Coronation Street - Scene 3 (27th September 2024)

  • 21 hours ago
No copyright infringement intended (owned by ITV)


00:00When did you get back?
00:04Er, last night.
00:05That was quick.
00:07Sarah sent me packing.
00:08What, after you went all that way?
00:09Didn't even get the chance to speak to Bethany in the end.
00:12She was still unconscious when I left.
00:14So I take it you don't know the latest?
00:16I know nothing.
00:17Sarah won't answer my calls.
00:18What's happened?
00:19Bethany's had to have a stoma bag fit.
00:24A stoma?
00:25Oh, my God.
00:26Oh, my God, she must be devastated.
00:38Why wouldn't Sarah tell me?
00:39I should be there.
00:40I should be there holding her hand,
00:41telling her everything's gonna be okay.
00:42Oh, yeah, she's gonna need a lot of support.
00:45I'm assuming it's just a temporary measure, though,
00:48while she recovers.
00:49No, it's permanent.
00:50What on earth would even possess her
00:55to go for a surgery like that in the first place?
00:58I had no idea that she had these kinds of body issues.
01:01If I did, I would have tried to reassure her,
01:03I'd have told her that she's perfect as she is,
01:05but to go to such extremes...
01:08I just can't get my head around it.
01:14Did she say anything to you about it?
01:19There's a chance I could have stopped the surgery, yeah.
01:25You knew?
01:28I got Wynne something going on.
01:32I mean, I kick myself every time I think about it.
01:36What happened?
01:37I phoned her up when she were in Turkey, right,
01:40to see if she could bring back some duty-free for Shona's birthday,
01:42and she told me that she'd been interviewing people
01:45who had had liposuction,
01:46and apparently it was a dead-easy, quick way
01:50to get rid of those love handles,
01:52and she was thinking of giving it a go.
01:55Giving it a go?
01:56You don't just give liposuction a go.
01:58Why didn't you try and talk her out of it?
02:00Why didn't you convince her that she was crazy
02:02for even thinking about it?
02:04Because I didn't think she meant it.
02:05I just laughed and said,
02:07they'd need all day to get rid of your love handles.
02:09Of course you did. You're unbelievable.
02:12Couldn't you have just once dropped the sarcasm
02:14and actually listened?
02:16She doesn't even have love handles!
02:17I know!
02:18I thought she was messing about.
02:19I was just joking.
02:20You should have told her that she was gorgeous as she is,
02:23convinced her not to go through with it.
02:24Don't you think I know that?
02:26Listen, I've gone over the conversation over and over in my head,
02:28and every time I tell her not to do it, but guess what?
02:31She's done it.
02:32And now she's in the ICU.
02:33She was reaching out to you.
02:35You know what Nathan put her through.
02:36I honestly didn't think she was serious.
02:38Well, you do now.
02:40Now it's like getting a stoma fit
02:43to make you sit up and pay attention, eh?
02:45Listen, I've let her down, all right?
02:46I know I have, but I'm not the only one who ignored the signs.
02:49What signs?
02:51Look, the one person to blame for all of this is Nathan, right?
02:54He's the guy who really screwed up her self-image,
02:56and she hasn't been herself since he came back on the scene.
02:58Don't try and wriggle your way out of this, Nat.
03:01You know, who needs a creepy sex offender
03:03when your own uncle's making you feel like a beached whale?
