مسلسل الدم الفاسد الحلقة 5 مترجمة الجزء 1

  • 2 days ago
مسلسل الدم الفاسد الحلقة 5 مترجمة الجزء 1
مسلسل الدم الفاسد الحلقة 5 مترجمة
مسلسل الدم الفاسد الحلقة 5


00:00:00It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:00:30What warms the heart of people.
00:00:46Everything can be conquered.
00:00:51Just like the night can't conquer the day.
00:00:55They can even conquer their own value.
00:00:58How does he live? How does he die? How does he become happy after taking a life?
00:01:06I am doing everything for them.
00:01:10This is the greatest punishment that God has given to man, son.
00:01:23And it is written on it that it will be broken.
00:01:41Son, may your name be Oktay. May your name be Oktay. May your name be Oktay.
00:01:49And it is the most miraculous gift that God has given to man, son.
00:01:55Whoever does not want it, looks at it with admiration.
00:02:11The heart-pounding thing that always happens in the left side of the event...
00:02:17...is the son, who is the home of his mother and father.
00:02:28The son, whose heart trembles when you look into his eyes.
00:02:40The heart-pounding thing that always happens in the left side of the event...
00:02:46...is the son, whose heart trembles when you look into his eyes.
00:02:52The heart-pounding thing that always happens in the left side of the event...
00:02:58...is the son, whose heart trembles when you look into his eyes.
00:03:06You were very brave in this event, Fevzi.
00:03:10The people at the table are very pleased.
00:03:16Don't worry about Beslat.
00:03:21Why not?
00:03:23I mean...
00:03:25...don't think that you can do anything...
00:03:28...just because you extend your hand first and then turn a job around.
00:03:32You can't do anything.
00:03:34It's very crowded these days.
00:03:41He got a new job.
00:03:43He owes the table.
00:03:45I mean, you'll understand.
00:03:50My dear Nazan...
00:03:53...we'll get good news from Zeynel soon.
00:03:57He'll get out of there. We're pressing him.
00:04:00I hope so, father.
00:04:20Father, this Beslat issue is completely closed, isn't it?
00:04:24No extension.
00:04:26No revenge.
00:04:28What did I say to Nurettin just now?
00:04:31I'm not asking him.
00:04:34I know you.
00:04:37I know Fevzi, who you used to know.
00:04:41I'm not asking him.
00:04:44I know you.
00:04:48Fevzi, who you used to know, couldn't bear the pain of losing his son.
00:04:53Now you have a completely different Fevzi.
00:04:57I'm more afraid of this father.
00:05:02Don't be afraid.
00:05:07Promise me...
00:05:09...I'll hear it from you.
00:05:12No revenge.
00:05:14No bloodshed.
00:05:16We'll get back to business one day.
00:05:46It's been a few days. I'm waiting for an answer.
00:05:51I'm thinking.
00:05:53All this time.
00:05:55I'm going to make a serious decision about my daughter.
00:05:58Don't you think it's normal?
00:06:00I think you're going to make me wait another 10 days.
00:06:02I want an answer now.
00:06:04All right.
00:06:06I'm answering.
00:06:09Unfortunately, it won't happen.
00:06:11You're saying, unfortunately, it won't happen...
00:06:14...is that so?
00:06:16After graduation, I decided it was better to leave the house.
00:06:20I decided it was a more appropriate decision.
00:06:23No, I don't think I'm going to leave after graduation.
00:06:26You can lock me up in my aunt's house, what do you think?
00:06:29I've never done anything like that to your aunt.
00:06:31Anyway, let's not talk about it in the middle of the street.
00:06:34I asked for an answer, I gave an answer.
00:06:37Let's split up, I have work to do.
00:06:39Let's split up, but I don't accept a boss like this.
00:06:42What are you saying?
00:06:44I'm not, we'll see.
00:06:46You have my eyes and ears everywhere.
00:06:49Don't forget that, asshole.
00:06:55Let's go.
00:07:05I told you.
00:07:07I told you, but I can't tell you.
00:07:09I told you, I can't accept it.
00:07:16This girl can run away from home.
00:07:19Anything can happen to her.
00:07:21She can go down the wrong path.
00:07:23Anything can happen.
00:07:25I'm sick of your mouth.
00:07:27Look at what your sister says to you.
00:07:31Oh, my daughter, you should have been more patient.
00:07:34I told you.
00:07:36We were going to talk together.
00:07:38What would you have changed?
00:07:40He was going to bother me a little more.
00:07:42It was obvious from the beginning that he was going to do that.
00:07:44Okay, beautiful girl.
00:07:45Look, let's talk about the room upstairs.
00:07:47Let's fix it.
00:07:48Even if you want, I'll give you my room.
00:07:50My dear, my dear.
00:07:51Look, that's not my problem.
00:07:52How many times do I have to tell you?
00:07:54Tell me, please.
00:07:56Good morning.
00:07:57He said good morning.
00:07:59What happened to this girl?
00:08:01Who upset my daughter?
00:08:03Her father said a lot of things.
00:08:05My stupid head.
00:08:07Look at the question I ask.
00:08:09Of course her father.
00:08:11Son, don't I tell you 50 times?
00:08:14When something happens, tell me directly.
00:08:17I'll take care of everything you said.
00:08:21Don't I say let's solve it?
00:08:24What happened?
00:08:25She wants to go home separately.
00:08:28My sister wants to go home separately.
00:08:34No, my dear.
00:08:35Is that possible?
00:08:36No way.
00:08:38Why not?
00:08:42First of all, she's a prostitute.
00:08:45Second, she's not a receptionist.
00:08:48Third, we're not that kind of family.
00:08:52We don't pray often.
00:08:54We're not like that.
00:08:57There is God in this matter.
00:09:00Kartal is right.
00:09:03Go home.
00:09:09Go home.
00:09:10Go home.
00:09:21A girl's mother raises a girl.
00:09:25She raises.
00:09:27You are the mother of this girl.
00:09:29You are his mother.
00:10:31Let's say Zona Bomba give you jazz who's done happiness then some derecha özverili çalışmanızı bekliyorum
00:10:40Anlaşıldı mı anlaşıldı
00:10:46Bir şey unuttum
00:10:49Bu arada hepinize ama istisnasız hepinize birer maaş ikramiye
00:11:03Sana artık dükkanın yarısını vereceğim
00:11:06Hadi iyi çalışmalar
00:11:10Nazan Hanım size de yukarıda bir oda ayarladık görmek ister misiniz
00:11:20Tevzi reisi seninle konuşmak istiyor şimdi şimdi değil
00:11:25Ama burada olmaz özel bir konu kimse bilmemeli
00:11:29Nazan dahil
00:11:31Nazan dahil
00:11:34Hadi bakalım hayırlısı
00:11:37Şahin beğendin mi oğlum
00:11:40Baba bu araba beğenilmez mi ya arabada her şey var
00:11:44Ama pahalıdır bu araba ben sana diyeyim şahbat pahalı yapsa ne yapacağım parasını bunun ya boş ver
00:11:50Senin yüzün gülsün sen mutlu ol bana yeter baba
00:11:54Ha ha ha
00:11:58Baba yoksa he araba benim olacak oğlum senin benim var mı ya benim malım senin malın
00:12:07Lan tutun lan koca kırdın gevşek elimi dur
00:12:15Lan Suat sen beğendin mi
00:12:17Ha yo yo yo ben arabayı düşünmüyorum ya arabayı düşünmüyorum ben ya ben zaten hep buradayım yani bir yere gittiğim yok ki
00:12:23Yo yo düşünüyorsun Suat
00:12:25Yahu ben arabayla falan uğraşamam Burhan
00:12:30Peki kardeşim nasıl yapıyoruz şimdi
00:12:32Tamam biz arabayı beğendik alıyoruz
00:12:36O zaman işlemleri nasıl yapalım abi
00:12:38Nasıl yapalım
00:12:39Yani belgeleri buraya mı getireyim siz mi gelirsiniz
00:12:43Yani siz nasıl isterseniz
00:12:45Patron Burhan amirim nasıl istiyorsa öyle yap dedi bana
00:12:47Eksik olmasın o zaman şöyle yapalım
00:12:50Suat Bey benim hem ortağım hem de hukuk danışmanım
00:12:56O size gelsin gerekli evrakları imzalasın arabayı üstüne atsın
00:13:01Yo yo yo yo yo ben imza falan atamam Burhan yok öyle
00:13:04Arabayı sen kullanacaksan sen atacaksın imzayı
00:13:07Suat sen gelsene benimle be
00:13:11Yahu gel lan buraya gel gel
00:13:43Benim bir icralık durumum var ama geçici bir durum kalıcı değil
00:13:48Suat beni kara dizdeye almışlar
00:13:54Sen hiç acımıyor musun bana
00:13:56Hiç acımıyor musun
00:13:59Of be Burhan ya tamam ya tamam be öf ya tamam
00:14:04İşte bu benim kardeşim bu gel
00:14:13Tamam tamam
00:14:15E tamamsa beni niye çağırdın ki
00:14:17Yahu tamam dediysek adamlar yapıyor işte görüyorsun
00:14:19Sen sadece dua ne ettin
00:14:21Bir kondurdum ya bir şey yok
00:14:23Tamam uzatma
00:14:25Tamam bir nefesleneyim dur
00:14:27Tamam gel
00:14:31Aç lan aç
00:14:37Koş koş
00:14:39Koş lan koş
00:14:43O taraftan git sen de
00:14:45İyi misin Yekter Bey
00:14:47Tamam bir şey yok
00:14:49İyiyim iyiyim
00:14:51Mazhar bu ne
00:14:53Biz her gün kurşunlanacak mıyız böyle
00:14:55Yekter Bey
00:15:03Yok yok bir şey değil sıyırmış
00:15:05Bir şey yok
00:15:07Ambulansı ara
00:15:13Ambulansı ara
00:15:57Selamun aleyküm
00:15:59Aleyküm selam müdür hoş geldin
00:16:05Kahve içer misin
00:16:07Kırk yılda bir
00:16:09Sade olsun barutunca kardeş
00:16:13Seni çok önemli bir mesele için çağırdım
00:16:19Kimse tarafından duyulmamalı
00:16:21Hatta Nazan dahi
00:16:25Sen ben Tuncay
00:16:27Üçümüzün arasında kalacak
00:16:31İnşallah düşündüğüm şey değildir
00:16:37Esas düşündüysen
00:16:39Tam on ikiden vurduk
00:16:42Tam on ikiden vurdu
00:16:46Yanlış anlama o mesele kapanmamış mıydı
00:16:48Masanın talimatı vardı
00:16:50Benim bildiğim
00:16:52Masa Bersat'a çok büyük bir iş verdi
00:16:56Ödül kazanana verilir
00:17:00Bizim müstakbel günür var
00:17:02Diye düşündüm ama
00:17:04Masa ilk başta bizim üstümüzü çizdi
00:17:08Seçimini Bersat'tan yana kullandı
00:17:10Bir de bunun üstüne savaş mı açacaksın
00:17:12Bersat'a ver
00:17:14Masayı haklı çıkarır sen
00:17:16Bilirsin tabi de
00:17:24Benimle çocukmuşum gibi konuşma
00:17:28Ben bugünlere sadece bileğimin gücüyle gelmedim
00:17:34Bu rekabet
00:17:36Bizim işteki rekabet
00:17:39Birisi inerken öbürü yükselir
00:17:41Bilir misin tahtına valiye çocukken binerdik
00:17:47Birisi inerken öbürü yükselir
00:17:49Böyledir bu işler
00:17:53Ancak gören bir göz anlar
00:17:55Kim inerken kim yükselir
00:17:59Bizim bu konuyla alakamız var
00:18:05Bersat'ı ufak ufak ısıracağız
00:18:09Sık sık gidip vuracağız
00:18:13Malına dokunmayacağız
00:18:15Bersat inecek
00:18:17Kimse yükselmeyecek
00:18:19Aynen öyle
00:18:21Tahtına valiye
00:18:23Ama bir tarafı boş
00:18:25Bersat'ın malı
00:18:27Timur diye gidecek
00:18:29Ama kimse bizden şüphelenmeyecek
00:18:33Onun için bu işi kimsenin bilmemesi lazım
00:18:35Nazanın bile
00:18:37Senden Tuncay
00:18:39Eğer duyulursa
00:18:41Masraf işimizi çeker
00:18:49Peki beni niye dahil ediyorsun bu işe
00:18:51Bu gömekliğini neye borçluyum
00:18:55Çünkü sen iyisin
00:19:01Aynı taraftayız
00:19:03Sen bizim için adam vurmadın mı
00:19:07Biz borcumuz var desek
00:19:09Helal etsek
00:19:11Gerçekten bu işler beni
00:19:13Aşar Fevzi'ye gören çoluğum çocuğum var
00:19:15Ailemin başında durmam lazım
00:19:17Yanlış anladım
00:19:19İşte bu yüzden
00:19:21Bu yüzden seni seçtim
00:19:23Sende benim gibi
00:19:25Ailen için her şeyi yaparsın
00:19:32Bersat'ın adamını senin indirdiğin söyleniyor
00:19:34Sende biz artık aynı taraftayız
00:19:40Benim de ekranımda sana yanlış olmasın
00:19:44Olmadı diye de düşünüyorum
00:19:46Ama biz borcumuzu ödeyelim
00:19:48Tamam Şenol'un borcunu kabul ettik
00:19:50Eyvallah dedik
00:19:52Allah'ın izniyle ödeyeceğiz de
00:19:54Ama fazlası olmasın
00:19:56Borcumuzu ödeyelim
00:19:58Herkes kendi yoluna
00:20:00Bu güzel sohbeti de yapmamış olalım
00:20:06Küle oynaya dağılalım Fevzi
00:20:08Kahveni de başka zaman içelim Tuncay kardeş
00:20:10Hayırlı işlerin olsun
00:20:26Afiyet olsun reis
00:20:30Afiyet olsun
00:20:36Sen şekerli içerdin
00:20:38Ne oldu sadeye mi döndün
00:20:42Ben müdürün böyle diyeceğini tahmin ettiğim için
00:20:44Zaten şekerli yapmıştım
00:20:47Gel sen yardım et bana
00:20:49Tut şunu şöyle
00:20:59Tamam ben bırakmam işimi
00:21:01Ambulans nerede kaldı
00:21:03Geliyor mu ambulans
00:21:05Geliyor geliyor 5 dakikaya burada
00:21:07Kolay gelsin
00:21:09Kolay gelsin
00:21:11Kolay gelsin
00:21:13Kolay gelsin
00:21:15Komaya falan girmemiştir değil mi
00:21:17Yok canım ne koması
00:21:19Sıyırmış kurşun gelmemiş bir yere
00:21:21Komaya girilmez böyle
00:21:23Soka girdi herhalde
00:21:25Çok şükür
00:21:27Fakat Nazan hanım
00:21:29Vallahi iyi ki buradasınız ha
00:21:31Tövbe biz siktinse ne bunları yapamazdık
00:21:33Maşallah size
00:21:35Ne bir kan tutması
00:21:37Ne bir telaş
00:21:39Sabır taşısınız desiniz
00:21:44Bevzik Aya'nın kızıyım
00:21:50Hah geldi
00:21:52Şerefim de geldi
00:22:02Gel kardeş gel burada
00:22:04Tüm ilkesini yaptık
00:22:08Sıyırmış zaten çok
00:22:10Derinde değil yani
00:22:12Geldi galiba
00:28:18Please give me an hour. Please.
00:28:22How did you get in their way?
00:28:31I'll say it's good that you didn't accept Fevzi's offer, but...
00:28:36...on the street, Yunus is talking about how you squeezed him...
00:28:39...and then brought him to Fevzi.
00:28:41What's going on?
00:28:45You're more than a partner trying to pay your debt.
00:28:49There is such a bad balance that you take a step back...
00:28:54...so that this world doesn't splash mud.
00:28:57Then you look at someone, and you're right in the mud.
00:29:02On the one hand, the people up there, on the other hand, Fevzi.
00:29:07It's obvious that they want to bite each other on both sides.
00:29:09But they can't do it openly.
00:29:12We're stuck together.
00:29:15The worst thing is to be stuck together.
00:29:19You're choosing your side, brother.
00:29:23Kartal, you trust me.
00:29:28I don't want to say something wrong and direct you.
00:29:36You have a right on me, brother.
00:29:39What you've lived, what you've done...
00:29:42...is worth 20-30 lives.
00:29:45If you don't tell me, who will?
00:29:51Right now, where you stand...
00:29:54...no one's advice will work for you.
00:29:57But I can tell you one thing.
00:30:01Where a warrior's mind stands...
00:30:09...his path begins.
00:30:17Nazan, after what you've been through, you need to talk to an expert.
00:30:24Your suffering will get worse and worse.
00:30:27Then you'll become unbearable.
00:30:32You took someone's life.
00:30:35Isn't that what's been bothering you from the start?
00:30:37I cleaned up a woman's mess.
00:30:40Daphne, who are you talking about?
00:30:43Who knows how many women she's harassed before?
00:30:47Maybe she harassed them, maybe she raped them.
00:30:52I don't feel guilty for destroying such a mess.
00:31:02All right.
00:31:03I'm sorry.
00:31:08...there is a problem.
00:31:11You have a problem.
00:31:13I'm going to be blunt, but...
00:31:15...you were like this before.
00:31:21I'm thinking...
00:31:26...I always thought I was different from my father and brother.
00:31:30I always believed that.
00:31:33I tried to separate my father from his crimes.
00:31:37I tried to tell them there was no solution to violence.
00:31:43But now, if that son of a bitch is standing in front of me...
00:31:48...I think I'll shoot him in the head again.
00:31:59I mean, I'm not different from my father and brother.
00:32:04That's what I thought.
00:32:08But I'm my father's daughter.
00:32:11We have the same blood.
00:32:34I think I've said what I had to say.
00:32:38I think so.
00:32:40I'm still a bit indecisive.
00:32:42Look, in this world...
00:32:45...being indecisive burns you like a candle.
00:32:50My competition with Esat...
00:32:53...is very old.
00:32:55Look, they told him to walk from up there.
00:32:58He's never going to stop.
00:33:00He came and took his place right away.
00:33:02He's aware of that, too.
00:33:04They sent him.
00:33:06I told you.
00:33:08We have to melt Esat like a candle...
00:33:11...and break his arms and wings.
00:33:13Otherwise, he'll finish us.
00:33:16What are we doing?
00:33:18Okay, now...
00:33:21There's a secret mafia father hiding in Istanbul.
00:33:25He's looking at the Marseille port.
00:33:28The goods he brought from the Afghans...
00:33:31...will be distributed to Esat in Istanbul.
00:33:34When Esat gets hold of the goods...
00:33:37...we'll take it and sell it.
00:33:40The Serbian mafia.
00:33:45Brother Tuncay...
00:33:47...are we going to handle the operation together?
00:33:50You or me?
00:33:52There won't be many people.
00:33:53In operations like this...
00:33:55...there's usually two or three people.
00:33:57So, Tuncay and I...
00:33:59...are going to handle this secretly.
00:34:04Okay, then.
00:34:12...has a man...
00:34:14...who looks after his coordination.
00:34:17Özcan Şengürtan.
00:34:20In this closed market.
00:34:21He's one of the biggest smugglers there.
00:34:24He does all the distribution of Esat.
00:34:30...you'll talk to the man...
00:34:33...and find out where he'll get the goods...
00:34:36...and where he'll distribute the money.
00:34:39Then, you'll go to the meeting place...
00:34:42...and take the goods and sell them.
00:34:45Does it matter how I talk to him?
00:34:48If you sleep now...
00:34:49...you'll talk to the man...
00:34:51...find out where the meeting place is...
00:34:54...and sell the goods.
00:34:56That's it.
00:35:03God bless you.
00:35:20Good morning.
00:35:22Good morning.
00:35:24I told you.
00:35:26Good for you.
00:35:28Who's this?
00:35:30This is Şahin.
00:35:32He's my late grandfather.
00:35:34Take these.
00:35:36I've prepared them.
00:35:38Take them to their work.
00:35:40I gave you the jackets to dry.
00:35:42That's good.
00:35:44I'll take the jackets before I dry them.
00:35:49By the way...
00:35:51...when the girl comes...
00:35:53...you'll talk to her, right?
00:35:55We'll talk.
00:35:57So, you'll talk and that's it?
00:35:59What she wants is not going to happen.
00:36:02What am I going to talk about?
00:36:05Okay, I'm not asking for permission...
00:36:08...but you should take her heart.
00:36:10She hasn't eaten yet.
00:36:14I'm just your strategist.
00:36:16She attacks first.
00:36:17She attacks first.
00:36:19Good strategy.
00:36:21It's not the same this time.
00:36:23I'll tell you but it's different.
00:36:25Don't worry.
00:36:27Good morning.
00:36:29Isn't our breakfast ready?
00:36:31Dad, I don't have ten hands.
00:36:33For God's sake.
00:36:35Get up ten minutes early.
00:36:37I don't want to help you.
00:36:39Get up ten minutes early.
00:36:41Don't make me talk.
00:36:43Don't make me talk.
00:36:47Get up ten minutes early.
00:36:49Don't make me talk.
00:36:51Get up ten minutes early.
00:36:53I don't want to help you.
00:36:55Go to sleep.
00:36:57Don't make me talk.
00:36:59Go to sleep.
00:37:01Go to sleep.
00:37:06Hey, you're awake?
00:37:08That's what you get for talking to us.
00:37:11One more time.
00:37:13Get up ten minutes early.
00:37:15Don't make me talk.
00:37:17I don't know what to say to that.
00:37:20We can't get rid of him.
00:37:22Thanks to you, we've become his bodyguards.
00:37:24What are we going to do?
00:37:29Thanks to me, your brother is free from death.
00:37:39My daughter is here.
00:37:41Good morning, dear.
00:37:43Come, come for breakfast.
00:37:44Good morning.
00:37:45Come on.
00:37:46The egg is ready.
00:37:47Bring it to the table.
00:37:48Sari will bring bread.
00:37:49Come on.
00:37:50No, I'm not going to stay for breakfast.
00:37:51I'm going out.
00:37:52Make breakfast.
00:37:53You can go out.
00:37:54What's the hurry, dear?
00:37:55He'll make breakfast.
00:37:56You sit down.
00:37:57We already have things to talk about.
00:37:58I say, there's a room upstairs.
00:37:59In the attic.
00:38:00I say, I'm preparing him for that room in the attic.
00:38:03What room?
00:38:04What attic?
00:38:05Aunt, how many times have I told you?
00:38:06This is not my problem.
00:38:07Besides, we can buy this attic and this young room from furniture or something, right?
00:38:12Look, then you'll love it.
00:38:13You'll be very happy.
00:38:14Like you?
00:38:15Are you happy?
00:38:16Of course I'm happy, dear.
00:38:18I'm happy.
00:38:19What are you talking about?
00:38:20Get up every morning and have breakfast.
00:38:21Laundry, iron, dishwasher.
00:38:22On top of that, dinner.
00:38:23You're the only one doing it all.
00:38:24Not a single person here gets up and does anything.
00:38:25I'm also very curious.
00:38:26I don't understand how you do it.
00:38:27You're smiling while you're doing all this.
00:38:28I don't get it.
00:38:29I don't get it.
00:38:30I don't get it.
00:38:31I don't get it.
00:38:32I don't get it.
00:38:33I don't get it.
00:38:34I don't get it.
00:38:35I don't get it.
00:38:36I don't get it.
00:38:37I don't get it.
00:38:38I don't get it.
00:38:39I don't get it.
00:38:41I don't get it.
00:39:02No, I don't want that. I don't want that kind of happiness.
00:39:11Don't wait for dinner.
00:39:33This is not a catwalk.
00:39:48Where were you?
00:39:51Don't wait for dinner. Didn't you hear me?
00:39:54Forget about that.
00:39:57What about your aunt?
00:39:59Do you hear what you're saying?
00:40:02I do. I told the truth. Is it a lie?
00:40:06There is telling and there is telling.
00:40:09You're telling me. Tell me.
00:40:11I'm the one who told your aunt.
00:40:13I can see it in her eyes.
00:40:16But don't do this to a woman who is afraid of you.
00:40:19It's a shame. It's a sin.
00:40:21The world has fallen on you.
00:40:24But she did a lot.
00:40:27What did she do, Ece?
00:40:29I told her not to interfere.
00:40:32Ece, say it with your own mouth.
00:40:34It's between us. It's none of her business.
00:40:36Let her call her father and daughter.
00:40:44Look, my daughter.
00:40:49Years later, she's with my children.
00:40:52She's with my daughter.
00:40:54You've accumulated hatred.
00:40:57I can see it in your eyes.
00:40:59It's none of your business.
00:41:01This is your home.
00:41:03Your home.
00:41:05I can't get along with your grandfather.
00:41:08We fight. Sometimes you witness it.
00:41:10But this is our home.
00:41:15If you break your arm, it will stay in the ground.
00:41:18Because that arm is our arm.
00:41:22If you want, call me father.
00:41:24You said it's too late.
00:41:26No, I didn't.
00:41:29I made a mistake.
00:41:33I'm sorry for my impatience.
00:41:35I'm sorry for my impatience.
00:41:38I'm sorry for my impatience.
00:41:41I'm your father.
00:41:43I can't think of anything but your goodness.
00:41:46I'm your father.
00:41:48That's why I'm your father.
00:41:51You can go wherever you want.
00:41:53I'll take you out of my house before 11 o'clock.
00:41:55I can't promise you anything.
00:41:58Be home before 11 o'clock.
00:42:00I can't promise you anything.
00:42:25Good morning.
00:42:27Good morning.
00:42:29I sat down early.
00:42:31I didn't wait for you.
00:42:33I'm going to pick up Zeynel.
00:42:37I'll make a sandwich.
00:42:39No, Tuncay.
00:42:41Let's eat something light.
00:42:43I'm sorry for my impatience.
00:42:45I'm sorry for my impatience.
00:42:56I'm sorry for my impatience.
00:42:59Listen, I like this club business.
00:43:05It's clean, it's legal.
00:43:09If the place is good, it's prestigious.
00:43:12If it's good, it's good.
00:43:14Are you serious?
00:43:16Didn't you say we should stay away from the unknown?
00:43:19I'm not lying.
00:43:21We didn't like the cocktail.
00:43:24But when I think about it...
00:43:27Don't blame yourself for the cocktail, dad.
00:43:32No, my daughter, you were right.
00:43:35I'm telling you to focus on this business.
00:43:38Learn as much as you can.
00:43:41Then when the debt is over, you can continue the partnership.
00:43:46I mean...
00:43:48I don't know, dad.
00:43:51Do they want something like this?
00:43:54You know Kartal.
00:43:57Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it.
00:43:59Learn this business.
00:44:02I'll try to take care of the rest.
00:44:05We can't get out of this business if we want to.
00:44:09We have to spread it over time.
00:44:14What do you say?
00:44:16Do you like this club business?
00:44:18I mean...
00:44:19Actually, it's Yekta.
00:44:23He's kind.
00:44:27I can learn from him.
00:44:32Then the club business is yours.
00:44:40I'll leave now.
00:44:43Okay, my daughter.
00:44:45Say hi to Zeynep.
00:44:47Okay, dad.
00:44:49Good luck again.
00:44:51Thank you, my daughter.
00:45:03We found a job for him.
00:45:06But be careful.
00:45:09Nazan doesn't know about this.
00:45:12I'll take care of it, don't worry.
00:45:19I'll take care of it, don't worry.
00:45:40Brother, we're late.
00:45:49I'm late.
00:45:51I'm late.
00:45:53I'm late.
00:45:55I'm late.
00:45:57I'm late.
00:45:59I'm late.
00:46:01I'm late.
00:46:03I'm late.
00:46:05I'm late.
00:46:07I'm late.
00:46:09I'm late.
00:46:11I'm late.
00:46:13I'm late.
00:46:15I'm late.
00:46:17I'm late.
00:46:19I'm late.
00:46:21I'm late.
00:46:23I'm late.
00:46:25I'm late.
00:46:27I'm late.
00:46:29I'm late.
00:46:31I'm late.
00:46:33I'm late.
00:46:35I'm late.
00:46:37I'm late.
00:46:39I'm late.
00:46:41I'm late.
00:46:43I'm late.
00:46:45I'm late.
00:46:47I'm late.
00:46:50I'm late.
00:46:55It's over.
00:46:57I'm here.
00:47:01Call the police.
00:47:03What was his name?
00:47:09No, the police who messes up our stuff.
00:47:14Ridvan Çelik.
00:47:21...is a little irrelevant.
00:47:22Kartal, this is our new partner.
00:47:26I thought you were asking about the piano when you said police.
00:47:30I didn't recognize it.
00:47:32Never mind.
00:47:33It's a nice cover for Ridvan.
00:47:35Come on.
00:47:36Come on.
00:47:39Shall we stay for a while?
00:47:41You stay.
00:47:42I'll call you.
00:47:43Okay, brother.
00:48:27Do you need anything?
00:48:29I told the other girl to stay with my sister.
00:48:31I told her not to bother her if she has a request.
00:48:33Where is she?
00:48:34Did she go somewhere?
00:48:35Did she leave you without a trace?
00:48:37Where is she?
00:48:38What's up, girl?
00:48:39What's up?
00:48:40What's up?
00:48:41What's up?
00:48:42What's up?
00:48:43What's up?
00:48:44What's up?
00:48:45What's up?
00:48:46What's up?
00:48:47What's up?
00:48:48What's up, Kadriye?
00:48:49We had dinner.
00:48:52What are these?
00:48:53Sister, we're crowded.
00:48:54They'll eat.
00:48:57You go out.
00:49:03Look, Kadriye.
00:49:05I'm not saying anything if you're going there.
00:49:08I'm not saying anything.
00:49:10Will the food of that house be made here now?
00:49:16Did auntie tell you this?
00:49:18No, sister, no.
00:49:20God forbid, she doesn't know.
00:49:22If she knew, she'd be mad at me.
00:49:25So you made the decision yourself, didn't you?
00:49:28Sister, the girl is fine.
00:49:32Doesn't she have a mother?
00:49:34I'm so angry.
00:49:36Everything is running away.
00:49:38I'm preparing everything at home...
00:49:40...so that I don't have to deal with her.
00:49:42I'm coming back here early.
00:49:45If she made you angry like that...
00:49:48...look, now I'm more curious about this Kaynaray.
00:49:51I'll take him to the water and bring him to the water...
00:49:54...and there's the chief's horse.
00:49:56I'm a human, too.
00:49:58I have a patience in front of me.
00:50:00He'll be my son-in-law in Black Sea.
00:50:04You know, they were coming to head health, Kadriye.
00:50:07Sister, I didn't do anything to him.
00:50:09I didn't say anything.
00:50:11Are you sure about that?
00:50:15Tell me.
00:50:17Tell me that my sister is waiting for you tomorrow.
00:50:21Is it up to you to question what I say, Kadriye?
00:50:25No, sister, not at all.
00:50:30...if the chief doesn't do anything.
00:50:32How long has Fevzi Efendi been interfering in my marriage?
00:50:37Let them come tomorrow, Kadriye.
00:50:454 MONTHS LATER
00:50:55This Özcan Şahinfen guy doesn't even use his social media account.
00:51:00It's hard to find people like him.
00:51:03I don't use it either.
00:51:05That's true.
00:51:07So, you say, sister...
00:51:09This guy is pure...
00:51:10Look, it's all clean. Except for Esat's dirty work.
00:51:14I'm a bit of a janitor. They took the medicine out.
00:51:17We need to find an explanation for this.
00:51:23Did you make a monitor for yourself?
00:51:27When are you going to do your job? When are you going to be a worker?
00:51:33You investigate this. Take care of this, and make a monitor for yourself.
00:51:37That's how it works.
00:51:40Who is this in our office?
00:51:42I guess.
00:51:53Don't do this, son. You're breaking my heart.
00:51:56You said you weren't coming for dinner.
00:51:58You told me not to wait for dinner.
00:52:00I was busy. That's why I came.
00:52:03I'm so mad at my wife.
00:52:07Why are you mad at her?
00:52:09Because I'm mad at her as much as I'm mad at myself.
00:52:13I was a bit angry, but don't you think what I'm saying is right, Tolga?
00:52:20What's going on?
00:52:22Isn't the guy on the street crazy?
00:52:26I'm going to kill him.
00:52:29Calm down.
00:52:31Why are you coming here?
00:52:33Didn't I tell you not to come to me?
00:52:36How can I calm down?
00:52:38I'm already in trouble with the guy who's going to be my father.
00:52:40You're going to burn yourself, Kerem.
00:52:42Okay, calm down. We're in the neighborhood.
00:52:44I rented a house. I wanted to let you know.
00:52:47Did you rent a house?
00:52:48I rented it next to the street in your house.
00:52:51Did you rent a house?
00:52:53Yes, I did.
00:52:57You rented a house?
00:53:01What do your people say about this, Kerem?
00:53:03The case was closed last week.
00:53:05I told them that you were renting a house to me.
00:53:08I paid the rent in a year.
00:53:10I rented a nice house.
00:53:12That's great.
00:53:14He's my brother.
00:53:16He's my brother.
00:53:35Hi, Yekta.
00:53:37Honey, you're always looking for him.
00:53:39Are you going to wake him up?
00:53:41He doesn't want to talk to you.
00:53:43Is that how we are now, Yekta?
00:53:45Should I take his side?
00:53:47Honey, I didn't take anyone's side.
00:53:49You two are my friends.
00:53:51I'm trying not to make a mistake.
00:53:53Okay, if you don't want to make a mistake, tell your brother.
00:53:56He's the one who doesn't answer my calls.
00:53:58Besides, he can't get away from me.
00:54:02Şule, you're taking too long.
00:54:04He doesn't want to talk to you.
00:54:06I think he's right.
00:54:08We got you a job in Izmir.
00:54:10What else do you want, honey?
00:54:12Yekta, do you think my problem is working?
00:54:15For God's sake.
00:54:17I need to talk to him.
00:54:19Şule, look.
00:54:21If you need money, we'll take care of it.
00:54:23Don't insist on anything else, please.
00:54:25Look, let's not go back to the old days.
00:54:27Let's face it.
00:54:29Please, honey.
00:54:31Either way, he's going to talk to me.
00:54:34Tell him.
00:54:35Look, Şule, you're taking too long.
00:54:37That's enough.
00:54:38Don't push it.
00:54:39You're going to get hurt.
00:54:41You know he's a bad guy.
00:54:48He covered his face. Look at the curtain.
00:54:59What's up?
00:55:00You bought a car.
00:55:02What car?
00:55:03A car.
00:55:04Why didn't you tell me?
00:55:06There were a lot of allergic friends.
00:55:08I don't know what you're talking about.
00:55:10I swear to God.
00:55:12Yes, brother.
00:55:14What's this?
00:55:19Is this Şahin?
00:55:25Maybe he's one of the customers.
00:55:27He's a doctor and an engineer.
00:55:29He's from Çakal, but he's one of them.
00:55:31Oh, I see.
00:55:33I don't know, brother.
00:55:34When he said he'd buy it for you,
00:55:36I thought it was you.
00:55:38You're a hypocrite.
00:55:39Don't hang up.
00:55:40You can't open it later.
00:55:42It's open.
00:55:48Hello, brother.
00:55:49Şahin, what car?
00:55:51My father bought it.
00:55:52Hang up, Şahin.
00:55:55Hello, brother.
00:56:09I fell asleep.
00:56:10I was wondering what you were thinking.
00:56:12I thought Türkan wouldn't accept it,
00:56:14but I regret it now.
00:56:17So we're leaving tomorrow, right?
00:56:20Now, all of a sudden,
00:56:22I feel weird.
00:56:24I'm excited, too.
00:56:26Is the girl going to be there?
00:56:29No, she's not.
00:56:32Because I've only met her.
00:56:34She doesn't want me, though.
00:56:36I know.
00:56:37Tevzi doesn't tell me these things,
00:56:39but I still know.
00:56:42you're almost old.
00:56:46It's like that.
00:56:48I don't think she's right.
00:56:50If I were her,
00:56:52I wouldn't accept it, either.
00:56:54But I thought things would change after the baby.
00:56:56Don't you ever wonder about your sister?
00:56:58Didn't you ask her?
00:57:00I swear, I didn't ask her anything.
00:57:04That's why you're like nothing.
00:57:12Another chat.
00:57:14Another chat.
00:57:18I hope you don't run out of tea and coffee.
00:57:22If you're aware,
00:57:24I don't drink.
00:57:26I do my job.
00:57:28By sitting?
00:57:30What are you waiting for?
00:57:32Tell me.
00:57:40Türkan said her mother should come, too.
00:57:42We're waiting for you, too.
00:57:48Of course, I'll come.
00:57:50Should I leave my daughter alone
00:57:52at the table of wolves?
00:57:54Where's Sezen?
00:57:56I'm there.
00:57:58What aunt?
00:58:00What aunt?
00:58:02I'm done, aunt.
00:58:04No, dear.
00:58:06Why not?
00:58:08I'm not used to it.
00:58:12It's okay, dear.
00:58:16What are you doing?
00:58:20It's my fault.
00:58:22It's your fault.
00:58:26Brother, how is it?
00:58:28Very good.
00:58:32It's my fault.
00:58:34It's my fault.
00:58:36It's my fault.
00:58:54What are you up to?
00:58:58What are you up to?
00:59:02Where did you find this car?
00:59:05You know, it was always on my mind.
00:59:10The goal was to get rid of you.
00:59:14I'm kidding.
00:59:16How much do you know about Kara Baba?
00:59:19Look, how many days has your brother been happy for the first time?
00:59:24He smiles at us.
00:59:27Did you enjoy it?
00:59:30You've been thinking about our psychology all your life.
00:59:32Think again.
00:59:36Where did you get all this money?
00:59:41Am I going to give you the account of the money?
00:59:45Did I go to Cyprus for nothing?
00:59:48I worked there like a dog.
00:59:51I earned it.
00:59:53I saved it.
00:59:55I put 3-5 pounds aside.
00:59:57From Cyprus.
00:59:58What Cyprus?
01:00:02Look, you used to burn us.
01:00:05We always had to bow our heads because of your shady business.
01:00:09Me, Sahin and my sister Kumru.
01:00:12But now my children live in this house.
01:00:15Don't disgrace us.
01:00:16Do whatever you want.
01:00:18What am I going to disgrace?
01:00:21What am I going to disgrace?
01:00:27Look at your brother.
01:00:30How happy he is.
01:00:34Let Tolga see this car.
01:00:37He'll be happy, too.
01:00:41Don't worry.
01:00:42There's nothing to disgrace.
01:00:47There's nothing to disgrace.
01:00:52My life has passed.
01:00:53My childhood has passed.
01:00:54By telling troubles to the police.
01:00:57When I was 9-10 years old.
01:00:58I was telling my story to the police.
01:01:02They took my mother's glass set.
01:01:07You made it clear.
01:01:09Just like Bekir made it clear.
01:01:12I've been through a lot.
01:01:18People don't know what vacation is in this neighborhood.
01:01:22I'll write to you.
01:01:24Swimming, vacation.
01:01:25I took you on a vacation.
01:01:27I took you skiing in the winter.
01:01:31Who knew where Kartalkaya was?
01:01:35Where Uludağ was?
01:01:37You don't say that.
01:01:43With money that I don't know where it came from.
01:01:45With black money.
01:01:47If you were going to do this.
01:01:48You should have brought me another gofret every night.
01:01:50I ate Kartalkaya and Uludağ.
01:01:52If I was a father who drank gofret every night.
01:01:57Your brother wasn't cleaning that car right now.
01:02:02Your brother was lying under the grave right now.
01:02:08Who knows?
01:02:10Maybe you were lying next to him.
01:02:19Now you're with Mahir at home.
01:02:22Thank God after all these years.
01:02:25With your grandchildren.
01:02:27Your children.
01:02:29Don't ruin the blessing of the house.
01:02:31For the love of God, don't ruin the blessing of the house.
01:02:37This is my advice to you.
01:02:43Of course.
01:03:13Do you need help?
01:03:14No, no, no.
01:03:15Look, I'll take care of it.
01:03:22I didn't mean to say that, you know that, right?
01:03:30Look, I love you so much.
01:03:32You're the only person I don't want to be sad about, you know that, right?
01:03:37I know.
01:03:37I know, you're beautiful. I know.
01:03:39Besides, halas shouldn't be sad about their nieces, okay?
01:03:42They'll be sad.
01:03:44Why shouldn't they be sad? They'll be sad.
01:03:46If the nieces talk like that,
01:03:49and they have to complain to someone else,
01:03:51if they complain to the best person in the house,
01:03:53they'll be sad, too.
01:03:59Okay, you're right. I'm sorry.
01:04:02I'm sorry, but...
01:04:04it's not because you said it.
01:04:07I said it because it was the right thing to do.
01:04:10It's not your fault, you know that.
01:04:14Okay, whatever.
01:04:15Okay, okay, okay, okay.
01:04:17I'll help, too. What are we doing?
01:04:19We're cooking. Yes.
01:04:22tomato, which one should I make?
01:04:24I'll make all of them, tell me.
01:04:27What are we doing, let me tell you.
01:04:28We're not doing anything.
01:04:29Come on, get ready, we're going.
01:04:31Come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:04:32Two women, we're peeling the potatoes.
01:04:34Hala, we're having fun.
01:04:36Oh, my God.
01:04:37I don't think they'll die just because they didn't eat once.
01:04:40They don't have the strength to starve.
01:04:41Come on, come on, get ready.
01:04:43Why are you looking at me?
01:04:44We're going to peel the potatoes. Come on.
01:04:47Come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:04:49Let them see how it's done.
01:04:55Injured soldier.
01:04:58Weren't you up there?
01:04:59I had a little business in the neighborhood, are you okay?
01:05:01I'm fine, I'm fine.
01:05:02I mean, as good as I am, I was shot badly.
01:05:05Anyway, I took care of it.
01:05:08What does the maniac say?
01:05:09Oh, I swear, what does he say?
01:05:12I gave the necessary answer very clearly.
01:05:15But it's still like you have a heart.
01:05:18This is the heart, Yigit.
01:05:19That's how much they are.
01:05:21Unfortunately, we have to deal with it.
01:05:22Good luck.
01:05:36I said, let me see our new place.
01:05:40And I said, let me see who my contract is working with.
01:05:52I'm Yigit.
01:05:58Good morning, Mrs. Nazan.
01:06:02God bless us, brother.
01:06:05Get well soon.
01:06:06From Kartal.
01:06:15The one with the police.
01:06:25That's how these things always happen, right?
01:06:29It's like the security services are left to the retired police.
01:06:34And this place is not a very safe place, brother Kartal.
01:06:39Who screwed it up here?
01:06:42What happened?
01:06:44Can't you do your job very well, brother Kartal?
01:06:53Kartal is more of our partner than security.
01:07:02No, I'm hanging out.
01:07:04I'm going to hang out.
01:07:06There's no way out.
01:07:10I'm going to hang out too.
01:07:11You're not going to hang out either, brother Zeyner.
01:07:13See you.
01:07:20You came like this, you stood up, we couldn't serve you anything.
01:07:23Would you like something?
01:07:25I'll have your coffee.
01:07:27I just got up in the morning, you know.
01:07:29I have a lot to wait for.
01:07:31So I can't stay long.
01:07:34I would like to welcome you in my room.
01:07:36Please come in.
01:07:38Come on, Kartal. See you.
01:08:03Oh my God.
01:08:05He's not answering his phone.
01:08:07What do you mean they're gone?
01:08:08What do you mean they're gone?
01:08:10They said, don't bother us.
01:08:11They said, take care of it for a day.
01:08:13They're gone.
01:08:14Oh my God.
01:08:15I'm telling Kumru to take care of Ece.
01:08:17He's sleeping with Ece, isn't he?
01:08:21Turn it off, bear.
01:08:22What are you doing?
01:08:23I'm so hungry, dad.
01:08:24I'm so hungry, dad.
01:08:25Oh my God.
01:08:26Why didn't you wake me up?
01:08:30Okay, we'll do something.
01:08:32Should we order fried chicken?
01:08:34Fried who?
01:08:35Fried, fried, grandpa.
01:08:36Fried chicken.
01:08:37Fried what?
01:08:38Fried chicken.
01:08:40Fried chicken.
01:08:41Son, don't be ridiculous.
01:08:43How can you order chicken at home?
01:08:44Is this a human house?
01:08:46It's like that today, grandpa.
01:08:50Grandpa will do something for you.
01:08:56Your father will do something for you, too.
01:09:05We're going to do the menemen.
01:09:07A cup of tea with you.
01:09:11Not the menemen in the sausage.
01:09:15The menemen you know.
01:09:18And with onions.
01:09:20Double onions.
01:09:23Double onions.
01:09:26Let me see what's in the closet.
01:09:35Look, look.
01:09:37Do you have eggs?
01:09:38I have eggs.
01:09:40Let me see.
01:09:41Brother, we almost grew up like brothers.
01:09:44He always saw you as his brother.
01:09:47Right, Nazan?
01:09:51You were the only one who kept his promise to him.
01:09:56He died very soon.
01:10:00He couldn't stand still.
01:10:01Look, mom.
01:10:03Marmara is on vacation.
01:10:04Oh, my son.
01:10:09How handsome he is.
01:10:12Can you send me the photos?
01:10:14Send them to me, too.
01:10:15I'll send them.
01:10:16I'll send them to all of you.
01:10:18Send them to me, son.
01:10:22Send them to them.
01:10:23I'll take care of it.
01:10:25Anyway, I'll go.
01:10:27You have something to talk about.
01:10:31I send my regards to your father, son.
01:10:34By the way, I prayed a lot for your mother when she was pregnant.
01:10:38May she rest in peace.
01:10:40Thank you, mother.
01:10:41God bless you.
01:10:52I need your permission, too.
01:10:54I need to check the club's accounts.
01:10:59Okay, dear.
01:11:00I'll take care of it.
01:11:03I'll call you later.
01:11:14Nazan put a lot of effort into this club.
01:11:17Look, he works day and night.
01:11:20Nazan is like that.
01:11:21He'll finish the job no matter what.
01:11:25I saw the club today.
01:11:27It's nice, not bad.
01:11:29I've been there before, but I've never been inside.
01:11:32It's not our style.
01:11:35But it's a very famous place.
01:11:37It's full every night.
01:11:39Nazan told me a little.
01:11:40You're going to put a lot of effort into this club, dad.
01:11:45To be honest, I gave Nazan this idea.
01:11:48I didn't know.
01:11:51It looks nice from the outside, but inside...
01:11:56You're right.
01:11:58It doesn't look nice from the outside, but inside...
01:12:02We haven't seen the season yet.
01:12:04They took this club down yesterday, dad.
01:12:07You know, Nazan is always there.
01:12:11At least, I'm saying, this security...
01:12:14Do you want me to hire your guys?
01:12:17No, security is enough.
01:12:20There's a guy named Kartal there.
01:12:25He's a tough guy. He knows what he's doing.
01:12:29Like he's dead.
01:12:31Like he's tight.
01:12:34Old cops do that kind of thing.
01:12:38I don't know what he'll do when it comes to execution.
01:12:42Kartal is not an empty person.
01:12:46His execution is a real execution.
01:12:49Like an old rifle boy.
01:12:51Like an old rifle boy.
01:12:58If you say so, dad.
01:13:03I know who's in charge of the club.
01:13:07But I'm keeping quiet because of your father.
01:13:13He said, don't get involved, I'll take care of it.
01:13:15And I'm doing that.
01:13:16I'm not getting involved, I'm waiting.
01:13:19I'm taking care of it.
01:13:21I'm taking care of it, don't worry, dad.
01:13:25I'm leaving now.
01:13:29When you get out in the morning, you have a friend to see, right?
01:13:34No, dad.
01:13:36I'm going home. I'm not going to stay in Alem. Don't worry.
01:13:39I don't know that much.
01:13:42But after the wedding, you'll pay Nazan.
01:13:45I'll take care of it.
01:13:46It's not up to me.
01:14:12Am I going fast or are you going too slow?
01:14:14You're going too fast.
01:14:17I'm already going slow.
01:14:19If you run away like that,
01:14:21If my tongue turns, you'll make fun of me.
01:14:24No, I used to come here.
01:14:27He was drinking.
01:14:29We were young at the time.
01:14:32You're still younger.
01:14:34You're still younger.
01:14:35Look, you did a beautiful makeup.
01:14:36How beautiful it was.
01:14:40You're not looking at yourself, are you?
01:14:43I wouldn't say that.
01:14:46But I'm not late for something.
01:14:50I'm still in someone's life.
01:14:58Ayse, do you feel uncomfortable when you talk to me like this?
01:15:02Oh, girl, no.
01:15:04I don't feel uncomfortable.
01:15:06Oh, my God.
01:15:08Think about it.
01:15:11Uncle Şahin.
01:15:12Let's join.
01:15:14Let's join your father.
01:15:15Who would fall in love with me in such a family?
01:15:17What should I do?
01:15:18It's not going to happen.
01:15:20Don't think about it.
01:15:22Don't think about it.
01:15:24Look, do you know what you're going to do?
01:15:27You're going to fall in love.
01:15:29Then you're going to go.
01:15:33You're going to go.
01:15:36I'm going to leave you.
01:15:38I'm going to leave Tolga.
01:15:40I'm going to leave Uncle Şahin.
01:15:42I'm going to fall in love.
01:15:43I'm going to go.
01:15:44That's how it's going to end.
01:15:46Yeah, okay.
01:15:47We'll take care of ourselves.
01:15:50Uncle Şahin.
01:15:51Him too.
01:15:53But his father should take care of him.
01:15:55Yes, don't think about everything.
01:15:56His father should take care of him.
01:15:57Why should he take care of him?
01:15:58Okay, Ece.
01:15:59Come on, that's enough.
01:16:00They've talked enough with me.
01:16:01Come on, let's change the subject.
01:16:03Look at the beauty of this view.
01:16:04It's a good thing we came.
01:16:06It's a good thing we came.
01:16:09Ask, okay, ask.
01:16:13Now I saw the photos in your house.
01:16:15What photo?
01:16:16From my crazy high school days.
01:16:20Where's your hotel?
01:16:21Why don't you meet?
01:16:22Girl, where's the hotel?
01:16:23How can I meet?
01:16:24They're all married.
01:16:25Most of them have kids.
01:16:26What should I do?
01:16:27Should I invite them to my house?
01:16:29Social media.
01:16:31Your generation loves social media.
01:16:35I don't like social media at all.
01:16:36I don't understand social media anyway.
01:16:38It's not something I know anyway.
01:16:39I can't do it.
01:16:41You can't do it.
01:16:43What are you doing?
01:16:44It's something I understand.
01:16:45I don't know how to do it anyway.
01:16:49Let's take this.
01:16:53Girl, you...
01:16:54I don't understand it.
01:16:55How will I solve it later?
01:16:56Wait, I'll do it.
01:16:59It's wrinkled.
01:17:00It's wrinkled.
01:17:02If you're going to put a photo or something,
01:17:03you're going to put something decent.
01:17:05We'll be together.
01:17:06Now, after all these years...
01:17:09I'll put this.
01:17:10Let me see.
01:17:18Is anything coming out?
01:17:20I entered one of the e-mails on Facebook.
01:17:23It's clean.
01:17:26If you go into my phone from there,
01:17:27I'll take it out.
01:17:28Think about it.
01:17:29I don't want to be in the middle.
01:17:30Think about it.
01:17:31If you throw it, it falls.
01:17:33So you're in the middle.
01:17:38How old did you leave the house?
01:17:40I mean...
01:17:41How old did you start living alone?
01:17:44My family left before me, actually.
01:17:46You know.
01:17:49Does Ece want to leave the family?
01:17:55That cat wants to live alone.
01:17:57It was a place like Istanbul.
01:17:59In such a city.
01:18:01But it's my fault.
01:18:03I gave it permission until 11.
01:18:05Once a week.
01:18:06But I gave it until 11.
01:18:07I gave my hand.
01:18:08I folded my arm.
01:18:09Now I can't go back.
01:18:10It's open again.
01:18:11It's open again.
01:18:15You're a smart,
01:18:18reliable person.
01:18:19Give me a mind.
01:18:20Say something.
01:18:21What am I going to do?
01:18:52There is no such world.
01:18:53There is no such world.
01:19:22There is no such world.
01:19:23There is no such world.
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