Coronation Street - Scene 1 (27th September 2024)

  • 21 hours ago
No copyright infringement intended (owned by ITV)


00:00Boy, did you manage to... Oh, you.
00:06How's Bethany? She's not good.
00:09I mean, she's not well enough to fly home.
00:11Of course, Sarah wants her back as soon as possible,
00:13but there's no telling when she'll be able to do that.
00:15Must be very hard for the both of them.
00:17Yeah. I will tell her you said hi when I see her, OK?
00:20Here we are. One tea, two bacon bars.
00:23Oh, thanks, Roy.
00:25Thank you, Roy.
00:27Will Lauren be attending court today?
00:29Er, no, she can't face it.
00:31And she wants to be with Frankie, so...
00:33Yeah, that's understandable.
00:39I still think you ought to get something to eat.
00:41I mean, it could be a long morning.
00:43To be honest, I don't think I could keep anything down.
00:48I keep getting these waves of nausea.
00:52Well, after today, we'll be one step closer
00:54to having Joel out of our lives for good.
00:56That's a good day.
00:58Yeah, it is.
01:04I should be heading to the church about now.
01:08It's the 27th, isn't it?
01:10It's supposed to be mine and Joel's wedding day.
01:17You know, we should be preparing ourselves
01:20to walk down the aisle.
01:23Making our vows to each other in the presence of God.
01:27Till death do us part.
01:32And instead, I will be in court watching him make his plea.
01:48I can't believe I'm stuck with it for good.
01:51It's horrible.
01:54I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
01:57Look, you're going to get used to it, OK? People do.
02:00Get used to this bag hanging off me?
02:05No wonder Daniel's scarpered.
02:08Look, I told you you had to go back for Bertie.
02:10He'll run a mile when he finds out.
02:12Well, listen, I'm not going anywhere, OK?
02:15We're going to get through this together.
02:17You've just got to be strong.
02:19I don't know if I can be, Mum.
02:22I've ruined my life.
02:32Morning. How do?
02:34Are you all right, Eddie?
02:36Just going to get back into good form.
02:38Don't tell me you've given him his job back.
02:41Yeah, yeah, we have.
02:43Do you realise how distressing this is for Liam?
02:46Honestly, I thought better of you too.
02:48What's with the black eye?
02:50Stark's in the ship, yeah.
02:52A likely story.
02:53How can you take him back on after everything he's done?
02:55I'm sorry, Gary, but my mind is made up.
02:58Look, we are not going to agree about this.
03:00And he might not have nicked the purse, but he's still trouble.
03:02Look at him, he's a little thug.
03:04All right. Come on, you've made your point.
03:06The boys are on edge whenever he's around.
03:08They can't get on with their lives.
03:09Surely he can see this isn't going to work, man.
03:11I understand where you're coming from, I really do.
03:14But believe me, Stuart and I will keep an eye on him.
03:17Stuart and I will keep a very, very close eye on him.
03:19Come on, let's go, we're wasting our time.
03:25Bet you think it's my fault.
03:28Silly cow getting lipo to get rid of a bit of puppy fat.
03:32You never had any puppy fat to start with.
03:39They gave me a discount.
03:42Made it sound really straightforward,
03:44like it wasn't a big deal, just a little tweetment.
03:47Well, you didn't know any of this was going to happen.
03:50I just wish you'd phoned me beforehand.
03:53I would have talked you out of it.
03:55I know, Mum.
03:57I'm sorry, I just...
04:00I wish I hadn't even come out here.
04:02I just want to go home, be in my own bed.
04:08Oh, sweetheart.
04:11Look, you're not well enough to fly yet, OK?
04:13But I'll get you home as soon as I can.
04:16My insurance will cover this, though, won't it?
04:21Are we not running up a massive hospital bill?
04:26Don't worry about it, I saw that.
04:29How much do we owe?
04:33Please, Mum, how much do we owe?
04:36It's about 25 grand so far.
04:39So far?
04:41Come on, Mum, just concentrate on getting yourself better
04:44so I can fly you home, OK?
04:46I said I'll sort it, and I will.
04:54I'm sorry.
04:56I'm sorry that you had your birthday ruined.
04:58Oh, no, well, I had a nice morning
05:00and I got a sip of wine before the school rang.
05:03No, I just...
05:05We have to worry about the fact
05:07that we've taken our eye off the ball with Hope.
05:10We've had a lot on our plates with Alina and Dorian.
05:13Yeah, well, that is all the more reason to be keeping an eye on her.
05:16Cassie knew, Ty. I'm her mum and I didn't have a clue.
05:19Neither did I.
05:21I'm sorry if I've been distracted like that.
05:23Yeah, well, I am going to be watching her like a hawk from now on.
05:26The slightest sniff of one of them vapes,
05:28I'm going to be down on her like a ton of bricks.
05:30Oh, here she is, talk of the devil.
05:32Morning. Morning.
05:34Er, what do you think you're doing?
05:36Watching telly. No, you are not.
05:38You can come and help me at the garage.
05:40Doing what? Well, there's plenty to do.
05:42Sweeping up, making brews. Thank you.
05:44Right, got to go. See you both later.
05:46See you later.
05:50Hey, kid.
05:52You know you can always talk to me and your mum, yeah?
05:55Aside from this vaping thing, is there anything else going on?
05:58Is there anything that you're worried about or...?
06:03I'm sorry I ruined Mum's birthday.
06:05I'll make it up to her.
06:09Right, you'd better get dressed for work.
