• 9 years ago
Authorities in Northern Territory, Australia recently captured a 14-foot crocodile alleged to have eaten area cattle.

Authorities in Northern Territory, Australia recently captured a 14-foot crocodile alleged to have eaten area livestock, reports the BBC. 

The massive reptile was first caught in a cage submerged in shallow waters and then carefully guided out. 

Though the team of 7 men initially had a bit of trouble containing the beast, a generous application of rope and duct tape soon rendered it largely immobilized. 

Area ranchers positively identified the crocodile as being involved in the consumption of their cows. 

However, it was noted that another, even more sizable one is still at large. 

As such, authorities left the cage in the water in hopes of detaining that perpetrator as well. 

The crocodile already in custody has been relocated to a breeding facility, notes Sky News.  


