
00:54:01Order a tulumbica.
00:54:02You're my tulumbica.
00:54:05Katarina, why are you making a scene?
00:54:06What are you doing?
00:54:07Why do you have a short hair?
00:54:08What were you doing up there with that girl?
00:54:10Who? Maja?
00:54:11And you call me an egg?
00:54:13I'm sorry, I'm begging you.
00:54:16I'm ashamed of you, I'm ashamed of you.
00:54:18I knew it.
00:54:19What did you know?
00:54:20I knew it.
00:54:21If you only knew how angry I was up there
00:54:24because you weren't informed that she got a blowjob
00:54:28and you wouldn't have behaved like that.
00:54:30Do you know how she held my letter?
00:54:31No way.
00:54:32Do you know how she defended you?
00:54:34As a sister, why wouldn't she defend you?
00:54:37Do you see how good it is when you tell me what my problem is
00:54:39and I solve it for you?
00:54:41You are crazy.
00:54:42Let me go.
00:54:43Let me go, I'm telling you.
00:54:45Let's calm down, let's get over this shit
00:54:49and let's get back to the people.
00:54:50You look me in the eye and you lie like a dog.
00:54:53I'm not lying.
00:54:54You're lying.
00:54:55I'm not lying, I'm in love with you, but I won't stay away.
00:54:57What the fuck do I care if you want a scandal?
00:54:59What's going on?
00:55:00Listen to me carefully.
00:55:01I'm going to call the press tomorrow.
00:55:02I'm going to tell them everything.
00:55:04From point to point.
00:55:05This time, your nipple won't come out.
00:55:07You're a piece of shit.
00:55:08The worst piece of shit.
00:55:09You know what I'm going to do?
00:55:10I'm going to dress you in black
00:55:11and I'm going to kill you.
00:55:13Do you understand?
00:55:14When the media finds out.
00:55:16You're going to be dead.
00:55:18You won't do that.
00:55:19I will.
00:55:20If you want.
00:55:21Let's calm down.
00:55:24Why did I forget to tell you?
00:55:26All your friends wanted to sleep with me.
00:55:31I can't blame my soul.
00:55:32Someone tried it.
00:55:35Now I'm going to be fucked.
00:55:44Stop, stop, stop.
00:55:46Dear friends.
00:55:47Do you know Kalinka?
00:55:49Where is the most expensive one?
00:55:51What is he saying?
00:55:52He says you need to give money.
00:55:55Such a custom.
00:55:56Euros, money.
00:55:59Leave some money here.
00:56:00Of course, my friend.
00:56:02Of course, of course.
00:56:03But unfortunately, it's just not possible now.
00:56:06Because I only have a credit card.
00:56:08Fuck that card.
00:56:11I have a beautiful idea.
00:56:13You pay now.
00:56:15I'll pay tomorrow.
00:56:16Can I?
00:56:17You don't have to pay.
00:56:18I'll pay today and tomorrow.
00:56:20And here.
00:56:21Come on, come on, my friend.
00:56:22Come on.
00:56:23Push Kalinka.
00:56:25Come on.
00:56:41Kalinka is mine.
00:57:00Kalinka is mine.
00:57:10Look at this.
00:57:18I'll give you everything I have.
00:57:20You are my family.
00:57:22Are you joking again?
00:57:23No, no, I'm serious.
00:57:25Here's how I check you out.
00:57:28As soon as you run out of sheep,
00:57:30I'll give you my sheep.
00:57:42Stefan, I would accept you as my son.
00:57:48But you think I'm stupid.
00:57:50Of course you think I'm bad.
00:57:52I can feel it in your voice.
00:57:54I can feel that I'm organically bad to you.
00:57:58Where did you go with that?
00:58:00Poor me.
00:58:01None of us loves you and respects you.
00:58:05You deserve it.
00:58:06You don't look like a fucking kid.
00:58:08You're not a good-for-nothing pater-familist.
00:58:11You're the opposite of what you should fight against.
00:58:14Are you fighting against me now
00:58:16or are you just telling me about the one I'm fighting?
00:58:18I'm not going to do anything with you.
00:58:20You're not going to do the job you love, are you?
00:58:25Do you understand that I stop loving because of you?
00:58:28And the reward?
00:58:29What reward?
00:58:30The audience, the viewership.
00:58:32What audience?
00:58:33The audience that loves you.
00:58:34Me, you.
00:58:35They love Kaja and Giga.
00:58:37Kaja and Giga are the same as our series.
00:58:40I just can't believe you don't know that.
00:58:42The text doesn't matter,
00:58:43my dick doesn't matter.
00:58:44In the end, it doesn't matter how they act.
00:58:47I'm ashamed of you.
00:58:48I'm ashamed of you.
00:58:51You don't know the audience that loves you.
00:58:53You don't know me, who pays you.
00:58:55You don't know your colleagues,
00:58:57this honest man here.
00:58:59And Europe.
00:59:01For which your ass was so itchy,
00:59:03only the head,
00:59:04that it appeared in Europe.
00:59:05You proclaim them to be capitalists,
00:59:07colonialists, imperialists.
00:59:09What are you talking about?
00:59:10You're losing your mind.
00:59:18Kaja and Giga, Kaja and Giga.
00:59:22My friend, look.
00:59:48What's wrong?
00:59:49Igor, did you destroy everything?
00:59:57Why are you walking like that?
00:59:58What's wrong?
00:59:59Because I can't tie this,
01:00:00and it's untied.
01:00:01So I can't understand
01:00:02how this shit is tied.
01:00:10I'm sorry.
01:00:11I'm sorry.
01:00:12I'm sorry.
01:00:13I'm sorry.
01:00:14I'm sorry.
01:00:15I'm sorry.
01:00:18Stop, please.
01:00:19Igor, you're scaring me.
01:00:23I can't leave Katarina.
01:00:24I'm sorry.
01:00:46Bravo, Igor!
01:00:47Bravo, Igor!
01:00:48Bravo, Igor!
01:00:49What's the worst thing
01:00:50when you're acting
01:00:51with all those tears and crying?
01:00:53That's the first thing in your life
01:00:54that you're good at, right?
01:00:56Bravo, Igor.
01:01:00Why did you tell me
01:01:01that I'm a Serbian George Clooney?
01:01:07Well, Igor,
01:01:08if Katarina hadn't pushed you,
01:01:09you wouldn't have been accepted
01:01:10into Berlin and Strasbourg.
01:01:14I know.
01:01:17I'm sorry.
01:01:19You can't apologize, Igor.
01:01:22You can't always
01:01:23laugh sweetly.
01:01:25I'm sorry, Maja.
01:01:26It's all over.
01:01:28Sometimes you have to
01:01:29have consequences.
01:01:31You have to be punished.
01:01:32You have to suffer.
01:01:34Believe me, I'm suffering.
01:01:36No, Igor, you're not suffering.
01:01:38You're just pooping.
01:01:41What happened?
01:01:42Why are you crying, Igor?
01:01:46Like a child when he poops
01:01:47and his parents hug him?
01:01:50You're not aware of your mistakes.
01:01:53In your head,
01:01:54you're the victim now.
01:01:56It's not Katarina you cheated on.
01:01:58It's not me you betrayed.
01:02:00In your head,
01:02:01we're your followers.
01:02:04Not people who can be hurt
01:02:06and who you're responsible for.
01:02:10I'm sorry.
01:02:11What happened?
01:02:12What happened?
01:02:13You're whining again, Igor.
01:02:15Are you apologizing for that?
01:02:22Katarina isn't apologizing at all.
01:02:24Maybe she's a whore
01:02:25and maybe she's fucked.
01:02:27But she's whining, Igor.
01:02:29You know?
01:02:31And you're...
01:02:33Let me see you.
01:02:38that slimy...
01:02:42who poops, huh?
01:02:45You know how...
01:02:49poop in the mud, huh?
01:02:53I know.
01:02:56That's right.
01:02:58Can I...
01:03:00Can I tell you something?
01:03:04For the first time in my life,
01:03:06I'm thinking about killing myself.
01:03:12Just go ahead.
01:03:15Go ahead.
01:03:28Do we always have to fall apart like this?
01:03:31Did you just say you own a farm?
01:03:34Why is that farm falling apart?
01:03:38Why is it all rotten inside?
01:03:40Because of you!
01:03:45I'm sorry.
01:03:50The main actor is committing suicide in the pool.
01:03:54Is that a joke?
01:03:56We have to go to the cell.
01:03:59It's too late.
01:04:00It's too late.
01:04:01There's no other way.
01:04:02We said we wouldn't let the actors go to the cell.
01:04:04Where are you not letting us go?
01:04:09It's the first time for Gigi.
01:04:10It's always the first time for someone.
01:04:37Where's the driver?
01:04:38Don't worry.
01:04:39I didn't drink and I'm not paying for anything.
01:04:42You know I'm afraid of that.
01:04:43Don't think about now.
01:04:44Think about the future.
01:04:45Listen, we have to do this.
01:04:47Look at me.
01:04:48Men's gotta do.
01:04:50Men's gotta do.
01:05:14I'm going to kill you!
01:05:39I'm going to kill you!
01:05:43What is the last word?
01:05:45I'm drowsed!!
01:05:47I'm DROWSED!!!
01:05:49You're drowsed?
01:05:51I will Not be Drowned!!!
01:05:54I will not be Drowned!!!
01:05:58I see.
01:05:59He's going to be Drowned.
01:06:04I want shaming!!!
01:06:09He wants shaming.
01:06:10I want respect!
01:06:12I want respect!
01:06:14Good, good, that's it.
01:06:16Now it's my turn.
01:06:18So I have to speak the truth?
01:06:20Or something in general?
01:06:22Something about me?
01:06:24I'm afraid of death!
01:06:26Give me an indication, please!
01:06:28Don't leave me!
01:06:30Tell me, what genre is this?
01:06:32Is this horror?
01:06:36Don't scare me!
01:06:40Why are you doing this to me?
01:06:42You're accusing me of a crime!
01:06:44Don't accuse me!
01:06:46When I asked you about Maja,
01:06:48you said it was normal,
01:06:50that it wasn't a crime.
01:06:52It is a crime!
01:06:54I'm guilty!
01:06:56I'm evil!
01:06:58I'm a man!
01:07:00I'm not Tulum!
01:07:04I'm not Tulum!
01:07:06I'm not Tulum!
01:07:08I'm not Tulum!
01:07:12You know what?
01:07:14I'll stop.
01:07:16I'm a little tired.
01:07:38I'm tired.
01:07:54Can you please leave me alone?
01:08:02I understand the essence of life.
01:08:08I understand the essence of life.
01:08:28You didn't tell me anything about Raska.
01:08:30There's nothing to say.
01:08:34I just want to get away from everything and everyone.
01:08:38That's all.
01:08:40No, I didn't dream it.
01:08:42As soon as you came in,
01:08:44I knew everything.
01:08:46I fainted.
01:08:48I said,
01:08:50he was here.
01:08:52My life will soon be short.
01:08:56But to be alive,
01:08:58and conscious,
01:09:00I must know every morning
01:09:02that I will meet you during the day.
01:09:04Where are my friends?
01:09:06I'm sorry if I offended you.
01:09:09Listen, I really think that you two are genius actors.
01:09:14I really think so.
01:09:16Today I decided to do a new series,
01:09:20and I have a role for you.
01:09:25I mean, don't think that I'm drunk right now,
01:09:27and that I'm going to talk.
01:09:29I'll be back tomorrow, and we'll talk, okay?
01:09:33Where are you, mom?
01:09:36No, no, no!
01:09:57A conflict of 8 billion
01:09:59of isolated cases, endless combinations of characteristics,
01:10:03based on excruciating factors.
01:10:07Is it worth it?
01:10:10It is.
01:10:12It really is.
01:10:17But why me, Kopuk?
01:10:20Our series is called When Smelly and Orgy,
01:10:23and we haven't seen a single orgy in five seasons.
01:10:26Do you understand?
01:10:27You've seen love, you've seen human suffering.
01:10:33That's something that's important.
01:10:35Do you understand?
01:10:36Not the orgy itself.
01:10:39Yes, but I was thinking more like,
01:10:41the orgy is in the title, so...
01:10:43But there aren't any.
01:10:45Come on, don't be a literalist.
01:10:47It's not important at all.
01:10:49I mean, have you ever seen a wounded eagle in a wounded eagle?
01:10:52You haven't, have you?
01:10:54No, Ivan Bosniacic is a wounded eagle.
01:11:00Do you understand?
01:11:04You're so wise.
01:11:08I haven't seen it that way.
01:11:10You know?
01:11:11But that has nothing to do with the fact that
01:11:14we don't have an orgy.
01:11:16That's what I'm saying.
01:11:18Yes, yes.
01:11:19Because our series is probably a bit,
01:11:22how should I put it, banal,
01:11:24because it has so many levels, so many layers.
01:11:27Do you like our...
01:11:30Your movie?
01:11:31No, the orgy.
01:11:32Our series, I don't know...
01:11:37I knew it.
01:11:38Because somehow, how should I put it,
01:11:40you expect to see it, but you don't.
01:11:42Yes, there's an orgy in the fifth season.
01:11:44Yes, yes.
01:11:45A century ago, no one thought about it anymore.
01:11:48Well, everyone watched it like they were cooking chicken for the orgy.
01:11:51But that's not important to me.
01:11:53I mean, I understand that we have two more seasons.
01:11:59That's where we need to finish.
01:12:01Let's make your movie.
01:12:10Play, Katarina!
01:12:11Come on!
01:12:13Bravo, bravo, bravo!
01:12:15My friend, excuse me, my friend.
01:12:17Quick, quick.
01:12:18Listen, I don't know what to do.
01:12:20Because he stole my watch.
01:12:22He stole it from you?
01:12:24That watch?
01:12:25You know, these watches are insanely expensive, you know?
01:12:27It was expensive to you, I know.
01:12:29They cost a lot of money, you know?
01:12:31Expensive, expensive, that's why it's expensive to you.
01:12:33Okay, we'll find the money, we'll find it.
01:12:36This is a smart house.
01:12:37You have video surveillance here.
01:12:39You can see everything.
01:12:40There's no electricity here, it's never gone.
01:12:43What happened?
01:12:46Wait for me here, here.
01:12:51They cost a lot of money, you know?
01:12:57Catch him!
01:12:58That watch!
01:13:10Mr. Kirilenko lost his watch.
01:13:12My damn China.
01:14:03Let's get to the point.
01:14:07Are you okay?
01:14:10This is very, very stupid what you're doing now.
01:14:19Those watches!
01:14:21I can't believe it, my friend.
01:14:23Thank you so much.
01:14:25Very expensive.
01:14:27When the Chinese make it, who makes it?
01:14:33I have something to tell you.
01:14:34One idea.
01:14:37An American producer, Punko Broad, is coming.
01:14:39You and me together.
01:14:41It's going to be...
01:14:43Beginnings of a beautiful friendship.
01:14:46Don't take words out of my mouth.
01:15:19I'm sorry.
01:15:20I'm sorry.
01:15:21I'm sorry.
01:15:22I'm sorry.
01:15:23I'm sorry.
01:15:24I'm sorry.
01:15:25I'm sorry.
01:15:26I'm sorry.
01:15:27I'm sorry.
01:15:28I'm sorry.
01:15:29I'm sorry.
01:15:30I'm sorry.
01:15:31I'm sorry.
01:15:32I'm sorry.
01:15:33I'm sorry.
01:15:34I'm sorry.
01:15:35I'm sorry.
01:15:36I'm sorry.
01:15:37I'm sorry.
01:15:38I'm sorry.
01:15:39I'm sorry.
01:15:40I'm sorry.
01:15:41I'm sorry.
01:15:42I'm sorry.
01:15:43I'm sorry.
01:15:44I'm sorry.
01:15:45I'm sorry.
01:15:46I'm sorry.
01:15:57Oh, yes.
01:16:05How does she sing?
01:16:13You're all right.
01:16:17You're all right.
01:16:30No, no.
01:18:22This is all...
01:18:28Yeah, look at the hologram.
01:18:50I love you.
01:18:52Stop, stop!
01:18:58You have to say this.
01:19:00Like you're guilty.
01:19:01Why am I guilty?
01:19:03Don't fuck up.
01:19:05You had everything.
01:19:06You ruined everything.
01:19:08Now they got to the scene
01:19:09where you have to bring it back.
01:19:10If I want to get your character back, I have to accept the blame.
01:19:14I have to repent.
01:19:15Stefan, Kubo and Tom are great.
01:19:18You know how much it costs to shoot a day.
01:19:20Don't fuck with me, brother!
01:19:22We said we were doing it for Cannes!
01:19:23I need time!
01:19:28What's going on?
01:19:30Maja, it was a stop, get out.
01:19:32I'm sorry, I never listen to you!
01:19:34Look, give me the blame.
01:19:36Do you understand?
01:19:37I'm sorry for interrupting.
01:19:39I don't understand why you insist so much on the blame.
01:19:42I mean, it's a love story and...
01:19:46Please, everyone!
01:19:47So, there is no love without a blame.
01:19:50Give me the blame.
01:20:01Are you gay?
01:20:05I love you.
01:20:07That's good.
01:20:16I'm going again.
01:20:28We have to support each other.
01:20:32Do you understand?
01:20:33Of course.
01:20:34To cheer up.
01:20:37We are in the classics.
01:20:39We are in Serbia.
01:20:41No one can do anything alone.
01:20:43We can't do it alone.
01:20:45We can't.
01:20:46Listen, if we want to be serious cinematographers,
01:20:53we have to do it together.
01:20:55Like the Romans.
01:20:58Like the Romans!
01:21:04Like that.
01:21:05Like that.
01:21:06Like that.
01:21:08No, that's not it.
01:21:09That's something else.
01:21:11He is Russian.