Blues Clues S05 E15

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00:00You see a clue? We see a clue!
00:02Another Blue's Clues Day!
00:06Do you wanna play?
00:08Blue's Clues!
00:10On count to three! One, two, three!
00:12And clap your hands! Clap your hands!
00:14Learn something new! Something new!
00:16Join our Blue's Clues Band today!
00:18Right this way!
00:20It's another Blue's Clues Day!
00:22A brand new game!
00:24It's another Blue's Clues Day!
00:26Bow bow!
00:30Alright, guess what?
00:32Bow bow!
00:34I just made up a brand new game!
00:36Bow bow bow!
00:38And I call it...
00:40Presto Change Joe!
00:42Bow bow bow bow!
00:44Bow bow bow!
00:46Do you wanna play it?
00:48Bow bow!
00:50You do? Oh, great!
00:52Okay, I'm going to change something about me,
00:54and you figure out what it is.
00:56Bow bow bow!
00:58Now take a good look at me.
01:00Bow bow bow!
01:04Presto Change Joe!
01:06Bow bow bow bow!
01:08Bow bow bow!
01:12What's different about me?
01:14The hat!
01:16Yeah! I'm wearing this silly hat!
01:18Bow bow bow!
01:20Oh, let me put this away. One second.
01:22Bow bow!
01:24Bow bow!
01:26Are you ready to play again?
01:28Bow bow!
01:32Bow bow!
01:36Presto Change Joe!
01:38Bow bow bow bow!
01:40Bow bow bow!
01:42What's different about me this time?
01:44Bow bow bow bow!
01:46Your shirt! It's green!
01:48Bow bow bow bow!
01:50Ha! My shirt, it's green now!
01:52Bow bow!
01:54You're really good at figuring out what's different.
01:56Bow bow!
01:58I should go change back into my other shirt. One second.
02:00Bow bow bow bow!
02:02Ha! That's better.
02:04So what did you think?
02:06Did you like the game I made up?
02:08Bow bow!
02:12Bow bow bow bow!
02:14Blue, did you make up a game too?
02:16Bow bow!
02:18You did? That's great. Can we play it here in the living room?
02:20Bow bow bow!
02:22Where can we go to play your game?
02:24Bow bow bow bow bow!
02:28We'll play Blue's Clues to figure it out.
02:32We are gonna play Blue's Clues
02:34It's a really great game
02:36So remember,
02:38Blue's paw prints will be on the clues.
02:40Blue's Clues
02:44You know what we need to play Blue's Clues?
02:46Our handy dandy?
02:50Come on!
02:54Hey side table drawer, guess what?
02:56We are gonna play Blue's Clues
02:58That's a really great game
03:04To play Blue's Clues we gotta find a...
03:08Paw print!
03:10Oh, a paw print, right.
03:12And that's our first...
03:16Then we put it in our...
03:18Blue's Clues
03:20We gotta find another paw print
03:22That's the second clue
03:24We put it in our notebook cause they're...
03:26Blue's Clues
03:28We gotta find the last paw print
03:30That's the third clue
03:32We put it in our notebook cause they're...
03:34Blue's Clues
03:36You know what to do
03:38Sit down in our thinking chair and think
03:44Cause when we use our minds
03:46We can do anything
03:52That we wanna do
03:54Okay, are you ready to look for Blue's Clues
03:56So we can figure out where we can go
03:58To play Blue's game
04:00You are? Excellent
04:04We are looking for Blue's Clues
04:06Wonder where they are
04:10A clue, a clue!
04:12You see a clue!
04:16Hey, maybe
04:18I can take giant steps
04:20To get to it
04:22So, to get to the clue, should I giant step forward
04:24Or backwards
04:34So, now which way should I giant step
04:36To get to the clue
04:38That way
04:48There's a clue on this picture of
04:50Some friends
04:52Friends must be our first clue
04:54We need our handy dandy
04:58Notebook, right
05:04Let's draw three circles
05:06For the heads
05:08A triangle for this body
05:10A square for this body
05:12Add eyes and a mouth
05:14To each one
05:16Lines for the arms and legs
05:22And we have friends
05:24So where could we go
05:26To play Blue's game
05:28With the clue friends
05:38Let's keep looking for clues
05:40Yeah, I made a taxi
05:44Vroom, vroom
05:46Hey, Periwinkle
05:48Guess what, Joe
05:50I just made up a game
05:52You made up a game too? That's great
05:54Yeah, it's a song game
05:56I call it
05:58The Taxi Game
06:00The Taxi Game
06:02Taxis are my favorite things in the city
06:04So I made up a game about them
06:06Do you wanna play?
06:08You'll play too, right?
06:14Ok, first
06:16When I sing the word taxi
06:18You pretend to drive
06:20Like this
06:22Vroom, vroom
06:24So when Periwinkle sings the word taxi
06:26We go vroom, vroom
06:30Yeah, I made a taxi
06:32I made a taxi
06:38I forgot what to do
06:40Can you show me?
06:44Vroom, vroom
06:46Oh, yeah
06:48Vroom, vroom
06:50Here's something new to remember
06:52Now, when I sing the word street
06:54You do this
06:56Honk, honk
07:00Let's start at the beginning
07:04Yeah, I made a taxi
07:08Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom
07:10Down the city street
07:16What do we do now?
07:20Honk, honk
07:22Honk, honk
07:24That's it
07:26Honk, honk
07:28Ready for the last part?
07:32When I sing the word people
07:34You do this
07:38So, when Periwinkle sings the word people
07:40We do this
07:44From the beginning
07:48Yeah, I made a taxi
07:52Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom
07:54Down the city street
07:58Honk, honk, honk, honk
08:00All the buildings and the people
08:06What do we do now?
08:12Oh, yeah, it's
08:18Let's try it again
08:20And faster
08:22Faster? Ok, ready?
08:24Yeah, I made a taxi
08:28Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom
08:30Down the city street
08:32Honk, honk, honk, honk
08:34All the buildings and the people
08:40All the city is me
08:44We did it
08:48Periwinkle, you made up such a great song game
08:54Bye, Periwinkle
09:00I wonder where this ball came from
09:02A clue, a clue
09:04You see a clue?
09:08On the ball
09:10On the ball
09:12On the ball
09:14On the ball
09:16On the ball
09:18On the ball
09:20On the ball
09:22On the ball
09:24On the ball
09:28There's a clue on this ball
09:32A ball must be our second clue
09:34We need our handy dandy
09:38Notebook, right
09:44First a big circle
09:46A stripe on the side
09:48And a star on the front
09:50There, a ball
09:52So where could we go to play Blue's Game
09:54With friends
09:56And a ball
10:04Good thinking
10:06Let's find our last clue to be sure
10:08Mail time, mail time
10:10Mail time, mail time
10:12The mail's here, come on
10:14Here's the mail, it never fails
10:16It makes me wanna laugh
10:18Here's the mail, it never fails
10:20It makes me wanna wag my tail
10:22When it comes, I wanna wail
10:32Hey Joe, I heard you made up a game
10:34Yep, I call it
10:36Presto Change Joe
10:40Hey, you should play it with us
10:44Are you ready to play
10:46Okay, now, take a good look at me
10:50Presto Change Joe
10:58What's different about me
11:02The watch
11:04Yep, I'm wearing this watch
11:06Oh, I see it now
11:08Good thing too
11:10Cause it's time for your letter
11:14Thanks mailbox
11:18We just got a letter
11:20We just got a letter
11:22We just got a letter
11:24We just got a letter
11:26I wonder who it's from
11:28Oh look
11:30It's a letter from our friends
11:32Hi Joe
11:34We're making up games
11:36Okay guys, we're gonna pretend this box is our boot
11:38And I'm gonna describe the things
11:40That I see and you guys are gonna
11:42Try to guess what it is, okay
11:44I see something that's orange
11:46And has a fin and has lots
11:48And lots of scales
11:52My turn
11:54I see something that has very sharp teeth
12:00Hey, let's make up a game inside
12:04Hey, I have an idea for a game
12:06We roll the ball to each other
12:08But we have to name a different animal from everybody else
12:22Bye Joe
12:24Joe, Blue
12:28It's me, Franny
12:30Wanna come play my game?
12:36Blue just skidooed
12:38Wanna go too?
12:40Great, let's go
12:44Blue skidoo, we can too
12:52Look at all this stuff
12:56Oh, this must be Franny's bedroom
13:00I made up a game about things in my room
13:02It's called
13:04Find and Pretend
13:06Ready to play?
13:10Okay, first
13:12Can you find something that's black and white
13:14Has spots
13:16And makes milk
13:22Which one of these is black and white
13:24Has spots and makes milk
13:32The cow
13:34The cow
13:36It's black and white
13:38It has spots
13:40And it definitely makes milk
13:42Now what do we do, Franny
13:44Now that you found a cow
13:46Pretend to be a cow
13:48Let's pretend we're cows
14:00Come on
14:14Nice cow acting
14:18Can you find something that's orange
14:20Round and bounces
14:26Which one of these is orange
14:28Round and bounces
14:30The basketball
14:34The basketball
14:36It's orange
14:38And round
14:40And it can really bounce
14:42Now pretend to be a cow
14:44And bounce like a basketball
14:48Come on
14:50Let's be cows
14:52And bounce like basketballs
15:00Follow me bouncing cows
15:12Can you find something that's long
15:14You look into
15:16And it helps you see things far away
15:22Which one of these is long
15:24You look into it
15:26And it helps you see things far away
15:32The telescope
15:36Yeah the telescope
15:38It's long
15:40And when you look into it
15:42You can see things super far away
15:44Ready for the last part
15:46Can you pretend to be a cow
15:50Bounce like a basketball
15:58And look through a telescope all at the same time
16:10Wow great pretending
16:12You finished my find and pretend game
16:20Making up a game about all the things in your room
16:22That's an interesting idea Franny
16:24I'm glad you liked it
16:26Thank you
16:30We still need to find our last clue
16:32Bye Franny
16:36You know
16:38You really did a great job playing find and pretend
16:40A clue
16:44You found our third clue
16:48Behind you
16:52Behind me where
16:56Out the window
17:04The clue
17:06And it's on this slide
17:08You know what we need
17:10Our handy dandy
17:14Notebook right
17:22Let's draw a line that goes up
17:24And around like this
17:26Lines for the ladder
17:28Two handles
17:30And we have a slide
17:32We have all three clues
17:34To figure out where we can go
17:36To play Blue's game
17:38We get to sit in our
17:40Thinking chair
17:42Come on
17:52Now that we're in our thinking chair
17:54Let's think
18:00Where can we go to play Blue's game
18:02With friends
18:06A ball
18:10And a slide
18:16Maybe Blue wants to go
18:18Some place with her friends
18:22Where you can play with a ball
18:26And slide down a slide
18:32Isn't there a place out in the neighborhood
18:34Where friends can go to play with a ball
18:36And slide down a slide
18:38What place is that
18:44The park, the playground
18:48We can play Blue's game at the park
18:50The park has a playground
18:52Where friends can go to play ball
18:54And slide down a slide
18:56We just figured out Blue's clues
18:58We sat on down
19:00Figured it out
19:02What Blue's clues were all about
19:04Wow, you know what
19:06We're really smart
19:10To the playground
19:12We are going to the playground
19:14To play the game Blue made up
19:22Ok, Blue
19:24How do we play
19:26Let's watch
19:32Harry Winkle
19:38Harry Winkle
19:42I see
19:44When you pick up the ball
19:46You say your name
19:48It's the ball and name game
19:50Maybe later
19:52We can play my taxi game again
19:54Sounds good, Harry Winkle
20:00Yeah, you did it
20:02Look Joe
20:04I'm bouncing like a ball again
20:08It's my turn
20:10What do I say
20:12When I pick up the ball
20:14Your name
20:18My name, Joe, right
20:28Yeah, good one
20:36It's your turn
20:40Blue's rolling the ball
20:42Right to you
20:44Stand back
20:46Now get ready to catch it
20:48And say your name
20:56Nice job
21:00Come on
21:04You know
21:06You did such an amazing job playing all those games today
21:08You should make up a game too
21:14Now it's time for so long
21:18But we'll sing just one more song
21:22Thanks for doing your part
21:24You're so smart
21:26You know with me and you
21:28And our friend Blue
21:30We can do anything
21:32That we wanna do
21:36We can do anything
21:38That we wanna do
21:42Thanks for everything
21:54Thanks to
21:56Thanks to
21:58Thanks to
22:00Thanks to
22:02Thanks to
22:04Thanks to
22:06Thanks to
22:08Thanks to
22:10Thanks to
22:12Thanks to
22:14Thanks to
22:16Thanks to