CASE UNCLOSED: July 30 2009

  • last week
Arnold Clavio
00:00On the night of August 6, 2008, Tara Santelises was on her way home when she was hit by a jeep.
00:11She didn't follow the order of the holdupper and she was shot in the head.
00:18Oh my God! Tara!
00:20How is Tara? Why are the police saying that the case is closed?
00:24Now, her loved ones believe that the suspect was wrongly accused by the authorities.
00:36Good evening. I am Arnold Claudio.
00:39Yesterday's questions will be answered in this episode of Case Unclosed.
00:58Don't touch me!
01:00I told you not to do that!
01:05Oh my God!
01:09Help us!
01:10Help us!
01:11There's a lot of people in the hospital!
01:17Help Manong!
01:25The family of Antonia Marina or Tara Santelises didn't expect that on the 23rd of this month,
01:34she was hit by a heavy blow that changed their life.
01:48That's what I would have done if he was conscious.
01:52He destroyed the future of my child.
01:56Tara has a bright future for her.
02:00The whole day of August 5, 2008, and most of her days,
02:05Tara was at home because she felt bad.
02:09That night, he let us know that he will have dinner.
02:12He let us know that he will have dinner.
02:15He let us know that he will have dinner.
02:18But his classmate was late, so they went home late.
02:25That night, Tara was with Joey Mejias,
02:28a close friend and classmate since they were kids.
02:32Because of her fear of security issues,
02:35Joey asked her to hide her face.
02:37Around 11, I arrived there.
02:40We waited for him until 12 because it was his birthday.
02:47That night, his friends went home late.
02:51Usually, they go home at this time but there was no sign of them.
02:59Before 1, we were waiting for a jeep in front of Santa Lucia.
03:08Usually, there's a line there but we waited.
03:13There was a jeep passing by but there was no one inside.
03:16It was a small jeep and the light was just plain.
03:21We asked if this is Angono Highway.
03:26He said, yes, this is Angono Highway.
03:30In the distance, another passenger got on the jeep.
03:41A man got on the jeep and sat beside Joey.
03:45The man got on the jeep and sat beside Joey.
03:48The man got on the jeep and sat beside Joey.
03:53It was a little uneasy but I didn't notice him because he smelled alcohol.
03:58It was a little uneasy but I didn't notice him because he smelled alcohol.
04:03The incident happened quickly.
04:14Suddenly, a 38 caliber bullet came out from the man beside Joey.
04:22The jeep was covered by fear of the passenger.
04:25Tara, not because of her belongings, not because she doesn't want to lose her cellphone, not because of her laptop,
04:35but Tara is the type of person who doesn't allow those kinds of crimes to happen.
04:51I will call the police.
04:53Because of Tara's impulsiveness, the man was shot with a gun and the bullet went through.
05:01Unlike the first suspects, Tara and Joey were the only two who were injured.
05:08Tara, are you okay?
05:11The other passengers' belongings were not retrieved.
05:13Help us!
05:14Please help us!
05:15We need to go to the hospital!
05:19Tara, how?
05:26When the bullet went through, I was looking for where it hit because I thought Tara was already dead.
05:34How? Hurry!
05:35It hit the left side of Tara's head.
05:37In this part of Imelda Avenue, Tara's gunman stopped the jeep and he immediately declared a hold up.
05:47Help us!
05:48Joey, the driver was asked to continue on this route before they were taken to a clinic.
05:57The passengers were running.
06:01The jeep was running.
06:03The jeep was running.
06:05There were other passengers who were also stopping.
06:09Then, the jeep stopped.
06:12The passengers were going down.
06:15Until we turned to Vista Verde.
06:19The jeep was running.
06:20Then, we were taken to a clinic.
06:24If the other passengers and the jeep driver were not aware of Tara's condition,
06:28there were three men and one female passenger who became good friends.
06:35Unfortunately, the clinic did not have enough facilities so they were forced to transfer Tara to the nearest hospital.
06:44The person in charge said that we don't have medical legal.
06:49It's just for a while.
06:51We just made her lie down.
06:53After a few minutes, we were transferred to the nearest hospital, Amang Rodriguez.
06:59They were again helped by other passengers to transfer her.
07:05It was already midday when Tara arrived at the Amang Rodriguez Medical Center.
07:11It was already the time when Joey's mother, who also went to the hospital, visited Tara's parents.
07:16Yes, we were surprised because her father was already at the gate.
07:21His friend was already escorting us to go to Amang Rodriguez.
07:25He was in the ICU of Amang Rodriguez.
07:29The doctor did not let us in because he was unstable at that time.
07:35It was 8 a.m. when Tara's parents passed away and she was transferred to the medical city in Ortigas.
07:41This is where the doctors discovered that the bullet hit the left side of her head near the temporal lobe or the part of the brain that controls memory and emotion.
07:57There were also some shrapnel left inside her brain.
08:01The slug, when it hit her, fractured into several parts.
08:05Some went to the front part of her brain, some went to the lower part of her brain, some went to the back.
08:12Just to simply to get it would entail destroying other parts of the brain.
08:19Tara's parents insisted that the operation should not continue.
08:24She might give way to the operating table.
08:27What we did, we went inside the chapel to pray.
08:30We asked for a sign, which is the best way, to operate or not.
08:35Until the time limit that we need to decide was over.
08:41That's why we said, maybe that's it. That's the God's will that the operation should not continue.
08:48Her condition would have been worse if she was rushed to the hospital.
08:53The doctor said that it was the best time to have her operated.
08:57The best time to have her operated was the time when she was still conscious.
09:04Tara joined those who helped and sent messages of support while she was struggling with her life.
09:10We would like to thank a lot of people we don't know.
09:14They always help.
09:17There are some who would celebrate their birthdays instead of spending money on the celebration.
09:22They would give it to people we don't know.
09:24I hope they don't get tired.
09:27Other fundraising events were also held by close friends of Tara.
09:31Tara survived the brink of death.
09:34But the doctors declared that she was in a comatose state.
09:38What do you usually tell Tara to give her support?
09:46We love her.
09:49Don't give up.
09:51Don't give up.
09:54We're always there for her.
09:57Whatever happens,
10:01we won't let her down.
10:09I tell her everyday that we won't let her down no matter what.
10:15At least our family is all here to help her and support her in every way.
10:27Tara has a lot of dreams in life.
10:30As a child, Tara is a very independent person.
10:35She can also help her classmates who need help.
10:40She's always there for them.
10:42She finished her AB Political Science course at Ateneo de Manila University in 2007.
10:49When the incident happened, she became the research officer of the non-government organization,
10:55Aplan Marketing Foundation.
10:57This is a group that helps our poor countrymen who live in the mountains.
11:03Tara's dream is to work for the United Nations.
11:06She wants to join the UN to make a difference.
11:11She can also help.
11:13Dan Lumo is with Tara and Joey in the incident.
11:17Joey and Tara are members of the band Saffron Speedway and Scarlet Tears.
11:23Tara is the bass guitar player of the band.
11:26I don't know. It's hard.
11:29I know I have to move on with my life.
11:32And I also know that I have to be strong always for her.
11:48Because until now, I didn't realize who my real friends are.
11:56I didn't realize who my real friends are and who my real captains are.
12:05At the first opportunity, Joey returned the crime scene for the case to be closed.
12:14He still remembers everything that happened on the early day of August 6, 2008.
12:21That night, it was very dark in this place.
12:28Then, in this stretch, Tara was shot.
12:38Because it was just yesterday that Joey was shot,
12:41he was the first witness and gave testimony to the police.
12:44One of the suspects was the one who came to the scene of the crime.
12:49He is Orlando Del Rosario, 29 years old.
12:55We did a background check.
12:57We found out that he has a lot of pending warrant of arrest.
13:02Different cases, carnapping, drugs, robbery.
13:06He is a notorious criminal.
13:15The next case I'm closed.
13:17Why do Tara's parents believe that the real suspect who shot Tara is not yet arrested?
13:25When we were arrested, that was the confirmation that they are looking for the suspect
13:32that we showed to us.
13:33With the help of informants, they found out where the suspect is.
13:38Also, they found out where the suspect was sent to.
13:41This is the case that was not told to us,
13:51so we are not at fault.
13:53With the help of the informants, they were able to track down the location of the suspect.
14:03There are people who help us to detect the operatives, where he is and what location he is in.
14:13After weeks of investigation by the PNP,
14:18PO2 Reynanto Parto found Orlando in San Isidro Village, Antipolo City.
14:27That's when I saw his face and I was sure that he's the person we're looking for.
14:34I have a picture of him that was given to me by the police inspector, Joseia.
14:40We have the same picture.
14:45Who are you? Are you a police officer?
14:47Yes, I'm a police officer.
15:02Orlando Del Rosario lives here in Angono, Rizal.
15:06He refused to give his wife a statement.
15:10But even though he was afraid and wanted to hide his identity,
15:15he said that he doesn't believe that his niece was involved in the shooting of Tara.
15:21It's impossible for them to say that she was the one who shot Tara.
15:25My niece's husband told me that she was at home when the shooting of Tara happened.
15:35He said, auntie, how can that happen when Orlando is not traveling?
15:41He insisted that the shooting was an overkill to his niece.
15:46She was only 18 years old.
15:48My children told me that they couldn't accept the fact that she was shot.
15:58It's like she was already dead.
16:02I can't say that it was an overkill because in our training,
16:06we have what we call a body-body head.
16:10Because the life of the police officer is already on the line.
16:15Undeniably, the suspect pulled the trigger.
16:19Even though it was hard for him, Orlando's family still hopes that the truth about his death will be revealed.
16:26It hurts.
16:27We're just praying because he's already dead.
16:34Because of the murder of Orlando Del Rosario,
16:37Rizal PNP declared the case of the shooting of Tara Santelises closed.
16:44It means that the case is closed.
16:46The one who killed Tara is also the suspect in Tara Santelises case.
16:50Help! Help!
16:54But even Joey, who is a witness in the crime,
16:56doesn't believe that Orlando is involved in the case.
17:00After you believe that they are doing something to find the shooter of Tara,
17:09it's just like that.
17:11It's just like that.
17:13It's over.
17:15And to think that the one who pulled the trigger is the one who shot the suspect,
17:24not the one who shot Tara.
17:30In the cartographic sketch, Orlando's appearance is far from the details that Joey gave to the police.
17:39Being a member of the League of Filipino Students,
17:42a group that can criticize the government, is also one of the hidden angles.
17:48They just told us, sir you can also look at this side.
17:52We included it in the report but we did not concentrate on that angle.
17:59That's what's funny.
18:00How can he be a member because he's a reserve officer for the Air Force in Ateneo.
18:07He served in the RO for two years and he's an officer of the RO.
18:14So how can he be a leftist?
18:18Even so, the police still argued that they were able to solve the holdup case and the shooting of Tara.
18:25You know, we did not contest that because that's what he described.
18:30And it was really notorious.
18:33And that's where we concentrated and we got it.
18:37So if you will ask us, the case is already solved.
18:43While this was happening, the family's expenses in the hospital continued.
18:47It reached more than two million pesos.
18:50Tara continued to fight for what she cherished.
18:54We encouraged her.
18:55Every time we were there, I talked to her.
18:58We love you and fight on.
19:01You can do it.
19:02Because I told her, ever since you've been a fighter.
19:06It was just one message from Tara's father when the gunshot hit his son's head.
19:11Maybe your conscience will be clean if you give up.
19:17The justice system is up to you.
19:20Of course, you have to pay for it.
19:24What you did to my son is,
19:28compare yourself to the two of them, you're wandering and enjoying.
19:31You know, my son is your future.
19:45September 2008.
19:47Almost a month after the comatose,
19:50Tara regained consciousness in the hospital.
20:02We're here in Medical City to find out the condition of Tara Santilises.
20:07It's been more than eight months since she was admitted here.
20:16The Santilises were held with high hopes for Tara's recovery.
20:22I was surprised because I thought she was bedridden.
20:26I was surprised because I thought she was bedridden.
20:30So, it's a big improvement, right?
20:33It's a big improvement, yes.
20:35You're doing great, Tara.
20:37You're doing great.
20:39You just need physical therapy.
20:43It's a bit tough because of course, she's a bit weak in physical therapy.
20:49She's fighting.
20:52There's no more blood in Tara's body.
20:54Her right eye can be seen but her left eye was blinded due to bad luck.
21:01But Tara won't go back to normal.
21:05She had a boomerang earlier that surprised everyone.
21:09Didn't she usually have a big movement like that?
21:13It's rare, right?
21:15It's also rare.
21:17But I think she can hear us.
21:20She can hear us because she can move.
21:23Maybe she knows that there are people around.
21:29We are currently testing Imelda Avenue.
21:32This is the route that Tara and Joey passed last night when the crime happened.
21:42Even the crime itself is a big improvement.
21:45When the hold-up happened in Tara, it was said that the area was dark and almost no vehicles passed.
21:52A few weeks passed and the local government acted immediately.
21:56They immediately put lights on the dark area.
22:03But what didn't change was the police's claim that the case is closed.
22:08The shooting at Tara.
22:09When we got the evidence, we told the judge that Tara was with us and that she saw what happened.
22:17As far as we are concerned, this case is closed.
22:23Tara's case here in Manila is not new.
22:26There are still many cases that Tara did not go public.
22:31At 6 a.m. on August 18, 2008, when the body was found dead,
22:36Ruan Salvador, 28 years old, in Barangay Pinahan, Quezon City.
22:45He is a call center supervisor and he is expected to go to work by that time.
22:54On Christmas Day 2008,
22:57Jean Rose Polinar, 26 years old, and Noe Walumbwang Buntis jumped from a jeep.
23:03Jean Rose survived and her husband was given birth.
23:08But she was brought back to life in Mary Johnstown Hospital.
23:13Until now, it is still unclear who is responsible for the death of Ruan Salvador and Jean Rose Polinar.
23:21According to the Philippine National Police,
23:24from 2005 to 2008, the number of street crimes in the country increased.
23:28The Philippine National Police is urging the public to give the hold-upper whatever they want
23:33instead of sacrificing their own lives.
23:38If you are in a situation where you are trapped,
23:42give your life value instead of things that we can exchange.
23:50It would be better to get the details that can help in the case of Ruan Salvador.
23:55We should be observant.
23:58If you report it to the police, the police will have an idea or an imagination
24:05of what you're talking about.
24:08Is this a long hair? Is this bald? Is his eyes slanted? Is his face round?
24:14Something like that.
24:16A new law should be passed to stop street crimes.
24:20According to Chino Irigo, he is the one who proposed this petition through the internet.
24:26This is what we want to happen to our petition,
24:29that there should be a law that these members of the transport sector
24:36should have a responsibility to their passengers, especially to the transport jeepney.
24:40This is what we want to happen to our petition,
24:43that there should be a law that these members of the transport sector
24:48should have a responsibility to their passengers, especially to the transport jeepney.
24:56But after fighting for almost a year,
25:05Tara was brought back to life on Monday, July 27.
25:10Thank you for giving me laughter, sharing me, or singing with me.
25:23A better law and a fair implementation is needed to stop these crimes.
25:30Above all, it is important for everyone to be alert and alert to the people around us.
25:37Until next Wednesday, I'm Anon Clavio.
25:40The questions of yesterday will be answered in this episode of Case Unclosed.
26:06Case Unclosed