How to Use Positive Self-Talk for Better Mental Health

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How to Use Positive Self-Talk for Better Mental Health.
Self-talk is basically the conversations you have with yourself in your mind. It reflects your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and can be either uplifting or discouraging. If you’re naturally optimistic, your inner dialogue is probably more positive, but if you lean towards pessimism, it might be more negative. Shifting to positive self-talk is a powerful tool for managing stress and boosting your overall health. Studies show that having a positive mindset can improve your quality of life.

00:00Welcome back Sunbro, we hope you all in great health and great money.
00:04Before we start, please at least subscribe so we can have little money for food and paying
00:09Alright, today we are going to talk about how to use positive self-talk for better mental
00:15Self-talk is basically the conversations you have with yourself in your mind.
00:19It reflects your beliefs, thoughts and feelings and can be either uplifting or discouraging.
00:24If you're naturally optimistic, your inner dialogue is probably more positive, but if
00:28you lean towards pessimism, it might be more negative.
00:31Shifting to positive self-talk is a powerful tool for managing stress and boosting your
00:34overall health.
00:36Studies show that having a positive mindset can improve your quality of life.
00:41Why Positive Self-Talk Matters.
00:43Positive self-talk can enhance your performance and well-being.
00:46Athletes use it to boost endurance, and it offers many health benefits, like.
00:50More energy, better immune function, reduced stress, reduced pain, and improved heart health.
00:55Athletes are better at handling challenges and stress, which might explain why they experience
00:59these benefits.
01:01How to Practice Positive Self-Talk.
01:03Start by recognizing when your self-talk is negative.
01:06Common negative thinking includes, blaming yourself for everything, focusing only on
01:10the bad, expecting the worst, and seeing things in extremes.
01:14Once you spot these patterns, practice flipping them into positive thoughts.
01:18It takes time, but even small changes can make a difference.
01:22Some Examples.
01:23Negative, I'll disappoint everyone if I change my mind.
01:26Positive, I can change my mind, and others will understand.
01:29Negative, I failed and embarrassed myself.
01:32Positive, I'm proud I tried, that took courage.
01:35Negative, I'm overweight and out of shape.
01:37I might as well not bother.
01:39Positive, I'm strong and capable, and I want to get healthier for me.
01:42Negative, I've never done this before, so I'll be bad at it.
01:46Positive, this is a great chance to learn and grow.
01:49Negative, there's no way this will work.
01:51Positive, I'll give it my best shot.
01:54Daily Tips for Positive Self-Talk.
01:56Identify triggers, notice situations where you're hardest on yourself.
02:00Check in, when things get tough, pause and assess your thoughts.
02:03Find humor, laughter helps shift your mindset.
02:06Surround yourself with positivity, spend time with optimistic people.
02:10Use affirmations, remind yourself of positive truths daily.
02:13If you're struggling to shift your self-talk, consider seeing a therapist.
02:17They can guide you through identifying and changing negative patterns.
02:21Many resources, including apps like Talkspace, offer virtual therapy options.
02:25Positive self-talk takes practice, but over time, it can become second nature and improve
02:29both your mindset and overall health.
02:31Thanks for watching, Sunbro.
02:34Please subscribe, like, comment, and share if you find this helpful.
02:39Come again to our next meeting Sunbro.
