The public reacts to the winter fuel cut

  • 15 hours ago
People across the country react to the winter fuel cut.
00:00Are they going to lose the next election?
00:02They will.
00:03The Conservatives are going to get in again.
00:06And for what stupid reason?
00:07Because the reason why they are in there are the people voting.
00:11Because our vote for Labour was because of what they offered, changes.
00:16Well I think it's right to have a greater emphasis on investment in infrastructure.
00:22It's right to have more emphasis on levelling up across the country.
00:27That's what I'd like to see, investing in a stronger, fairer economy.
00:33At the moment too much of the wealth is going into too few hands.
00:37The benefits need to be distributed to ordinary people.
00:41Yes I'd like to see the university fees, instead of increasing, going down, rather than up.
00:51My daughter was unlucky because we had to pay for university.
01:00My thoughts?
01:01I think they could have waited.
01:02I think they jumped in a bit too sharp.
01:04I know they're saying there's shortages, but it's a big disappointment for anybody who's
01:09voted Labour all their lives and could have waited until next election.
01:13I'm not very happy about it.
01:17I can manage, but there's a lot that can't.
01:21So it's them I feel sorry for.
01:23I've worked since the age of 16, I'm 69 now.
01:27Worked all my life, paying the coppers and stuff, and to think now Labour's getting in
01:33and things are just going to change dramatically.
01:39They could have cut all the government's lunches, couldn't they, the free lunches?
01:45As I say, it could cost people their lives and stuff like that, you know.
01:48I don't think they've given it a good enough thought.
01:50Well, I don't know what they could have cut, but they could have looked.
01:53I don't think they've looked, I think they've just used it as a quick option to chop something,
01:58you know, and they've hit the pensioners.
02:00I think it's ridiculous that people who don't need it get it.
02:03So it's something that needed to be sorted, but I think it could have been handled a bit better.
02:08I'm going to miss that.
02:10I do not get any credits.
02:14You know, I don't get pension, I don't qualify otherwise, but I'm going to miss that three
02:17of them, I haven't put my hands down yet.
02:19I was staying with people who lived in the south of Spain, and up until a few years ago,
02:24they still got it, and they lived there permanently.
02:28That was stopped.
02:30But it's going to be difficult, and people really need to be encouraged to claim pension
02:36credit, because there's no shame to it, you're entitled to it, you should claim it.
02:39What's it going to mean I'm not using the heating now?
02:41It's OK saying put a blanket on and an extra sweater, which I've done,
02:45and last night was very cold.
02:47But you're still going to move.
02:49You've got to go and get yourself a hot drink, you've got to move through the house.
02:54Do you think we're still in a cost of living crisis?
02:56Well, we'll never be over it, to be honest.
