• last year
Crocodile awareness in Australia
00:00Oh my goodness don't I feel like an idiot. So yesterday I thought it would be
00:06a good idea to feed a saltwater crocodile. I went to the local shop
00:11bought a hot chook and took it down to the creek. Now this is stupid in any case
00:20for the obvious reasons that it is so dangerous to feed saltwater crocs. I
00:27remained like a fair way away from this crocodile and I fed it from like a very
00:35steep bank completely beside the point. I also didn't realize that feeding
00:41crocodiles in Australia is illegal and that is why I want to bring awareness to
00:47this subject simply because I was so uneducated yesterday and had no idea
00:51that feeding crocodiles was illegal. But since then I have educated myself and
00:57now I know that feeding the crocs is detrimental to them and the public
01:04safety because it changes the behavior of the crocs. Had I have known that
01:10yesterday I wouldn't have made the silly mistake. And you know I probably shouldn't
01:14have got near the freaking thing anyway because they are dangerous aren't they.
01:19Anyway I probably have to deal with the consequences and that's fine because
01:24I've done the wrong thing but if you want to chuck in your comments what you
01:29know about crocodiles that'd be great.
